
KIYO - Flyable Heart (Short Ver.)

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Topic Starter
thanks for your help para and lally :D
I hope I was able to help. :D

mystery box ^_^
19:46 Irreversible: xD
20:00 H4rdC0re: Für die Irregination?
20:00 Irreversible: japp
20:00 Irreversible: o:
20:00 H4rdC0re: Dann spectate. :D
20:00 Irreversible: oh
20:00 Irreversible: naja
20:00 Irreversible: dachte eher so an ein feedback in edit
20:00 Irreversible: xDDD
20:00 H4rdC0re: Achso
20:00 H4rdC0re: Naja, am Besten ist doch immer, wenn man es live zockt.
20:01 Irreversible: naja die map ist aber echt einfach
20:01 Irreversible: obwohl, wenn du eine idee hast wie es besser ist
20:04 H4rdC0re: Sieht doch gar nicht so schlecht aus.
20:04 Irreversible: danke :D
20:04 H4rdC0re: Also mir gefällt es.
20:05 H4rdC0re: Die (Der) Hitsound ist auch ganz passend und im allgemeinen nicht zu laut.
20:05 Irreversible: ja da hab ich mir voll mühe gegeben
20:05 Irreversible: ist immer leiser und lauter
20:05 Irreversible: :o
20:05 H4rdC0re: Benutzt du nur den einen oder kommen da noch welche dazu?
20:05 Irreversible: ehm
20:05 Irreversible: es sind 2 arten von claps
20:05 Irreversible: dieses windspielwhistle (oder wie auch immer) hats
20:05 Irreversible: und finish
20:05 Irreversible: und normale whistles auch
20:05 H4rdC0re: Für mich klang beides gleich. >.<
20:06 H4rdC0re: Ist das irgendeine TV Version?
20:06 Irreversible: ehm.. ja
20:07 H4rdC0re: Wenn du mal in der Kiai Time die Hitsounds etwas lauter stellen würdest? Nur ein wenig, so maximal 10%
20:07 H4rdC0re: Gibt's ein Video?
20:07 Irreversible: okay das kann ich machen o,o
20:07 Irreversible: ehm ja aber es ist zu gross..
20:07 H4rdC0re: Dann mach die Auflösung kleiner.
20:08 Irreversible: kann ich nicht
20:08 Irreversible: :C
20:08 H4rdC0re: 720p wäre Mord für manche PC's, auf denen osu läuft. :D
20:08 H4rdC0re: Soll ich das dann machen?
20:08 H4rdC0re: ich kann's ja einfach umkonvertieren.
20:08 Irreversible: okay kannst du mal probieren o:
20:08 Irreversible: warte
20:09 Irreversible: ehm ich finds nicht
20:09 Irreversible: XD
20:09 H4rdC0re: xD
20:09 H4rdC0re: Schick's mir einfach, wenn du es findest, kay? :3
20:09 Irreversible: hab die map eben von nem freund
20:09 Irreversible: ja okay :O
20:09 Irreversible: geh mal bei edit rein
20:10 Irreversible: und markier die dinge die du komisch findest
20:10 H4rdC0re: Bin ich.
20:10 Irreversible: ahh ok :o
20:10 Irreversible: du weisst ja wies geht
20:10 Irreversible: ;D
20:10 H4rdC0re: Bei Kiai-Time, also beim Refrain, oder was die da gesungen haben, hast du alles ein bisschen schwieriger gemacht.
20:10 H4rdC0re: Das war auch gut.
20:11 H4rdC0re: Die Hitsounds sind immer wieder da, wo es gut passt, auch gut zu hören.
20:11 Irreversible: xD
20:11 H4rdC0re: Ich kann mich ehrlich nicht beschweren.
20:11 H4rdC0re: *:D
20:12 H4rdC0re: Das ist aber schon als Hard Diff gedacht, oder?
20:12 Irreversible: k
20:12 Irreversible: a
20:12 H4rdC0re: Ist doch deine.
20:12 Irreversible: -.-' xDD
20:12 H4rdC0re: Dann nehmen wir die als Hard Diff.
20:13 Irreversible: -wein-
20:13 Irreversible: xDDD
20:13 Irreversible: xD
20:13 H4rdC0re: Ich habe nicht gesagt, dass sie häßlich ist. D:
20:13 H4rdC0re: Mir gefällt die Map. :3
20:13 Irreversible: XD
20:13 H4rdC0re: Nur ist sie einfach.
20:13 Irreversible: jepp
20:13 Irreversible: aber schön <3
20:13 Irreversible: XD
20:13 H4rdC0re: Zu einfach für Insane.
20:13 H4rdC0re: Ja, aber schön. <3
20:15 H4rdC0re: Die Dreier bei Sekunde 39, kannst du die ein bisschen weiter "ausdehnen"?
20:15 H4rdC0re: Und ein bisschen weiter auseinander.
20:15 Irreversible: du kannst 'sekunde 39' so zeigen:
20:16 Irreversible: du klickst auf das triplet
20:16 Irreversible: und dann
20:16 Irreversible: bzw auf einen circle
20:16 Irreversible: und dann ctrl + c
20:16 Irreversible: und hier ctrl + v
20:16 H4rdC0re: Oh, ok.
20:16 H4rdC0re: Warte.
20:16 Irreversible: meinst du ausdehnen
20:16 Irreversible: der abstand zwischen 3 und 4
20:16 Irreversible: oder der abstand zwischen 1 2 3
20:16 Irreversible: 4 5 6
20:16 Irreversible: 7 8 ?
20:16 H4rdC0re: 00:39:168 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
20:16 H4rdC0re: Ja mit ausdehen meine ich den Abstand zwischen 1,2 und 3.
20:17 H4rdC0re: Die sind irgendwie... gequetscht.
20:17 H4rdC0re: Aber auch nicht zu weit auseinander, das würde die Schönheit zerstören. :3
20:17 Irreversible: oh sieht gut aus :O
20:17 Irreversible: gefixt :3
20:17 H4rdC0re: Mal sehen. :3
20:17 Irreversible: XD
20:17 H4rdC0re: Wie du wünscht. :D
20:18 Irreversible: ok jez schon sehen
20:18 H4rdC0re: 00:49:931 (1) -
20:18 H4rdC0re: Geht das evtl. ein wenig größer?
20:18 Irreversible: mh schlecht
20:18 Irreversible: es muss genau auf diesem weissen strich enden
20:18 H4rdC0re: Mit der Circlesize sieht das so klobig aus.
20:18 Irreversible: und dann stimmt wieder alles nicht
20:19 Irreversible: und wenn ich die geschwindigkeit erhöhe motzen die BATS rum
20:19 Irreversible: obwohl
20:19 Irreversible: warte mal o,o
20:19 Irreversible: ne geht nicht iwie :S
20:20 H4rdC0re: Geht auch nicht ein bisschen? D:
20:21 Irreversible: darf nicht die slider velocity erhöhen..
20:21 Irreversible: letztes mal hab ich das bei dreamin gemacht
20:21 Irreversible: xD
20:21 H4rdC0re: A-Aber das ist doch eine Hard Diff... Da darf man das doch. D:
20:21 Irreversible: deswegen dürfte man es erst recht nicht
20:21 Irreversible: xD
20:21 Irreversible: und es geht nicht darum
20:21 Irreversible: also ich würds machen aber
20:21 Irreversible: die sagen
20:22 Irreversible: XD
20:22 H4rdC0re: Also ich hatte Sliderbreak weil der so langsam ist. >.<
20:22 H4rdC0re: Ja natürlich ist der schön.
20:22 H4rdC0re: Aber nur ein kleines bisschen größer. >.<
20:23 Irreversible: wo ist es denn am schlimmsten?
20:23 H4rdC0re: Es gibt kein "am schlimmsten".
20:23 H4rdC0re: Es war nur irgendwie... langsam.
20:23 H4rdC0re: Und es war unerwartet.
20:23 H4rdC0re: Irgendwie sind die anderen Slider schneller.
20:23 Irreversible: er ist 0.25x schenller als vorhin
20:23 Irreversible: xD
20:24 H4rdC0re: Dann mach 0.50x schneller.
20:24 Irreversible: darf ich nicht, weil das vorhin 0.75 ist
20:24 H4rdC0re: Dann kannst du den auch ein bisschen größer machen.
20:24 Irreversible: und das 1.0
20:24 Irreversible: und habs gerade probiet
20:24 Irreversible: xD
20:25 H4rdC0re: Hmm, dann wird das wohl so stimmen.
20:25 H4rdC0re: Also dann, weitersuchen. :D
20:25 H4rdC0re: 00:54:053 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
20:25 H4rdC0re: Kannst du da einen kleinen Bogen einbauen?
20:26 H4rdC0re: oder eine liegende S-Kurve?
20:26 H4rdC0re: aber nicht zu krass.
20:26 H4rdC0re: nur ganz leicht. :D
20:27 Irreversible: cnccnccc
20:27 Irreversible: kk warte mal testen
20:29 Irreversible: okay
20:29 Irreversible: hab gemacht
20:33 H4rdC0re: besser?
20:33 Irreversible: update mal
20:37 Irreversible: ::o
20:42 H4rdC0re: Bei mir steht "Not Submitted" D:
20:43 Irreversible: ist ein bug
20:43 H4rdC0re: D:
20:43 Irreversible: geh nochmal aus edit und nochmal rein
20:44 H4rdC0re: Jetzt gings. :D
20:44 H4rdC0re: Hast du noch etwas geändert? Die Combo Colours sind jetzt beim Herz anders. D:
20:44 Irreversible: fixed
20:46 Irreversible: ich mach jez nen stream am anfang hin
20:46 Irreversible: xD
20:46 H4rdC0re: Das mit den Combocolours hat mich eigentlich nicht gestört, ich wollte es bloß wissen. :D
20:46 H4rdC0re: Kannst du machen, ich bewerte dann. :D
20:46 Irreversible: VOLL GUT
20:46 Irreversible: omg
20:46 Irreversible: xD
20:47 H4rdC0re: Also die zwei Teile von mir sehen auch gut aus.
20:47 H4rdC0re: Du kannst das einfach verdammt gut umsetzen. x3
20:47 Irreversible: was denn?
20:47 Irreversible: :o
20:47 H4rdC0re: Das mit dem liegenden S und den dreiern am Anfang.
20:48 Irreversible: achso :D
20:51 H4rdC0re: Kann wieder nicht updaten. D:
20:52 Irreversible: gg jez stimmt etwas nicht mehr
20:52 Irreversible: D:
20:54 Irreversible: kk jez
20:56 H4rdC0re: Love that beginning. :3
20:56 H4rdC0re: So, bisher alles great, now check out the rest. :D
20:57 H4rdC0re: 01:03:672 (6,7,8) -
20:57 H4rdC0re: Das kommt mir ein bisschen komisch vor.
20:57 Irreversible: omg mir auch!
20:57 Irreversible: xD
20:57 H4rdC0re: Selber gedanke, Bruder. <3
20:58 Irreversible: OH
20:58 Irreversible: MEIN
20:58 Irreversible: GOTT
20:59 Irreversible: hab gerade voll die epische idee
20:59 Irreversible: manchmal kommt doch wie ein echo oder?
20:59 Irreversible: ich mach da ne neue combo mit nem helleren farbton
20:59 Irreversible: omg
20:59 Irreversible: XD
21:00 H4rdC0re: Die Idee klingt GUT.
21:00 Irreversible: vielleicht hast dus gemerkt
21:00 H4rdC0re: Mach das mal, ich update dann und seh's mir an.
21:00 Irreversible: aber hab immer beim echo die hitsounds leiser gemacht
21:00 Irreversible: :O
21:00 Irreversible: xD
21:01 Irreversible: doch nicht so gute idee
21:01 Irreversible: es ändert alle farben wenn ich was hinzufüge
21:02 H4rdC0re: Kann man nicht irgendwie für bestimmte Bereiche bestimmte Combocolours festlegen?
21:02 H4rdC0re: Ich hab das bei Rolling Girl gesehen.
21:02 Irreversible: doch
21:02 Irreversible: aber man muss alles ändern.
21:02 Irreversible: xD
21:02 H4rdC0re: Da haben die erst immer Grau in Grau und dann Farbe.,
21:04 Irreversible: ja ..
21:04 Irreversible: hm
21:06 H4rdC0re: Menno. :I
21:06 H4rdC0re: Aber das hat sich so toll angehört mit deiner Idee. >.<
21:06 Irreversible: xD
21:07 H4rdC0re: Maybe. xD
21:08 H4rdC0re: 01:18:329 (1,2,3) -
21:08 H4rdC0re: Irgendwie hier dasselbe wie bei dem anderen. :/
21:09 Irreversible: was meinst?
21:09 H4rdC0re: Never Mind, hat sich erledigt.
21:09 H4rdC0re: 01:27:717 (2,3,4,5,6) -
21:10 H4rdC0re: Warum aber hier 5 & 6 aufeinander?
21:10 Irreversible: uhm
21:10 Irreversible: ist iwie
21:10 Irreversible: ko wo
21:10 Irreversible: XD
21:10 Irreversible: kla
21:10 Irreversible: ka*
21:11 Irreversible: und sieht hübsch aus iwie
21:12 H4rdC0re: 01:49:473 (1,2,3,4,5,6) -
21:13 H4rdC0re: Kannst du mal da schauen, wie es ohne 6 klingt und aussieht?
21:13 Irreversible: leer o.o
21:13 H4rdC0re: ...
21:13 H4rdC0re: Verschieb es mal ein bisschen. >.<
21:15 H4rdC0re: Ansonsten habe ich so vom Spielen erstmal nichts einzuwenden.
21:15 Irreversible: kay
21:15 Irreversible: hab ein wenig verschoben
21:15 Irreversible: cool danke :O
21:15 Irreversible: ich schick dir dann den savelog den du posten kannst okay?
21:16 H4rdC0re: kk.
21:16 Irreversible: danke für die hilfe <3
21:16 H4rdC0re: Klar, Freunden hilft man. <3
Topic Starter
ja, danke :D <3
Some testplay and IRC mod and stuff.

