
High School Mafia (Game Over - Mafia Win)

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Hello and welcome to High School Mafia.

You are all students at a certain High School, however the police has knowledge that some students at your school are up to no good, and hence has asked the principal to find said students and send them to prison. The principal not having much time on his hands decides to let his students find the bullies for him.

This game will be using the 2of4 Semi Closed setup
1 Bully Spy (Mafia Role Cop)
1 School Bully (Mafia Goon)
5 Students (Vanilla Townies)
2 chosen at random from: Chemistry Club Student (Jailkeeper), Infirmary Assistant Student (Doctor), Disciplinary Comitee Student (Cop), Student (Vanilla Town)

* = Prod
Italic = Looking for replacement.
Strike = Dead.

Kanye West
Raging Bull

Vote Count 4.01

DakeDekaane (2) - Raging Bull, Rantai
Raging Bull (1) - DakeDekaane

Raging Bull

Pizzicato - Infirmary Assistant Student Sent to prison D1.[
JInxyjem - Regular Student Turned in to prison N1

Kanye West - Regular Student Sent to prison D2
Nyquill - Regular Student Turned in to prison N2
Hika - School Bully Sent to prison D3
fartownik - Regular Student Sent to Prison N3

Hopefully no one


Day 1 Start
Day 2 Start
Day 3 Start
Final Day Start
Topic Starter
General Rules:
- Do not Edit or Delete any of your posts.
- You may ask me to fix your forum tags if necessary.
- Do not quote anything from the PMs given to you by the mod.
- Do not communicate outside of this thread or the quicktopics for dead chat and mafia chat.
- Do not use any form of provable randomness, saying that you flipped a coin and acted on that is fine, proving that you flipped said coin is not.
- I am human, and I may make mistakes, if I make a mistake send me a PM or state it in bold.

- Day times consist of 96 hours, if by the time of the deadline no majority has been reached, the player with the majority of the votes will be lynched, in the event of a tie, the day will end in a No Lynch.
- Night times consist of 24 hours, during this event you may send your actions to me via PM, you may change your action afterwards and i will count the latest action sent to me, if no action is received by deadline it will result in No Action.
- Deadlines may be extended upon request of the players but they will only be extended at my discression based on activity and/or replacements.
- Replacements during the night will always extend the deadline regardless of who requested replacement.

Voting and Lynching:
- You may vote a player by stating in bold Vote: Player Name, an Unvote is not required to change your vote but it helps. When a player has reached 50% + 1 of the living players votes, a lynch will happen and the day will end.
- Acronyms and Shortened names are fine as long as I can clearly understand who is being voted.
- You may alternatively vote for a day to end without a lynch by stating Vote: No Lynch. No Lynch will happen if half the players vote for No Lynch.
- When a Lynch has ocurred before the end of the day, the game enters twilight zone, during this time all players including the lynchee may continue to post until I post the lynch scene and end the day, from then on the Lynchee is considered dead and cannot post.
- Dead players cannot post.

- Any player may request the mod to prod a player as long as they haven't posted for 24 hours or more.
- Prods must be responded to in the game thread.
- If a player is going to be absent for 24 hours or more they may state that they'll be on V/LA for said time, no more than 3 days V/LA will be accepted and you should consider replacing out if you're going to be gone that long.
- Night times dont count into prod time.
- Saturday and Sunday count as 24 hours for prods and day deadlines.
- Failing to pick up your prod within 24 hours will end in you getting replaced, you still have time to pick up your prod until a replacement is found.

If any rule is broken you will be modkilled and become a Neutral Survivor, hence automatically lose.
Modkills may or may not end the day early.
Pretending to break a rule will count as breaking the rule.
Questions > Modkills, if you have doubts whether you're about to break the rules feel free to PM me to make sure.
If you have any questions towards me State it in bold
I'll try to have a vote count at least once every 2 pages, unless i'm sleeping or something.
Last but not least, have fun <3

In the case i've missed anything, refer to these lovely rules by Lybydose: p/1062608
Topic Starter
Sample Role PMs.

