
Marina and The Diamonds - Primadonna

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I'll be done for Monday.

I must be ):
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Monday is over, dude.

50% done tho.
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Potato-kun, you can do it!

inb4 you'll promise to finish it by next monday
you might want to update my diff o3o
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Gabe is the cutest potato I've ever met in my life.
Nice map :)
I gave some hitsounds suggestions but they are gone now I suppose...
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Desperate-kun wrote:

Random mod.

Everything was fixed hitsoundwise. That was really, really helpful! By the way, I won't map the break because players need some rest!
Thanks a lot. Didn't care to check the hitsound before upldating the map @.@/

I am really sorry for being so freaking slow..
Pardon me, Bakari.

Also, can you rename the diff for Veus' Insane, please? (:
as you I requested

most nazi mod ever, because it's sou hard to find fault here ):)

[Veus' Insane]
  1. 00:54:787 (5,1) - this blanket isnt perfect :S (you may temporary set AR0 and verify this)
  2. 02:02:287 (3) - ctrl+g?
  3. 02:07:678 (2) - ctrl+middle anchor point of this slider (
  4. 02:10:725 (1,2) - this blanket isnt perfect
  5. 02:14:475 (1,2,3) - soft whistles on the beginning of every slider
  6. 02:14:475 (5,6) - swap them on timeline? :o
  7. 03:02:287 (4) - ctrl+g
  8. 03:05:100 (1) - finish
  9. 03:34:162 (7,8) - whistles on the beginning of sliders
  10. 01:45:412 - why is part after this isn't hitsounded with claps? :o
  11. 01:45:412 (1,3) - soft whistles
  1. 00:30:881 (1,1) - а этот спейсинг точно нормальный?
  2. 00:38:146 (2) - софтовую свистюльку сюда
  3. 01:17:990 (3) - ^
  4. 02:08:146 (2) - ^ на начало
  5. 03:28:537 (3) - ctrl+shift+s > 0,925 > ok
  6. 03:29:475 (1) - ^
  1. 01:02:287 (2) - что тут делает этот нормальный свисток? D:
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Applied everything for my diffs, waiting for Gabe to check his insane o/
...I just realize I forgot to hitsound my diff

rip gabe

Gabe wrote:

...I just realize I forgot to hitsound my diff

rip gabe

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01:12:834 - I wannna be a door

Just saying, that Gabe's diff is hitsounded now.

00:30:881 (1) - I think this note starts off at a weird timing in the song
00:39:318 (2) - Looks forced
01:14:943 (4) - Maybe rotate this to make it parallel to: 01:13:537 (2) -
01:50:100 (1,2,3) - I personally think this is weird flow
02:14:475 (2) - Maybe angle this? And if you do, change the slider after
03:09:787 (2) - Maybe make this a horizontal flip from note before
03:35:100 (1) - Personally think this note ends weird

Overall, good rhythm, good style, nice blankets. Practically flawless Easy.

CS looks too small
01:07:443 (4) - Change this?
01:08:850 (1) - Out of grid :P
02:43:537 (2) - Personally won't recommend this

Preddy good in general as well. Nice DS. Do fix up on CS though.

00:42:600 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Feels boring
00:44:475 (1,2,3,4) - ^
01:22:678 (1,2,3,4) - Might be confusing
01:46:350 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Would like it if all the straight sliders here were angled the same
02:05:803 (2,3,4,5,6) - DS?
02:44:475 (7) - Persoanlly won't recommend this

Nice hard you have there! Generally should be good, lovely style~ May be too easy for a Hard diff though

00:43:068 (2,3) - DS
00:55:725 (1) - Better blanket?
00:55:725 (1,2) - Flow feels weird
01:05:100 (1) - Personally will not recommend
01:53:850 (1,2,3) - I like slider 3, but flow's weird
02:17:287 (3) - It'd be better if its rotated slightly
02:18:225 (1,2,3) - May be make them scaled
02:21:975 (1,2) - Feels weird
02:45:412 (1,2,3,4,5) - More circular?
03:17:990 (5,6) - Might not want this

Pretty good in general, but might wanna cut down on un-flowy weird sliders. Nice style though, and good beat placement.