22:28 Irreversible: hi o:
22:29 Andrea: hi
22:29 Irreversible: t-testplay my map maybe?
22:29 Irreversible: >w<
22:30 Andrea: sure
22:30 Irreversible: yay
22:30 *Irreversible is playing [ KIYO - Flyable Heart (Short Ver.) [Irrythm]]
22:30 Irreversible: irregination
22:30 Irreversible: normal isn't ifnished
22:30 Andrea: omg
22:30 Andrea: I wanted to map that
22:30 Irreversible: xD
22:30 Andrea: thanks for making it~
22:30 Irreversible: oh.. sorry
22:30 Irreversible: XDD
22:30 Andrea: I actually prefer
22:30 Andrea: was too lazy
22:32 Irreversible: maybe you can make a gd
22:32 *Irreversible runs
22:32 Irreversible: i hope you like it o: ..
22:32 Irreversible: ¬¬ i hate that
22:32 Andrea: what the
22:32 Andrea: xD
22:32 Irreversible: update again XD
22:32 Andrea: ok lol
22:35 Andrea: 00:20:618 (3,4) -
22:35 Andrea: this confused me
22:35 Irreversible: i know
22:35 Irreversible: XDD
22:35 Andrea: space them normally :v
22:35 Andrea: also I'm unsure about the timing
22:35 Andrea: let me check it
22:35 Irreversible: oh
22:35 Irreversible: the offset was
22:35 Irreversible: 00:03:671 -
22:36 Andrea: it doesn't sound perfect
22:36 Irreversible: but i wanted to hitsound volume this stream before the
22:36 Irreversible: uhm.. offset
22:36 Andrea: let me check it
22:36 Irreversible: so those told me to put one at 00:00:06
22:36 Irreversible: xD
22:37 Andrea: 3.685 sounds better to me
22:37 Andrea: what do you think?
22:37 Andrea: of course resnap everything
22:37 Andrea: green lines, notes, etc.
22:37 Irreversible: and what about this offset at 00:00:006?
22:37 Irreversible: like
22:37 Irreversible: it's only there because of the green lines before 3685
22:37 Andrea: ok then do it this way
22:37 Andrea: wait
22:42 Andrea: you need only one offset
22:42 Andrea: which is 24
22:42 Andrea: do not use resnap all notes, it doesn't seem to work properly for some weird reasons
22:42 Andrea: select all notes and move them for resnap them
22:42 Irreversible: okay
22:43 Irreversible: lol omg dat good idea
22:43 Irreversible: xDD
22:43 Andrea: :P
22:43 Irreversible: ehm
22:43 Irreversible: do you know
22:43 Irreversible:
22:43 Irreversible: what would the number beh ere?
22:43 Irreversible: xD
22:43 Andrea: let me check as for the green lines
22:44 Irreversible: ty
22:44 Andrea: try 17
22:44 Andrea: it should work
22:44 Irreversible: i think it's 18
22:44 Irreversible: wtf
22:45 Irreversible: lol i changed offset accidentally
22:45 Irreversible: xDD
22:45 Irreversible: but 24 - 6 = 18
22:45 Andrea: yup, try 18
22:45 Irreversible: kk :D
22:46 Andrea: and offset will be correct afterwards
22:46 Irreversible: thak you :DD
22:46 Andrea: no problem :3
22:46 Irreversible: and what do you think about the map?
22:46 Andrea: well made
22:46 Andrea: except that jump that doesn't make much sense
18:11 Irreversible: wd
18:11 Konei: saem
18:11 Irreversible: ehm ja also wenn du mir helfen möchtest.. >w<
18:11 Irreversible: xD
18:12 Konei: wie soll ich denn? D:
18:12 Irreversible: ja sagen was ich whistlen soll D:
18:12 Irreversible: nur was schlichtes
18:12 Irreversible: kotzt an wieder 2 claps zu verwenden und alles
18:12 Irreversible: ><
18:13 Konei: np mal
18:13 *Irreversible is listening to [ KIYO - Flyable Heart (Short Ver.)]
18:13 Konei: mus redownloaden
18:13 Konei: < This is my third second map for rank!
18:13 Konei: lol
18:13 Irreversible: XD
18:13 Irreversible: vergiss nicht nochmal zu updaten
18:13 Irreversible: und ja
18:13 Irreversible: wollte ja schon 3 maps zum 2ten mal ranken
18:13 Irreversible: xDDD
18:16 Konei: 00:03:687 (1) - Anfang hitnormal benutzen
18:16 Konei: aber default
18:16 Konei: ><
18:16 Konei: bitte fix das in meinem diff auch
18:16 Konei: 00:09:184 (3) - Same on the end
18:16 Irreversible: okay
18:16 Irreversible: ich mussb ei dir noch offset fixen
18:16 Irreversible: aber ich mach das
18:17 Konei: 00:40:329 (8) - Drumfinish
18:17 Irreversible: ehm
18:17 Irreversible: wie meinst du anfang hitnormal benutzen?
18:17 Konei: Guck mal
18:17 Konei: du kennst den hitnormal?
18:18 Irreversible: ehm
18:18 Konei: Also den Sound, der normal default bei notes beim Normal Sampleset kommt
18:18 Konei: den hast du ja jetzt costum
18:18 Irreversible: ja son chinesisches ding
18:18 Irreversible: oo
18:18 Irreversible: op..
18:18 Irreversible: xDDD
18:18 Konei: yep, wenn du da default machst, klingt das ziemlich gut imo
18:19 Irreversible: ..
18:19 Irreversible: ich checks nicht
18:19 Konei: Gott
18:19 Irreversible: was muss ich denn alles jez so machen?
18:19 Irreversible: nur slider start?
18:19 Konei: Du machst eine grüne section auf den Sliderstart
18:19 Konei: da stellst du N default ein
18:19 Konei: und das wäre es
18:20 Irreversible: hab ich glaub gemacht..
18:20 Irreversible: XDD
18:21 Irreversible: omfg jez hab ichs bei der insane gemacht
18:21 Irreversible: man
18:21 Irreversible: bin episch genervt
18:21 Irreversible: -.-''''''
18:22 Konei: 00:40:329 (8) - Hier dann drum finsh
18:22 Konei: *finish
18:22 Irreversible: das mit dem normal geht nicht
18:22 Konei: warum nicht?
18:22 Irreversible: ja ka ich höre es nicht
18:23 Irreversible: omg
18:23 Irreversible: ich will weinen
18:23 Konei: hast du die section auch auf DEFAULT gestellt?
18:23 Irreversible: ne es ist wieder wegen den unsnapped green lines
18:23 Irreversible: hab das doch gestern geändert
18:23 Irreversible: -.-
18:23 Irreversible: ich rast aus
18:23 Konei: Wenn du willst kann ich dir auch ne gehitsoundede version geben und du gucks
18:23 Konei: t
18:23 Irreversible: ja warte die green lines sind unsnapped
18:23 Irreversible: t_t
18:24 Irreversible: ich fix das kurz
18:24 Konei: yep, um nen mini fitzel
18:25 Irreversible: okay
18:25 Irreversible: hab gefixt
18:25 Irreversible: ich hoff es ist ok
18:25 Irreversible: t_t
18:25 Irreversible: also wenns dir nicht zu viel arbeit macht..
18:26 Konei: dan?
18:26 Konei: *dann
18:26 Konei: typos omg
18:26 Irreversible: dann wäre ich froh um eine gehitsoundete vesrion
18:26 Konei: alles klar
18:26 Irreversible: wenn du slider ticks hitsounden willst
18:26 Konei: einen Moment
18:26 Irreversible: nmusst du soft 2 benutzen
18:27 Konei: alles klar
18:27 Irreversible: bei der insane gings voll gut
18:27 Irreversible: und jez
18:27 Irreversible: -.- voll zum kotzen.
18:27 Irreversible: ich helf dir auch wieder mal mit nem mod oder so
18:27 Irreversible: <3
18:28 Konei: schon gut
18:28 Irreversible: ne
18:28 Irreversible: :D
18:33 Irreversible: echt nett
18:33 Irreversible: q_Q
18:34 Irreversible: von dir
18:38 Konei: naah
18:38 Konei: ich mag hitsounden
18:38 Irreversible: cool
18:38 Konei: bin zwar nicht sonderlich gut drin
18:38 Irreversible: ich find schon xD
18:40 Konei: nett von dir lol
18:40 Irreversible: ich weiss :o
18:51 Konei:
18:52 Irreversible: danke <3 Q___Q
18:52 Konei: gucks dir erstmal an lol
18:52 Irreversible: gleich
18:54 Irreversible: nmuss eben essen gehen
18:54 Irreversible: bg
18:54 Konei: ype
19:08 Irreversible: wd
19:08 Konei: k
19:09 Irreversible: ok
19:09 Irreversible: ich schau jez
19:10 Konei: alles klar
19:11 Irreversible: hast du drum benutzt am anfang?
19:11 Konei: die drumnormals?
19:11 Irreversible: drum hits oders o
19:11 Konei: yepp
19:11 Irreversible: klingt gut
19:12 Konei: könntest die auch ein wenig lauter machen, könnte dir hitsound file geben
19:12 Irreversible: oki
19:12 Irreversible: XD
19:17 Konei: oder auch nicht weil ich nicht weiß wie ich an die drum hitnormal rankomme
19:18 Irreversible: sampleset = drum
19:18 Irreversible: o.o
19:18 Konei: =v= Ich weiß aber nicht wo ich die Datei herbekommen soll
19:18 Irreversible: achso o.o
19:18 Irreversible: ist die nicht bei template?
19:19 Konei: nope, habs gerade nochmal gedownloaded und nicht dabei
19:20 Irreversible: hm..
19:20 Irreversible: egal sonst
19:20 Irreversible: danke vielmal >w<
19:20 Konei: yep
19:21 Konei: Wenn du den log von der hitsound Hilfe noch hast kann ich den posten lol

Star one of my maps too, Kei.

Hitsound help ></
Topic Starter
danke konei o/

:D lol
23:01 *Itachi_Uchiha is editing [ KIYO - Flyable Heart (Short Ver.) [Irrythm]]
23:01 Irreversible: cool :D
23:01 Irreversible: aber bitte ein forum mod, hab schon voll viele irc. . das kommt glaub schlecht rüber XD
23:01 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:18:344 (1) - one tick longer (because now the repeater is on a blue and that sounds awfull)
23:01 Itachi_Uchiha: *nöh
23:03 Itachi_Uchiha: I don´t know if it´s supposed to be a normal or a easy
23:03 Itachi_Uchiha: but now it looks more like a normal
23:04 Irreversible: ..-.-
23:04 Irreversible: xD
23:04 Itachi_Uchiha: You stacked these 01:16:512 (1,2) - like these 01:18:345 (3,4) - but the single note is nearer on the second as on the first... beginners will missclick either the first or the second
23:04 Itachi_Uchiha: You stacked these 01:16:512 (1,2) - like these 01:18:345 (3,4) - but the single note is nearer on the second as on the first... beginners will missclick either the first or the second
23:04 Irreversible: es ist etwas zwischendrin
23:04 Irreversible: und ja der tick war falsch
23:04 Irreversible: xD
23:04 Irreversible: dat sprung
23:04 Irreversible: xD
23:05 Itachi_Uchiha: I would prefer to start that spinner 01:20:405 (1) - on the next big white tick... sounds better
23:05 Irreversible: ich begreif nicht was du mir mit 01:16 stack sagen willst
23:06 Itachi_Uchiha: Der erste note-slider stack ist genau wie der zweite note-slider stack
23:06 Itachi_Uchiha: aber
23:06 Itachi_Uchiha: die note beim ersten ist weiter weg vom slider als beim 2.
23:06 Itachi_Uchiha: beginner werden entweder den ersten oder den 2. missen
23:07 Irreversible: achso jez check ichs
23:07 Itachi_Uchiha: You used a snap advisor of 1.0x
23:07 Itachi_Uchiha: my fault
23:07 Itachi_Uchiha: you used a distance snap of 1.0
23:08 Itachi_Uchiha: SO make the distance between these two 01:35:291 (2,3) - the same
23:08 Irreversible: ich glaub ich lass das mit dem stack mal
23:09 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:37:123 (1) - move this spinner 3 ticks more to the right so that it begins on the big white tick and ends one white tick before the next slider
23:09 Irreversible: 01:35:291 (2,3) - gib mir einen vorschlag wie es aussehen soll
23:09 Irreversible: und zwar so das es gut aussieht
23:09 Irreversible: spinner fixed
23:10 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:43:077 (4,5) - unstack these two to fit the spacing between the 5 and the next 1
23:10 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:45:825 (1,2,3,4) - same with the stacks as mentioned before
23:10 Irreversible: lass ich
23:10 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:49:718 (1) - again the spinner 2 ticks later
23:11 Irreversible: fixed
23:12 Irreversible: oki
23:12 Itachi_Uchiha:
23:13 Irreversible: das geht nicht mit 1.0 DS
23:13 Itachi_Uchiha: would be 1.1
23:13 Itachi_Uchiha: but you changed the snap alot so i would not see it as a fault
23:14 Irreversible: kk
23:14 *Itachi_Uchiha is editing [ KIYO - Flyable Heart (Short Ver.) [Irregination]]
23:14 Itachi_Uchiha: You stacked alot
23:14 Itachi_Uchiha: try to make more like these stacks
23:14 Itachi_Uchiha:
23:14 Itachi_Uchiha:
23:14 Irreversible: sec
23:15 Irreversible: update nochmal
23:15 Irreversible: jetzt
23:15 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:13:994 (9) - NC
23:15 Irreversible: UPDATE NOCHMAL
23:15 Itachi_Uchiha: I recheck when I done with both diffs
23:15 Irreversible: omfg
23:15 Irreversible: die insane war nicht geupdated
23:16 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:16:513 (1,2,3) - /np
23:16 *Itachi_Uchiha is editing [ KIYO - Flyable Heart (Short Ver.) [Irregination]]
23:16 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:10:787 (1,2,3) - well as before
23:16 Itachi_Uchiha: unstack it like I show you
23:16 Irreversible: no
23:16 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:13:994 (9) - NC
23:17 Irreversible: yes
23:17 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:16:513 (1,2,3) - Distance seem wrong compared to the upcoming stream
23:17 Itachi_Uchiha: check it
23:17 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:20:864 (4,5,6,7,8) - DO NOT STACK SO MUCH
23:17 Itachi_Uchiha: It plays awful and is boring in so many ways
23:17 Irreversible: 00:16:856 (3) - what's wrong about ?
23:18 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:16:513 (1,2,3) - this placing gives the feeling that the 3 is on a red or white tick... but it is on a blue
23:18 Itachi_Uchiha: many will hit 50 or 100
23:19 Irreversible: lol? XD
23:19 Irreversible: no
23:19 Irreversible: stacking
23:19 Irreversible: hm..
23:19 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:38:040 (7) - NC
23:20 Irreversible: 00:20:864 (4,5,6,7,8,4) - any ideas? xD
23:20 Irreversible: yes to nc
23:20 Irreversible: xD
23:21 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:07:811 (1,2,3) - Big jumping for 1/2 but atleast keep the same distance between them
23:21 Irreversible: fixed :3
23:22 Itachi_Uchiha:
23:22 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:20:177 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) -
23:23 Irreversible: guter itachi :O
23:23 Irreversible: fixed
23:23 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:49:948 (1) - try to make more sliders like this
23:23 Irreversible: lol XD
23:23 Itachi_Uchiha: not exactly like this ofc but not only curved or straight sliders
23:23 Itachi_Uchiha: use your creativity
23:24 Irreversible: hm i think it didn't really fit, idk
23:24 Irreversible: her voice is mostly pretty the same and not like a OMGAKLJSDFÖLAJKSDFKL slider
23:26 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:47:429 (4,5,6,7) - I would suggest to blanket these 3 sliders like this
23:26 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:49:261 (7) - and if you put the 7 on x360 y112 you don´t have to change the position of the 8
23:27 Irreversible: like what?
23:28 Itachi_Uchiha:
23:28 Irreversible: reasons?
23:28 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:57:734 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - Kills the flow... try other placing
23:28 Itachi_Uchiha: looks nicer
23:28 Itachi_Uchiha: with a nice blanket
23:28 Irreversible: don't think so xDD
23:28 Irreversible: well to the heart one
23:29 Irreversible: ehm..
23:29 Irreversible: why does it kill the flow exactly? xD
23:29 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:23:611 (7,1,2) - unstack it please... you stacked that much
23:30 Itachi_Uchiha: 00:57:734 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - You mean these?
23:30 Itachi_Uchiha: where is it a heart
23:30 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:07:811 (1,2,3) - again distance
23:31 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:16:971 (10) - NC
23:31 Irreversible: unstacked
23:31 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:18:346 (1) - delete NC
23:31 Irreversible: nvm
23:31 Irreversible: but i don't know how 00:57:734 (5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3) - kill the flow
23:31 Irreversible: fixed
23:32 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:34:147 (3,4) - Really? UNSTACK NAO
23:33 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:46:284 (10) - NC
23:33 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:47:657 (1) - delete NC
23:33 Itachi_Uchiha: 01:52:239 (1) - delete NC
23:33 Itachi_Uchiha: well thats all
23:33 Itachi_Uchiha: pizzaparty is not my modding today
just suggestion.


