
DragonForce - Heroes of Our Time

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Montag, 13. Januar 2014 at 20:59:38

Artist: DragonForce
Title: Heroes of Our Time
Tags: Dragon Force Ultra Beatdown beatmap project discography speed power metal marathon
BPM: 200
Filesize: 10791kb
Play Time: 07:10
Difficulties Available:
  1. Legend (4,82 stars, 2141 notes)
Download: DragonForce - Heroes of Our Time
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Pending (May 3rd 16:54 GMT+1)
~221m, 3384 combo
Inactivity revive count: 5
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh it's Jenny!

Topic Starter
BSS is bugged right now.

Puush link for the current version:

UPDATE, May 3rd: Finished
Great job on the beatmap lol
The only things that bother me are that
00:03:530 (4,5,6) - the 00:03:605 (5) doesn't exist in the song, I'd suggest you to remove it.
01:51:380 (2) - you could remove this note and make a break there
02:33:380 - could add a break here
02:34:551 - could add a break here as well
02:38:171 - ^
02:39:286 - ^
03:20:180 (1) - you could remove this note and make a break there
03:52:655 - could add a break here
03:53:866 - could add a break here as well
03:58:580 - ^
You could add more spacing between the ending of the spinners and the following beats IMO
All of these are suggestions, you don't need to follow them if you disagree, after all I'm not an experienced modder...yet.
Also, once occured a glitch where I could add the breaks here but the beatmap owner couldn't.
By the way, I'm looking forward to seeing this approved :D I love this song and the beatmap's great as well!
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I don't want to put breaks in this map.
Mostly because it feels better this way, as the song never really has a big big time of nothingness and also a bit because I don't like breaktimes myself.
For the first suggestion, yes they don't exist in the song itself, however, they feel like a fitting addition to play; that's my opinion though o3o
irc mod
16:50 Jenny:
16:50 cheesiest: ;~;
16:50 cheesiest: creative
16:51 Jenny: hence why you ought to
16:54 cheesiest: ok i suppose
16:54 Jenny: ? :<
16:55 Jenny: !!!
16:55 *cheesiest is editing [ flashygoodness - Indignant Divinity [Insane]]
16:55 cheesiest: i mean
16:55 cheesiest: /np it
16:55 cheesiest: :3c
16:55 *Jenny is listening to [ DragonForce - Heroes of Our Time]
16:55 Jenny: s:
16:55 cheesiest: is that like
16:55 cheesiest: 9 minutes
16:55 Jenny: 7:02
16:55 cheesiest: kk :-)
16:55 Jenny: 666 sliders
16:58 cheesiest: dling
16:58 cheesiest: irc mod
16:59 Jenny: i doubt that'll be too possible
16:59 Jenny: as my net will get cut
16:59 Jenny: because of my mom's rooter timelock
16:59 cheesiest: :?
16:59 cheesiest: :/
17:00 Jenny: ;_;
17:00 Jenny: you could just put things on a textwall like you would tell me IRC ;_;
17:00 cheesiest: 1 min in
17:00 cheesiest: and ihave no problems so far
17:00 cheesiest: and yes i could and will