In general, this looks rankable why is it not rankable yet 8-)
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Estellia- wrote:


00:30:881 (1) - I think this note starts off at a weird timing in the song maybe it's the timings, but I believe that it is okay as it is
00:39:318 (2) - Looks forced should be better now
01:14:943 (4) - Maybe rotate this to make it parallel to: 01:13:537 (2) - yeah
01:50:100 (1,2,3) - I personally think this is weird flow classical symmetrical flow, will keep it for now
02:14:475 (2) - Maybe angle this? And if you do, change the slider after nice catch
03:09:787 (2) - Maybe make this a horizontal flip from note before I want them to be repetitive here, sorry
03:35:100 (1) - Personally think this note ends weird whoops

Overall, good rhythm, good style, nice blankets. Practically flawless Easy.Thanks, good to know it!

CS looks too small CS4 fits the best, imo. keeping it for now
01:07:443 (4) - Change this? oh my :V
01:08:850 (1) - Out of grid :P that should be fine, it's not offscreen
02:43:537 (2) - Personally won't recommend this it's here for the word "rise" in the vocals.

Preddy good in general as well. Nice DS. Do fix up on CS though. Well, didn't change the CS because I'm sure that 4 works great here.

00:42:600 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - Feels boring try that in-action, it is actually pretty hard + it's one of my favourite ways to stress the certain line of the vocals
00:44:475 (1,2,3,4) - ^ variety of patterns with the same idea, keeping it for now.
01:22:678 (1,2,3,4) - Might be confusing seems really easy for me. we have numbers on circles for a reason :P
01:46:350 (1,2,3,4,5,1,2,1,2,3,4,5,1,2,3) - Would like it if all the straight sliders here were angled the same slightly improved some of them
02:05:803 (2,3,4,5,6) - DS? improved the jump to make it more readable
02:44:475 (7) - Persoanlly won't recommend this it's here for the vocals, would keep it for now, sorry

Nice hard you have there! Generally should be good, lovely style~ May be too easy for a Hard diff though it's not too easy, just an average hard :P

Gabe's diff is up to him. waiting for his response
00:43:068 (2,3) - DS
00:55:725 (1) - Better blanket?
00:55:725 (1,2) - Flow feels weird
01:05:100 (1) - Personally will not recommend
01:53:850 (1,2,3) - I like slider 3, but flow's weird
02:17:287 (3) - It'd be better if its rotated slightly
02:18:225 (1,2,3) - May be make them scaled
02:21:975 (1,2) - Feels weird
02:45:412 (1,2,3,4,5) - More circular?
03:17:990 (5,6) - Might not want this

Pretty good in general, but might wanna cut down on un-flowy weird sliders. Nice style though, and good beat placement.

In general, this looks rankable why is it not rankable yet 8-) because we are too slow to rank it @.@
Thank you for your mod!

Edit: updated Gabe's diff (he gave me the .osu file via in-game
I like
Normal mood
I wouldn't rank this if I was still a BAT (but I'm not anymore, hohoho)

·I found the dark-pinkish combocolor very hard to see at some places. I'd change it for a dark shade of red (or a light one)
·There are parts in the Chorus when Marina goes "Wow" or "Yeah" in the vocals (01:01:350 - 01:05:100 - 01:08:850 -, for example). I'd hitsound these accordingly, with a normal finish, a normal whistle (I really like the normal whistle) or a soft whistle.