00:49:947 (1) - i think the spinner is too long. shorten it then put some notes instead of it
01:20:634 (1) - cut -at 01:22:008 and put 01:22:237 (1) - to 01:23:840
01:49:947 (1) - likewise cut at 01:52:695 and put 01:53:611 (1) -

i think other things all fine


01:43:307 (4) - jump is too long

[Konei's Pizzaparty]

00:07:336 (4) - change 1/4 beat
00:10:084 (6) - ^ and lengthen to 00:10:542
00:14:206 (5) - ^

that's all.. u can ignore it
and i love the song :D
Topic Starter
thanks for your mod! :D

you updated your map while i was modding it so maybe some sugestions are not valid


move your map to works in progress since two diffs are not done
timing must to be the same in all diff's. its an unrankeable issue and must to be fixed


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:18:686 - snap to 00:18:688
00:18:915 - snap to 00:18:917
00:19:602 - snap to 00:19:604
00:19:831 - snap to 00:19:833
00:46:739 - snap to 00:46:741

00:03:688 (1,2,3) - this arrangement looks random made, and hitsounding is inconsisntent , add a whistle at 00:04:604 -, remove whistle at 00:07:352 and - 00:09:184 - ,
00:12:848 (4,5) - this slider shape is good but it does not looks good when you copy it and rotate it horizontally. i sugest you to make (5) a different shape
00:14:222 - circle here.
00:15:825 - make a slider here that ends at the next white tick or just add a circle, thats to fil this gap and help to keep polarity.
00:18:344 (1) - remove clap at end
00:26:130 (3) - add clap at start ,repeat, end
.... keep adding claps at 2nd and 4th white ticks in the measures (same logic as above)..
00:49:947 (1) - this spinner is way too long, its boring. please make this spinner end at 00:52:695 or 00:52:924 and make a new spinner at 00:53:153 - end at 00:54:527
01:49:947 (1) - same as above, but i dont know what is the best to do here.... probably making the spinner start at 01:53:611 and mapping all before that

konei's heart

00:07:336 (4) - make it 1/4 slider instead of 1/6, anyways i dont think its a good idea to follow this fast piano here, feels sudden
00:07:794 - make a half beat slider here and remove circle at next red tick, or just add another circle here
00:09:511 (4,5,6) - looks random made
00:10:084 (6) - make it 1/4 slider instead of 1/6, and add more two repeats
00:14:206 (5) - should be 1/4
00:19:931 (7) - not a nice shape imo
00:23:137 (7,1) - swift new combo
00:24:511 - please map this gap, i know what you wanted to do, but it does not fits that much
00:30:465 (4) - not a nice shape imo
00:49:015 - make a circle here and make a half beat slider at 00:49:244 stacked on circle, and make another slider at 00:49:702
01:40:542 (6) - this slider shape does not fits the style you are using in this diff imo
01:51:763 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - dont like this arrangement, symmetry looks to not work here
01:52:908 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same here
01:55:885 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - and here

style changed a lot since the 3rd kiai, i personally dont like the end, would be nice if you remap the end. anyways its a nice diff, you improved alot *w*


00:11:819 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:12:735 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
01:18:346 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:22:010 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:22:468 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:22:697 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:22:926 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:23:155 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
01:23:384 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
01:23:842 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:24:071 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:42:048 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
01:47:659 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:51:323 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:51:781 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:010 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:239 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:468 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:697 (3) - Unsnapped circle.

00:10:329 - add circle
00:16:970 - ^ stacked to previous note
01:00:024 (5,6) - making them not line the slider starts would look better, try moving 6 to x244 y60 or somewhere arround it
01:01:169 (8,9,1) - this jumps are just too big, more than any other in this diff i gess. make them smaller please. should not be that challenge in that relaxing song

good luck
Cherry Blossom
Hai from pm in-game :D
My mod is not noob... >.>

:idea: Mod with grid level 4.
:!: Mod without pimpG's mod.


And many unsnapped objects...


Circle size 3, it must be an easy diff.
00:03:688 (1) - Make this slider symmetrical. => Reverse x344 y152
00:56:817 (3) - Make this blanket better => Beggining x52 y300, second point x256 y348, end x364 y300
(if you use distance snap 1.0x)

01:18:574 (4) - (end) 1 grid right for a better blanket.
01:47:887 (4) - Make this blanket better => Beginning x427 y164, second point x356 y 220, end x276 y80


00:26:360 (2) - Make this blanket better => second point x164 y148, reverse x252 y164
00:36:437 (5) - Make this blanket better => second point x196 y192, end x232 y112
00:37:352 (6) - Move this circle to 00:37:123 and add another circle or a slider here 00:37:352
My idea :

01:18:574 (5) - Make this blanket better => second point x156 y340, reverse x96 y268
00:48:803 (6) - ctrl+g can be nice

[Konei's Heart]

00:10:542 Add a note
00:19:702 (6) - 1 grid left for a better pattern. And then 00:18:786 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - 2 grid left to move the slider on the center.
00:23:137 (7) - Make this slider symmetrical => second point x256 y116, end x336 y160
01:21:305 (3) - You can improve the curve => second point x360 y232, end x328 or 332 and y312
01:39:855 (4) - move to x128 y 256 (beginning) for a semi-square
01:46:267 (1) - for a better curve => second point x256 y136, end x340 y48 and then, copy and paste here 01:47:870 (3)

Good luck :D
Topic Starter

Cherry Blossom wrote:

Hai from pm in-game :D
My mod is not noob... >.> i never said that? D:

:idea: Mod with grid level 4. I did that o.o
:!: Mod without pimpG's mod. k


And many unsnapped objects... will fix that, forgot to do it orz


Circle size 3, it must be an easy diff. There will be another GD (Easy) but i consider changing it!
00:03:688 (1) - Make this slider symmetrical. => Reverse x344 y152 well i fix it, but these coordinates are weird
00:56:817 (3) - Make this blanket better => Beggining x52 y300, second point x256 y348, end x364 y300 same as above, but i'll try my best'
(if you use distance snap 1.0x)

01:18:574 (4) - (end) 1 grid right for a better blanket. fixed
01:47:887 (4) - Make this blanket better => Beginning x427 y164, second point x356 y 220, end x276 y80 fixed


00:26:360 (2) - Make this blanket better => second point x164 y148, reverse x252 y164 fixed, good
00:36:437 (5) - Make this blanket better => second point x196 y192, end x232 y112 i couldn't fix that, because the slider got another lenght XD
00:37:352 (6) - Move this circle to 00:37:123 and add another circle or a slider here 00:37:352 i'm a bit split up about this, i kinda like it, meanwhile i don't like it XD changed for now, i'll see
My idea :

01:18:574 (5) - Make this blanket better => second point x156 y340, reverse x96 y268 sure
00:48:803 (6) - ctrl+g can be nice why not~

Good luck :D thanks :D! was helpful ~
my mod is on previous page
just saying because you aplied the mod above before mines
Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:


you updated your map while i was modding it so maybe some sugestions are not valid fine


move your map to works in progress since two diffs are not done I tried to, but it keeps saying 'error' <.<
timing must to be the same in all diff's. its an unrankeable issue and must to be fixed i know, silly me didn't change it ~.~


Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at:
00:18:686 - snap to 00:18:688
00:18:915 - snap to 00:18:917
00:19:602 - snap to 00:19:604
00:19:831 - snap to 00:19:833
00:46:739 - snap to 00:46:741

00:03:688 (1,2,3) - this arrangement looks random made, and hitsounding is inconsisntent , add a whistle at 00:04:604 -, remove whistle at 00:07:352 and - 00:09:184 - , i like it this way, but i changed something with the hitsounds : added the whistle, and made the whistles afterward more quiet
00:12:848 (4,5) - this slider shape is good but it does not looks good when you copy it and rotate it horizontally. i sugest you to make (5) a different shape i'll leave it, because when slider 5 appears, it's like an echo to 4, fits to the singing imo
00:14:222 - circle here. why not
00:15:825 - make a slider here that ends at the next white tick or just add a circle, thats to fil this gap and help to keep polarity. erm, no don't like it :o
00:18:344 (1) - remove clap at end fixed
00:26:130 (3) - add clap at start ,repeat, end
.... keep adding claps at 2nd and 4th white ticks in the measures (same logic as above).. don't know if i made it like that, but you gave me a nice idea
00:49:947 (1) - this spinner is way too long, its boring. please make this spinner end at 00:52:695 or 00:52:924 and make a new spinner at 00:53:153 - end at 00:54:527 done
01:49:947 (1) - same as above, but i dont know what is the best to do here.... probably making the spinner start at 01:53:611 and mapping all before that i put two spinners again


00:11:819 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:12:735 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
01:18:346 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:22:010 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:22:468 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:22:697 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:22:926 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:23:155 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
01:23:384 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
01:23:842 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:24:071 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:42:048 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
01:47:659 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:51:323 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:51:781 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:010 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:239 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:468 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:697 (3) - Unsnapped circle. i hope i fixed them, i personally don't know how to check that o.o

00:10:329 - add circle noo D:
00:16:970 - ^ stacked to previous note i'll see how it works :O
01:00:024 (5,6) - making them not line the slider starts would look better, try moving 6 to x244 y60 or somewhere arround it I like it that way ;D
01:01:169 (8,9,1) - this jumps are just too big, more than any other in this diff i gess. make them smaller please. should not be that challenge in that relaxing song i guess i found another placement.

good luck

thanks! was helpful ;D

Irreversible wrote:

00:11:819 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:12:735 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
01:18:346 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:22:010 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:22:468 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:22:697 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:22:926 (4) - Unsnapped circle.
01:23:155 (5) - Unsnapped circle.
01:23:384 (6) - Unsnapped circle.
01:23:842 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:24:071 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:42:048 (9) - Unsnapped circle.
01:47:659 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:51:323 (1) - Unsnapped slider (start).
01:51:781 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:010 (3) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:239 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:468 (2) - Unsnapped circle.
01:52:697 (3) - Unsnapped circle. i hope i fixed them, i personally don't know how to check that o.o
Topic Starter
thanks for your mods! please don't mod my map for now, i wanna change some things and wait for my GD's.

(for my m4m's : just wait, or tell mei should mod your map)

thanks :3
no kudosu for this post

as requested by Konei... here is the video for that song
Topic Starter
It's ready for modding again! :D
It's my first mod and I suggest a few small things....


00:45:596, 00:45:825 - those two notes are far compared with other notes.

00:53:153 - I think this slider is difficult for begginers because the time is very short and the sequence of sliders puzzled them.
I think 00:49:947's slider should be combined with it.

01:13:764, 01:13:993 - those two notes are far compared with other notes.

01:43:077, 01:43:306 - those two notes are far compared with other notes.

U-S-A-G-I-D-U-R-A wrote:

It's my first mod and I suggest a few small things....


00:45:825 - those two notes are far compared with other notes.

00:53:153 - I think this slider is difficult for begginers because the time is very short and the sequence of sliders puzzled them.
I think 00:49:947's slider should be combined with it.

01:13:993 - those two notes are far compared with other notes.

01:43:306 - those two notes are far compared with other notes.
Topic Starter
Ty for your mod! fixed the stuff :P
Hi. As per your request.

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. Tags are inconsistent through the difficulties.
  2. The flower in the spinner circle isn't centered... which causes it to waggle around when spinning.
Leader's Easy
  1. Pay attention to your hitsounding. You repetitively introduce new things, mainly attempts at clap patterns, but stop them instantly due to your object placement. It makes it very inconsistent and that sounds bad. The end could also use a few more hitsounds.
  2. 00:35:749 (1,2) - Easily improvable blanket !
  1. This could use bigger circle size. This kind of circle size in a Normal is rather unusual.
  2. 00:16:054 (7,1,2,3,4) - It would be nice to rearrange this so that the pattern is symmetric.
  3. 00:29:336 (6) - At this point you somehow... misuse claps and put them on the wrong ticks (first and third white ticks). You probably meant to place the clap on 00:28:878 (5) -
  4. 00:39:184 (1) - Starting here and until the spinner, I don't tihnk you should use claps - just focus on whistles. You focus on the vocals at this point, and you know that you won't be able to sustain the clap pattern. Trying to use it anyway introduces holes in the hitsounding and make sit sound bad.
  5. 01:35:062 (1) - I wouldn't recommend going out of a break in a Normal with a red tick note... it's pretty confusing, especially in a stack, because it's hard to read
  6. 01:35:978 (3) - This could blanket 01:35:291 (2) - in a better way o:
Dekanee's Hard
  1. 00:25:214 (2) - missing clap. I understand what you went for, but I think it's better to change the hitsounding on the big white tick - it looks less like you just forgot something.
  2. 00:31:856 (1) - The part after this is pretty dense... That goes against consistency, as the rest of the diff has regular small breaks, but this part doesn't - and should, as you're following the vocals.
  3. 00:43:535 (2) - 00:44:451 - missing clap. At this point, it's important, because you changed the hitsounding on purpose - having holes in it is counterproductive
  1. 00:04:488 (2,3) - These two notes are hidden under the stream, which makes them quite surprising once they become readable. It'd be better to move them somewhere else.
  2. 01:08:268 (3,1,2,3) - Thisis very counter-intuitive - the triples goes entirely against the cursor at this point. Make the triple follow the movement from 01:08:268 (3) - to 01:08:497 (1) -
Konei's Heart
  1. Nonsensical diff name. Why use a weirdly picked word instead of the standard naming conventions...
  2. 00:04:146 (2) - hidden under the stream, and gonig back there is quite unintuitive...
  3. 00:05:062 (4,5) - 00:36:436 (1) - 00:58:191 (5) - Huh... a jump here why not but... that's horribly counter-intuitive and kills the flow... the slider goes against the jump
  4. 00:07:352 (4) - 00:10:100 (6) - 00:14:222 (5) - Nonsense. Nothing in the song warrants something like this. This is blatant overmapping.
  5. 00:18:344 (1) - I assume this is a mistake. The slider's end is't even snapped, and the spacing between 00:18:344 (1,2,3) - is horribly wrong
  6. 00:19:489 (5,6,7) - hm... make a triangle of these, rather than this, I think it would play better and be a bit more intuitive
  7. 00:19:947 (7) - 00:21:321 (3) - Here again, unsnapped slider end
  8. 00:40:329 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - that was rather nice
  9. 00:45:825 (1,2,3,4) - Move 3 and 4 so that you have two triangles, 123 and 124, then move 00:46:741 (5) - to make a triangle with 345, and make (5) point towards (6), like this:
  10. 00:55:901 (3,4,5,1) - 01:27:275 (5,6,7,1) - pretty much same idea
  11. 01:09:413 (7) - this should form a triangle with 01:08:268 (2,4) -
  12. 01:37:123 (1) - If you're going to silence the spinner's end, don't place it so soon before the next note, it's extremely confusing
  13. 01:47:199 (2) - why reverse this why, it could have been a very good pattern, but reversing this makes the whole flow absolutely unintuitive and... kills it


Shiro's issues are valid.

