I had no idea to name it better, so..yes, here are my suggestions for some nice (or "maybe" nice) things for notifications.
1. Avatars in (single) user online/offline-Notifications
Pretty self-explaining. Why would it be useful/better than the current state?: You just need to take a little look or just a glimpse on the notification to find out who exactly went online, not reading the name.
2. Achievement-Notifications
Hmm...I think this would be a bit better then showing the achievements in the middle of the online-ranking, and it would be a nice thing though (because you could miss the achievement if you don't scroll down to the online-rankings)
3. Level up-Notifications
This would be a nice thing because I really miss leveling up often (sometimes I need some hours or days to realize it) and a little notification would just show that you level'd up.
4. Being able to color names in Notifications (maybe supporter feature)
Another thing to find out easier who went online, especially in those "more than one user went online"-Notifications. The colors could be changed with a dialogue when clicking on a userpanel of the user (must be friend) of which you want to change the color.
Also this could be combined with the Avatar-Notifications.
1. Avatars in (single) user online/offline-Notifications
Pretty self-explaining. Why would it be useful/better than the current state?: You just need to take a little look or just a glimpse on the notification to find out who exactly went online, not reading the name.
2. Achievement-Notifications
Hmm...I think this would be a bit better then showing the achievements in the middle of the online-ranking, and it would be a nice thing though (because you could miss the achievement if you don't scroll down to the online-rankings)
3. Level up-Notifications
This would be a nice thing because I really miss leveling up often (sometimes I need some hours or days to realize it) and a little notification would just show that you level'd up.
4. Being able to color names in Notifications (maybe supporter feature)
Another thing to find out easier who went online, especially in those "more than one user went online"-Notifications. The colors could be changed with a dialogue when clicking on a userpanel of the user (must be friend) of which you want to change the color.
Also this could be combined with the Avatar-Notifications.