
Romaji - VOiCE [CatchTheBeat]

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Hi from pm request ~

Cup :

02:01:049 (3,4) - reduce spacing ? to make it a lil easier to catch (a bit)

Salad :

00:50:827 (1) - I prefer delete the anti jump, I think it's better if for this one have 1,70 spacing like other 1, and I think it's follow the melody

Platter :

Didn't find somethind to say D:

Rain :

01:21:938 (11,12,13,14,1) - for this pattern I prefer something like this (just my opinion) (I changed to AR5 to see all pattern)

Sorry for short mod but it's all I can find/say
good luck ~

edit : don't kudos me if nothing has change
Topic Starter
All fixed!
Sometimes the combos feels a bit inconsistent (using 4 fruits for X patterns then suddently 8 fruits without any strong song change). Please take a look at them.
Idk what to say about OD=AR for your map... Keep in mind that this is actually a guideline, maybe a good solution could be to use different OD for the problematic diff and stick to the guideline for the other diffs. Maybe a thread should be opened in the ranking criteria to drop this guideline ?

00:24:161 - Use volume : ~70% for this tick (better mix with the previous tick)
01:01:494 (1) - Bad spinner exit but with this AR I guess it can be ok.
01:55:716 (4) - Make it start at 01:55:494 - , or add a beat here. Previous timeline (01:52:827 (4) - ) makes this beat quite wanted.
02:33:049 (1) - Alternative timeline.


Nice diff. I would just suggest some modification to the timeline.

00:55:494 - Add beat (This part seems to calm down too much)
00:55:938 - ^
00:56:383 - ^
00:57:716 - ^
01:38:605 - Add beat.
01:39:161 - Add beat (Really optionnal but I think it sounds very good if you added the previous beat).

First, I just want to point out 2 jumps :
00:34:161 (3,4,5) - & 01:20:828 (6,7,8) - You know my point of view about this, it's frustrating. Since the diff is not extreme I don't tell you to remove them, but isn't this more correct to keep these kind of jumps for an Overdose diff ? (I've found two way to nerf those jumps if you're interrested to make them easier : reduce the post hyper jump or the hyperdash itself).

01:42:716 - Add beat ?
01:46:272 - ^ (Fit a bit less but fit imo).
01:55:716 (6,7,8,9) - Try this or the same kind of mouvement with different spacing ?
02:12:827 (2,3) - Better flow ?
02:19:272 (12,1,2,3) - Better Flow ?

Very neat diff, I wish you good luck for rankings.
Topic Starter

Drafura wrote:

Sometimes the combos feels a bit inconsistent (using 4 fruits for X patterns then suddently 8 fruits without any strong song change). Please take a look at them. True, too lazy to do this, but I'll do an effort xD
Idk what to say about OD=AR for your map... Keep in mind that this is actually a guideline, maybe a good solution could be to use different OD for the problematic diff and stick to the guideline for the other diffs. Maybe a thread should be opened in the ranking criteria to drop this guideline ? A guideline is not a rule, if I have a reason I'm not forced to follow it :p

00:24:161 - Use volume : ~70% for this tick (better mix with the previous tick) done
01:01:494 (1) - Bad spinner exit but with this AR I guess it can be ok. haha yeah, probably with dt+hr someone will miss muahaha
01:55:716 (4) - Make it start at 01:55:494 - , or add a beat here. Previous timeline (01:52:827 (4) - ) makes this beat quite wanted. Added a note
02:33:049 (1) - Alternative timeline. done


Nice diff. I would just suggest some modification to the timeline.