Leader's Easy

00:20:634 (5,6) - It bothers me that this spacing is slightly different than notes before it which are all at 0.97/0.98. I suggest adjusting to match those notes. also the slider would be better if it were more vertical. (The beginning of the combo had a different spacing, but it was not as noticeable. You can fix that too if you want.)
00:25:672 (2,3) - Pointless spacing change IMO.
00:54:890 - This could be aligned better. <This is much better.
01:09:642 (1) - I think this would be better more to the right instead of above 2.
01:33:001 (2,3) - Please fix this spacing flaw.
01:39:871 (2,3) - Not lined up perfectly.
01:43:993 (3,4) - Looks bad. Adjust spacing to at least 1.00 so it will look like a normal transition.

The guest difficulties had finishes at the start. I'm curious why you went for Normal hitsounds instead.

00:12:848 (4,5,6) - Spacing change feels weird. The notes also don't go that well together. It just looks like a random shape flip. Try to come up with a more consistent pattern here.
00:22:466 (2,3) - This type of transition works better with AR+1.
01:13:306 (3) - Strange that this and one other part of the song is the only places where you use normal finish. It was surprising. That's my opinion on these parts.
01:36:779 (1) - I don't know about this. It felt kind of quick when I first tried it, but it's not so sudden now that i'm used to it.

Dekaane's Hard

00:08:955 (2) - Improve the blanket with 1. There is a small gap between the objects.
00:24:527 (7) - I would have stacked this on 6. It has a better flow that way.
00:33:917 (3,4) - Too close. Use 1.2 snap.
01:10:100 (2,3) - This is just a comment. I'm not suggest you to change anything. I just find it weird when I see sections that look spaced unusually close together. It's out of place.
01:41:932 (1,2,3,4) - I'm not sure about this. It plays weird. 01:42:390 - seems like a better place to have a slider IMO. But the direction of the slider after the jump in the current pattern has a weird feel in general. This combo is plagued with spacing changes that are probably unnecessary.


Hitsound usage just felt flat to me at the start. I was expected a more defined beat. I know the song has limitations, but perhaps it could be spiced up somehow.

00:10:100 (6,7,8) - Sounds too loud. Lower the volume?
00:20:176 (1,2,3,4) - This transition felt very awkward. I couldn't find the rhythm. It could be because i'm not used to such transitions, but I don't that it's alright that you start off with a jump spacing, and then gradually slow the pace down into a spaced triple. It's hard to read how fast I need to move to hit the beat.
00:23:382 (4,5) - Increase spacing to 1.10 here.
00:25:214 (9,1) - I think I would much rather have 1.10 snap here.
00:41:016 (2,3,4,5) - This has a nice flow I like it. I wished the parts after it had consistent flow. 00:44:680 (1,2,3) - for example. this is the same vocal pattern and yet instead of jumps it was spaced regularly. 00:46:741 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The pace gets even slower still. I was really expecting a faster pace after those jumps and it kept getting slower. sorry that this isn't constructive criticism. i'm not exactly sure how this can be made better.
01:15:367 (8) - Move to the left to be more aligned with where 5,6,7 is pointed? Also consider distancing it more from the next slider for better flow. I have the gap at 1.14. you would have to apply this to the mirror too. I'm not sure if this is the correct thing to do with both versions. If you change make sure it works in all instances.
01:24:297 (1,2,3) - Spacing is inconsistent.
01:31:397 (1,2) - Align better?
01:34:375 (4,1) - Too close for optimal flow.
01:36:665 (4) - There's something wrong with this curve. Try moving the last point up to soften it.
01:36:665 (4,5) - I'm not sure about this gap. I guess it plays fine, but i'm sure that the flow could be better here.

Konei's Heart
I didn't feel like going too much into flow testing this. It mostly seemed to play fine.

00:03:459 (7,1) - Ugh. This is so awkward for me. I don't recommend starting a song with a large jump.
00:14:222 (5) - I expected this to have one repeat like the other sections. I suggest making it consistent.
00:19:947 (7,8,9) - Bad spacing
01:09:642 (1,2,3) - Ugly and inconsistent.
01:20:405 (1) - I think it sounds better starting with soft sampleset and a whistle IMO. But that's just me. Same goes to other finishes on red ticks.
Okay! Time for me to mod this map. Here's what I've found:

  1. Don't forget to insert the video in all of your difficulties. You only inserted the video file in your Insane difficulty.
  2. As mentioned on Shiro's mod explained, you have inconsistent tags in Dekaane's Hard, Insane, and Konei's Heart difficulties. Make sure to add all of these tags in all of your difficulties. Tags should be as folows:
    Tags: future has already begun vn visual novel eroge unisonshift blossom Konei DakeDekaane Leader
  3. I would try to make the Kiai Sections consistent for all of your difficulties, unless if there is a reason for the inconsistency.
[Leader's Easy]
  1. 00:11:016 (1,2) - Since the rhythm is the same as 00:03:688 (1,2,1), I would just use that same pattern.
  2. 00:24:527 (1) - For better polarity and readabilty for novice players, I would extend this slider to end at 00:25:214 (2).
  3. 00:25:672 (2,3) - I would try this rhythm instead since it follows the vocals better and it is easier for beginners to read.
  4. 00:29:336 (3,4,5) - Similar suggestion as 00:25:672 (2,3). Try following a more readable rhythm instead. Notice the polarity.
  5. 00:33:001 (1,2) - Another lack of polarity here. I would consider changing these circles with a 3/2 slider (ending at 00:33:688 (3)) for better readability.
  6. 00:41:245 (3) - You missed a clap at this slider reverse.
  7. 00:46:741 (1) - Consider adding a clap at the end of this slider to emphasize the percussions.
  8. 01:24:298: I would end the kiai section here, since the rest of the difficulties end it here.
  9. 01:35:291 (4) - Insert a new combo here to be consistent with your combos.
  10. 01:33:001 (2,3,5) - I believe you are missing claps on these slider heads. Also add a clap at the slider reverse at 01:37:123 (6). Adding one would add emphasis to the percussions.
  11. 01:38:955 (1) - Another missing clap at the end of this slider.
  12. 01:52:924 (1) - I would end the spinner at 01:57:046 instead since the last beat of the song ends here.
Comment: I really don't how to put this. The map just feels a bit empty/undermapped imo. It could use more polarity.

  1. 00:17:886 (4,1) - Inconsistent spacing? If intentional, ignore. Other wise fix spacing.
  2. 00:12:848 (4,5) - Try rearranging the rhythm and the slider shapes.
  3. 00:23:153 (3,4) - This pattern is nice but the spacing could be a problem. Personally, I would replace these notes with a 1/2 reverse slider, but thats up to you.
[Dekaane's Hard]
  1. 00:28:191 (1,2) - Notice the spacing difference here. It is not the same as 00:28:649 (3,4). I would move circle 2 a little upward to fix the spacing.
  2. 01:50:634 (4) - That heart-shaped slider could be much more smoother and more attracting, but you don't have to change it.
Not yet finished with insane and konei's Heart!
Fixed almost everything, thank you!
@Shiro: Added claps and reduced the density in the mentioned part.
@TVO: Fixed all.
@BeatofIke:Fixed the spacing, maybe improving the heart slider, looks fine for me now.

Also added tags in my diff
Thanks c:
Topic Starter
Shiro's Mod

Shiro wrote:

Hi. As per your request.

Please reply to this mod saying what you didn't fix (and what you did) and why.
Also, if you have any question, feel free to ask me in-game. :)

  1. Tags are inconsistent through the difficulties. fixed
  2. The flower in the spinner circle isn't centered... which causes it to waggle around when spinning.
I deleted the spinner, didn't really like it anyway xD

  1. This could use bigger circle size. This kind of circle size in a Normal is rather unusual. oh, you're right. fixed that, dunno why I forgot that.
  2. 00:16:054 (7,1,2,3,4) - It would be nice to rearrange this so that the pattern is symmetric. I leave this, because this is on purpose - i use symmetric stuff very often in normal, but here is a place where i could get out of that.
  3. 00:29:336 (6) - At this point you somehow... misuse claps and put them on the wrong ticks (first and third white ticks). You probably meant to place the clap on 00:28:878 (5) - No, it's right this way, because everytime she goes higher, the clap pattern starts. but you're right, it's a bit confusing on the first point.
  4. 00:39:184 (1) - Starting here and until the spinner, I don't tihnk you should use claps - just focus on whistles. You focus on the vocals at this point, and you know that you won't be able to sustain the clap pattern. Trying to use it anyway introduces holes in the hitsounding and make sit sound bad. good point, changed to only whistle / drumfinish (custom) without claps.
  5. 01:35:062 (1) - I wouldn't recommend going out of a break in a Normal with a red tick note... it's pretty confusing, especially in a stack, because it's hard to read yay :D found a better way to express this thing, changed
  6. 01:35:978 (3) - This could blanket 01:35:291 (2) - in a better way o: what?
  1. 00:04:488 (2,3) - These two notes are hidden under the stream, which makes them quite surprising once they become readable. It'd be better to move them somewhere else. I will change that if more people complain about that
  2. 01:08:268 (3,1,2,3) - Thisis very counter-intuitive - the triples goes entirely against the cursor at this point. Make the triple follow the movement from 01:08:268 (3) - to 01:08:497 (1) - you're right, changed, i hope it's better now.

TheVileOne's Mod

TheVileOne wrote:



Shiro's issues are valid.

The guest difficulties had finishes at the start. I'm curious why you went for Normal hitsounds instead. ehm idk o.o i'll check that

00:12:848 (4,5,6) - Spacing change feels weird. The notes also don't go that well together. It just looks like a random shape flip. Try to come up with a more consistent pattern here. fixed
00:22:466 (2,3) - This type of transition works better with AR+1. yeah, I think AR5 should work.
01:13:306 (3) - Strange that this and one other part of the song is the only places where you use normal finish. It was surprising. That's my opinion on these parts. idk what happened, fixed them o.o
01:36:779 (1) - I don't know about this. It felt kind of quick when I first tried it, but it's not so sudden now that i'm used to it. already fixed with shiiro's mod o:


Hitsound usage just felt flat to me at the start. I was expected a more defined beat. I know the song has limitations, but perhaps it could be spiced up somehow.

00:10:100 (6,7,8) - Sounds too loud. Lower the volume? that's a good idea
00:20:176 (1,2,3,4) - This transition felt very awkward. I couldn't find the rhythm. It could be because i'm not used to such transitions, but I don't that it's alright that you start off with a jump spacing, and then gradually slow the pace down into a spaced triple. It's hard to read how fast I need to move to hit the beat. ehm I leave this part because I like it.. o.o idk why I should space out the triplet? this would be weird I guess xDD
00:23:382 (4,5) - Increase spacing to 1.10 here. dunno what happened here.. fixed
00:25:214 (9,1) - I think I would much rather have 1.10 snap here. why not
00:41:016 (2,3,4,5) - This has a nice flow I like it. I wished the parts after it had consistent flow. 00:44:680 (1,2,3) - for example. this is the same vocal pattern and yet instead of jumps it was spaced regularly. 00:46:741 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - The pace gets even slower still. I was really expecting a faster pace after those jumps and it kept getting slower. sorry that this isn't constructive criticism. i'm not exactly sure how this can be made better. it was good that you said that, i put in a jump at the first suggestion, but i'll leave this second thing, i like it slower there, idk, in my opinion it just very fits, but i kinda think i'm very wrong because nobody likes it .. :c
01:15:367 (8) - Move to the left to be more aligned with where 5,6,7 is pointed? Also consider distancing it more from the next slider for better flow. I have the gap at 1.14. you would have to apply this to the mirror too. I'm not sure if this is the correct thing to do with both versions. If you change make sure it works in all instances. eh, i didn't get that point, i'll pm you about that
01:24:297 (1,2,3) - Spacing is inconsistent. u sure?
01:31:397 (1,2) - Align better? fixed i hope
01:34:375 (4,1) - Too close for optimal flow. placed them differently :3
01:36:665 (4) - There's something wrong with this curve. Try moving the last point up to soften it. ok..? xD
01:36:665 (4,5) - I'm not sure about this gap. I guess it plays fine, but i'm sure that the flow could be better here. well i like it, placed it differently though
thanks for your mods! :) they were helpful~
Fixed everything on thevileone's and Shiro's mods orz.

Thanks ~
Topic Starter
thanks GD'ers :d

pimpG wrote:

konei's heart

00:07:336 (4) - make it 1/4 slider instead of 1/6, anyways i dont think its a good idea to follow this fast piano here, feels sudden yep
00:07:794 - make a half beat slider here and remove circle at next red tick, or just add another circle here current feels fine to me.
00:09:511 (4,5,6) - looks random made changed up a bit.
00:10:084 (6) - make it 1/4 slider instead of 1/6, and add more two repeats Fixed.
00:14:206 (5) - should be 1/4 Yep
00:19:931 (7) - not a nice shape imo Changed.
00:23:137 (7,1) - swift new combo Okay.
00:24:511 - please map this gap, i know what you wanted to do, but it does not fits that much Added something.
00:30:465 (4) - not a nice shape imo Fixed.
00:49:015 - make a circle here and make a half beat slider at 00:49:244 stacked on circle, and make another slider at 00:49:702 Naah, I dont like the feeling it gives.
01:40:542 (6) - this slider shape does not fits the style you are using in this diff imo Fine to me o.o
01:51:763 (4,5,6,7,8,1) - dont like this arrangement, symmetry looks to not work here Fits quite good here imo
01:52:908 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - same here ^
01:55:885 (2,3,1,2,3,4) - and here ^

style changed a lot since the 3rd kiai, i personally dont like the end, would be nice if you remap the end. anyways its a nice diff, you improved alot *w*

Only quoting pimpG because his mod was the only one I left some things unchanged xD

Thank you :3
In general:
The spinner is off center

00:18:802 (2,5) - More sliders! Not individual notes, make the slider end with a [clap]
Would like to see more sliders like these
01:53:039 (1) - If the slider ended two ticks earlier, it would give a better effect imo. But it still sounds good how it is.