17:02 cheesiest: 02:03:980 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - gr8 job btw
17:02 cheesiest: fits nicely
17:02 cheesiest: not many would pick that up
17:05 cheesiest: u there?
17:05 Jenny: yes
17:05 Jenny: no idea how long my net will last though
17:06 cheesiest: 04:41:780 (4,5,8,9) - i found this alarming
17:06 cheesiest: ;~;
17:06 cheesiest: 04:42:465 (12,13,16,1) - and these 2
17:06 *Jenny is watching [ xi - Ascension to Heaven [Jenny's Taiko]] <Taiko>
17:06 Jenny: .-.
17:06 Jenny: will check asap
17:07 cheesiest: btw ur almost rank 1337 in osu mode
17:07 cheesiest: but you're rank 1336 ;~:
17:07 Jenny: i know
17:08 Jenny: people keep bringing that up
17:08 Jenny: like i cared about pp or ranks .-.
17:08 cheesiest: just a cool rank number :-)
17:08 Jenny: s:
17:08 cheesiest: not really cool but like the number has status
17:08 Jenny: o3o
17:08 Jenny:
17:09 cheesiest: ur siggy :3c
17:09 Jenny: by alarming you mean
17:09 Jenny: ?
17:10 cheesiest: by alarming i mean that i noticed it and it could be a bad thing
17:10 cheesiest: perhaps just like
17:10 cheesiest: put NCs or something
17:10 Jenny: did that
17:11 Jenny: i like to put 1/4 circlejumps when there is a reason to (pairs of sounds, in this case pairs of 4)
17:11 cheesiest: nc again i guess? @this point: 05:06:551 (5,9,13) -
17:11 cheesiest: sometimes i do that if the bpm is like slower ;~;
17:11 cheesiest: lol
17:12 cheesiest: just remember
17:12 cheesiest: if vivacissimo in Lucifer's map can get ranked
17:12 cheesiest: so can anything else
17:12 Jenny: nope
17:12 Jenny: you need to have people suck your stick
17:12 Jenny: the point here is, it makes sense!!
17:12 Jenny: but it's on the beat so it's bad!!
17:13 cheesiest: +10 rankability points
17:13 Jenny: #BATlogic
17:13 cheesiest: -11 rankability points
17:13 cheesiest: i like the parts where
17:13 cheesiest: they have guitar whailing
17:13 cheesiest: and its like
17:13 cheesiest: fits w/ spinner
17:13 Jenny: 05:58:665 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,1,2,1,2,1,2,3,4,1) - what you think about this
17:14 cheesiest: i just saw that part
17:14 cheesiest: it seems okay
17:15 cheesiest: 06:40:965 (5) - nc?
17:15 cheesiest: and nc here too? 06:41:565 (5) -
17:16 cheesiest: i love the ending
17:17 cheesiest: although the kiais are kinda eh?!?!! idk
17:17 Jenny: btw
17:17 cheesiest: but they fit
17:17 cheesiest: and that is a nice touch
17:17 cheesiest: mhmm?
17:17 Jenny: what do you mean? o3o
17:17 Jenny: eh?!?!!
17:17 cheesiest: they lag me
17:17 cheesiest: because my comp is lol
17:17 cheesiest: and i think some bats
17:17 Jenny: .-.
17:17 cheesiest: will be like
17:18 cheesiest: "nuked"
17:18 Jenny: why
17:18 cheesiest: the nature of the bat
17:18 cheesiest: but umm iguess this is all
17:18 Jenny: that bat BAT
17:18 cheesiest: batty BATs
17:19 Jenny: hurrrrr
17:19 cheesiest: good luck on your map
17:19 cheesiest: :-)
Topic Starter
thanks for your comments you two .-.


