
[std] Suiji Spring Cup 2021 | 4v4 | Open Rank BWS | tf wins!

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随机 - Suíjī

Meaning 'Stochastic', players will sign up individually then be assigned their teams through a randomization process.

  1. 4v4, teams of 8
  2. Solo signups
  3. Scorev2
  4. No rank limit (will take top 256 players by BWS rank)
  5. International
  6. 2 bans per team
  7. Freemod rules: 2 players with a mod, can be same mod, HD/HR/HDHR allowed
  8. Failed scores count
  9. Roll winner = 1st warmup, 1st ban, 2nd pick
  10. Roll loser = 2nd warmup, 2nd ban, 1st pick
  11. RO32/RO16/QF/SF: Best of 11
  12. F/GF: Best of 13

  1. This is a 4v4 double-elimination tournament consisting of 32 teams.
  2. This is an osu!standard tournament.
  3. This is an international tournament.
  4. There will be no rank limit and the top 256 players based on BWS rank will be accepted.
  5. Final rank cutoff: BWS rank #1,355.
  6. The tournament will be played in scorev2.
  7. There will be no group stage in this tournament.
  8. Players will sign up individually and will be assigned a team.
  9. There will be 8 players per team, each consisting of 2 A seed players, 2 B seed players, 2 C seed players, and 2 D seed players.
  10. Players will be seeded by BWS rank.
  11. Teams will be given 5 days to choose a team name and a captain. Failure to submit a team name will result in an assigned team name chosen by the staff. Failure to submit a captain will result in the highest rank player being made captain by default.
  12. All match times are in UTC.
  13. The Grand Finals will be played with a bracket reset if applicable.
  14. No staff members are allowed to play other than streamers, commentators, and graphics designers.

  1. REGISTRATION: April 23 - May 15
  2. PLAYER SCREENING: May 16 - May 22
  3. TEAM DRAWINGS: May 23
  4. ROUND OF 32: May 29 - May 30 | Best of 11
  5. ROUND OF 16: June 5 - June 6 | Best of 11
  6. QUARTER FINALS: June 12 - June 13 | Best of 11
  7. SEMI FINALS: June 19 - June 20 | Best of 11
  8. FINALS: June 26 - June 27 | Best of 13
  9. GRAND FINALS: July 3 - July 4 | Best of 13

  1. In order to ensure the team selection runs smoothly, this tournament will enforce a blacklist system to disallow certain players from participating in the tournament.
  2. If a player has records of excessive unreliability in attending tournament matches, their registration may be removed.
  3. If a player's availability is too incompatible with the majority of other players in the tournament, their registration may be removed.
  4. If a player has shown excessive misconduct within the community, the tournament hosts may enforce the blacklist as they see fit.
  5. Along with this blacklist, if a player has broken an official osu! rule in the last 12 months, they will not be allowed to play in the tournament as per the official player screening results.

  1. The match lobby will be created by the referee, and the team captains of both teams will be invited. The captain is then responsible for inviting the rest of their team. If the captain of a team is not online, the referee will invite any other player from that team, and that player will be responsible for inviting their team.
  2. Teams have a 15 minute grace period to have at least 4 players available to play the match. If 15 minutes pass and a team does not have enough players to play the match, the other team will receive a win by default.
  3. Once all players have joined the lobby, captains will be asked to !roll; the winner of the roll will have the first warmup, first ban, and second pick.
  4. Warmup maps will be allowed for the entirety of the tournament. Each team may select one warmup pick; warmups may not exceed 4:30 total length.
  5. The referee can give host to the players for warmups only. The referee will have host for the entire match after warmups. A team will select a map by naming the map in the multiplayer chat, and the referee will select it.
  6. Each team has 2 bans per match. Banned maps are effectively removed from the mappool for the duration of the match and are not allowed to be picked. A team is allowed to ban 2 maps from the same mod pool. Teams have 2 minutes to ban a map; if they fail to choose in the allotted time, that ban is skipped.
  7. Teams have 2 minutes to select a map; if they fail to choose in the allotted time, the map choice will pass to the other team. This will have no effect on the order of picks afterward.
  8. There is no restriction on map selection order; teams may select any available map at any time regardless of mod.
  9. On freemod picks, at least two players from each team must use a mod.
  10. Allowed mods are Hidden and Hard Rock.
  11. Mods are allowed, but not required, on Tiebreakers.
  12. Only one of each seed is allowed to play in the lobby at any given time, so you can only have 1 A seed, 1 B seed, 1 C seed, and 1 D seed.
  13. Once the map choice is locked in, players will have 2 minutes to ready up. The referee will start the match when all players are ready. If the 2 minute timer ends, the referee will force an !mp start 15 command, and the match will start with whoever is in the lobby.
  14. Failed scores count via application of the NoFail mod for all players on all maps.
  15. In the case of a disconnection, common sense will be applied: if proof exists of the disconnected player's score (or a rough estimate of their hypothetical score if they finished the map), it will be added to their team's total score; if it is at all ambiguous, the other team will get the point; if the disconnection occurred in the first few seconds, the map will be replayed.

PENDING Profile Badge

Badge design subject to change per winning team’s discretion.

  1. Hosts: DigitalHypno, this1neguy, Yazzehh
  2. Graphics: DigitalHypno
  3. Commentators: ChillierPear, Dada, Damarsh, D I O, this1neguy, Will Stetson
  4. Streamers: ChillierPear, D I O, this1neguy
  5. Referees: [K], Abrown516, Aoiyuuki-, bmax, cyndrean, DigitalHypno, Eike, GumalaOC, Kasumi-sama, Kumaxione, LeoFLT, Malishiosu, Menty, nik, ruruchewy, saoie, Speshimen, this1neguy, Tuco, Yazzehh
  6. Mappool Selectors: Apraxia, DigitalHypno

    If you are interested in refereeing for this tournament, please DM this1neguy#4569 on Discord. Other staff roles are not currently accepting applications.
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