
La Cataline - Helical (remix)

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La Cataline
This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2 июля 2013 г. at 12:15:49

Artist: La Cataline
Title: Helical (remix)
Tags: dubstep
BPM: 140
Filesize: 5490kb
Play Time: 03:05
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1,5 stars, 149 notes)
  2. Hard (4,73 stars, 350 notes)
  3. Insane (4,98 stars, 498 notes)
  4. Normal (3,5 stars, 187 notes)
Download: La Cataline - Helical (remix)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Higher quality mp3 here
Welcome back, pro.
The queen of hitsounding has returned

Also, submitting a map of a remix of another map you have...sounds like DJPop

Takei Hisa
that is!
LC <3333
"add as favourite" button instalocked.
This music is just awesome.
You make nice music, La Cataline, like "Chaotic", and this one too

tiper wrote:

"add as favourite" button instalocked.
Pretty good.
sobs eargasm
Small IRC mod. I already want this ranked this very instance /o/

15:46 La Cataline: hi :D do you accept mod requests?
15:47 GladiOol: yea sure :D link
15:47 La Cataline: it has no easy yet though but oh well
15:47 La Cataline: \:D/
15:51 GladiOol: how do you do it, keep on making awesome map after awesome map
15:51 GladiOol: it's so unfair
15:51 GladiOol: haha
15:51 La Cataline: lol thank you :D
15:52 GladiOol: 02:54:742 (14) - i just wonder why these 2 combos go into the 14, as the rest is all way shorter combo wise
15:52 GladiOol: seems a bit out of place
15:52 GladiOol: 02:58:171 (14) -
15:52 La Cataline: sec, i'll run the client
15:53 GladiOol: perhaps new combo the 6ses ¿ 02:53:134 (6) -
15:54 La Cataline: link again pls :D
15:54 GladiOol: 02:54:742 (14) -
15:54 GladiOol: 02:58:171 (14) -
15:54 GladiOol: perhaps new combo on the 6ses¿
15:54 GladiOol: 02:56:563 (6) -
15:54 GladiOol: i mean, you've got new combos on the same music places here 02:59:992 (1) - and 03:03:420 (1) - here as well
15:54 La Cataline: yeah sure
15:56 GladiOol: nice 666 combo on hard~
15:57 La Cataline: :D yeah
15:57 GladiOol: did u enter the mapping contest btw¿
15:59 La Cataline: nope, too much to map, i'm so lazy
15:59 GladiOol: shame, you deserve the 'elite mapper' title
15:59 GladiOol: 00:08:777 (3) - in hard, move this one a bit further away?
15:59 GladiOol: spacing seems almost identical to the first 2 sliders
15:59 GladiOol: i read it, twice in a row, as a 1/2 jump
15:59 GladiOol: rather than a 1/1 jump
16:00 La Cataline: oh
16:00 GladiOol: perhaps im just a bit spastic though
16:00 GladiOol: xD
16:01 La Cataline: well yeah, how did i not notice that
Requested mod from in-game.

  1. Don't forget to recode the .mp3 file to 192kbps for osu! Scratch that, just found out composer's are fine to chose whichever bitrate they want.
  2. The image size was a random resolution so here's the osu! resize for you which is within the rules ( 1366 x 768 ) -
  3. Another thing regarding images, will you actually be using the folder labelled ".picasaoriginals" at all? If not, remove it when you go to resubmit with any extra changes so it won't appear in the .osz file.
  4. Timing I found was slightly late, try taking off another 4-6ms ( -12 ~ -14 offset )

This mod is with your current timing in use.

Just wow, this is one awesome difficulty.
  1. 00:08:349 (4) - This is actually a 1/8th sound for the synth here.
  2. 00:12:206 (2) - Suggestion for this would be to swap it out for a sole hit circle on 00:12:420 - instead placing it right under previous (1).
  3. 00:15:206 (5) - If you're mapping that reverberating synth this is 1/8th instead of the 1/6th currently; however if you're mapping to that higher tone (present for 1,2,3) it's just 1/4 map.
  4. 00:20:456 - Was this intentionally undermapped? If so, that's fine.
  5. 00:21:849 (7) - This I feel could work out nicely by being shortened to a 1/2 slider and ending it with another two circles placed at the end so you can emphasise hitting that main beat on the next stanza. This way you can have the NC kick off here too.
  6. 00:24:849 (3) - Suggestion for this would be to remove its repeat end and place a circle on the very slider's end itself located at 00:25:706 - which creates a really fun jump in this area to flow into your next combo; like this -
  7. 00:30:849 (1) - Instead of having this last as long as it does why not shrink it by 1/2 tick so the players can hit that nicely audible tone on 00:31:492 - ; suggestion for placement would be -
  8. 00:40:706 (2) - What about swapping how this goes as the rhythm so it really brings out which portion of the song you're playing? -