Konei's Heart
00:14:222 (5) - This note seams a bit awkward.
00:18:344 (1) - This note isn't snapped properly and doesn't follow the rhythm.
01:52:924 (1) - Would've liked to see two separate sliders - although that may just be me.

Can't help with the easier difficulties, I'm garbage with making things simple.
Topic Starter
Both things applied, thanks :3
well well, let's mod

[Leader's Easy]

OD 1 e.e

00:35:749 (1) - out of bounds = unrankable
00:44:680 (2) - same
01:05:978 (2) - ...and again
01:46:283 (2) - about this. flip the bend upward like this

OD 3 pls
00:09:184 (3) - this sounds to be totally out of rhythm, especially the begin, i would suggest you to move it to 00:08:955 (3) - like this (the new note, 4th, is stacked to the end/begin of the rev. slider)
00:12:848 (4) - rotate this -11 degrees to avoid the outbound, then fix the spacing with the next slider

else is okay, just i'm not sure if a normal diff could allow all those stacked notes, but it flows good.

[Dekaane's Hard]
00:08:955 (2) - fixed blanket

00:35:520 (1,2,3,4,5) - fix this star's shape with the proper tool
00:41:703 (3) - clap (or what that custom sound is, used here 00:42:161 (5) - ) instead of whistle

[Konei's Insane]
00:02:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - if not done on purpose, try to straighten this stream
00:50:405 (4) - remove nc
00:51:092 (1) - nc

Now to finish the mod! No kudosu, since I already modded in my previous post!

  1. You forgot to insert video for the rest of the difficulties other than Insane.
  1. Optional but if you want, try adding soft-whistles on this stream. I think it would be sound more interesting as the soft-whistles can emphasize the piano sounds. :3
  2. 00:13:764 (7) - I would probably add a note here, since you added a note at 00:06:436 (1). If this is intentional for variety purposes, feel free to ignore.
  3. 01:20:634 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Nice patters, but I'm not sure which part in the music are the notes going to?
  4. 01:27:275 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4,5,6) - I guess, make a perfect pentagon pattern? Optional suggestion.
  5. 01:49:489 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5) - Same as 01:20:634 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9).
[Konei's Heart]
  1. 00:02:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - I would make this stream straight.
  2. 00:03:573 (8) - Add note? Since you can still hear the piano playing here. Doing this will require you to rearrange the stream at ]00:02:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7).
  3. 00:10:558 (7) - Similar suggestion as above. I would add a note here so the map sounds fuller and not empty. Avoid leaving prominent notes unattended when possible.
  4. 00:45:825 (1,2,3,4) - To be honest, the pattern flows better if you swap these notes at 00:46:283 (3,5).
  5. 00:47:428 (1) - Try replacing the soft-finish with a soft-whistle here. It helps emphasize the tone of the BGM.
That's pretty much it! Good luck :3
Topic Starter
Hi Genshin and Ike :3

I changed everything.. except:

First suggestion of normal - i changed it differently, but you were right
Insane: This clap is weird, i think whistle is better *O*

What stream? XD
I made this because someone said this diff isn't good in rhythm stuff and it is boring so i tried to do something myself.. :/

Hi, Irreversible >.<


Red = You must fix
Blue = You should consider
Black = My suggestion


  1. Please change offset is 6 (-18), since I think that 24 is too late when compare with vocal of this song.
  2. Ehh? I see the video in folder, but why does it has only your insane diff? Please add the video in other diffs to same with insane diff.
  3. Please change 2nd combo colour of your insane diff by this code.
    Combo2 : 35,66,214

Standard diffs

Leader's Easy

  1. 00:03:668 (1) - You have added the hitsound only slider begin, but I want to add whistle on slider repeat, too. It will be better with the melody imo.
  2. 00:06:436 (2) - This, too. Add whistle on slider begin to follow melody.
  3. 00:11:106 (1) - You should add finish on slider begin to follow the rhythm, but you can consider adding whistle on slider repeat to same with 00:03:668 (1).
  4. 00:13:764 (2,3,4) - I felt weird about the rhythm. If you want these will be vetter, you can see note by this, and you can copy this code, if you've no idea. (I have add some hitsound on these note in the code, but if you don't like, you can fix it.)
  5. 00:28:420 (1,2,3) - Try to move these to corresponding by move (1) to left 1 grid, and move (2) to up and left 1 grid. It will be look better.
  6. 00:41:245 (3) - Please remove clap, since it doesn't fit with rhythm.
  7. 01:09:642 (1) - You should add finish on slider begin, too. To follow the rhythm.
  8. 01:45:825 (1) - Add clap to follow the rhythm will be better?


  1. 00:12:848 (5) - I don't hear rhythm or melody on slider begin, which I felt that I hear it on 00:12:619, but I don't mention about this. I just want you remove whistle on slider begin, since it doesn't fit with rhythm or melody.
  2. 00:16:512 (1,2,3,4) - Reduce volume about 50~60% will be better to listening.
  3. 00:28:878 ~ 00:37:581 - You have added claps on 2nd and 4th white ticks, which these don't follow the rhythm. So you should fix by remove claps on 2nd and 4th white ticks, but add it on 1st and 3rd white ticks instead to follow the rhythm.
  4. 00:46:741 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - It's too hard for the players who play these. Please fix it to easier than this.
  5. 01:18:574 (4,5) - Move last point of slider end to right 2 grid to cause slider (4) blanket with slider begin of 01:16:512 (1,2), but if you're fixed, move (5) to right 1 grid, too.
  6. 01:35:291 (2) - Please change finish on slider repeat into whistle and add clap on slider end to follow rhythm and melody.
  7. 01:36:665 (1) - This spinner is too short for the normal diff. So please use the note(s) instead, which I suggest that make by this picture. Then if you're fixed, add clap on both sliders end, and add whistle on both sliders begin. It will fit with rhythm and melody.
  8. 01:42:619 (3) - Hitsound is too loud and weird. Please change sampleset into soft or auto, which it will become soft-finish hitsound.
  9. 01:52:924 (1) - Please end spinner at 01:57:046, since the rhythm is end here.

Dekaane's Hard

  1. 00:54:756 (3) - It has change SV, which cause change DS, but I want to increase spacing between (2,3) about 1.30x to cause it's natural flow imo.
  2. 01:22:466 (1) - Please add soft-finish or drum-finish to follow rhythm.
  3. 01:45:367 (1,2) - I have noticed rhythm and vocal. I think that remove NC on (1), but add it on (2) instead will fit to use it.


  1. 00:02:771 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - You have use volume on these notes 20~60%, but I tjhink that 20~40% is too low. So I suggest that start to use volume 40% until 60%.
  2. 00:09:413 (4) - It doesn't fit with melody.I suggest that move this slider at 00:09:527. I think that it will more fit imo.
  3. 00:14:451 (3) - Why do you add finish on slider begin? I think that it's weird to add on that. So please remove it.
  4. 00:16:512 (1,2,3) - Remove whistle on (2), but add it on (1,3) instead will be better to listening.
  5. 00:25:214 (9) - Add whistle on slider end, too. To follow the rhythm.
  6. 00:26:359 (2) - This, too. To follow vocal.
  7. 00:27:733 (3) - I think that change the hitsound into soft-whistle will be better to listening.
  8. 00:54:527 - I hear the rhythm here. Please add a circle here.
  9. 01:34:146 (3,4) - It's overjumped. Please reduce spacing.
  10. 01:34:833 - Add a circle to follow the rhythm or melody.
  11. 01:44:336 (6) - I don't hear rhythm or melody in the music. So ypu should remove a circle.

Konei's Insane

  1. 00:02:772 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - This flow is weird. I think that make by this will be better imo.
  2. 00:04:415 (2) - This slider end is overlap with (3), which I think that it's no good idea to this. So please try to avoid overlaping by make by this picture, or you can copy this code, if you're not sure to fix it.
  3. 00:05:291 (5) - Add whistle on slider end to follow melody.
  4. 00:07:352 (4) - Hitsound on slider begin isn't fit to use it. Please remove whistle on that.
  5. 00:10:558 (7) - I hear the melody of music here. Please add a circle to follow it.
  6. 01:11:932 (4) - Add whistle on slider begin, too.
  7. 00:18:344 (1) - Unsnapped this slider end. Please resnap it.
  8. 00:19:489 (5,6,7) - I felt that it doesn't flow naturally, but I have no idea to fix about that. Please try to fix to natural flow.
  9. 00:21:779 (4) - I suggest that move it to x:32 y:192. It will be better about flowing.
  10. 00:27:962 (2,3,4,5) - Make by this picture will be better?
  11. 00:33:458 (2,3,4) - I think that you make by this picture will be more fun imo.
  12. 01:13:306 (3) - ehh? Hitsound on slider begin is normal-finish. I think that it's too loud. Please reduce volume its, or change into other hitsound, which I suggest that use soft-whistle instead.
  13. 01:20:405 (1) - ^
  14. 01:27:962 (1) - I suggest that move last point of this slider to x:108 y:244. It will fit with its flowing imo by this picture.
  15. 01:29:794 (5,6,7) - This stream doesn't natural flow. So I suggest that use DS about 0.9~1.0x on this stream. It will be easier to read by this picture.
  16. 01:42:390 (1) - Same with 01:13:306 (3).
  17. 01:49:718 (1) - ^

Comment : Nice map, but i see that have the video only insane diff :( and offset which I think that it too late. For mapping, I really like easy, hard, and 1st insane diffs. Anyway, normal and Konei's insane diffs are good, too. Just I felt that it's weird flow. I think that mayby want to some modder to mod about 2-3 mods. Then I hope it will be better than this. Now, give a star ;)

Hope my mod will be useful for you.

Good luck~
All fixed in Nichiyouki's and Genshin's mod :3
Thanks c:
Topic Starter
you write here dake, but not in game with me, i'm so sad

edit: now i also wasted my 400 comment for this orz

I'm going to reply to the mods asap~
pm request~

00:17:886 (11) - add clap
00:19:489 (3) - flows strange. make a shape like this?
00:34:604 (7) - 1 gird right for better blanket
00:36:436 (5) - make better blanket
00:43:764 (4) - blanket previous 2 looks better
00:45:138 (7) - blanket 5
00:59:336 (4) - blanket 3 looks better
01:03:230 (5) - blanket better
01:05:062 (10) - ^
01:23:840 (6) - the whistle sound is better if put at 01:23:726 - , imo. just personal feeling.
01:44:337 (6) - delete?
01:48:344 - add whistle

[Konei's Insane]
00:04:145 (2) - overlaps 4. move leftwards.
00:08:039 (5) - change to normal default?
00:09:871 - add a note
00:18:344 (1) - unsnapped
00:28:878 (6) - blanket 2
00:33:000 (1) - extend by 1/4
01:05:405 - adding a note doesn't sound bad
01:46:283 (1,2,3) - blanket better
01:56:817 (3) - move to x:196,y:48, looks more lovely

[Dekaane's Hard]
00:09:871 - add a note?
00:15:138 (4) - slightly move downwards
01:07:352 (3) - make the hole smoother
01:22:008 (4,5) - move downwards so not overlapped

hitsounds and patterns before the first kiai are quite strange. I recommend you remap things before 00:54:985 - , which won't take long.

[Leader's Easy]

Good luck~

Leader's Easy

Ci rincontriamo.

Una cosa: Hai usato un distance snap che ti fa toccare i pattern, non so come spiegare (esempio pratico 01:11:932 (3,1) ) E' un po' brutto da vedere, quindi per la prossima map usa uno snap un po' più grande...

00:06:436 (2) - La voce finisce 1/2 più avanti, toglierei il repeat e cercherei di cambiare il pattern...
00:28:878 (2) - 336|80 così il pattern è meno dritto
01:16:970 (2) - Lo slider eterno, accorcialo un po' rofl
01:35:291 (1) - 1 grid sulla destra per evitare cose troppo dritte...

Nient'altro. gg perchè sei riuscito a fare una easy su una canzone che secondo me è difficile da mappare D:


00:26:130 (3) - 3rd sliderpoint to 0|252 for a better blanket?
00:40:329 (2,2) - Just a stupid detail but these notes are supposed to be in 256|252 to be in the perfect center
00:46:741 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Too straight, put the notes like this
00:56:817 (3) - Maybe ctrl+g would flow better
01:52:924 (1) - I think this spinner should end 1/2 earlier

Dekaane's Hard

00:08:497 (1,2) - Thay are supposed to be blanketted but they touch... This is odd
00:27:504 (5) - The pattern is too straight, maybe move this 1 or 2 grid up or down
00:49:947 (1) - Maybe it's better to add a note and start the spinner 1/4 later
01:22:008 (4,5) - Oh please... Move these notes down, the overlap with the slider is awful
01:22:466 (1) - Finish?
01:53:955 (1) - I think you can start this 1/4 earlier...

Nice sliders!


00:13:993 (1) - Well, this is not in the centar... Move it 1 grid left
00:19:947 - I think a note here is necessary
00:39:184 (3,6) - I noticed that in this diff you added claps here, you should do the same in all diffs if possible
01:00:482 (7,8) - Ctrl+g for making it more insane? (nazi)
01:38:039 (5) - NC?
01:52:466 (4) - Apply a ctrl+g on this slider for a better flow (If you did it, ctrl+g also on the following slider)

Konei's Insane

00:04:146 (2,4) - Why this overlap?
00:25:214 (3) - imo a NC here is necessary
00:51:092 (4) - I think this is supposed to start in 92|104, under the previous (2)
01:09:413 (7) - 212|240 and the pattern will look perfect
01:40:558 (6,7,8,9) - I totally dislike this pattern... The slider is crooked, do it symmetrical, and the following notes are too straight imo...


Nothing else, good luck :D

RikiH_ wrote:

Dekaane's Hard

00:08:497 (1,2) - Thay are supposed to be blanketted but they touch... This is odd /*Yep, but it doesn't look bad for me though
00:27:504 (5) - The pattern is too straight, maybe move this 1 or 2 grid up or down /*Ok, moved down
00:49:947 (1) - Maybe it's better to add a note and start the spinner 1/4 later /*I don't like to use this kind of technique >-<
01:22:008 (4,5) - Oh please... Move these notes down, the overlap with the slider is awful /*Hue
01:22:466 (1) - Finish? /*It already has a finish o3o
01:53:955 (1) - I think you can start this 1/4 earlier... /*Well, it seems I mapped wrong here, done.