·You could add a spinner at the beginning to avoid the highscores from ... ...ahh I forgot the word in english ;_;, whatever, add a spinner at 00:27:600 - up to 00:29:943 - ? There's a small build up in the music there, it would fit (you can also make the volume go up slowly with timing sections ~)
00:30:412 (1,2,3) - I'd rather you used a consistent spacing within this combo. Specially considering these are the first 3 notes the player will hit.
00:36:975 (1,2) - I love you too <3
00:43:068 (2,3) - Huh? Why? I don't think this is ok, but at least I'd like to know a reason, since it looks ike you know what you're doing. Is it the lower pitch in the vocals? You can always stack. Also, you use this spacing later on to mark a 1/4 rhythm. (I'd complain about the other ones in this section, but the new combo helps read those a lot)
·I believe 01:31:350 - is a better place to start the break. Maybe map until this point? There's a solid beat there, so a little emphasis before the break would help.
01:54:787 (3) - Amazing
Kinda sad that there's not a slider from 02:00:178 - to 02:00:646 - Considering the vocals are held at this part.
02:56:662 (1) - I'd start hitsounding here. Try with a normal hitdrum on every white tick.
03:12:600 (1,2) - Stop it you <3~
03:27:600 (1,2) - Nope, totally didn't get this spacing, in like 3 playtests. Maybe it's the combocolor (which is hard to see imo) or maybe it is the spacing itself, but I didn't find this readeable.

I love this diff.

00:42:600 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) - No hitsounds? If this is intentional, then 00:57:600 (1,2,3,4) - shoudnlt ave hotsounds either (since it's mapped to the same pitches/rhythms in the vocals)
01:17:756 (2,3,4) - Make the spacigs even
01:19:631 (2,3,4) - Same
01:25:256 (5,6,1) - Same
01:31:350 - Same suggestion as Insane. I think the break delay doesn't quite fits this, it should be mapped up until this point. (If not, then break-delay the Insane one)
01:58:771 - I really missed the circle that should be here. Worried that this will be too circle heavy? just add some sliders in this combo.
01:59:475 (1) - Try this instead.
02:46:350 - Same as the previous break. Or start it at 02:45:412 -, I dunno.
03:01:350 (1,3) - Lacks claps at the start, considering that in the previous combo you added claps for the first and third white tick.
03:34:162 (1,2,1) - Look at normal, there's a NC inconsistency here, even though they're the same rhythms and there's no diference in the spacing in this one. (And the NC here actually makes this easier in terms of HP compared to Normal).

Solid diff. Like it o/

00:38:381 (6) - Missed a clap?
00:42:131 (5) - ^?
01:09:787 (3) - This whistle feels so lonely ;_;. If you're gonna add one, then proceed to add more normalwhistles to other parts of the chorus to avoid this feeling awkward.
·Same thing about the break.
01:44:240 - Uhhhh, why did you make the break stop here?
01:57:600 (1,3) - Either (1) lacks a clap at the end and (3) at the start and repeat, or you need to change the hitsounding to make the change of the hitsound patterns feel more natural.
02:15:412 (5) - Think a soft whistle would fit.
02:31:350 (1,2,3) - I liked this rhythm you used (the beat-apart circles in an offbeat (2) and (3) make), but I'm kinda sad that you just used this rhythm once in this part.
02:43:537 (2,3) - Move (3) 1/2 earlier (and reshape accordingly), add a repeat on (3), ???, PROFIT.
·Same break thingy.
02:57:600 - Again, wierd that you started this here, and there's a spinner afterwards.

Again, quite solid.

You'll have to excuse me but I didn't really feel like looking at Easy, since I was kind of in a hurry :P! I loved this set so far tho! Good Job! *Krisom's seal of approval*
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Krisom wrote:

I like
Normal mood
I wouldn't rank this if I was still a BAT (but I'm not anymore, hohoho)
weird colours - comments / everything not mentioned - applied