so bub now?
ich kann mich daran erinnern wie son lied von DragonForce mich damals als 'newb' zerrissen hat :c (ich hoff es ist ok wenn ich auf deutsch modde)?



00:18:530 (2,3,4) - Das scheint mir irgendwie ein wenig verwirrend, die map ist ziemlich schnell und das du da dann plötzlich diesen 1/4 jump machst, der auch nach einem 1/4 slider kommt, naja bin ich nicht so ein fan von. 00:18:530 (2) - Ich fände es ganz lustig, wenn du den auf.. x: 260 y: 168 platzieren würdest, weil dann muss man auch noch kurz stehen bleiben beim Anfang vom Stream.. verstehst du? xD Ist trotzdem noch fies, aber meiner meinung nach machbarer. Oder den Stream von hier aus beginnen: 00:18:380 (4) - .. Naja, wie du willst eben. Aber bitte ändern :P (wenn du den stream da anfängst wäre es gestackt noch cool, aber der jump wäre dann viel grösser, vllt einfach das allgemeine DS zwischen 00:17:180 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - erhöhen .. alter wtf hab ich gerade für nen text geschrieben.

00:49:580 (1) - move den bisschen nach oben, 00:49:280 (7) - den ebenfalls, dann hast du ein schöneres blanket zwischen 00:48:980 (6,7) - .
00:52:280 (5,6,7) - auch hier (riesentext) ich find das einfach komisch. ><

01:12:380 (1,1,1,1) - Mach den Abstandzwischen allen gleich gross (01:12:980 (1) - müsste ein wenig nach unten und 01:13:280 (1) - müsste ein wenig nachgerückt werden)

01:30:980 (1) - nicht wegen dem lied.. aber wegen dem pattern, NC
01:39:230 (5,6) - reason für den jump? 01:39:230 (5) - move to x: 316 y: 28, dann siehts immerhin einheitlich aus
01:55:580 (3,4,5,6) - probier mal Ctrl + G auf 4 und 5 ^^; wäre noch ein cooles pattern~
02:56:780 (1) - ein wenig nach rechts rücken, sieht für mich so angeklebt aus an der 6 ><
03:47:630 (2) - würd ich ein wenig mehr links platzieren, es ist so nahe an der 3 und so weit weg von der 1, .. 03:48:530 (2,3) - vergiss nicht dsa dann wieder zu stacken~
04:10:837 (3) - ich LIEBE solche .. nennen wir es abgebrochenen slider. aber hier finde ich es ein wenig fehl am platze - ja es passt zu der musik, trotzdem ist das so ziemlich der einzige ort wo du das benutzt. deshalb: 04:10:837 (3) - delete und extende den slider auf den red tick~
04:12:722 (1) - mh, der rote punkt mach mir ein wenig sorgen, ich seh da so ne abgehackte stelle im slider, wäre schön wenn er voll rund wär xD
04:15:465 (1) - same
04:42:894 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - das ist cool o.o
04:48:037 (1) - ehhh.. der jump ist dann auch wieder ein wenig zu heavy, consider changing it with 04:48:209 (2) - somehow xD
04:59:951 (8) - (der stream gemeint) an sich ne gute idee mit dem DS erhöhen, sieht aber dann doch ein wenig schräg aus (gemeint: 05:00:294 (12) - ab hier)
05:22:322 (3,1,2) - versuch ne schöne linie mit dem slider hinzukriegen, sieht abgehackt aus

eh.. ja xD krasse map ^^

Topic Starter
Thorough IRC discussion, some fixes and improvements around the suggested points - thanks for your mod (hurrr, german)~
Hi~ you begged for a mod, you get a mod. First time modding a map for approval. Wooooo~
After my mod, I can give you my own conclusion and rating, shown as notes. Because stars are too mainstream.

No breaktime? Pain in the arse.
Definitely check AIMod, it says something about unsnapped objects.

Some parts are overma-- this is an approval map, what am I talking about.

00:23:180 (1,1,1,1) - New combo spam? Try to reduce the number of NCs where possible. They slightly and indirectly influence the HP Drain, you know.
00:29:180 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Haha, nice idea.
01:02:480 (1,1,1,1,1) - Again, same thing about NCs.
01:12:380 (1,1,1,1) - Again? lol, I dunno about these. Maybe, you should use them every second slider only.
02:37:880 - I think you could make some streams here, maybe with a softer sampleset, because it feels so empty here. Besides, the drumset is audible really well and it's going crazy.
03:56:780 (4) - A new combo here surely wouldn't hurt, would it?
04:53:865 (1,1,1,1) - Could you erase one or two NCs? They don't fit since nothing in the song has changed so far.
05:41:865 - Make NCs here also every second slider, I'd suggest.
06:54:695 - lolwat

♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♪ 9.7
Most of the time, the flow is really awesome, but I don't really like the usage of new combos here. Anyway, quite fun to look at. *since I can't play it*

Anyway, good luck with this!!
Topic Starter

Quiz-chan wrote:

Hi~ you begged for a mod, you get a mod. First time modding a map for approval. Wooooo~
After my mod, I can give you my own conclusion and rating, shown as notes. Because stars are too mainstream.