Bully Spy
Welcome to High School Mafia, XXX.

You are a Bully Spy along with your partner YYY who is a School Bully.

Each night you may search through a student's profiles to learn which club they belong to, you will receive results as Chemistry Club, Infirmary Assistant, Disciplinary Comitee, No Club or No Result.

Each night you and your partner can choose one target to Bully, you will bully said target to force him to turn in to prison before the break of dawn.

You may submit both actions yourself in the same night.

You and your partner may also talk during the pre-game and during the night in this quicktopic.

You win when all the good students have been sent to prison or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Please confirm your role, by replying to this PM stating your role.

School Bully
Welcome to High School Mafia, XXX.

You are a School Bully along with your partner YYY who is a Bully Spy.

Each night you and your partner can choose one target to Bully, you will bully said target to force him to turn in to prison before the break of dawn.

You and your partner may also talk during the pre-game and during the night in this quicktopic.

You win when all the good students have been sent to prison or nothing can prevent this from happening.

Please confirm your role, by replying to this PM stating your role

Chemistry Club Student
Welcome to High School Mafia, XXX.

You are a Chemistry Club Student.

Each night you may apply a nerve paralyzing chemical to any target you choose, it will prevent them from suffering any pain but will also prevent them from moving. The target will be protected from any sort of pain and will be roleblocked.

You will not be informed whether your protection was succesful or not.

You may not apply this chemical to yourself.

You win when all school bullies have been sent to prison.

Please confirm your role by replying to this PM stating your role.

Infirmary Assistant Student
Welcome to High School Mafia, XXX.

You are an Infirmary Assistant Student.

Each night you may give a medicinal shot to any player to relieve them of any pain they may suffer that night. Your target will be protected from any pain inflicted that night.

You will not be informed whether your protection was succesful or not.

You may not apply this medicine to yourself.

You win when all school bullies have been sent to prison.

Please confirm your role by replying to this PM stating your role.

Disiplinary Comitee Student
Welcome to High School Mafia, XXX.

You are a Disciplinary Comitee Student.

Each night you may check a player for clues to whether they have been vandalizing or not. At the break of dawn you will receive your results along with Guilty, Innocent or No result.

You win when all school bullies have been sent to prison.

Please confirm your role by replying to this PM stating your role.

Welcome to High School Mafia, XXX.

You are a Regular Student.

You got no powers other than your ability to vote.

You win when all school bullies have been sent to prison.

Please confirm your role by replying to this PM stating your role.
ehhhh sure /in
can I?
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Pizzicato wrote:

can I?
Absolutely! anyone can join!

Small games are nice.
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All role PMs have been sent out, Day 1 will start when 7/9 have confirmed.
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I'll take that, tho for anyone else please confirm by PM as stated in the PM.

Sakura wrote:

I'll take that, tho for anyone else please confirm by PM as stated in the PM.
my bad I usually stop reading at what role I am orz
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No prob :>
Oh, whoops. Didn't check the previous posts nor the full pm. Erm.
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Memo to self: Next time put confirmation instructions first in the PM >_<
Raging Bull
I think we are used to confirming in thread
Kanye West
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Raging Bull wrote:

I think we are used to confirming in thread
Well I can deal with that then, I don't mind either way, just wanted the thread to look less cluttered pre-game :P
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Day 1 has begun!

You all are in your classroom attending class when suddenly you hear a call from the principal: "We have reports that there's some bullies in your class being in hiding from the police, we urge you to help us find them and turn them in as soon as possible, i will come here at night to hear your decission, you may not leave the school until this is solved".

Vote Count 1.0

Not voting (9) - Kanye West, fartownik, Rantai, Raging Bull, DakeDekaane, Nyquill, Pizzicato, JInxyjem, Hika

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch, or 4 votes to No Lynch.

Considering there's a weekend during daytime, both days of the weekend count as 1 day.

