I have a severe mindblock on multiple maps (mostly Volcanic), and I literally am not able to play it, how would I get rid of it or make the mindblock a little less?
so... How do you deal with a mindblock if you recently come from a break?LilYuzuki12 wrote:
As PositioniX suggested, I usually take a few days to even a few weeks break from a mind blocked map. I'd say to mirror if the map is bias to your weaker hand or has a pattern you feel more comfortable playing in a certain direction
Another thing is rating down the map, you might notice bad habits and be able to correct them while down rated.
If it's just not happening and it becomes frustrating, resetting the foundation with a break is probably your best bet. Though make it a true break don't keep thinking about the map while you're taking a break from it.
Best of luck to you! o-ob
It's quite the opposite actually. Breaks are usually the best way I get rid of mindblock. When you spend too much time on a pattern it gets mindblocked and becomes harder to read or play. That said, the longer you don't play that pattern and forget about it, the easier it will become. Take for example my mindblock on Kai Dan. Kept getting consistent 95% scores and couldn't get any higher, didn't play it for multiple months, came back and got 97.5. I just didn't play it for so long that I forgot why I had mindblocked it and was just able to play it regularly.bananahira wrote:
so... How do you deal with a mindblock if you recently come from a break?LilYuzuki12 wrote:
As PositioniX suggested, I usually take a few days to even a few weeks break from a mind blocked map. I'd say to mirror if the map is bias to your weaker hand or has a pattern you feel more comfortable playing in a certain direction
Another thing is rating down the map, you might notice bad habits and be able to correct them while down rated.
If it's just not happening and it becomes frustrating, resetting the foundation with a break is probably your best bet. Though make it a true break don't keep thinking about the map while you're taking a break from it.
Best of luck to you! o-ob