Yes but in term of rankability do you think an AR10 should contain a lot of "memorized" jumps ? I know some (lot ?) of players include memorization into skill in AR10 but I think reflex gameplay should be more promoted than memorization gameplay in AR10, cause most maps wich are actually not FC'd with HR are the ones wich contains a lot of those memory jumps. That's why in my logic : If a CtB map should be FCable an AR10 map should pretty much only contains jumps wich are readable. You still can use hard jumps but not in1/1 beat for example cause in most bpms a 1/1 hard jump will be impossible to sightread in AR10. The only way I see this kind of jumps rankable in AR10 is to make them VERY obvious (with repetitive pattern, hitsounding, or fit as hell in this part of the song) meaning the most players will think it's a jump, but since each player is different it is very hard to judge.