
Online Games?

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What online games do you or your friends play?

Post it here!

I don't play much online games (except osu!)

My friends play audition (that Korean Dancing Game)
Used to play maple story but tired of that pretty quickly. Before that it was RO, hahaha. Good times.
I used to play FFXI a good amount but haven't logged on in over four months =X
used to play WoW, got to expensive

same with DWBB (Japanese only, but i figured out what buttons did what)
Besides Osu!...

-The Kingdom of Loathing
-StepMania Online
-FlashFlash Revolution
Basically Osu...
and I used to be really into DS Wi-Fi games...until my router broke
I played Maple Story for bit over a year at one point. I still only got to around level 40. I get into some other online games for a few weeks and then get bored of them.

And another music games (except Audition, I hated it)
This is Lunia. It is made of win and pwn.
I've tried many many MMORPGs so I'll probably try this one too. None have ever really grabbed me. I still have a WoW install though for screwing around on private servers like ChaosCrusade (no retail account). It's pretty fun when XP is set to 250x and you can lvl to 70 in an hour or so. But like all MMORPGs it gets boring fast, so I haven't really played that in a couple of months.
I pop into Uru Live from time to time, although I haven't lately.
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awp wrote:

phill wrote:

I still have a WoW install though for screwing around on private servers like ChaosCrusade (no retail account).
I heard private servers came with all sorts of glitches and bugs - what do you know about that? Do the private servers you play on have all sorts of glitches and bugs or do they run quite well? I played a trial of WoW for a week or so but I can't see myself getting into it because of the public's mentality.
RO's Private servers at least are great. :3 Though I never hear anyone using a Wow Private Server, so I have no clue if it's popular. I don't my humble opinion at the least.

MMORPGs I played include Maple Story, Illutia, Dofus, Adventure Quest (Well, it's not multiplayer though, but I liked hacking into the game, it was very fun), RO on Private, and that's all I recall.

Other MMOs include SMO, Osu!, O2Jam on Private, and a Gaia Online, but that seems to me like more of a Myspace rather a game.

The only actual MMOs I play now is SMO and O2Jam. The rest I do not play much, even all those RPGs. I probably had played even more MMORPGs but they are either too minor because they are fan-made (Eclipse), or I forgot them.
Online games, you say? I've played just about every rhythm based online game at some point in my life (SMO, DJMax, O2Jam, etc), as well as just about any MMORPG you can name. My MMORPG addiction does not stop with English games either, as I've played just about every Korean MMO that's come out over the past 5-6 years. There's far too many to name, but all the MMO's mentioned in this thread I have played at one point or another, regardless of if it was for only a couple weeks or a couple months.

MMO's that I've played extensively are few and far between, so I'll mention ones that I've actually gone through the trouble of paying for, whether monthly or cash shop. They are (in no particular order): Helbreath, Trickster, Albatross 18, Hellgate: London, Ragnarok, World of Warcraft, Phanstay Star Online, Phantasy Star Blue Burst, Phantasy Star Universe, Lineage II, Final Fantasy XI...that's all I can remember. Among these, World of Warcraft has held my interest the longest. I played it for 5 months when it came out, quit, came back about 6 months later and ended up playing it for ~1 1/2 years. I quit again after that point, but I got back into it briefly a couple months ago when I rerolled onto my brother's server...though I've pretty much stopped playing it again. Either way, no MMO has managed to keep my interest for longer than 3 months aside from WoW.

I've played all the other mainstream MMO that I didn't actually pay for monthly like EQ, LotRO, etc, though...mostly during beta periods. Currently trying to get into the Conan and Warhammer betas, although I hear they're incredibly boring at the moment.

Recently I just bought myself the Orange Box (finally) and have been playing the hell out of TF2, as well as Unreal Tournament 3. I've never been a fan for FPS's, but TF2 has managed to hook me quite hard. The Unreal series I play often, also, as I've been playing that on and off since it first came out. UT3 is definately the best Unreal released since the original.