Nice sliders! /*Thanks :3

Nothing else, good luck :D
And all fixed in Flower's mod. Thank you both c:

My update:

Mostly fixed everything, if anyone wants a reply, poke me.
Topic Starter

00:02:771 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - You have use volume on these notes 20~60%, but I tjhink that 20~40% is too low. So I suggest that start to use volume 40% until 60%. hmm, I'll consider changing that, but for now i'll leave it, because 40% is already pretty loud.
00:09:413 (4) - It doesn't fit with melody.I suggest that move this slider at 00:09:527. I think that it will more fit imo. It really sounds weird yeah, but someone told me to do that because it's more readable for first time players. hm..
00:14:451 (3) - Why do you add finish on slider begin? I think that it's weird to add on that. So please remove it. ehm, idk, fixed :3
00:16:512 (1,2,3) - Remove whistle on (2), but add it on (1,3) instead will be better to listening. fixed : D
00:25:214 (9) - Add whistle on slider end, too. To follow the rhythm. good
00:26:359 (2) - This, too. To follow vocal. ^
00:27:733 (3) - I think that change the hitsound into soft-whistle will be better to listening. yeah, i made it 50% as well, so it's not that loud-
00:54:527 - I hear the rhythm here. Please add a circle here. doesn't really fit imo o:
01:34:146 (3,4) - It's overjumped. Please reduce spacing. sure
01:34:833 - Add a circle to follow the rhythm or melody. well, i start with the lyrics here
01:44:336 (6) - I don't hear rhythm or melody in the music. So ypu should remove a circle. ehm.. wrong time? or maybe i already fixed something. xD

00:17:886 (11) - add clap love that idea! changed
00:19:489 (3) - flows strange. make a shape like this? fine
00:34:604 (7) - 1 gird right for better blanket
00:36:436 (5) - make better blanket
00:43:764 (4) - blanket previous 2 looks better
00:45:138 (7) - blanket 5
00:59:336 (4) - blanket 3 looks better
01:03:230 (5) - blanket better yes to all blankets
01:05:062 (10) - ^
01:23:840 (6) - the whistle sound is better if put at 01:23:726 - , imo. just personal feeling. there isn't a note? xD
01:44:337 (6) - delete? don't think so D:
01:48:344 - add whistle yup :D


00:13:993 (1) - Well, this is not in the centar... Move it 1 grid left yes
00:19:947 - I think a note here is necessary well, i don't like it actually o:
00:39:184 (3,6) - I noticed that in this diff you added claps here, you should do the same in all diffs if possible lemme see, i think yes
01:00:482 (7,8) - Ctrl+g for making it more insane? (nazi) fine :P
01:38:039 (5) - NC? why? xD
01:52:466 (4) - Apply a ctrl+g on this slider for a better flow (If you did it, ctrl+g also on the following slider) mh nah, i like it that way :3

1st mod: Nichiyouki
2nd mod: Flower
3rd mod: RikiH

For the normals: Well there were things i changed, but sometimes i just left it (for example the thing that it's not in the middle: it's because of DS :S )
if you wanna know, poke me as well

thank you for the mods guys!

EDIT: fixed offset, and video and everything
23:27 Irreversible: can you mod now?
23:27 Irreversible: o:
23:27 Yuki-kun: ok
23:27 Irreversible: wait
23:29 Irreversible: sec i need to upload
23:29 Yuki-kun: LoL, honest, i don't like this song much
23:32 Irreversible: D: why
23:32 Irreversible: but yuki i need that mo
23:32 Irreversible: d
23:32 Irreversible: e.e
23:32 Yuki-kun: i don't say that i won't mod
23:32 Yuki-kun: xD
23:32 Irreversible: XD
23:33 Yuki-kun: i have plan to install this game
23:33 Yuki-kun: on next month
23:33 Irreversible: which'
23:33 Irreversible: ?
23:34 Yuki-kun: Flyable Heart
23:35 Irreversible: install?
23:35 Irreversible: whaat
23:35 Irreversible: xDD
23:35 Yuki-kun: yep
23:35 Yuki-kun: you don't play ero-game?
23:37 Yuki-kun: can i mod here?
23:38 Irreversible: hm..
23:38 Irreversible: yes >w<
23:38 *Yuki-kun is editing [ KIYO - Flyable Heart (Short Ver.) [Insane]]
23:39 Yuki-kun: first
23:39 Yuki-kun: useless timing point
23:39 Yuki-kun: 00:40:329 (1) -
23:39 Irreversible: ok
23:39 Irreversible: xD
23:40 Yuki-kun: 01:35:062 (1) -
23:40 Irreversible: op xD
23:40 Yuki-kun: inconsistent in combo color
23:41 Irreversible: oh.. yeah
23:41 Irreversible: -_-
23:41 Irreversible: XD
23:41 Yuki-kun:
23:41 Irreversible: however that happened.. xD
23:41 Yuki-kun: :P
23:41 Yuki-kun: ok i will go to detail
23:41 Irreversible: ehm yeah i'll change it after your mod
23:42 Yuki-kun: ok
23:42 Yuki-kun: 00:27:733 (3) -
23:43 Yuki-kun: i expected some softer hitsound than finish
23:43 Irreversible: right
23:43 Irreversible: this is really annoying and not fitting
23:43 Irreversible: i put a whistl0r
23:44 Yuki-kun: 00:52:695 (2) -
23:44 Yuki-kun: from this
23:44 Yuki-kun: the song is loud
23:45 Yuki-kun: why you reduced volume?
23:45 Yuki-kun: i mean
23:45 Yuki-kun: reduced is good
23:45 Yuki-kun: but
23:45 Irreversible: to build some tension i guess
23:45 Irreversible: xD
23:45 Yuki-kun: for now, it's a bit low i think
23:45 Irreversible: let me put it up
23:46 Yuki-kun: 01:02:084 (1) -
23:46 Yuki-kun: expected a finish at the tail of slider
23:47 Yuki-kun: 01:06:665 (2,3) -
23:47 Yuki-kun: i don't like this
23:47 Yuki-kun: very bad flow
23:47 Irreversible: yes to the finishe
23:47 Irreversible: -e
23:47 Irreversible: well
23:47 Yuki-kun: about that 2,3
23:47 Irreversible: i made ctrl + g to 2
23:48 Yuki-kun: it's bad because your make 01:06:665 (2) - too straight
23:48 Yuki-kun: if you can change the way of 01:06:665 (2) - , it could be better imo
23:48 Irreversible: well i think i leave it because
23:48 Irreversible: the voice of her
23:48 Irreversible: is pretty
23:48 Irreversible: 'straight'
23:48 Irreversible: there
23:48 Yuki-kun: ok
23:51 Yuki-kun: 01:47:886 (5) -
23:51 Yuki-kun: where is clap?
23:51 Yuki-kun: at 01:48:573
23:51 Irreversible: i don't have 01:48:573
23:51 Irreversible: oO
23:51 Irreversible: omg update the diff yuki
23:51 Irreversible: xD
23:52 Irreversible: but i know where
23:52 Irreversible: xD
23:52 Yuki-kun: i think i updated
23:52 Yuki-kun: LOL
23:52 Yuki-kun: offset
23:52 Irreversible: yes xDD
23:52 Yuki-kun: well, anw
23:53 Yuki-kun: 01:38:021 (5) -
23:53 Yuki-kun: this is optional, you still can add clap here
23:53 Yuki-kun: 01:40:540 (6) -
23:53 Yuki-kun: same as the above, where is clap? xD
23:54 Irreversible: fixed
23:54 Irreversible: XD
23:55 Yuki-kun: 01:45:807 (7,8,9) -
23:55 Yuki-kun: why don't you make it same as 01:38:479 (7,8,9,10) -
23:55 Irreversible: i like it stacked there
23:55 Irreversible: xDD
23:55 Yuki-kun: no no
23:55 Yuki-kun: i mean hitsound
23:55 Yuki-kun: not stack xD
23:56 Irreversible: ohh
23:56 Irreversible: well it sounds different
23:56 Irreversible: but still cool :d
23:56 Yuki-kun: and
23:56 Yuki-kun: 01:57:143
23:56 Yuki-kun: what does this timing point?
23:57 Yuki-kun: *is
23:57 Irreversible: it's there for lulz
23:57 Yuki-kun: LOL, i think you can use it for fountain effect is better
23:58 Irreversible: well this is really not fitting i guess xDD
23:58 Yuki-kun: :P
23:58 Yuki-kun: done on that
23:58 Irreversible: thnanks :D
23:58 Yuki-kun: to hard diff
23:59 Yuki-kun: btw, i won't mod 2 GD
23:59 Irreversible: easy hard and other insane are gd
23:59 Yuki-kun: ok now is normal
23:59 Yuki-kun: :P
00:00 Yuki-kun: 00:10:998 (1) -
00:00 Yuki-kun: are you tired?
00:00 Yuki-kun: xD
00:00 Irreversible: hm a bit
00:00 Irreversible: xD
00:00 Irreversible: 00:10:998 (1) - ?
00:00 Yuki-kun: useless point
00:01 Yuki-kun: if you feel tired, i will post the rest on 4rum
00:01 Irreversible: nono
00:01 Irreversible: i deleted it :3
00:02 Yuki-kun: 00:09:853 (4) -
00:02 Yuki-kun: about this 2 next timing point
00:03 Yuki-kun: in the past i guess you used for hitsound effect right?
00:03 Irreversible: already deleted them
00:03 Irreversible: haha
00:03 Irreversible: i found others too
00:03 Irreversible: i copied it from insane
00:03 Irreversible: xD
00:04 Yuki-kun: :P
00:04 Irreversible: ^-^
00:04 Yuki-kun: 00:28:860 (5) -
00:04 Yuki-kun: clap
00:04 Yuki-kun: 00:29:318 (1) -
00:04 Yuki-kun: why clap here?
00:05 Yuki-kun: i think you should follow your trend
00:05 Irreversible: ehm
00:05 Irreversible: no
00:05 Irreversible: i like it
00:05 Irreversible: ebcause..
00:05 Irreversible: because
00:05 Irreversible: it's somehow right
00:05 Yuki-kun: if that, 00:26:112 (3) -
00:06 Yuki-kun: make this like the rest, cause BG music here
00:06 Yuki-kun: is the same as 00:32:983 (2,3,4) -
00:06 Irreversible: can you tell me what to change where?
00:06 Irreversible: ..sry
00:06 Irreversible: xDDD
00:07 Yuki-kun: the hitsound in 00:26:112 (3) -
00:07 Yuki-kun: should be the same as 00:32:983 (2,3,4) -
00:07 Irreversible: so complicated
00:07 Irreversible: XD
00:07 Yuki-kun: because the music is the same
00:07 Yuki-kun: xD
00:07 Yuki-kun: 00:40:311 (2) -
00:07 Yuki-kun: i prefer another hitsound than a drum
00:08 Irreversible: ehm
00:08 Irreversible: drum + finish = speciul finish hitsound
00:08 Irreversible: hasn't anything with drum at all
00:08 Yuki-kun: 01:16:953 (2) -
00:09 Yuki-kun: soft finish is better
00:09 Irreversible: k
00:09 Yuki-kun: in the break from 01:20:616 (1) -
00:09 Yuki-kun: you have too useless point
00:09 Irreversible: they also have feelings
00:09 Yuki-kun: make sure to kill them
00:10 Yuki-kun: nah i don't think so
00:10 Irreversible: xDDDD
00:10 Irreversible: hahaha
00:10 Yuki-kun: you used it for hitsound
00:10 Irreversible: ehm i have to eat diner, can we go on in 15 mins?
00:10 Yuki-kun: it's a bit late here
00:10 Irreversible: and yes i kiled them
00:10 Irreversible: oh i see
00:10 Yuki-kun: so we would stop here, i will post the rest
00:10 Irreversible: well just post it then and i'll kd you :)
00:10 Yuki-kun: in 4rum
00:10 Irreversible: oki
00:11 Yuki-kun: :P
Topic Starter
thanks for your help yuki <3~
  1. 00:16:494 (1) - Whistle on the repeat? Try to add it, I really don't know...
  2. 00:17:868 (5) - whistle
  3. 00:24:967 (1) - add a note right here to start new part of the map with new vocal line
  4. 01:27:257 (1) - nc and delete nc on the 01:27:944 (1) and nc 01:29:318 (1) - here
  5. 01:52:906 (1) - repeat on the blue tick looks weird. mb smth like this?
  1. 00:02:753 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - Mb whistles?
  2. 00:08:479 (1,2,3) - ^
  3. 00:09:395 (4) - and on the repeat of this slider
  4. 00:10:196 (7,8) - whistles
  5. 00:48:784 (6) - clap on the end(?)
  6. 00:49:929 (1) - clap on the begin
  7. 01:18:555 (5) - clap on the begin?
  8. 01:40:540 (6) - clap on the repeat?
  1. Pretty nice diff. I have nothing to point out :>
  1. 00:08:937 (3) - whistle?
  1. 00:41:227 (3) - delete clap on the end?
Topic Starter
thanks for the mod! :3 i'll reply soon.
Topic Starter
I fixed the whistles in every diff! (of mine)

but i don't like the claps you suggested though.. thanks!! :3

  1. Kiais are inconsistent. Kiai #3 in your diffs ends at 01:46:150 but on guest [Hard] and [Insane] it ends at 01:46:151
[Leader's Easy]
  1. Consider reducing HP Drain by one tick to keep diff spread more balanced. It will also make diff more enjoyable for beginners.
    Note: empty spaces like this are unpassable for beginners with HP:3. Well, they stress beginners a lot, I'd recommend you to use HP2 and fill this empty space somehow.
  2. 00:25:654 (2) -nazi - you can follow vocals here and make this slider a bit more interesting for players! example So, moves of sliderball will match with lyrics better. o3o/
  3. 00:27:257 (4) - to make rhythm consistent and to follow vocals closer, end this slider where vocals actually end - at 00:27:944. example
    Note: same goes for 00:31:838 (6) -00:34:586 (2) - it's quite important to keep consistent 1/1 rhythm because otherwise players won't be able to understandyour rhythm.
  4. 00:40:311 (2) - have you missed a whistle on its head? Slider sounds kinda empty without it.
  5. 00:43:059 (1,2) - here we are again. Almost the same as 00:27:257 (4) - but this time it's much harder to fix it. What to do? be creative!
    Note: red dots in (1)'s body match with vocals :)
  6. 01:05:502 - after loooong slider players need something to recover their HP. An object here will perfectly fit with music and help players to recover after a long slider!
  7. 01:37:105 (3) - it's reverse is TOO close to (1), so players may mistakenly click it. Consider moving (3)'s tail somewhere else. [url]example[/url]
  8. 01:49:471 (1,1) - double spinners are confusing for beginners, a specially when second spinner appears TOO fast after first and players have no time to ntice and read it properly.
  1. Consider using Overall Diff: 4 to keep diff spread more balanced. It'll bring some more fun to this diff, too!
  2. 00:23:135 (3) - please, I'm begging you DO NOT use any jumps in [Easy]/[Normal] diffs. new players are unable to read jumps, so they will fail it for sure, what's more jumps are VERY uncommon for normal diffs and players don't even expect them here!
  3. 00:46:723 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - try not to overuse 1/2 notes. Song is calm and relaxing, we don't even expect a lot of 1/2s here. Please, let players relax! If you have no idea how to, try this pattern
  4. 00:54:280 - 00:54:624 - unused green lines should be removed. I guess we shouldn't flood map with useless things, right?
  5. 01:14:662 - this beat is BEGGING for a circle! Please, please put something here to follow vocals.
    Note: 01:16:036 - 01:45:349 - almost the same as above. For music.
  6. 01:44:204 (2,3) - inconsistent spacing is inconsistent. It is NOt jumps because DS changes are too low, but this is not a regular spacing, as well. Consider changing it.
[Dekaane's Hard]
  1. HP Drain and OD here are too low! This is a [Hard] diff, remember? Try to increase them by one tick!