No breaktime? Pain in the arse.
Definitely check AIMod, it says something about unsnapped objects.

Some parts are overma-- this is an approval map, what am I talking about.

00:23:180 (1,1,1,1) - New combo spam? Try to reduce the number of NCs where possible. They slightly and indirectly influence the HP Drain, you know. - did do
00:29:180 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Haha, nice idea.
01:02:480 (1,1,1,1,1) - Again, same thing about NCs. - did do
01:12:380 (1,1,1,1) - Again? lol, I dunno about these. Maybe, you should use them every second slider only. - did do
02:37:880 - I think you could make some streams here, maybe with a softer sampleset, because it feels so empty here. Besides, the drumset is audible really well and it's going crazy. - no, i'm focussing on the dominant layer (guitar beats); the drum-tripplets in the background may be audible, but mapping them would give away the intensity and focus on the guitar, which is what i am trying to emphasize here - one may say "just put big jumps lol", but that's not what this map is meant to do. in this case, i prefer sticking to few but strong notes
03:56:780 (4) - A new combo here surely wouldn't hurt, would it? - yes it would s: - all the sliders in this combo start on the very similar strong and echoing guitar beats so i'd either put one combo for all or a new combo for each of them to be correct; keeping them as-are because the current buildup puts more focus on them building a whole, to put it like this
04:53:865 (1,1,1,1) - Could you erase one or two NCs? They don't fit since nothing in the song has changed so far. - did do (btw i still need Charles to check timing on that part)
05:41:865 - Make NCs here also every second slider, I'd suggest. - same as with 03:56:780, will keep, sorry
06:54:695 - lolwat

♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♪ 9.7
Most of the time, the flow is really awesome, but I don't really like the usage of new combos here. Anyway, quite fun to look at. *since I can't play it*

Anyway, good luck with this!!
hue o:
*thanks for your mod*

05:30:894 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - is a fucking atrocity and unfairly hard considering how easy rest of this map is (it breaks the difficulty curve)

otherwise okay map and this was not a modpost just a rant post because I missed at that stream

Slow part scared me ;w;
Hi there! Sorry for being so late :< I was kind of busy, but now I have free time, so here's my mod! :3


00:05:180 (1) - I don't really like this anti-jump, quite confusing, I think you should place it differently
00:10:730 (2,4) - I don't know how well this flows, since you lead (4) in the opposite direction of the stream, so I think you should try similar pattern to this 00:15:380 (1,2,3,4) -
so I would suggest to do it like this:
02:22:430 (4) - I was expecting this to come differently (so as if it was ctrl+G'd), but that might be just me, since I can't play it properly :<
03:30:680 (5,6) and 03:30:980 (8,9) - .....etc. why did you leave bigger space? it is confusing a bit since they are placed in the same way on the timeline :P I can hear the other melody, but while playing it might be better to have the same distance, and 03:31:880 (5,6) - this one has even bigger space compared to the previous ones :<
03:43:580 (1,2) - I don't really like these repeats, there are too many, it would be more fun to play it with more hit circles or more small sliders, this would fit better imo: (you even did it in a similar way here: 03:45:980 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - )
03:46:280 (3,4) - I don't understand the distance change, or do you change it everytime the melody changes? so maybe put (4) a little closer to (3)
03:48:980 (5,6) - same as mentioned above, well either do the same distance for all of these and make them kind of jumpy, or equal distance? because sometimes small sometimes big spacing is a bit weird in my opinion, I'm sure you could find a cool pattern, something like this (just in a nicer way of course, since my example doesn't really look nice)
04:59:351 (1,2,3,4) - such small spacing now (though I guess you tried to make it increasing), but in that case I think you should use only 2 or 3 hit circles that are close to each other, so that it won't look weird
05:19:922 (1) - why not make this an 1/1 slider? the melody sounds long, and you made long sliders afterwards too
05:23:008 (3) - I think you should put this here - 05:22:837 (2) - because the longer melody starts at this point (try listening it with 25%), just an example:
05:35:865 (4,5) - again these repeat sliders, too many repeats, which might be boring, you could try to follow the lyrics more at this part, look at the timeline:
06:40:965 (5,6,7,8) - why are they suddenly so close? it's a bit weird imo, try doing the same distance
06:48:770 (5) - put (5) closer to (1)? you already emphasize the big beat with new combo and finish sound, there is no need to use different distance in my opinion
06:55:825 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - I would try to place these differently :P it's a bit boring to always click at almost the same point