Oh, and as far as WoW private server popularity...I've never actually played on one, but they are starting to run as rampent as RO and ROSE servers have in the past...meaning they're everywhere. Just need to know how to look for them.
I'd be more interested in setting one up, not finding one. That's where my question @ phill comes into play.

awp wrote:

I'd be more interested in setting one up, not finding one. That's where my question @ phill comes into play.
Yeah, because if it gets popular enough people will be envious of you. But it takes effort. You can use RPG Maker XP to actually make one. Albeit, this isn't an RMXP community, but it's interesting you can make an MMO with something that isn't online in the first place. :D

I meant explicitly setting up a private WoW server.

If I were to make anything I'd probably use C/C++ instead of a highly restrictive game engine.

awp wrote:


I meant explicitly setting up a private WoW server.

If I were to make anything I'd probably use C/C++ instead of a highly restrictive game engine.
Yeah, of course, if you have the correct experience and competence. Game engines are meant for people who are not skilled enough to hard-code something, and while restrictive, there can be features that can make a satisfying free enough engine. There's a script feature in RPG Maker XP, for example, that allows a lot of creativity.

I can see how hard to set up a WoW server. It's hard enough for me to set up a Private RO Server (Or help), besides the fact you need to download something crazy like KRO and if I remember correctly SAK as well or something. Then you have to do all this stuff, while the hardest part to spread it out and maintain it, in addition, having it online 24/7. Ouch.
It can't be as bad as makefiles !
Um, sorry, missed your question. As for bugs/glitches, there are a few around, but nothing major. Pretty much all the quests and instances work 100%, and on the fun server atleast it's all about the instances because with a 250x XP gain, you hit lvl70 pretty fast (easily within a few hours) and theres not much to do but raid, which is fun.

As for running your own server... well unless you have 200+ people ready to play already I wouldn't bother. ChaosCrusade is TINY compared to a real wow server, but you always see people around and for me I doubt it'd be much fun at all without others around to play with.

If you're really keen, I've heard it's not that hard, search torrent sites for the Mangos server.

To be honest I've already lost interest again and haven't logged in since before Christmas.
I was thinking of doing one with about 8 or 10 efriends to play it diablo-style...though with a party of 10 you're short-handed for a bunch of events. I have only played WoW for a week and hit 20 so I would still have lots of stuff to experience before the brick wall of failure presented itself.

This is basically a theoretical conjecture for me though. I'd heard private wow servers were terrible and was merely satiating my curiosity. I don't think I'm actually interested in WoW. Especially with NIS, SSBB, and of course osu! which I am finally getting back into after a good month's vacation.
Could be fun I guess, but you'd be just aswell served with all 8-10 of you joining one of the existing private servers and just grouping on there.
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Before osu! the only online game I played was an MMO called Yogurting, It was fun but ran out of things to do. My "now defunct" Yogurting page:

The game is still online but not many play anymore. :?
AirRivals, GunZ, and Osu!
'nuff said.
GunZ, Ruff Rose, WoW.... Osu, Worms Armageddon, Counter Strike... Thats it.
uhh. starting from my first mmorpg....

-Runescape......Long time ago.. (half a year)
-Rose Online ( a year)
-Knights Online ( a month)
-Never Winter Nights (couple months)
- Stepmania online( 2 years )
- Maplestory - ( about 2 and a half years got bored of it...)
- Audition ( played during beta then when beta ended, stopped)
- Kart Rider ( played only for....Beta once again.)
- And osu! :D

Mmorpgs I still play....

Stepmania once in a while, Osu! (just started like last week, haven't stopped playing since....),

And that is all :3
Stepmania isn't what I'd call an MMORPG, just sayin'.
A few ijji games, and a couple of Nexon games. That's pretty much it. And osu! of course.

For the ones who play (or used to play) GunZ - do you use sword, dagger, or gun?

Slain087 wrote:

A few ijji games, and a couple of Nexon games. That's pretty much it. And osu! of course.