00:55:494 - Add beat (This part seems to calm down too much) ok
00:55:938 - ^ no
00:56:383 - ^ok
00:57:716 - ^ no
01:38:605 - Add beat. ok
01:39:161 - Add beat (Really optionnal but I think it sounds very good if you added the previous beat). no

First, I just want to point out 2 jumps :
00:34:161 (3,4,5) - & 01:20:828 (6,7,8) - You know my point of view about this, it's frustrating. Since the diff is not extreme I don't tell you to remove them, but isn't this more correct to keep these kind of jumps for an Overdose diff ? (I've found two way to nerf those jumps if you're interrested to make them easier : reduce the post hyper jump or the hyperdash itself). reduced the spacing, they're a lot easier now ^^

01:42:716 - Add beat ? nop
01:46:272 - ^ (Fit a bit less but fit imo). nop
01:55:716 (6,7,8,9) - Try this or the same kind of mouvement with different spacing ?
02:12:827 (2,3) - Better flow ? done
02:19:272 (12,1,2,3) - Better Flow ? did something else

Very neat diff, I wish you good luck for rankings.
thanks drafura pro!
After several mod, I can see the improvement of Platter and Rain, it is much more smooth comparing to the very beginning.
I mean, make more movement like here(from Platter): 02:05:272 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) -
Here we can feel the note is stick together. and trying to express the music.

But still there is some part of the jump is isolate. I am not saying that is bad, but everything have a limit. Whole map is full of this is just.. something wrong.

for an example, the following part from above,
02:13:049 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) -

let's count:
02:13:049 (2,3) - , left to right slider stand jump.
02:14:383 (4,5,6,7) - left to right note reverse jump.
02:16:161 (1,2,3,4,5) - left, middle, right, middle movement, stand movement also.
02:17:938 (1,2,3,4) - ^
yes, it seems no big issue. but lets look at next.

after 02:19:716 (1) - , the music is hyper.
02:19:716 (1,2) - simple left to right note movement.
02:20:605 (3,4,5,6) - group stand movement at left
02:21:716 (7,8,9,10) - group stand movement at right.
02:22:827 (1,2,3) - small spacing line pattern at the center middle.
02:23:716 (4,5,6,7) - we can treat it as a left to right stand slider jump, because the spacing movement is not significantly.
02:25:049 (1,2,3,4) - left to right slider jump, towards outside, spacing inside the slider is slightly decrease.
02:26:827 (1) - middle note.

Take a look at it, we will find there is a lot of good jump movement. But the only problem is, I can separate your jump easily, because there is almost no link among those jumps. Plus, there is always a pause between your jump, (I don't know that is intentional or not)it gives me a feeling that, the jump is intentionally made for practicing purpose. that is why I said "your jumps are good, but they are isolate"," your map is just like a 'jump practicing map' ".
To say something you don't like to hear, I have once made a practicing mapset for all the mods (hidden, Flashlight, etc.), in my opinion, this is not much difference between it.

And also here is another problem but not so big. there is too much STAND movement in your jump pattern. These jump, I will use the word "inanition" to describe. Try to make them lively. (I don't say you need to add jump, but just make the jump moves)

Maybe it is just my point of view but, I think I need to point out something important. But, yes, map is for player to play. Maybe you need to ask other players to have a test play. If most of the player is not against it, I will eat up all of my word.