    00:40:706 (2) - Circle. Place it in the same spot as the slider was beforehand.
    00:40:849 (3) - 1/3 slider.
  9. 00:48:849 (3,4) - Personally I would love to play these if they were lower and a bit more to the right like this -
  10. 00:53:135 (1,2,3,4) - Increasing the distance snap on this combo so you actually 'experience' that speed up in the map would be awesome as heck.
  11. 00:59:563 (6) - This works fine but what about using hit circles instead?
  12. 01:16:706 (5) - Again, another suggestion to swap this 1/2 slider out for two hitcircles instead and for this I'll show a really lovely curve you could map it with -

    Co-ordinates for this are:
    01:16:706 (5) - x:167 y:151
    01:16:920 (6) - x:285 y:150
  13. 01:20:563 (6,7,8,9) - This was a weird read in my opinion. What about stacking the (7,9) either directly underneath the slider start/end point or just off to its right instead of the left as it is currently?
  14. 01:26:777 (2) - Suggestion to swap this for a circle > 1/2 slider rhythm instead of the current 1/1; either way works.
  15. 01:51:634 (2,3) - 1/2 slider here instead maybe? This way players could hold that synth.
  16. 02:08:563 (1,2,3,4) - The spacing inconsistency for all of this felt weird in my opinion. Maybe just reduce some of the end (3,4)'s snap?
  17. 02:35:991 (1,2,3,4) - Just for appearances sake, I would love for these to be a nice and straight slider style instead.
  18. 02:56:563 (1) - Slider end here needs to be snapped onto 02:56:777 - .

I'll come back and do the other difficulties tomorrow, and whenever you get that easy done you can hit me up any time for my mod on that too.
Topic Starter
La Cataline

ampzz wrote:

Wow, there were some really awesome suggestions here. I'm kinda lazy to comment on each of them, but if you want I will.
See you on the other diffs :D

Just saying that the Circle at 02:37:700 (1) - is in the slider at 02:37:271 (6) - soo maybe it's better to delet the circle ;)
and make the slider a bit shorter so it's end at 02:37:700 ;)
Говно-моды и перечень рекомендаций от своего вкуса - элитные мод-посты от Слоупока на каждый день.


00:15:200 (5) - вот этот элемент трудно читается для меня - может, убрать его, заменив сёрклами? Или сделать каким-нибудь образом более читаемым

02:37:271 (6,1) - тут сёркл (1) в слайдер залез, что нельзя делать c: и AiMod тоже ругается, да

00:34:271 (1) / 01:43:700 (2) / 01:47:128 (2) / 01:57:414 (2) / 02:00:843 (2) / 02:11:128 (2) / 02:14:557 (2) / 02:24:843 (2) / 02:28:271 (2) - хотелось бы на этих слайдерах услышать более тихие свистки - на них звучит сильный момент в музыке, но он, собственно, глушится обычным свистком :c


00:08:771 (3) / 00:36:700 (2) / 00:40:128 (2) - очень не понравились эти моменты - они сделаны не "в один ритм", но это можно было пропустить, если бы они читались проще - то есть, отодвинь их в стороны, выделив тем самым - иначе, как по мне, они будут больше раздражать, чем делать мапу "сложной"

00:34:271 (1) / 01:43:700 (2) / 01:47:128 (2) / 01:57:414 (2) / 02:11:128 (2) / 02:14:557 (2) / 02:24:843 (2) / 02:28:271 (2) - это, опять же, к слову о слишком громких свистках


Приятный нормал, могу только сказать всё про те же многострадальные свистки 01:43:700 (1) / 01:47:128 (2) / 01:57:414 (2) / 02:00:843 (2) / 02:11:128 (1) / 02:14:557 (2) / 02:24:842 (2) / 02:28:271 (2)

Удачивранке, вседела, ну вы понимаете
Topic Starter
La Cataline

Mosti07 wrote:


Just saying that the Circle at 02:37:700 (1) - is in the slider at 02:37:271 (6) - soo maybe it's better to delet the circle ;)
and make the slider a bit shorter so it's end at 02:37:700 ;)
Oh right. Fixed that stuff.