For the ones who play (or used to play) GunZ - do you use sword, dagger, or gun?
I rely mostly on my NicoR5 and my rocket launcher(in the right hands can be anti-K-style!)
but I keep a sword handy for mobility, mostly. And that's in duels.
for free for alls and quests, the Nico, a pair of SMGs(I forget which ones), a sword, and a number of grenades.
I currently don't play but I hope to get back sometime soon.
I used to play MapleStory for a couple of years until I got too bored of it. (Some people might have already guessed from the name.) Nowadays I play a bit of Mabinogi and, of course, Osu!

Every once in a while I like to play a bit of CS or any random Nintendo WFC game online.

Slain087 wrote:

A few ijji games, and a couple of Nexon games. That's pretty much it. And osu! of course.

For the ones who play (or used to play) GunZ - do you use sword, dagger, or gun?
Sword+SMG. I made a female char to do butterfly and now i pwn n00b0s using swords, and using SMG i pwn n00b0s using swords. WTF, btw. Also I started to play Audition. Pretty nice game. Also Second Life, which is wtf mate, now I want a chao pet which costs 100L$ and i cant get them by anything except standing in special places or by buying it which is wtf. So, its wtf.
I used to play them, but I kinda stay away from them, People that have no gull in real life tend to act like there big on there, you know the kind im talking about

"Hey Stfu n00b, You cant do anything to me, Im so l33t,"

Then when they can't beat someone in a fight they act like they where unlucky and get all mad and storm off, If they can't get a real life then they take to makeing others other lives misurable by any means that they can.

Kuronus wrote:

Then when they can't beat someone in a fight they act like they where unlucky and get all mad and storm off, If they can't get a real life then they take to makeing others other lives misurable by any means that they can.
Once you work that to your amusement, online games shall become fun for you again. :P
Noob immunity FTW!

Mogsworth wrote:

Besides Osu!...

-The Kingdom of Loathing
-StepMania Online
-FlashFlash Revolution
ohi old post

I no longer play StepMania or FFR, but I need to log in to KoL soon. I pretty much play this, KoL, and the occasional Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst.
Age of Mythology
Starcraft(Battle Net)
World Of Warcraft 3(Frozen Throne)

Maplestory(I have a 75 level pirate character but I don't play maplestory now because of osu)

But I will play maplestory again because of Knight of Cygnus.

These new jobs will be patched on 12.18. <Korea>

Cygnus characters are More powerful, awesome than Pirate. But Max level is 120. Not 200

I can't wait it!

Considering the disability I like to call dial up, my choice of games is...restricted somewhat.
I used to play:
- Toribash
- Urban Dead
They were both craploads of fun though.
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Hi guys I'm new to this forum.

Besides Osu!, I play:
O2Jam (Me and my friends opened a private server)
Gunbound (Semi retired)
Stepmania Online (Offline also)
RF Online (Semi Retired)
DanceJam (For now only on Indonesia and korea, More info at

Well, I only active at O2Jam (My private server) and DanceJam for now.
mmorpgs - anarchy online, second life
fps - quake 1-4
rts - starcraft, c&c zero hour
etc i had other games i played but i dont play em so much now
- I played Cabal Online for 6 months or so ^^
- I also played WonderLand Online but it wasn't that much fun so I quitted
- I just started Ragnarok Online but it isn't very intersesting in my opinion
- I played Audition too... I'm quite bad at it
- Some random shooter games like Soldier of Fortune or Wolfstein
- World Of Warcraft... but I just don't like it
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Call of Duty 2
Carom 3D
UT 2004
Assault Cube
CoD 4
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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Sudden Attack (CS clone basicly...)
Tales Weaver
yup, Korean...
From top to bottom = Most recent games I usually play.

osu! (osu 4ever!)
WoW (Played frequently for pvping) (2 top highest = 78 DK, 74 Druid)
GunZ (Whenever I feel like killing n00bs)
S4 League (Whenever the above 3 gets boring)
Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (Whenever someone PMs me on Hamachi)
Audition (Sometimes I play)
Mabinogi (Server: Ruairi) (Should maybe download again whenever the above online games aren't satisfying me anymore(which will never happen!) )
Silky Masterrey
Just osu!

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