
High School Mafia (Game Over - Mafia Win)

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I'm checking the posts to see if you did

Vote: DD
And why is that ^? Because I'm about to get hammered and it's the only way to save myself. Or I could just nolynch because I'm not risking lynching a cop.
Just give up Hika, just give up.

Hika wrote:

And why is that ^? Because I'm about to get hammered and it's the only way to save myself. Or I could just nolynch because I'm not risking lynching a cop.
Do you know we're in LyLo and no-lynching is giving the game to scum, and no one except scum will save themselves?

Vote: Hika.

I swear I'm going to cry if you're town.

You are the next RB, HoS on you.
Jeez, finally. Please Sakura, do the honors.
I already gave up this day because I was targeted. Good luck finding scum :3/
Topic Starter
The principal, surprised that you had reached a veredict before the day ended sends in the police to take in Hika who was watching behind the lines how everything was unfolding, after Rantai's accusation she didn't give up and decided to point fingers towards DakeDekaane, who shook it off and laid the final vote on her, the police later returned and said: "Good job guys, this is definitively incriminating evidence" you guys find out that she was holding... a gun?!
Final Vote Count Day 3

Hika (3) - fartownik, Rantai, DakeDekaane (Hammered)
DakeDekaane (2) - Raging Bull, Hika

Hika - School Bully Sent in to Prison Day 3

It is now Night 3, deadline for all night actions is June 20th 21:57:00 (GMT -5)
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Once the sun rises into the sky, you realize that there's now 3 of you, the principal once again comunicates the good news to his students: "Good job guys, fartownik has turned in, and you are getting close to sending in to prison all the bullies, great work so far!"

fartownik Regular Student has turned in to Prison N3.

Vote Count 4.0

Not Voting (3) - Raging Bull, Rantai, DakeDekaane

With 3 alive it takes 2 to lynch.

It is now The Final Day, deadline for hammering in this link Good Luck!
Vote: Raging Bully
Btw I actually read your little quotefest properly.

Because I know you're lying and I will prove it.
But, I'm not.
Yes, you are, your acussations lacks of basis.
But they don't.
Really guys.
So are you going to flip a coin to decide your vote? Or can we have more quotefest :3?
I'll put in 2 numbers into later.

It's rude to make the final decision while the 3rd party hasn't seen the start of the day. I know I wouldn't like the game to end while I was afk/asleep.
Feel free to try and convince me.
Neither me, also I want to have a little fun before the end.
Raging Bull
Hi Sorry for last day. No wifi. Anyways what can we do to convince you. Argument is useless if it wont convince anyone
So, DD not scum anymore?
Raging Bull
DD still scum. Even if I vote for him right now, it won't do anything.
Raging Bull

Since I'm not on my phone anymore.
So what was your action last night? it's sad being a role cop in a setup full of VT right?
Raging Bull
Fart died. Looks like I gave you something that probably doesn't matter anymore. He was VT. Yay. I was curious since he didn't do much questioning to me because I said I think he was town.
Raging Bull
Where the fuck is rantai now.
Huh oh right.

Vote: DD

Let's go against my tunnel vision. Because I want to prove a point to myself.
Indeed, if Hika was scum, then fart was VT, you thought he was going to vote you this day, so you killed him instead Rantai, who is still doubtful in what to do, I somehow expected that.
Too late now. I was the mafia

Now off to play ffxiv~
Raging Bull

Rantai wrote:

Huh oh right.

Vote: DD

Let's go against my tunnel vision. Because I want to prove a point to myself.

Sorry but im shock.
GG Bully, you won.

Holy crap Rantai, I hate you.
Ok, my mind is blank now.
Raging Bull
no im scum cop but wtf rantai I thought you were gonna get me

Raging Bull wrote:

Fart died. Looks like I gave you something that probably doesn't matter anymore. He was VT. Yay. I was curious since he didn't do much questioning to me because I said I think he was town.
Who the fuck would scan fart if 1)I said scum is already DD and 2) Hika flip scum. Fuck that was some stupid shit I posted.