    Because you use a lot of long sliders diff looks lazy-mapped, but that's ok. Overall, diff is pretty well-mapped!
  1. 00:04:470 (2) - you're mapping an [Insane] diff, it should be difficult for players, right. But please, DO NOT overmap. Remove this circle to follow music and playable rhythm.
  2. 00:19:929 - and don't skip important beats like this one! It makes map emty and boring for skilled players!
    Note: 00:21:876 - 01:05:731 - 01:04:128 - same :<
  3. 01:00:464 (7) - jumpy pattern starts here, and new par of vocals starts here as well. Consider placing a new combo here.

    Diff is pretty solid, but I've expected kinda harder [Insane] diff. Even for a relaxing song, this diff could be harder :<
[Konei's Insane]
  1. 00:04:815 (3,4) - nazi - I'd swap them to make better flow. It just feels better wih circular flow :V
  2. 00:40:082 - do not ignore beats like this one, it feels like this beat is missed, so I'm sure that players would like to see it mapped!
    Note: 01:36:876 - - same :<

    Oh God, I'm in love with this diff. Awesome flow and well-constructed patterns. What else can I say? :)
Good luck!
Topic Starter

-Bakari- wrote:


  1. Kiais are inconsistent. Kiai #3 in your diffs ends at 01:46:150 but on guest [Hard] and [Insane] it ends at 01:46:151
-.- fixed xDD

  1. Consider using Overall Diff: 4 to keep diff spread more balanced. It'll bring some more fun to this diff, too! why not
  2. 00:23:135 (3) - please, I'm begging you DO NOT use any jumps in [Easy]/[Normal] diffs. new players are unable to read jumps, so they will fail it for sure, what's more jumps are VERY uncommon for normal diffs and players don't even expect them here! eh? D: i like this Q.Q if a BAT complains i'll fix it :3
  3. 00:46:723 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - try not to overuse 1/2 notes. Song is calm and relaxing, we don't even expect a lot of 1/2s here. Please, let players relax! If you have no idea how to, try this pattern good suggestions, fixed
  4. 00:54:280 - 00:54:624 - unused green lines should be removed. I guess we shouldn't flood map with useless things, right? sure
  5. 01:14:662 - this beat is BEGGING for a circle! Please, please put something here to follow vocals. it's not D: why do you think it's following the vocals? o.o
    Note: 01:16:036 - 01:45:349 - almost the same as above. For music.
  6. 01:44:204 (2,3) - inconsistent spacing is inconsistent. It is NOt jumps because DS changes are too low, but this is not a regular spacing, as well. Consider changing it.ehm o.o it is? did you try moving it ? xD it doesn't show me wrong D:
  1. 00:04:470 (2) - you're mapping an [Insane] diff, it should be difficult for players, right. But please, DO NOT overmap. Remove this circle to follow music and playable rhythm. if more people complain about it yes. but i think it's pretty nice, and it's not overmapped at all o.o it is playable as well o:
  2. 00:19:929 - and don't skip important beats like this one! It makes map emty and boring for skilled players! you forced me to do a jump here, EVERYTHING'S YOUR FAULT, fixed
    Note: 00:21:876 - 01:05:731 - 01:04:128 - same :< yes to all except the last one o.o it's mapped there xD I hope i did not put too heavy jumps
  3. 01:00:464 (7) - jumpy pattern starts here, and new par of vocals starts here as well. Consider placing a new combo here. sure :3

    Diff is pretty solid, but I've expected kinda harder [Insane] diff. Even for a relaxing song, this diff could be harder :< ehm, well that's an opinion of taste, and we still have koneis diff right? :3 thanks though :)

Good luck!
thanks bkari <3
it was irc mod in different days
2013-05-28 18:40 Aleks719: here?
2013-05-28 18:45 Aleks719: skin is too, hummm, strange
2013-05-28 18:45 Aleks719: like pieces of full sets
2013-05-28 18:45 Aleks719: and video has too big size
2013-05-28 18:46 Aleks719:
2013-05-28 18:46 Aleks719: hitcircleselect.png is unnecessary
2013-05-28 18:47 Irreversible: yeah i'm here :3
2013-05-28 18:47 Aleks719: as well as scorebar pics
2013-05-28 18:47 Irreversible: but can you wait a sec? xD
2013-05-28 18:47 Irreversible: oh yeah i see
2013-05-28 18:48 Aleks719: also inconsistenxy in tags and colors
2013-05-28 18:48 Aleks719: no line about sliderborder in osu files
2013-05-28 18:48 Aleks719: since you sninned circles
2013-05-28 18:48 Aleks719: so, fix all general stuff
2013-05-28 18:49 Aleks719: firstly
2013-05-28 18:49 Aleks719: btw, why (Short Ver.)? What's size of full version?
2013-05-28 18:51 Irreversible: ok, now i'm here!
2013-05-28 18:51 Irreversible: oh well.. >< i like the skin btw, i'll leave it 100% but
2013-05-28 18:51 Irreversible: i try to get these things.. o.o
2013-05-28 18:51 Irreversible: do i have to involve a spinner ?
2013-05-28 18:51 Aleks719: yes
2013-05-28 18:52 Aleks719: full skinned or nothing
2013-05-28 18:52 Irreversible: ehm okay
2013-05-28 18:52 Irreversible: so these 5 are the only ones who are missing?
2013-05-28 18:52 Aleks719: minimum of them
2013-05-28 18:53 Aleks719: btw, why (Short Ver.)? What's size of full version?
2013-05-28 18:53 Irreversible: oh well i'm not so experienced with skinning, i just take nice stuff which isn't distracting and stuff
2013-05-28 18:53 Irreversible: ehm o.o
2013-05-28 18:53 Irreversible: it's so short and o.o
2013-05-28 18:53 Irreversible: LOL idk tbh
2013-05-28 18:53 Aleks719: then better remove it
2013-05-28 18:54 Aleks719: it's necessary if original song >50% of your map
2013-05-28 18:54 Aleks719: so, over 4 mins
2013-05-28 18:54 Irreversible: okay, thanks for telling
2013-05-28 18:54 Irreversible: let me fix that quickly..
2013-05-28 18:54 Irreversible: i'll try to get these skin things too D:
2013-05-28 18:54 Aleks719: quickly? heh, okay
2013-05-28 18:55 Irreversible: ? the short ver. thing shouldn't take too long haha
2013-05-28 18:55 Aleks719: don't forget torecompress video o/
2013-05-28 18:55 Irreversible: o.o
2013-05-28 18:55 Irreversible: wut? D:
2013-05-28 18:56 Irreversible: ah
2013-05-28 18:56 Irreversible: yeah.. about that
2013-05-28 18:56 Irreversible: if it was too big it wouldn't let me upload, would it?
2013-05-28 18:56 Aleks719: not really :)
2013-05-28 18:57 Aleks719: limit is around 50mb
2013-05-28 18:57 Irreversible: lol ¬¬ i told someone his video is too big
2013-05-28 18:57 Irreversible: in a mod
2013-05-28 18:57 Irreversible: then he wrote no it wouldn't let me upload if it was too big
2013-05-28 18:57 Irreversible: xDD
2013-05-28 19:01 Irreversible: what do you mean with no line about sliderborder in osu files?
2013-05-28 19:20 Irreversible: sec i need to relog -.-
2013-05-28 19:32 Irreversible: ehm i fixed the things i knew what i should do :O
2013-05-28 19:33 Irreversible: except the spinner, i didn't want to add one
2013-05-28 19:33 Irreversible: and i asked some people, it's ok if i always have a full set i guess
2013-05-28 19:39 Aleks719: uh?
2013-05-28 19:39 Aleks719: you can't have only one part of skinned spinner
2013-05-28 19:39 Irreversible: oh i deleted it
2013-05-28 19:48 Aleks719: still 23mb
2013-05-28 19:49 Aleks719: did you recompress video?
2013-05-28 19:49 Irreversible: oh.. >< i need to ask someone, sorry
2013-05-28 19:49 Irreversible: lemme see..
2013-05-28 19:52 Irreversible: i asked lolicore flandre, he'll see what he can do
2013-05-28 19:52 Irreversible: he said
2013-05-28 19:52 Aleks719: к
2013-05-28 19:53 Irreversible: about the borderline thing..
2013-05-28 19:53 Irreversible: what did you mean with that'
2013-05-28 19:54 Aleks719: in notepad
2013-05-28 19:54 Aleks719: in [colours]
2013-05-28 19:54 Aleks719: after all codes of colors shold be line
2013-05-28 19:55 Aleks719: SliderBorder: 255,255,255
2013-05-28 19:55 Aleks719: or another colour
2013-05-28 19:55 Aleks719: that one is default, white
2013-05-28 19:55 Irreversible: oh! could you explain why?
2013-05-28 19:55 Aleks719: you can set pink
2013-05-28 19:55 Aleks719: or idk
2013-05-28 19:55 Irreversible: or what ist causes
2013-05-28 19:55 Irreversible: it
2013-05-28 19:55 Aleks719: cuz of skinned notes
2013-05-28 19:56 Aleks719: it there are skinned notes/sliders
2013-05-28 19:56 Aleks719: this line should be added
2013-05-28 19:56 Aleks719: to all diffs
2013-05-28 19:56 Irreversible: okay
2013-05-28 19:56 Irreversible:
2013-05-28 19:56 Irreversible: like this?
2013-05-28 19:56 Aleks719: nooo
2013-05-28 19:56 Aleks719: in the end only
2013-05-28 19:56 Aleks719: after all colours
2013-05-28 19:57 Aleks719: last line
2013-05-28 19:57 Irreversible:
2013-05-28 19:57 Irreversible: hahaha sorry xD
2013-05-28 19:58 Aleks719: right!
2013-05-28 19:58 Aleks719: you can test it
2013-05-28 19:58 Aleks719: change digits
2013-05-28 19:58 Aleks719: and check borders
2013-05-28 19:58 Irreversible: omg
2013-05-28 19:59 Irreversible: i always wanted to know how that works
2013-05-28 19:59 Irreversible: orz
2013-05-28 19:59 Irreversible: but i think i take white this time, because of the circleborders
2013-05-28 20:00 Irreversible: is there also a code called: CircleBorder ?
2013-05-28 20:00 Aleks719: no :D
2013-05-28 20:02 Irreversible: ok
2013-05-28 20:02 Irreversible: fixed and updated

2013-05-30 20:13 Aleks719: here?
2013-05-30 20:20 Aleks719:
2013-05-30 20:20 Aleks719: guess problem in normal
2013-05-30 20:20 Irreversible: eh
2013-05-30 20:20 Irreversible: yes
2013-05-30 20:20 Aleks719: kiai is not on downbeats there
2013-05-30 20:20 Irreversible: wait
2013-05-30 20:22 Irreversible: ehm
2013-05-30 20:22 Irreversible: you mean inconsitent with the others?
2013-05-30 20:24 Irreversible: are you not a bat anymore after 1h? o.o
2013-05-30 20:25 Aleks719: idk when
2013-05-30 20:25 Aleks719: i've send request to remove me
2013-05-30 20:25 Aleks719: she has broken my heart
2013-05-30 20:25 Aleks719: i can't be here
2013-05-30 20:25 Aleks719: anymore
2013-05-30 20:28 Aleks719: did you check kiai?
2013-05-30 20:28 Aleks719: Insane:
2013-05-30 20:29 Aleks719: 00:11:001 (1) - antijump kinda
2013-05-30 20:29 Aleks719: move it farer?
2013-05-30 20:30 Irreversible: my insane?
2013-05-30 20:30 Aleks719: yes
2013-05-30 20:36 Aleks719: 00:49:932 (1) - add whistle, dekaane's diff
2013-05-30 20:49 Aleks719: Normal: 00:46:726 (6) - add nc
2013-05-30 20:50 Aleks719: that combo is too long
2013-05-30 20:50 Aleks719: Normal: 00:49:932 (1) - remove that spam of sections
2013-05-30 20:52 Irreversible: and did you say anything about konei's diff?
2013-05-30 20:52 Aleks719: nope
2013-05-30 20:52 Aleks719: normal
2013-05-30 20:53 Aleks719: 01:46:269 (2,3,4) - strange blankets
2013-05-30 20:54 Aleks719: 01:53:367 (1) - finish spinner as in other diffs
2013-05-30 20:57 Aleks719: leader:
2013-05-30 20:57 Aleks719: 00:08:482 (1) - +whistle
2013-05-30 21:00 Aleks719: 00:31:841 (6) - leader, add nc here
2013-05-30 21:01 Aleks719: 01:07:337 (1) - i'd make it 1/1 longer + whistle

guess it's fine now!
Yeah, that's the way :3

Also, please add Short Ver. again, there is a full song and the Short Ver. is obviously for this opening.

(Btw, it's 4:00 minutes long)
Topic Starter
thanks for the hint~
It's kinda funny, because mapper said he's not sure that there is full version, so i asked to remove (Short Ver.)