I don't really understand that long kiai time at the end, the fountains are okay, but having a long kiai part is unnecessary imo, because you won't see pulsing beats (or just very rarely), because of the spinner usage

Well that's all, I'm sorry, this is probably not a useful mod, but I can't play such hard maps, so modding them is quite hard :< moreover the map seems fine for me, just a bit many repeat sliders, I hope they don't break the flow :P but anyway, nice map, good luck!
Topic Starter
00:05:180 - it's meant to be close and giving a feeling of completion (-> triangle), which can not be done if I either space it further away or closer by
00:10:730 - the guitar is getting very in the foreground here (more than before), so I tried to put a pattern that both contributes to the structure and puts emphasis on this change; i think the change in direction does well for that
02:22:430 - these are each pairs of 2 sliders forming and ellipse .-.
03:31:880 - this one has the same effective distance as the other patterns, as players will not move along to the top of the slider but switch to the next part of the patterning from the slider's start, which results in an effective 1.7x spacing as the rest does have it (as this goes along with a change in direction, i think this is fine because it compliments the structure better)
03:43:580 - the music here is pretty calm and backgroundish, so i put reverse sliders to both emphasize the beats but also give the player a more at-ease feeling after the guitar heavy parts
03:46:280 - the DS change here is to make it more clear that a new musical pattern is appearing, therefore putting a little more stress on its start
03:48:980 - the emphasis here lies on 3 and 7, both being placed at a higher distance while keeping the overall pattern and idea of not getting too stretched (also, the first two beats of each of these musical patterns (every 4 objects) are significantly stronger than the last one, hence why the spacing)
04:59:351 - i think putting it in pairs of 4 makes it more noticable and as for what I hear, the rising guitar goes along with the drumbeats (-> 1/1)
05:19:0922 - this is a 1/2 slider to put more emphasis on the initial drumbeats for this section; if i put a 1/1, the drumbeat (AND the whistle hitsound, which i mostly use to put stress on beats that therefore should be clicked) would be a passive sound in the map because the player would release a key rather than click it - this is rhythmically wrong to me
05:23:008 - as you notice, in this combo (the blue one) i go for drumbeats as the whole guitar stops for the time being, therefore why I did not put a long slider and leave the rest empty; also, 1/2 sliders starting on red ticks are mostly a very bad idea and do not suit the rhythm of a song (in this case, eitherhow, i believe)
05:35:865 - same reason as before; i do not think putting circles would go well with the synth (if that is what it is called? i suck at instruments) in the background, which it is put on, as I mostly only put lots of circles for drumbeats and guitars in this map - i think this gives it more harmony overall
06:40:985 - these beats are feeling very close to each other/compressed in the song to me, hence why I put them as such
06:48:770 - new combo and finish sound are not "enough" for a big beat when it really is big; put everything that supports it, not just two of three things
06:55:825 - the vocals are a continuing (long chorus-)string, therefore it makes sense to return to the same spot on every new stressful beat (-> new start on vocal emphasis)

For the KIAI: The song's atmosphere features it, so I will put it - that's something I'm very convinced of s:

Sorry for denying your mod but I hope I made my decisions understandable with this response.
Topic Starter

Gabe wrote:

lol? didn't know stuff was going that way but whatever floats his boat, i guess... .-.
omg Jenny.. second Dragonforce lol
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More like sixth.
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Why do I even nofail
Hai, mostly suggestions as this map is pretty awesome the way it is aheuahea