·I found the dark-pinkish combocolor very hard to see at some places. I'd change it for a dark shade of red (or a light one) I believe that they are both really easy to read since the BG is mostly white and there're only little parts of pink-purple-whatevermycolouris
·There are parts in the Chorus when Marina goes "Wow" or "Yeah" in the vocals (01:01:350 - 01:05:100 - 01:08:850 -, for example). I'd hitsound these accordingly, with a normal finish, a normal whistle (I really like the normal whistle) or a soft whistle.gonna have some fun with the histles on Normal and Hard, not addng them for the Easy because this would stress beginners in some way

It is all up to Gabe, I like his diff and I feel like he can apply the changes better since it's his diff <3

01:31:350 - Same suggestion as Insane. I think the break delay doesn't quite fits this, it should be mapped up until this point. (If not, then break-delay the Insane one) the Insane is a guest diff, so it should be fine even as it is but I'll ask Gabe about the break-delay
01:58:771 - I really missed the circle that should be here. Worried that this will be too circle heavy? just add some sliders in this combo. Did this, it should match with the vocas and instruments quite nice <3
01:59:475 (1) - Try this instead. I understand the point but I feel like this pattern would be out of the diff's (and my own) style. so I'd prefer to keep it as it is, sorry
02:46:350 - Same as the previous break. Or start it at 02:45:412 -, I dunno.I really like the way how it works now, the beginning of the break is pointed out with a cirle and the break itself begins with the strong drum beat. keeping it for now
03:34:162 (1,2,1) - Look at normal, there's a NC inconsistency here, even though they're the same rhythms and there's no diference in the spacing in this one. (And the NC here actually makes this easier in terms of HP compared to Normal). whoops, totally din't see this one ;_;

Solid diff. Like it o/ Yay \w/

00:38:381 (6) - Missed a clap? every time I try my best and those claps are ALWAYS running away. I always miss a few of them, thanks for the catch <3
01:09:787 (3) - This whistle feels so lonely ;_;. If you're gonna add one, then proceed to add more normalwhistles to other parts of the chorus to avoid this feeling awkward. I tried to hitsound sliders with whistles, should be something pretty nice now. AT LEAST I HOPE SO
·Same thing about the break. Same, I guess.
01:44:240 - Uhhhh, why did you make the break stop here? I didn't do this D:
01:57:600 (1,3) - Either (1) lacks a clap at the end and (3) at the start and repeat, or you need to change the hitsounding to make the change of the hitsound patterns feel more natural. Missed claps everywhere, my bad
02:15:412 (5) - Think a soft whistle would fit. I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though
02:31:350 (1,2,3) - I liked this rhythm you used (the beat-apart circles in an offbeat (2) and (3) make), but I'm kinda sad that you just used this rhythm once in this part. I tried to give some variety, I kinda like this part as a whole
02:43:537 (2,3) - Move (3) 1/2 earlier (and reshape accordingly), add a repeat on (3), ???, PROFIT.
·Same break thingy. Same. ;_;
02:57:600 - Again, wierd that you started this here, and there's a spinner afterwards. moved this one, my bad

Again, quite solid.

You'll have to excuse me but I didn't really feel like looking at Easy, since I was kind of in a hurry :P! I loved this set so far tho! Good Job! *Krisom's seal of approval*
Thank you very much, that was really helpful!

Krisom wrote:

00:43:068 (2,3) - Huh? Why? I don't think this is ok, but at least I'd like to know a reason, since it looks ike you know what you're doing. Is it the lower pitch in the vocals? You can always stack. Also, you use this spacing later on to mark a 1/4 rhythm. (I'd complain about the other ones in this section, but the new combo helps read those a lot)
·I believe 01:31:350 - is a better place to start the break. Maybe map until this point? There's a solid beat there, so a little emphasis before the break would help.
If I remember correctly, I've placed this (3) circle at this place because of these objects, so I guess I will keep it that way o: :

Everything else was applied, thanks♥
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Updated! ♥
hi, don't let it grave again

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kinda want this to be ranked tbh
Hey! I wanted to mod your map so here it is! :3