Slow-ru wrote:

Пофиксила пару тройку свистков, но скорее добавила, чем удалила. Ну и тот момент со слайдером в стриме еще раз передвинула.
Заменить кругами - не, вот ты бы обрадовался внезапным 1/8 кругам? А 1/4 не подходит.
As promised, here's the rest of the mod from the other difficulties and the newly finished easy!

The spacing inconsistency is something I would normally hark on but this still feels and looks nice so I won't.
  1. 00:06:843 (1) - Chuck a whistle onto its body and have a listen to how it plays. I quite like hearing this additional sound as the player holds a slider like this so I find it to be quite fitting for this and likewise sounding sections (hit me up in-game if you like this idea and I'll point out some other sliders like this that could use the same treatment with some additional tweaking).
  2. 00:10:700 - I feel a circle placed here would play quite nicely, especially is you use the previous slider as a blanket for it and moving the next slider slightly, like this -
  3. 00:12:414 (3) - I would chuck a NC on this if you apply the above mod; if you agree to this just do the same to the same sounding pieces.
  4. 00:18:843 (3) - This I would NC.
  5. 00:46:272 (2,3,4) - This plays and sounds fine but you could also do a really funky slider that lasts as long as this combo if you wanted a bit of variance when this amazing synth 'voice' (pure magic how you got it to sound like a voice without using a vocal sample at all) come into it.
  6. 01:22:271 (1) - Suggestion only: this section I feel could do with a different rhythm to how you have it currently, like so -
    01:22:271 (1) - Circle.
    01:22:700 (2) - 01:22:700 (2) - Slider lasting until 01:23:557 -.
    01:23:986 (3) - Circle.
    01:24:414 (4) - Slider lasting until 01:25:271 -.
    01:25:700 (1) - Circle.
    01:26:128 (2) - Slider lasting until 01:26:986 -.
    With this you end up with that 'fresh' feel to the combos that follow from 01:29:128 (1) - onwards.
  7. 01:34:271 (2,3) - A bit risky to have this circle show up merely 1/2 snap after the slider for beginners to read. Personally, I would recommend to just use a circle + 1/1 slider combo or 1/1 slider with a repeat end instead.
  8. 01:41:128 (1,1) - This is really hard for a new person to play with such an immediate switch over to a spinner; ditch the circle here and just have the spinner start from this timeline stamp instead.
  9. 02:06:843 (1,1) - Same spinner issue as above. What I would recommend to do would be to remove both the repeat end off the slider and its NC then having the spinner start on 02:08:557 - instead.
  10. 02:11:128 (1) - Just select this and his NC to ensure that the combo starts off fresh.
  11. 02:34:271 (1,1) - For this I would recommend to try this out -
    02:34:271 (1) - Circle here.
    02:34:700 (2) - Circle and here.
    02:35:128 (3) - Circle and here too.
    02:35:986 (1) - Finish this section off with the spinner starting here instead.
  12. 02:56:557 (2,3) - Make this slider last just that little bit longer instead of the circle.
  13. 03:03:414 (2,3) - Same as above.

Fairly solid difficulty.
  1. 00:21:843 (2) - This I feel would emphasise the music more if you -
    00:21:843 (2) - Circle here.
    00:22:271 (3) - Slider lasting until 00:22:700 -.

    Example of how this could look -
  2. 00:28:271 (1,2,1) - These are fine but what about arching the two (1) sliders just a little bit?
  3. 00:37:700 (1) - What about giving this slider a bit of personality so it stands out from the other straight sliders of the same length.
  4. 00:51:415 (1) - Same as above but just go with a single angle. Example -
  5. 01:39:414 (8) - NC this to keep the consistency up here.
  6. 01:41:128 (4,1) - This I would suggest either of three things for; either:
    - 1 -
    Remove the circle placed at 01:41:128 - and start the spinner here instead as keeps consistency with the easier difficulty.

    - 2 -
    Keep the circle placed here and start the spinner on 01:41:557 - instead.

    - 3 -
    Map out the beats here instead.
  7. 02:07:700 (2,1) - This could do better off with shrinking the slider to end on 02:08:128 - and starting the spinner on 02:08:557 - instead.
  8. 02:35:128 (2,1) - Same as above.
  9. 03:00:843 - Feels like the emphasis on this particular synthesiser piece is lacking, to me this would play better if you had a slider that lasted as long as the tone here so players experience playing it.

