peppy 在其他帖中不止一次說他希望用 rank (排名) 取代 pp 值。上帖中附帶說明 pp 還會再改。peppy wrote:
when talking about pp changes, please focus on rank, not raw numbers raw pp is soon to be hidden forever (since it is useless unless compared relatively to others).
and yes there have been changes, and will be more to come.
唔...这是要改回score rank?Oinari-sama wrote:
參照 peppy 原帖:peppy 在其他帖中不止一次說他希望用 rank (排名) 取代 pp 值。上帖中附帶說明 pp 還會再改。peppy wrote:
when talking about pp changes, please focus on rank, not raw numbers raw pp is soon to be hidden forever (since it is useless unless compared relatively to others).
and yes there have been changes, and will be more to come.