hi ^^ Some suggestions from me Overkill00:31:527(6) - this note very uncomfortable for play, better put it in x24 y136, it looks much better
00:32:599(3) - it's a bit overlap with previous slider, better make so
https://osu.ppy.sh/ss/83063400:34:129(1) - OMG plz fix this overlap >.< it looks sooo ugly ;w;
http://puu.sh/3n794.jpg00:48:823(1) - 1 grid right bcz it to close for next slider~
http://puu.sh/3n7be.jpg01:10:864 - sound 80% will better in this place
01:22:497(1,3) - I think claps will sounds better here~ it will consistency with previous clap pattern
01:24:946(1,3) - ^ same
01:35:812(5,1) - make it a bit more beautiful
http://puu.sh/3n7iG.jpg02:08:414 - you forgot NC here for consistency stream
02:16:374 (1,2,3,4) - you have different distance between this sliders fix it plz
http://osu.ppy.sh/ss/83065502:28:618 - better finish spin here bcz on next downbeat it's too late~
It's all for me~ Good luck :3