Some of the spacing for the sped up sliders which are mapped on 1/3 beat snap divisor I am a bit iffy about for their distance snap. In all honesty I would like for some of the distance to be reduced so that it isn't as harsh as currently mapped or to raise the AR to 7.

I also feel like increasing the OD to 6 is better over all.
  1. 00:08:557 - Seems weird that this downbeat isn't mapped but I understand the rhythm that you mapped this too so it's not a big concern. If you were to map it you could just use a nice and short 1/2 length slider.
  2. 00:12:200 (5) - This was weird as you can't really hear anything particularly audible here to denote starting a slider from it. I would much rather for a circle to be placed 00:12:414 - instead, you could even duplicate how you have the ending of this combo like so -
  3. 00:27:414 (1,2,3,4) - With this AR (current is 6) setting a combo like this is fairly hard to comprehend fully as it does look like that (3) is supposed to be the next note you hit instead of the (2).
  4. 00:29:128 (1,2,3,4,5,1) - Same as above.
  5. 00:36:700 (2) - This I would much rather to be placed on the start of the next slider, like this -
  6. 00:40:128 (2) - Same as above.
  7. 00:47:664 (3,5) - These blue ticks I would prefer to be removed.
  8. 02:54:736 - I would suggest to remove this blue tick circle so it's more focused on a certain audibility range instead.
  9. 02:58:165 (11) - Same as above.

Forgot to mention this the previous time around but I would very much like for the OD on this to be raised from its currently low value (6) up to 8.

I don't remember the approach rate being set to 9, was it always this high?
AR8 on this feels perfectly fine and a lot better in my opinion.
  1. 01:48:699 (4) - Thoughts on placing this circle at x:288 y:288 so you get that nice flowing combo from the end of (3) to the start of (5).
  2. 02:56:557 (1) - This slider needs to have its end snapped correctly onto 02:56:771 - instead of its current time ( which is 02:56:798 - ).
With all this said and done.

Topic Starter
La Cataline

ampzz wrote:

So awesome I don't even...

Didn't change 1/2 sliders in normal though, I just can't ignore the kick. No way. Also, no mini-stream changes in hard and no whistle in easy, but you got me thinking about some other places I would put them. Other stuff I rather applied as you suggested or found another way. Or forgot to mention.

Thank you so much for your input <333

stopping by to say how awesome this thing is

god bless you


  1. picasaoriginals - что за папочка? D:

  1. 00:32:771 (1) - может финиш?
  2. 02:35:986 (1) - финиш?
  3. Все, не считая кривых квадратов, но ху керс :3

  1. 00:32:771 (1) - финиш, нен? :<
  2. 01:41:557 (1) - ^

  1. 02:29:557 (2) - может сократить до красного тика? там бит у тебя в музыке :о а хотя на инсе у тебя так же, нвм
  2. 2:37:700 (3) - нью комбо!
    Теперь каждое фк на этой диффке будет вызывать сатану

  • Nothing!
Удачи с ранком <3
А, ну и комбо цвета шшшшшикаррррные, мои любимые х3
Cуп! Как и обещал. :)
00:26:128 (4) - нк?
00:32:771 (1) - финиш на конец спинера?
01:34:271 (2,3) - при такой усыпляющей изи и намёка не было на вот такой вот поворот. Может, всё-таки, продлить слайдер?
01:41:128 (1) - опять же финиш? Момент не отличается, как и предыдущий о спинере, вот от этого, например 01:46:271, хотя там финиш есть, да и на 02:08:557 (1) - этом спинере он присутствует. Решай сама, в общем. Тот же самый момент присутствует и в [нормале]. Если так задумано, то тогда всё нормально.
02:35:986 (1) - ^
02:56:557 (2,3) - same as 01:34:271 (2,3)

00:24:843 (5) - нк?
01:01:700 (4) - нк?
01:23:986 (1,2) - спейсинг очень сильно для нормала.
02:28:271 (2) - может, его сделать как-нибудь покрасивее? D:
например: 02:58:271 (1) - пониже бы, за сетку выходит.

