Heya! I have time to kill before Sunless Skies gets its final patch on Wednesday so I sadly don't have too much to do in my free time.
No rules, just post a link to your map. I can mod any keymode....but don't expect too much if your map's a non-4k map due to my lack of playing experience in higher keymodes.
That being said I won't except accept these kinds of maps due to my music preferences regardless of map quality:
- TV-Size/anime
- Metal
- Any super-hard electronic genres (speedcore/gabber/etc.)
Disclaimer: My motivation to do osu-related things is iffy at best these days so I can't guarantee that I'll get to anything before Wednesday even if I get really good maps. Also my modding skills have probably deteriorated and I won't be as ultra-thorough as I used to be.
(Also if you're one of the 99% of people who don't know what Sunless Skies is and you like slower narritive-based games set in rich, fascinating worlds you should totally check it out)
No rules, just post a link to your map. I can mod any keymode....but don't expect too much if your map's a non-4k map due to my lack of playing experience in higher keymodes.
That being said I won't except accept these kinds of maps due to my music preferences regardless of map quality:
- TV-Size/anime
- Metal
- Any super-hard electronic genres (speedcore/gabber/etc.)
Disclaimer: My motivation to do osu-related things is iffy at best these days so I can't guarantee that I'll get to anything before Wednesday even if I get really good maps. Also my modding skills have probably deteriorated and I won't be as ultra-thorough as I used to be.
(Also if you're one of the 99% of people who don't know what Sunless Skies is and you like slower narritive-based games set in rich, fascinating worlds you should totally check it out)