artist - title: Vivy (CV: Kairi Yagi) - Sing My Pleasure (TV Size) length: 1:28 diff(s) to mod: Hard/Normal link: beatmapsets/1478570 Additional info: top diff is mostly jack/ln, will go for rank
Hello there, this is a 7+1K chart if you don't mind. currently only having 1 difficulty because I need more feedback regarding the pattern for this one before starting with other difficulties. Also, this chart is based on BMS style soo there is no LN's in it xd. beatmapsets/1541338#mania/3150740
Fishcracks - Kaiju Paradise OST: Radio Theme (from a roblox game called kaiju paradise just search it on the roblox page) 1:20 length 120 bpm - 1 / 4 streams with jacks and chords