1/3 * w *
00:17:128 (4) - нк?
00:24:414 (6,7) - поставить нк на одной из этих двух по усмотрению?
02:07:914 (4) - клап на конец, как вот здесь 02:04:486 (3) ?
03:01:271 (4) - плохо читается, расправить бы в ширину или в длину
03:05:128 (8) - нк, может? пафосвседела

02:45:628 (1) - зачем нк? убрать, может?
03:01:271 (4) - та же самая ситуация, как и в харде. Это, конечно, инсейн, но читается всё равно плохо, как по мне

Мапа как всегда на отлично. Ну, ты всё сама знаешь. \:D/
Topic Starter
La Cataline

Reiji-RJ wrote:

На все да, еще пару вещей попутно поправила. Спасибо :3

Natsume wrote:

Почти на все да, кроме 1/2 в изе (КИК ЧЕРТ ВОЗЬМИ) и слайдера в нормале. И тебе спасибо :3
  1. Would you increase the volume at the starting by 5 or 10?
  2. I don't think you have storyboard, delete the osb file?
  1. 00:15:200 (5,1) - this part, it kinda weird because you didn't map the beat at the middle of the slider. you should map it like this 00:08:343 (4,5) -
  2. 00:33:414 (6) - this circle's volume should still be the same as before. since the loud part starts, at 00:33:843 (1) - but not here.
  3. 02:35:986 (1,2,3,4) - try to make this jump spacing the same so it doesn't look messy. (1) and (2) is so far but (3) and (4) is near
  1. 00:20:557 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this pattern looks weird xD try to change? you can stay if you want :D
  2. 00:40:128 (2,3) - this jump is confusing for hard, it's stack at the slider but it jump to the next slider. move it use normal distance?
  1. 01:29:128 (1) - move this near a little bit, it must be the same as 01:28:271 (2,3) -
  2. 02:24:842 (2) - the last point, 1 grid up to make it look like this
  1. 00:49:701 (2) - make the blanket better
  2. 01:50:986 (2) - I'm not sure whether you put this by yourself or not, if it is intended too. why don't you add clap at 01:52:700 (4) - too?
Awesome map T_T call me back if you want too :3/
Topic Starter
La Cataline

HeatKai wrote:

  1. Would you increase the volume at the starting by 5 or 10?
  2. I don't think you have storyboard, delete the osb file?
    The thing is, I don't see any .osb files here :D
  1. 00:15:200 (5,1) - this part, it kinda weird because you didn't map the beat at the middle of the slider. you should map it like this 00:08:343 (4,5) -
    The reason I mapped it like this is that I wanted to emphasize the piano note that just isn't there at 00:08:343 (4,5) -
    So I would reeeeeally like to keep it, unless it's a super important issue.
  2. 00:33:414 (6) - this circle's volume should still be the same as before. since the loud part starts, at 00:33:843 (1) - but not here.
    So i listened to it again and thought there should just be a soft-whistle there. But the problem is, you can't hear it with 15% volume, so it's 25% now.
  3. 02:35:986 (1,2,3,4) - try to make this jump spacing the same so it doesn't look messy. (1) and (2) is so far but (3) and (4) is near
    Kk. Did it.
  1. 00:20:557 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - this pattern looks weird xD try to change? you can stay if you want :D
    Well, I'll keep it, yeah :D
  2. 00:40:128 (2,3) - this jump is confusing for hard, it's stack at the slider but it jump to the next slider. move it use normal distance?
    Tried to fix that.
  1. 01:29:128 (1) - move this near a little bit, it must be the same as 01:28:271 (2,3) -
  2. 02:24:842 (2) - the last point, 1 grid up to make it look like this
    Ok, I guess...
  1. 00:49:701 (2) - make the blanket better
    Does look good enough?
  2. 01:50:986 (2) - I'm not sure whether you put this by yourself or not, if it is intended too. why don't you add clap at 01:52:700 (4) - too?
Added a finish there. Clap was intended only for this particular spot at (2).
Awesome map T_T call me back if you want too :3/
Thank you so much <3
Topic Starter
La Cataline

HeatKai wrote:

  1. LC change and add some hitsounds.
  2. Change mp3 since ppy now forbid 320kbps even for the composer.

bubbled fix.
\o/ grats LC :)
Yay \:D/
Topic Starter
La Cataline
Yay! Thanks <333
Woah, gratz!
Yeah I love it >w<
Woops.. I didn't mod this in time :(
My bad, sorry.

Congratulations though!
*.*) uuuh gratz
Glad to know you are back !
it's been a while~~
Grats LC~~~
huwaaa gratss
congratszz gurlll
\:D/ congrats!!
omedeto ~ :3
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