  1. There's a bunch of unsnapped stuff, copied from AIbat:
    06:54:695 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    06:55:825 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    06:55:876 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
    06:57:161 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    06:58:393 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    06:58:445 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
    06:59:627 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    06:59:627 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
    07:02:074 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 05:43:120 - snap to 05:43:140
    06:03:461 - snap to 06:03:465
    06:54:695 - snap to 06:54:644
    06:55:722 - snap to 06:55:671
    06:55:825 - snap to 06:55:876
    06:57:161 - snap to 06:57:109
    06:58:291 - snap to 06:58:342
    06:58:394 - snap to 06:58:342
    06:59:469 - snap to 06:59:370
    06:59:627 - snap to 06:59:575
    07:01:600 - snap to 07:01:687
    07:01:988 - snap to 07:02:031
    07:02:074 - snap to 07:02:031
  2. Combo color 1 and 4 look almost the same while playing, I suggest making 1 of them a bit lighter or darker or just something completely different
  3. 00:23:180 (1,2,3,4) - How about some good ol' 1/2 sliderjumps here, would fit better than tripples imo
  4. 00:28:505 (4,1) - I really really hate note to slider jumps in streams >: why not stack them?
  5. 01:18:830 (4,1) - A bit more spacing between these patterns of 4 would be nice
  6. 02:11:180 (1) - I'd rather see something like a bunch of copied 1/2 sliders than a slider with this many repeats >:
  7. 02:51:680 (1) - This is way too sudden, specially for people that don't know the song that well
  8. 03:43:580 (1,2) - Sliders with just 1 repeat are much more intuitive, they even fit better with the piano
  9. 04:20:951 (1) - Dat solo. fuck my hands, right? aheuaheuah
  10. 04:41:780 (4,1,4,1,4,1) - these jumps, why )-: they make me cry tears of blood
  11. 05:06:208 (1) - asdfg same
  12. 05:41:865 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - A bit too much copy paste for my likings, why not create a few unique sliders and copy paste those once
Awesome. +Star :3
Topic Starter

Kyshiro wrote:

Hai, mostly suggestions as this map is pretty awesome the way it is aheuahea

  1. There's a bunch of unsnapped stuff, copied from AIbat:
    06:54:695 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    06:55:825 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    06:55:876 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
    06:57:161 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    06:58:393 (1) - Unsnapped circle.
    06:58:445 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
    06:59:627 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    06:59:627 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (end).
    07:02:074 (1) - Unsnapped spinner (start).
    Unsnapped inherited (green) sections at: 05:43:120 - snap to 05:43:140
    06:03:461 - snap to 06:03:465
    06:54:695 - snap to 06:54:644
    06:55:722 - snap to 06:55:671
    06:55:825 - snap to 06:55:876
    06:57:161 - snap to 06:57:109
    06:58:291 - snap to 06:58:342
    06:58:394 - snap to 06:58:342
    06:59:469 - snap to 06:59:370
    06:59:627 - snap to 06:59:575
    07:01:600 - snap to 07:01:687
    07:01:988 - snap to 07:02:031
    07:02:074 - snap to 07:02:031
  2. Combo color 1 and 4 look almost the same while playing, I suggest making 1 of them a bit lighter or darker or just something completely different - i darkened 4 a bit, though I don't see these anywhere similar... but w/e, you people and your reading :/
  3. 00:23:180 (1,2,3,4) - How about some good ol' 1/2 sliderjumps here, would fit better than tripples imo - as there's less going on here in the music, I somewhat wanted to give the player a bit of rest; also, I think it emphasizes the finish hitsounds better like this
  4. 00:28:505 (4,1) - I really really hate note to slider jumps in streams >: why not stack them? - it's all bound to pairs of each 4 sounds here; stacking them would take the whole impact-movement away, which I originally designed this for
  5. 01:18:830 (4,1) - A bit more spacing between these patterns of 4 would be nice - done, increased to 1.4x spacing
  6. 02:11:180 (1) - I'd rather see something like a bunch of copied 1/2 sliders than a slider with this many repeats >: - a) it is reverse, not repeat; b) this is meant to be a holdnote, as the previous part was very movement-intense and the guitar is basically swinging between these two tones without any impact, therefore I deem a "one object solution" the best for this - a spinner would have the wrong momentum to it, so this is why I put a "holdslider"
  7. 02:51:680 (1) - This is way too sudden, specially for people that don't know the song that well - changed to 0.75x SV
  8. 03:43:580 (1,2) - Sliders with just 1 repeat are much more intuitive, they even fit better with the piano - I don't see that one being true :I
  9. 04:20:951 (1) - Dat solo. fuck my hands, right? aheuaheuah - I have no problems with playing this o3o
  10. 04:41:780 (4,1,4,1,4,1) - these jumps, why )-: they make me cry tears of blood - they make me spray cream over my screen (pairs of four ftw <3)
  11. 05:06:208 (1) - asdfg same - ^
  12. 05:41:865 (1,1,1,1,1,1) - A bit too much copy paste for my likings, why not create a few unique sliders and copy paste those once - ney! rearranged though, so should feel less repetative now
Awesome. +Star :3
  1. I suppose HP5 would scale better with streams. Not entirely necessary, but this remains an option.
  2. 00:03:605 (5) - Hm? Reversing this entire combo would match the rhythm much closer than you have it here.
  3. 00:04:280 (2) - 1/3 too early, and 00:03:980 (1) - ends too early.
  4. 01:14:180 (5) - Stands out, hitsound-wise. Not sure what you intended to do here.
  5. 04:00:380 (1) - Pretty unfair; requires players to play at precisely 87.5% of the speed they were playing at before without any musical queues or indication.
  6. 04:10:494 (2,3) - No. Shorten or lengthen (2) by 1/4.
  7. 04:12:722 (1) - Waves are best made without anchor point in the middle to prevent that obvious turning point which makes it look not smooth.
  8. 05:30:894 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Meh, doesn't scale well with the difficulty.
Topic Starter
Kept HP6 (because I feel like 6 really goes well with the map as-is; won't crush you down on 2-3 misses at once and is not too hard to regain but also isn't all superlenient - this still is somewhat of a challenging map, after all), waves (for now) and last thing (I know it's a spike in difficulty, but I just feel like the end of this guitar solo makes the climax of this song [well, in the instrumental regard, anyways], so I'd really want to keep that), thanks.
Just a random opinion, but there is no rule that states all Dragonforce maps should have some kind of abstract background and circle size 5. I understand if you like it that way, but maybe it'll be better to change the background and CS to 4. I've tried this map with CS 4 and it felt much better.
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No, putting CS 4 on this now would make it feel way too squished together and the whole mapdesign is not laid-out for ginormeous objects in general - generally, changing circlesizes to something you didn't map for won't do any good in the uttermost percentage of cases.
Topic Starter
Reviving... no mods, no BAT, no rank :/

Jenny wrote:

Reviving... no mods, no BAT, no rank approved :/
btw why is this in WIP and not in Pending?
because in order to submit a map to pending you need at least 2 diffs

it doesn't matter for the approval process
cant you just use a consistent snap for streams?
06:21:465 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - i dont even what is this pattern. I cant read this for the life of me.
02:30:830 (6) - why?? he looks so lonely over there by himself. also the jump makes it feel bad to play.
04:31:151 (8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) - i dont like the shape of that :X. the bit before was nice and curvy, why not this part too?
06:54:644 (1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1) - um. I cant spin 400. so yeah...
03:30:680 (5,6) - 03:30:980 (8,9) - etc WHY are there jumps here ;_;

rage post complete.
Otherwise, its pretty fun to play. Slider design and placement is good and relaxing too which certainly takes the pressure off of having no breaks.


Damn this map is good.


