
[Discontinued] Phigros ONE by HexDodecAgram [HD/SD, 16:9, All four modes]

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Topped Update Mar 20, 2022:

This skin has been discontinued. Please click here to check out Phigros DEUX, the rebuilt and improved version of this skin.
Original post on May 7, 2021:

Greetings, players!
I am a casual player who plays multiple games, and I just decided to merge two of my favorite games: Phigros and osu!, a few weeks ago. After two weekends' hard work, it is finally generally playable. Hope you guys like it and please give me more feedback.
Update Aug 26, 2021:

I have been busy these months so I didn't pay too much attention to the skin. Now I have a totally free week and finally improved the skin and completed the SD conversion. Hope you guys love it.
More details below:
General interface

Song selection menu:

Pause menu:

Fail menu:




Result panel:

Mods menu:



1~5K, represented by 4K:
6~9K, represented by 7K:

Result panel:

Mods menu:



Ordinary fruits:

Result panel:



Kiai time:

Result panel:

Download Links
Improved version:
  1. Goodle Drive
  2. Lanzou (password: a38c)
Original version, HD only:
  1. Goodle Drive
  2. Lanzou (password: bhvb)

NOTICE: The skin imitates the ranks in Phigros, which use a different set of letters. The actual ranks corresponding to the ones you will see in the result panel are:
  1. Siver SS: φ with two tilted silver beams
  2. SS: φ
  3. Siver S: V with two tilted silver beams
  4. S: V
  5. A: S
  6. B: A
  7. C: B
  8. D: C
Known issues:
  1. The cursor is bright and might be hard to see in some cases. (But I don't have another design idea...)
  2. Some players may find the animated followpoints distracting.
  3. The dictation in the ranking panel of osu!catch is not appropriate.
  4. Taiko hitcircles imitate Phigros notes which are long and slim, so they may be hard to follow when moving fast.
Fixed issues:
  1. The tails of mania hold notes are a little brighter than the end of the bodies.
it doesnt work bruh
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cartiinnit wrote:

it doesnt work bruh
Could you please share some details about it? I'll try my best to fix it.
You have great skin, but there are a couple of things that can be called nit-picking. Arrows-Followpoints are a bit confusing; hit300 is visible unlike most other skins, so this is a bit weird; in osu! mania the keys may seem too narrow for some players,
and they can also be confused by their position on the left, because in most skins they were in the center. Again, this is all just nitpicking, and your skin is cool ^^ But I want to ask why the skin is only for hd? Now there are many programs that allow you to make SD versions of files from HD.

(So, if there is anything meaningless here, then Google Translate is to blame.)
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The skin has been updated! :D
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