Good luck
(PS. just in case, Dont KD this post)
  1. 00:18:827 - At this point fits the title of the song to be shown. You can change it by yourself!
  2. I still have an .osb file in the song folder. Check if it appears in yours and remove if before uploading the mapset.
  3. Slider Tick 2 in all the difficulties to keep consistency. For example, in [Salad] it was strange to find some sliders like 01:03:272 (5) with a simple tick.
  4. I know the star system sucks, but that's not a reason to readjust all those ODs that way (e.g. Salad has OD0 and Platter OD2). If you don't want to follow the guideline AR=OD, at least put some logical values: OD in Cup is lower than in Salad, this one lower than in Platter,...
  1. Completely clean.
  1. Some notes are 1/2 close to the spinners, yet it's easy to differentiate then thanks to the bananas.
  2. 01:38:382 (4,1) - Quite unexpected jump here. Please, reduce it.
  3. 01:42:383 (1,2) - There's not a nice flow here. Right now the player has to come back to catch (2).
  4. 01:43:272 (2,1) - Maybe that's a consequence of the bad flow of before, since it's another quite wide jump.
  5. 01:44:161 (1,2,1) - Similar case as explained before. They're just the twin notes ^^"
  6. 02:02:161 (1) - In this case it's more difficult to differentiate it, since you don't know exactly where the ryuuta will finish the spinner (several ways to clear it, you know...). Consider shortening this spinner.
  1. 00:40:161 (1,2,1,2) - The position of those NC is strange. If you test-play it, there'll be always a fruit on the plate after every jump :S
  2. 00:40:272 - This timing section does nothing here, as it doesn't affect any note. Please, remove it.
  3. 00:42:049 - This one either. Probably you'll have to delete 00:41:494 and 00:43:049, since the volume would be the same as the previous timing section.
  1. 00:21:383 (8) - I expected here a similar movement as 00:23:161 (4,5).
  2. 00:28:494 (8) - ^
  3. 00:25:049 (12,13) - HDashes are TOO extreme here. Maybe it's possible to make both more vertical to reduce the distance and the strength of that jump.
  4. 01:00:827 - I miss a note here...
  5. 01:01:272 (7,1) - Bad flow between those notes. Move the middle point of (1) to the right to make it a bit easier to follow after the HDash. Maybe you want to change its twin slider (2).
  6. 02:01:938 (11) - Make a NC here. The next note is a long spinner, which means accumulation of fruits on the plate. With this NC you'll get rid of +10 of them!
  7. 02:05:272 (1,2) - I really was expecting a HDash between those notes.
  8. 02:11:716 (1,2,3,4) - Those would look much more interesting if they had a similar difficulty as the ones in the 1st kiai.
  9. 02:30:383 (3,4,5,6) - These sliders are just in the same position. At least make (3,4) not so horizontal to vary this pattern.

Call me back after applying those changes!
Heh just wanted to start my mod here and see two other mods already. Anyway, this is a very structured, clean and very awesome CtB mapset. I hope it gets ranked asap. If it still needs a mod, I'm gonna put it later. But I am pretty sure that it will be ranked soon anyway. Gonna observe that Thread a while first of all. :oops:

Sey wrote:

Heh just wanted to start my mod here and see two other mods already. Anyway, this is a very structured, clean and very awesome CtB mapset. I hope it gets ranked asap. If it still needs a mod, I'm gonna put it later. But I am pretty sure that it will be ranked soon anyway. Gonna observe that Thread a while first of all. :oops:
actually you are free to mod.. my post is not suppose to be a real mod..
Topic Starter

Deif wrote:

  1. 00:18:827 - At this point fits the title of the song to be shown. You can change it by yourself! done
  2. I still have an .osb file in the song folder. Check if it appears in yours and remove if before uploading the mapset. done
  3. Slider Tick 2 in all the difficulties to keep consistency. For example, in [Salad] it was strange to find some sliders like 01:03:272 (5) with a simple tick. done
  4. I know the star system sucks, but that's not a reason to readjust all those ODs that way (e.g. Salad has OD0 and Platter OD2). If you don't want to follow the guideline AR=OD, at least put some logical values: OD in Cup is lower than in Salad, this one lower than in Platter,...following a guideline that doesn't have logic is illogical I guess, I have a reason.
  1. Completely clean.
  1. Some notes are 1/2 close to the spinners, yet it's easy to differentiate then thanks to the bananas.
  2. 01:38:382 (4,1) - Quite unexpected jump here. Please, reduce it. done
  3. 01:42:383 (1,2) - There's not a nice flow here. Right now the player has to come back to catch (2). done
  4. 01:43:272 (2,1) - Maybe that's a consequence of the bad flow of before, since it's another quite wide jump. done
  5. 01:44:161 (1,2,1) - Similar case as explained before. They're just the twin notes ^^" done
  6. 02:02:161 (1) - In this case it's more difficult to differentiate it, since you don't know exactly where the ryuuta will finish the spinner (several ways to clear it, you know...). Consider shortening this spinner. done
  1. 00:40:161 (1,2,1,2) - The position of those NC is strange. If you test-play it, there'll be always a fruit on the plate after every jump :S done
  2. 00:40:272 - This timing section does nothing here, as it doesn't affect any note. Please, remove it. done
  3. 00:42:049 - This one either. Probably you'll have to delete 00:41:494 and 00:43:049, since the volume would be the same as the previous timing section. done
  1. 00:21:383 (8) - I expected here a similar movement as 00:23:161 (4,5).
  2. 00:28:494 (8) - ^ both done
  3. 00:25:049 (12,13) - HDashes are TOO extreme here. Maybe it's possible to make both more vertical to reduce the distance and the strength of that jump. it works fine to me, I don't think that some grids will make a difference
  4. 01:00:827 - I miss a note here... done, but there is nothing to follow lol
  5. 01:01:272 (7,1) - Bad flow between those notes. Move the middle point of (1) to the right to make it a bit easier to follow after the HDash. Maybe you want to change its twin slider (2). I'm pretty sure that nobody will miss here:p
  6. 02:01:938 (11) - Make a NC here. The next note is a long spinner, which means accumulation of fruits on the plate. With this NC you'll get rid of +10 of them! fixed
  7. 02:05:272 (1,2) - I really was expecting a HDash between those notes. done
  8. 02:11:716 (1,2,3,4) - Those would look much more interesting if they had a similar difficulty as the ones in the 1st kiai. I'm pretty sure it is harder now, at least for me, non-hyperdash notes are harder, I will increase the spacing a bit!
  9. 02:30:383 (3,4,5,6) - These sliders are just in the same position. At least make (3,4) not so horizontal to vary this pattern. I'll keep it as it is, feels better to me ^^

Call me back after applying those changes!

ZHSteven wrote:

After several mod, I can see the improvement of Platter and Rain, it is much more smooth comparing to the very beginning.
I mean, make more movement like here(from Platter): 02:05:272 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,1) -
Here we can feel the note is stick together. and trying to express the music.

But still there is some part of the jump is isolate. I am not saying that is bad, but everything have a limit. Whole map is full of this is just.. something wrong.

for an example, the following part from above,
02:13:049 (2,3,4,5,6,7,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) -

let's count:
02:13:049 (2,3) - , left to right slider stand jump.
02:14:383 (4,5,6,7) - left to right note reverse jump.
02:16:161 (1,2,3,4,5) - left, middle, right, middle movement, stand movement also.
02:17:938 (1,2,3,4) - ^
yes, it seems no big issue. but lets look at next.

after 02:19:716 (1) - , the music is hyper.
02:19:716 (1,2) - simple left to right note movement.
02:20:605 (3,4,5,6) - group stand movement at left
02:21:716 (7,8,9,10) - group stand movement at right.
02:22:827 (1,2,3) - small spacing line pattern at the center middle.
02:23:716 (4,5,6,7) - we can treat it as a left to right stand slider jump, because the spacing movement is not significantly.
02:25:049 (1,2,3,4) - left to right slider jump, towards outside, spacing inside the slider is slightly decrease.
02:26:827 (1) - middle note.

Take a look at it, we will find there is a lot of good jump movement. But the only problem is, I can separate your jump easily, because there is almost no link among those jumps. Plus, there is always a pause between your jump, (I don't know that is intentional or not)it gives me a feeling that, the jump is intentionally made for practicing purpose. that is why I said "your jumps are good, but they are isolate"," your map is just like a 'jump practicing map' ".
To say something you don't like to hear, I have once made a practicing mapset for all the mods (hidden, Flashlight, etc.), in my opinion, this is not much difference between it.