Don't play mafia when sleepy.

1. RB
2. DD

I wasn't kidding.

That and I wanted to see if my tunnel vision was right or wrong.
I still wonder how Rantai didn't catch that
brb crying
Raging Bull

DakeDekaane wrote:

I still wonder how Rantai didn't catch that
brb crying


Lol wtf Rantai. You were all logic and then that one slip I did and you actually did something else.
Topic Starter
I'm going to ignore the fact that you used provable randomness because it was right after the hammer anyway

Vote Count 4.01

DakeDekaane (2) - Raging Bull, Rantai (Hammered)
Raging Bull (1) - DakeDekaane

With 3 alive it takes 2 to lynch.

Raging Bull shows a bandarm from the Disciplanary Comitee and DakeDekaane tries to argue that his arm band is fake, Rantai decides to flip a coin and points the finger towards DakeDekaane, the police then take him in and then comes back and says: "Wow guys you rock, this guy is definitively guilty" and gives u a textbook.

Later that night while Rantai's sleeping he feels a kick on the back and wakes up only to find that Raging Bull E. has a gun pointed at him: "I'm sorry, but this is how things should end, either you turn in, or you die" to which Rantai replies: "But i thought you were a disciplinary comitee student!" and Raging Bull replies: "Didn't you know? Disciplinary comitee arm bands are red... not blue..."

DakeDekaane Regular Student has been sent in to prison D4

Rantai Regular Student endgamed
Raging Bull Bully Spy survived the night!

This game inds in...

Mafia Win

Mod Stuff
Dead QT quite Dead actually.
Scum QT
Topic Starter
Btw this was my first time modding a game so any constructive criticism is appreciated ^_^
Raging Bull
The game was really well hosted, only thing I could pick up to would be the titles of the days/nights being a little schematic, not really themed, but that's minor.

Waiting for your new game :)

As for this game, I don't even know how Rantai didn't notice that RB check. Well, DD didn't notice it eeither since he didn't mention it... unless he wasn't online at the time. Not very smart from RB either, such scumslip right in the finish. You got lucky there. When I read that post, I got ensured that RB is scum.

GG anyways!
EBWOP: I should trust my reads from D1 a little more next time...

fartownik wrote:

Vote: Raging Bully
Raging Bull
I PM d Sakura if i can self hammer cause there was no way i could have lied out of that.

And fuck i hate lying. So uneasy.

And mod even used bull E :(
Raging Bull
Everyone suspected me haha. How i lived past d2 is beyond me
Topic Starter
You could've self-hammered if you wanted yes, but you wouldn't have won otherwise :P

Also well, Doctor was newbie player, and on the scum side, both were new scum so I guess it balanced out in the end.

Also hehe, i'm not that good with flavor, i'm surprised I managed to come up with this xD thinking of Day/Night titles was kind of hard orz
I think this is the best thing I've woken up to in a while

Raging Bully~

Raging Bull
I swear Sakura set me up because of my name.

Also Hika, make sure Kanye is the priest.
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Not really
I wonder if I ever have a chance to play as scum tbh.
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it's all RNG, so everyone has the same chance.
Raging Bull
I hate scum lol. You need to be such an awesome liar at the end. and not rely on RNG after obvious scumslip
if all the scum players play good, then you don't need to lie all alone. because in an optimum case, town just doesn't know that you or your scum partner are, in fact, scum.
Raging Bull
But that was the first time I'm playing as scum, Hika died. Only me vs 2 town. I hate to lie in general. It makes me feel uneasy because I have to make a convincing argument to the third townie while the other person knows I'm 100% lying. If it was 3 scum vs 4 townies. That would make me feel better since I won't have to rely solely on myself.
^ this is exactly how I feel
I can't play a good scum :P but if random generator picks me, I try my best heheeheheh
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