There's not really anything wrong with this map at all, it's really good. Couple of things I'd like to mention though;
  1. 01:33:230 (2) - I think something like this looks better, so it fits with the sliders afterwards. It's really tight currently.
  2. 02:44:480 (6) - This one also feels a little bit too tight if you ask me.
  3. 02:47:180 (1) - Almost perfect, but the slider end & start is slightly too close
  4. 04:09:294 (3) - not entirely sure if this is supposed to be a blanket or not, but i think it would be awesome to blanket this perfectly around (1)'s end
  5. 05:37:065 (1,2) - I suppose they're actually fine but they're really tight, so I guess I'd change them myself.

I love you ♥
Topic Starter
Sliderpolishment where pointed out with little corrections (stacking on previous objects' sliderends)~
now bubble.

make sure suggestions improve your map

Ayu wrote:

Damn this map is good.

00:03:380 (6) - try moving this to x236 y140? I think it helps get a bit more circular of a motion for 00:03:230 (5,6,7,1) - plus it makes another triangle with 00:02:780 (1,2,6) - hue
00:05:780 (6,7) - I would have liked to see more spacing between these two, every other spot in this intro where you have two sliders you do a lot with the flow and leniency of them, except here. Maybe copy 7 and flip it for 6? so like this
00:08:780 (1,2) - move these two farther away from 00:08:480 (7) - ? I think it would feel just a bit nicer to have some room here.
For 00:10:580 (1,2,3,4) - and 00:15:380 (1,2,3,4) - consider adjusting them like this. I think it would play really cool, and also let you be consistent with both of them, since the two of them play differently from each other right now
00:20:180 (1) - I feel like I should ask why this starts moving off of 3, instead of 4 like most of the other streams in this section do. It plays alright as is, but it might be just a bit better to adjust it
00:27:680 (1) - it might help readability to unstack this, like you have with the notes after, because otherwise one might try to play this like 00:26:930 (2,3,4,5,1) - and then get to 00:27:980 (1) - too soon.
01:27:680 (7) - just wanna throw in, this stream is awesome :3
02:08:030 (5,1) - this transition seems different from all the rest of them for some reason, it's like with the other 3, you start the next stream along with the curve of the 1/4 slider, but here you go against it. Seems strange to me
03:58:130 (2,3) - ctrl+g? I feel like this goes with the circular motion of 03:56:780 (4) - as well. With this, you could also blanket 03:58:280 (3,1) - and have it be noticeable, and a rather cool effect in my opinion
04:01:751 - I found myself wishing that this stream started out with a 1/4 repeat, as while the bpm change does occur earlier and you give time to adjust, the way that the music feels during the 04:00:380 - to 04:01:751 - it's hard to grasp exactly what the tempo is until the drum track solidifies at 04:01:751 - again and then suddenly it's a stream much slower than we're used to.
06:07:365 (2,3,4) - why not make these three a pattern of 3 rotated exactly 120 from each other? imo the flow 3-4 is maybe a little jagged so having them be more consistent in the angles between them would help a lot

just some small thoughts, feel free to take whatever you think is best for your map. Good luck!
Where do these mods come from
is this real

Topic Starter
Did something about most timestamps; sorry for the late response and lack of detailed answer, was doing this while silenced >:
cool map yey
also too much modding throught different sessions with closing and opening osu! again and again i forget to savelog all the time
to summarise, changed few streams' rhythm, arranged some bad spacings, fixed few hitsounds and fixed last spinner's end position

that's bubble #1

some remarks:
unsnapped notes are actually 1/16 and AIBat is stupid.
i'm sure "Legend" diff name is okay since there's only one diff in the mapset and it's already a tradition to call Dragonforce maps like that
After some suggestions we've fixed a hitsound, some placing issues and got rid off a hp touching slider.

Bubble #2!
Move to pending pls.

DakeDekaane wrote:

Move to pending pls.
Was thinking of this while modding and still forgot. As always xD
Congratz! but not qualified? :o
DF lol

Oyatsu wrote:

Congratz! but not qualified? :o
Approved is not Qualified

Anyway, Congratz~ Dragonforce is Back
Grats Jenny, finally got this approved
nooo it has the wrong bg ;_;

i remember playing this map quite a while ago as well though, good job!
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