
How do i know i can use a song for mapping

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I am pretty new to osu! and wanted to try mapping so how do i know i can use a song for mapping? For example if someone else mapped the song already can I use the song? or can i use another song from a artist that has other songs that has been ranked already? thanks for the help.
there arent any rules against mapping songs that are already mapped. just look up harumachi clover. trying to rank it might be a bit of a challenge if your map isnt much different from a ranked version, but you shouldnt worry about ranking your maps for a while. just map whatever songs you want


svd002 wrote:

I am pretty new to osu! and wanted to try mapping so how do i know i can use a song for mapping? For example if someone else mapped the song already can I use the song? or can i use another song from a artist that has other songs that has been ranked already? thanks for the help.
As mentioned above, it doesn't really matter what song you try mapping to since there are a ton of ranked versions of the same map sometimes. Sometimes I even steal the .mp3 audio from the song folder of an already made map to use it in my own if I can't find that .mp3 online. Getting a song ranked is pretty hard, you'll most likely need 6+ months of experience to get even a single song ranked. I've been mapping for 6 months and I'm still quite far from becoming a great mapper. It's just a matter of mapping more.
TJ Hess
i want to give my two cents about this;
the easiest way to know if you can use a song for mapping is either asking the artist themselves or, if you don't want to bother with that, picking from one of osu!'s featured artist, which have free to use songs..

while the responses above are somewhat helpful [like re-using mp3's from other maps], the biggest thing you should avoid is trying to rank a song that is already existing. especially something as popular as harumachi clover, not only will you get very little mods or attentions from bns, people will be less willing to play your set [which isn't an issue if you don't care about numbers, but still getting your name out there to unique audiences is somewhat important when starting out].

tl;dr -- easiest way of knowing what to use and what to not use is by asking the artist or picking from one of the many featured artists.
still, If you really want to map a song and it has a bunch graveyard maps of it already or maybe one or two older ranked maps then go for it, you will not be able to make anything of rankable quality for quite a long time anyway, and dont worry about how popular your maps are, they are going to suck and you will hate them later.

better to map a song you'll enjoy mapping than settle for a song you think players will like.

probably avoid anime op's from recent seasons though, nobody wants to mod those - there are way too many maps being made of them, and they all usually had a ranked map within a week of the season starting.

cuyra33 wrote:

the biggest thing you should avoid is trying to rank
should have left it there

op is literally just getting into mapping lmao ranking isn't relevant here

WitherMite wrote:

probably avoid anime op's from recent seasons though, nobody wants to mod those - there are way too many maps being made of them, and they all usually had a ranked map within a week of the season starting.
this is irrelevant too (and also doesn't sound correct? like if lots of people want to map popular songs it surely follows that lots of people want to look at maps of said songs), just map what you want, modding is pointless for maps that aren't going to be ranked

and even if you don't get feedback, experience is experience

lewski wrote:

modding is pointless for maps that aren't going to be ranked
I disagree, If someone wants to improve their mapping quickly, or just doesnt want to bother with the social game that is ranking a map yet, they should still consider the modding queues. I personally have learnt a lot from mods that I wouldnt have been able to figure out on my own yet. Having someone else look at your maps is always going to catch more that you wouldn't have noticed yourself, and even for specific mods you can think about why you made that mistake and use that to improve your mapping overall. as long as mappers read the queues and dont post in the bn queues or queues that are only looking at maps going for rank they can still learn alot.

and yea, thinking about it the remark about anime op's wasn't well thought out.
mods are trash as they're just useless timeline nitpicks most of the time, modding queues are even worse since a new mapper can't tell whose opinions are actually worth listening to (=high risk of getting misleading or even harmful "advice")

general feedback is what new mappers should be looking for, and even then you really don't need any outside input for your first few maps since the point there is just to get used to the editor
TJ Hess

lewski wrote:

should have left it there

op is literally just getting into mapping lmao ranking isn't relevant here
i guess thats true. the advice i was giving was more targeted towards someone that knows a thing or two about mapping and wants to get stuff ranked, so i didnt really take into consideration that this is a new mapper.

however, i feel like giving all this advice as once can be beneficial for their growth. knowing this stuff at an early age is both somewhat pointless and overwhelming, especially considering they're a very new mapper but also can really help them in the long run [that is, if they plan on to continue to map].
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