Deadline: June 9th, 2013: 23:23 (GMT -5)

Anyone that hasn't confirmed yet has 24 hours to send their confirmation PM from this point.
Vote: Raging Bully
Kanye West
vote: Hika

Raging Bull

DakeDekaane wrote:

Vote: Raging Bully
Somehow i expected that


If he wasnt busy being the bully, he would have read the pm fully
oh that's sweet, kanye because I was gonna vote for you
lol raging bully

Vote: fartownik

come out, come out wherever you are
Yeah, hi guys.

Going out for lunch now bye guys.

DakeDekaane wrote:

Vote: Raging Bully
I think he's on to something!
Vote: Raging Bully
I'm confused, are you all voting him because his name has Bully in it? >:
Raging Bull
Hi fellow classmates! You must have been mistaken. My name is not Raging Bully, it's Raging Bull E. When I enrolled in the school, my parents must have made a mistake or thought it would be funny.
It's like how people make that joke "hey you remind me of my asian friend Ug Lee"
Vote: fartownik
Topic Starter
Vote Count 1.01

Raging Bull (2) - DakeDekaane, fartownik
fartownik (2) - Hika, Pizzicato
Hika (1) - Kanye West
Nyquill (1) - Raging Bull
Not voting (3) - Rantai, Nyquill, JInxyjem

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch, or 4 votes to No Lynch.

Please let me know if you see any mistakes
Raging Bull
Okay probably going to be nothing unless I do this

Kanye west is too gud as scum pls

Vote: Kanye West

Annnnd now I do school work.

Sakura wrote:

the police has knowledge that some students at your school are up to no good,
Fresh prince of osu!
Vote: Pizzicato
Vote: JInxyjem
that's one odd unvote ya got there

are you guys bullies, I'm seeing something here

Hika wrote:

that's one odd unvote ya got there

are you guys bullies, I'm seeing something here
Dake sheeping to me. I don't even know why.

Also a vote on Pizzicato was OMGUS. Anyone that votes me is a potential scum that wants a bandwagon. Also I don't know his playing style so it's the safest thing to do D1.

fartownik wrote:

Anyone that votes me is a potential scum that wants a bandwagon
Why so bully?

I voted JInxyjem because he hasn't returned from lunch, either he was bullying somebody after lunch or was bullied :'c
Kanye West

Nyquill wrote:

Kanye west is too gud as scum pls

Vote: Kanye West

Annnnd now I do school work.

Kanye/Dulcet secret scum team so strong

fartownik wrote:

Anyone that votes me is a potential scum that wants a bandwagon.
Wow that sticks out like a sore thumb, even among this frivolous chaos.

Rantai wrote:

fartownik wrote:

Anyone that votes me is a potential scum that wants a bandwagon.
Wow that sticks out like a sore thumb, even among this frivolous chaos.
Why? Isn't calculating the odds natural in D1, when you have nothing to base your vote on? If someone sheeps to an RV on me then there's SOME possibility he's scum trying to bandwagon town quickly. And "some" is better than "none" in D1.
Raging Bull
Then your reason when you went on me?

Raging Bull

DakeDekaane wrote:

fartownik wrote:

Anyone that votes me is a potential scum that wants a bandwagon
Why so bully?

I voted JInxyjem because he hasn't returned from lunch, either he was bullying somebody after lunch or was bullied :'c

Lunch must be so good
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Vote Count 1.02

fartownik (2) - Hika, Pizzicato
Hika (1) - Kanye West
Kanye West (1) - Nyquill
Pizzicato (1) - fartownik
JInxyjem (1) - DakeDekaane
Not voting (3) - Rantai, JInxyjem, Raging Bull

With 9 alive it takes 5 to lynch, or 4 votes to No Lynch.

Please let me know if you see any mistakes.
fartownik stop trying to make us look more bully than you pls.
That return fire >‿>

If you know that whoever bandwagons is a potential scum, why would you point it out?
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Moderator Notes:
The ISOs for this game, have been added.

Pizzicato wrote:

That return fire >‿>

If you know that whoever bandwagons is a potential scum, why would you point it out?


Vote: Pizzicato
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