
Can't find combo colour

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First off I have never made a skin. What I am doing is taking the gameplay circles and stuff from other skins and putting them into a zero two skin I like. I did everything up to the combo colour. I can't find it anywhere in the folders. I am doing BTMC's Freedom Dive and Rafis 2018 right now. The original zero two folder has whitecat ck skin so the only combo colors are grey and beige. The Freedom dive has a rainbow-like one. Rafis a constant grey one. I just need to know where to change the combo colour and copy and paste it.

I tried looking at the tutorial pages and stuff but didn't really understand what they were saying and couldn't figure anything out from them.
Check the [Colours] section in skin.ini.
Add default combo colors in the [Colours] section of skin.ini . It should be RGB values
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