And also here is another problem but not so big. there is too much STAND movement in your jump pattern. These jump, I will use the word "inanition" to describe. Try to make them lively. (I don't say you need to add jump, but just make the jump moves)

Maybe it is just my point of view but, I think I need to point out something important. But, yes, map is for player to play. Maybe you need to ask other players to have a test play. If most of the player is not against it, I will eat up all of my word.

Good luck
(PS. just in case, Dont KD this post)
Thank you guys!
Why still kd me TAT
Ok i guess I need to give it back to you lol
Topic Starter

ZHSteven wrote:

Why still kd me TAT
Ok i guess I need to give it back to you lol
because your mod was helpful, all opinions are valid:3
I do understand it, but anyway it's strange nowadays to find a single mapset with the correct E/N/H/I icons in the webpage. It's up to the next BAT to point it out (or not).

Apart of that, I must say it is a real pleasure to give my first bubble to this awesome mapset. Take care of it, and don't let anybody to pop it :3

\o3o/ yay gogogo Dani
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Thank to everyone who modded this map, would be nothing without you :<

eldnl wrote:

Thank to everyone who modded this map, would be nothing without you :<
Lol, I told you not to change it! ;_;
If it ever gets debubbled I'm gonna mod it though there is nothing to mod. :oops:
So congrats to the bubble and hopefully rank soon.

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jacob wrote:

I'll fix it ASAP

Edit: Fixed.
Bubble fixed!
Shohei Ohtani
So if there's only 2 CtB BATs and this was mapped by eldnl then who's gonna rank this
My CTB mapset got ranked when CTB BATs didn't even exist lol

Shiro, Kurai and some others can take care of it.
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Deif wrote:

My CTB mapset got ranked when CTB BATs didn't even exist lol

Shiro, Kurai and some others can take care of it.
quite sad that shiro won't and kurai can't :(((
Try to @Byakugan249...If he also not able to do it then I have no ideas....
@Kurai @Kurai @Kurai @Kurai
rank plz D:
I've got some free time to spare tonight, so I told myself I should be productive and thus I decided to mod this mapset. I really love how most of the patterns are linear it fits perfectly Miku's "robotic" voice.

I haven't found anything worth being mentionned (just some ultra nazi stuffs). Enjoy your rank, you deserve it !
Congratz man!
wow yeah. ranked. gratz :D
Nice nice :3
oh wow a rare citybee rank

grats eldnl!
Congratz Dani :3
really nice mapset :3 I enjoyed play it.
huee, more ctB coming, I like this.
Congratulations, this game needs more CtB!
Topic Starter
wow didn't notice, thanks to all of you guys!
Shohei Ohtani
Kurai best CtB BAT
Geez finally. Congratz!
this is damn good

time to retry over and over
oh wow. 2nd ranked with CtB only mapset..

Gratz and very nice!!
Gratz daniel :3
O wait, you have to look at this

Overall Difficulty should have the same value as the Approach Rate. This is just a standardized value, as OD does not affect gameplay nor the amount of fruits a spinner has, just the max score of a difficulty.

why kurai why..
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It is just a guideline, I'm not forced to follow it, and i have a reason to set that OD, the difficulty spread ...
Ah, okay then nvm- 8-)
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what's a fast answer haha
YES! One of my favourite CTB Mapsets. I love how clean it is!
Congratulations eldnl :3
wow congratz~

CLSW wrote:

O wait, you have to look at this

Overall Difficulty should have the same value as the Approach Rate. This is just a standardized value, as OD does not affect gameplay nor the amount of fruits a spinner has, just the max score of a difficulty.

why kurai why..
I was going to point that out, then I read the thread :D
8-) 8-) 8-) 8-) 8-)
congratulations ~
Glad to see more and more people interested in CTB mapping~~
waiting for your next beautiful map~
more mapsets please~

jk dani bby ily grats
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