Topic Starter
thanks :DD

  1. Maybe you want make Leader's Easy has same kiai time for consistencies?
Leader's Easy
  1. 01:02:299 (1) - I think finish sound at slider start will be awesome here, right at the rhythmical change!
  2. 01:52:909 (1) - This spinner should start at 01:53:138 - to allow beginner to repostion their cursor. 1/2 interval for double spinner is too fast.
Dekaane's Hard
  1. 00:57:031 (5) - Add at whistle at slider end? feels empty here. Sounds good too.
  2. 00:59:092 (5) - ^
  3. 01:01:383 (1) - If you follow suggestion above, remove whistle here, but add whistle at 01:01:154 (5) -
  4. 01:11:688 (5) - Whistle at this slider start should be on 01:11:001 (4) - end.
The rest is in irc mod~

2013-06-01 19:49 Miya: i like this eroge and the song, so i want to mod this :D/
2013-06-01 19:49 Miya: ACTION is editing [ KIYO - Flyable Heart (Short Ver.) [Insane]]
2013-06-01 19:50 Irreversible: hi o_o
2013-06-01 19:50 Irreversible: lol cool!
2013-06-01 19:50 Irreversible: but i have to go afk now
2013-06-01 19:50 Irreversible: for like 30 minutes
2013-06-01 19:50 Irreversible: can you wait? D:
2013-06-01 19:50 Miya: then i'll post in forum :3
2013-06-01 19:53 Irreversible: irc is fine but
2013-06-01 19:53 Irreversible: well it's up to you :3
2013-06-01 19:53 Irreversible: maybe i'm finished in 5 minutes, i'll tell you
2013-06-01 19:53 Irreversible: but the gd's are in the forum for sure ^^
2013-06-01 19:54 Miya: well, mod usualy takes 1 hour or more, so i dont recommend irc mod if you gonna go soon ><
2013-06-01 19:55 Irreversible: no
2013-06-01 19:55 Irreversible: i'm actually in a LoL game
2013-06-01 19:55 Irreversible: xD that's what i wanted to say
2013-06-01 19:56 Miya: oh, i will post in the forum, so just focus in your game :P
2013-06-01 19:56 Irreversible: no it's lost anyway
2013-06-01 19:56 Irreversible: ><
2013-06-01 19:57 Miya: oh ok then
2013-06-01 19:57 Miya: i mod konei diff first :3
2013-06-01 19:57 Miya: btw
2013-06-01 19:57 Miya: can you change the bg?
2013-06-01 19:57 Miya: there is a lot of high quality background of flyable heart in the net
2013-06-01 19:57 Miya: 800x600 is just too low ><
2013-06-01 19:58 Irreversible: finished.
2013-06-01 19:58 Irreversible: ok let me see
2013-06-01 19:58 Miya: and add opening to the tag, since this is opening of flyable heart :3
2013-06-01 20:10 Miya: hei, ready? :D/
2013-06-01 20:11 Irreversible: yepp
2013-06-01 20:11 Irreversible: i have a new bg already
2013-06-01 20:11 Irreversible: ... 24_768.jpg
2013-06-01 20:11 Irreversible: i update when i fixed the mod :
2013-06-01 20:11 Irreversible: :3
2013-06-01 20:11 Miya: ok, thats good o/
2013-06-01 20:12 Miya: btw, insane diff is pretty good, but one point that has very bad flow here ><
2013-06-01 20:12 Miya: 01:02:069 (1) - orz, 4x jump, is too sudden and unintuitive ><
2013-06-01 20:12 Irreversible: xDD
2013-06-01 20:13 Irreversible: hmm let's see :O
2013-06-01 20:13 Irreversible: 01:02:069 (1) -
2013-06-01 20:13 Irreversible: only this or the whole pattern before?
2013-06-01 20:13 Irreversible: 01:00:467 (1,2,3,4,5) - this
2013-06-01 20:13 Miya: only the slider
2013-06-01 20:14 Miya: there, its has more good flow imo
2013-06-01 20:14 Miya: maybe you can use this
2013-06-01 20:16 Irreversible: yeah good idea
2013-06-01 20:16 Irreversible: fixed the following pattern as well, because it didn't look so good with that
2013-06-01 20:16 Miya: ok :3
2013-06-01 20:17 Miya: that's all i think, the rest is pretty good :D
2013-06-01 20:17 Irreversible: lol op xDD
2013-06-01 20:17 Irreversible: cool :D
2013-06-01 20:18 Miya: normal now :3
2013-06-01 20:18 Irreversible: yep
2013-06-01 20:19 Miya: 01:01:841 - add circle here? misssing a clap here is not good :<
2013-06-01 20:21 Irreversible: fixed
2013-06-01 20:21 Miya: nazi
2013-06-01 20:21 Irreversible: ò.ó
2013-06-01 20:21 Miya: 01:47:643 (3,4) - but it looks better like this
2013-06-01 20:21 Irreversible: sure, i'm always nazi too xD
2013-06-01 20:22 Irreversible: PATRICK STAR AS SLIDER BALL O__O
2013-06-01 20:22 Miya: too close, i dont like slider touching each other xD
2013-06-01 20:22 Irreversible: fixed, i know right
2013-06-01 20:22 Irreversible: something messed up there i suppose
2013-06-01 20:22 Miya: ok, cool :3
2013-06-01 20:23 Irreversible: 01:18:559 (4) - fixed too
2013-06-01 20:23 Miya: ok nice :D
2013-06-01 20:24 Irreversible: yup :D
2013-06-01 20:24 Miya: umm, clap on here 00:28:863 (5) -
2013-06-01 20:24 Miya: ups
2013-06-01 20:24 Miya: claps on here 00:29:321 (1) -
2013-06-01 20:24 Miya: should be on that circle instead
2013-06-01 20:24 Miya: 00:28:863 (5) -
2013-06-01 20:24 Miya: on that slider start
2013-06-01 20:26 Irreversible: the claps
2013-06-01 20:26 Irreversible: are on the downbeats
2013-06-01 20:26 Miya: hmm
2013-06-01 20:26 Miya: not for this one ><
2013-06-01 20:26 Irreversible: nvm
2013-06-01 20:26 Irreversible: xDD
2013-06-01 20:27 Miya: you should remove the clap at slider end 00:29:321 (1) - too
2013-06-01 20:27 Miya: 00:30:695 (2) - then add clap here
2013-06-01 20:27 Miya: 00:31:611 (4) - here
2013-06-01 20:27 Miya: the remove clap here
2013-06-01 20:27 Miya: 00:31:153 (3) -
2013-06-01 20:27 Miya: 00:32:070 (1) - clap at this slder end too
2013-06-01 20:27 Miya: 00:32:986 (2) - ^
2013-06-01 20:28 Miya: 00:33:902 (3) - remove, lol
2013-06-01 20:28 Miya: and etc etc, every 4th beat and 2nd beat should be clap
2013-06-01 20:28 Miya: every 1st or 3rd should be whistle
2013-06-01 20:28 Miya: like that :P
2013-06-01 20:29 Irreversible: wait
2013-06-01 20:29 Irreversible: 00:28:863 (5) -
2013-06-01 20:29 Irreversible: i think this is spammed, if you know what im ean
2013-06-01 20:29 Irreversible: i mean3
2013-06-01 20:29 Irreversible: i don't like the clap there, i think i put whistle
2013-06-01 20:29 Irreversible: i want this little clap-break there xD
2013-06-01 20:30 Miya: hmm, its become inconsistent, since the drum sound is like on 00:26:115 (3) - end :<
2013-06-01 20:30 Irreversible: mhm nvm then
2013-06-01 20:30 Miya: xD
2013-06-01 20:30 Irreversible: i just put clap
2013-06-01 20:30 Irreversible: xD
2013-06-01 20:30 Miya: ok, you know what i mean, fix until kiai :P
2013-06-01 20:30 Irreversible: not a big fan of normal anyway
2013-06-01 20:30 Irreversible: ..xD
2013-06-01 20:30 Irreversible: oO
2013-06-01 20:31 Miya: yeah, the clap is on wrong postion until kiai xD
2013-06-01 20:31 Irreversible: 00:39:169 (1) -
2013-06-01 20:31 Irreversible: this part too?
2013-06-01 20:31 Miya: yup
2013-06-01 20:31 Irreversible: can't even hear them.. xDD
2013-06-01 20:31 Irreversible: let me check
2013-06-01 20:31 Irreversible: XD
2013-06-01 20:31 Miya: but if you dont like clap there, dont bother it :3
2013-06-01 20:32 Irreversible: there aren't claps right?
2013-06-01 20:32 Irreversible: o.o can't find any except
2013-06-01 20:32 Irreversible: 00:45:810 (4,5) -
2013-06-01 20:32 Irreversible: wanted to lead in the calmpart so i won't add claps here
2013-06-01 20:32 Miya: ok, np np :3
2013-06-01 20:33 Irreversible: :3
2013-06-01 20:34 Miya: for consistencies, i suggest you map this part 01:31:612 -
2013-06-01 20:34 Miya: until break end ><
2013-06-01 20:35 Miya: that's all i think. the rest is pretty good :3
2013-06-01 20:35 Irreversible: cool :o i map it
2013-06-01 20:36 Irreversible: i hope i won't get problems with ds xD
2013-06-01 20:36 Miya: i know you can solve that :P
2013-06-01 20:37 Miya: ok, i will mod other diff, just tell me once you're done :3

2013-06-01 19:50 Konei: Oh my, Miya is modding Flyable Heart :D
2013-06-01 19:50 Miya: yup, i love the eroge and the song is good :P
2013-06-01 19:50 Konei: oh, you played it?
2013-06-01 19:51 Miya: hha, kinda xD
2013-06-01 19:51 Konei: xD I played it and really enjoyed xD
2013-06-01 19:51 Miya: hhe :3
2013-06-01 19:51 Miya: for your diff, wanna do irc mod?
2013-06-01 19:51 Miya: or just forum mod?
2013-06-01 19:52 Konei: oh, sure irc
2013-06-01 19:52 Konei: I like irc mod
2013-06-01 19:54 Miya: your diff is pretty good
2013-06-01 19:54 Miya: but i feel its too easy lol
2013-06-01 19:55 Konei: lol
2013-06-01 19:55 Konei: there is Irre's Insane ne? :P
2013-06-01 19:55 Miya: 00:22:451 (6) - ctrl+g?
2013-06-01 19:56 Konei: oh yeah, much better :D
2013-06-01 19:58 Miya: 00:15:581 (7,8) - like that? o.o
2013-06-01 19:59 Konei: sure, seems cool :3
2013-06-01 19:59 Miya: 00:36:421 (1) - decrease this spacing? 3.0x is too sudden ><
2013-06-01 20:00 Miya: 00:44:207 (4) - you can ctrl+g this one too
2013-06-01 20:00 Konei: spacing decreased
2013-06-01 20:01 Konei: ctrl + g'd that Slider ></
2013-06-01 20:01 Miya: 01:09:512 - you can add a note here too to make triplet
2013-06-01 20:02 Konei: yup ~
2013-06-01 20:02 Konei: sounds awesome
2013-06-01 20:02 Miya: 01:16:841 - this one too, but oh well, too far from next note, so i think its fine xD
2013-06-01 20:02 Miya: 01:17:871 (3) - ctrl +g
2013-06-01 20:02 Miya: 01:18:329 (4) - ctrl +g
2013-06-01 20:03 Miya: flows better
2013-06-01 20:03 Miya: :3
2013-06-01 20:03 Konei: yep, awesome
2013-06-01 20:03 Konei: also ctrl + h
2013-06-01 20:03 Miya: ok :3
2013-06-01 20:03 Konei: YEAH, CTRL + G is AWESOME here <3
2013-06-01 20:04 Miya: 01:31:497 - add a circle?
2013-06-01 20:04 Miya: 01:35:161 - you can add a circle here too, but aw too far again xD
2013-06-01 20:05 Konei: added circle at both placed
2013-06-01 20:05 Miya: 01:45:925 - and 01:46:154 - add note, to make stream?
2013-06-01 20:05 Konei: *places
2013-06-01 20:05 Miya: 01:50:734 - you can add a circle here too if you want
2013-06-01 20:07 Konei: made a stream
2013-06-01 20:07 Konei: didnt add the second circle since it feels a bit spammed to me
2013-06-01 20:07 Miya: its ok :3
2013-06-01 20:08 Miya: 01:42:031 - circle here? i think i hear a triplet in this part
2013-06-01 20:08 Miya: i think that's all :3
2013-06-01 20:08 Konei: good point :3
2013-06-01 20:08 Konei: also the video is so cute ><
2013-06-01 20:08 Miya: the rest is pretty good o/
2013-06-01 20:09 Miya: ahaha, the fandisk is moar better :P
2013-06-01 20:09 Konei: huehue xD more perverted stuff
2013-06-01 20:09 Miya: ok, that's all, i will go to another diff o/
2013-06-01 20:09 Konei: alright :3
2013-06-01 20:10 Konei: I'll give him update ></

Cool map, call me back ;)
Topic Starter
thank you miya!
i'll tell you when i fixed the things
All fixed, thanks Miya :3

Go Irre, go!
Topic Starter
<3 thanks~
Discussed minor thing in IRC, and it's awesome now.

Yeahhhh, gratz ~
gratsu <3 Baka!
gratz \o3o/
Daaamn, no first gratz now, i cri

But still grats my friend ;3

Lally wrote:

gratz \o3o/
Topic Starter
thanks >< thanks for all your support guys~
[Maid] NekoRyo
Nice~ another short ver. song :S anyways ~ Congratz!! :D
Orz, i forgot to check the tags, and its inconsistent.

Sorry i have to unrank this atm.

Fix this quickly, and i will rank this again.
Topic Starter

Konei wrote:

Uhhhhh! xD ok no
Topic Starter

Gero wrote:

Uhhhhh! xD ok no
Geez, im so careless =3=


Sorry for the inconvenience guys :(
Re-Congratsu! xDDD FIORE!
Now yes, first X:
Grats (again)

Baka Gero ;_;

Also, why is SP 45 now instead 44...

Topic Starter

Konei wrote:


Also, why is SP 45 now instead 44...

gratz :3
Pipse Cola
Congratz :D

Wetten du verstehst nich was da oben steht? :D
Topic Starter

InC0nceNtrateD wrote:

Congratz :D

Wetten du verstehst nich was da oben steht? :D
..voll fies?

als ob ich das nicht verstehe! xDDD danke <3

thanks dake btw! <3 you're a great friend
gero you're still my little cl girly huhu XD
Topic Starter

this is the most awesome picture i've ever seen. xDD
its gold confetti. no, really. grats confetti bro :3/

Lally wrote:

gratz \o3o/
Topic Starter

Kei wrote:

its gold confetti. no, really. grats confetti bro :3/
it's like gold duuust *O*

nice signature btw, lol
First ranked KIYO map, congrats!

Pretty catchy song. When i heard this song the first time, I never thought I would like it, but seems like it grew on me. Also, I really love the opening theme to the fandisc. That song made me a big fan of KIYO.
Cherry Blossom
Awh about "My mod is not noob"
I said it because i always say "my mod is nooob" to other person lol.

Well. Congrats :D
Topic Starter
glad to hear merchat7 :D
thanks eveless~
lol cherry xD your mods aren't bad at all!
thanks verlaren :)
wow irerererereversible's map is ranked!
congrats ;D
Uuuuh, congratz :3
Congrats~ :D
gratz everyone :)
good mapset~
Congrats :D
Congratulations Bru Bruuuuu xD Here's another ms paint picture for you.

Great beatmap :lol:
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