  1. I would rather have one more combo color, maybe you can try a silver color?
  2. According to AiMod tags conflict with Veus's difficulty (on Insane Veus is written with a 'V' not with a 'v' :P ?)
  3. "electrica heart" - it's electra heart and not electrica
[BakaCI's Easy]
  1. 02:59:475 (1,1) - you should have more space between a spinner and an object afterwards!
  2. 03:08:850 (1) - why does the sliderend have a finish and not a clap? o.o according to your hitsound pattern it should be a clap
  3. 03:22:912 (4,1) - you can make this nicer! -
  4. 03:23:850 (1,2) - same as above ^
  5. make the breaks consistent: - normal:
  1. 01:07:443 (4,5) - small thing but you could make this blanket nicer
  2. 01:21:506 (2,3) - I think it would be more intuitive to follow the vocals -
  3. 01:55:256 (3) - add clap, you missed to add it (?)
  4. 03:20:568 (2) - add clap to both the slider beginning and middle
  5. 02:59:475 (1) - same thing about the break that I talked about on easy, make it consistent :P
  1. 01:08:381 (4,1) - I think that unstacking would fit better because higher spacing would give a bigger emphasis to "woow"
  2. 01:10:607 - why not add a hit circle because of the vocals? it's similar to this 01:09:553 (2,3,1) -
  3. 01:12:834 - add hit circle because of the vocals (?)
  4. 01:45:881 (1) - make the break consistent!
  5. 01:58:537 (5,6) - please don't do this, it's misleading maybe you forgot to ctrl+H it? this would be better -
  6. 02:06:271 (4) - why not remove this? it would be nice to have a little break between 02:06:037 (3,5) - because the part between them is rather silent OR you could use a slider because of the vocals and use soft hitsound on the end of the slider, it would fit a lot better than a hit circle :3
  7. 02:08:146 (2) - try using 2 hit circles instead of the slider because 02:08:381 - is a big beat which would be better if it was emphasized with a hit cirle and not a sliderend!
  8. 02:31:115 - add a hit circle? you also mapped something on this red tick at the previous chorus and it would fit the vocals
  9. 02:59:475 (1) - again the break consistency
  10. 02:59:475 (1) - ^
  11. 03:06:975 (1,2) - try this for better flow - - a slider leading backwards doesn't flow well IMO!
    In general I think that the last kiai is a little bit undermapped, you used a lot of long sliders so it would be nice if you tried to make it more interesting by varying the rhythm, let me give a few examples:
  12. 03:14:006 (2) - - but I really want to leave it up to you so I'll just mention the places :P
  13. 03:19:162 (4) -
  14. 03:21:037 (3,4) -
  15. 03:26:662 (3) -
    At these places I would rather use short sliders or hit circles (or both), it would be more fun to play!
[Veus's Insane]
  1. 00:43:068 (2,3) - in general I'm not really a fan of such anti-jumps, so I would rather stack them properly or fully unstack them >.< just like you did here 00:45:412 (3,4) -
  2. 00:43:889 (5) - this feel "overmapped" and unnecessary, there aren't any sounds that ask for a triplet ;_;
  3. 00:53:732 (2) - same as above ^
  4. 00:49:631 (3,1) - same as 00:43:068 (2,3) - but it looks bad as well (but that's only my opinion)
  5. 00:57:131 (3,1) - ^ well etc...I'm not gonna mention more since this is really subjective and you know can find the other places as well (if you want to change), I dislike them because they are misleading and they don't look nice >.<
  6. 01:03:107 - add hit circle to follow the vocals better?
  7. 01:06:857 - same as above ^
  8. 01:07:326 (3,7) - same as 00:43:889 (5) - I really don't feel like they fit to the music so I would rather remove them
  9. 01:10:607 - add hit circle to follow the vocals better
  10. 01:12:482 (2) - already explained, it doesn't fit so I would remove it, but I'm not going to mention it again since I already explained enough times (and it's also pretty much subjective)
  11. 01:59:943 (2) - add clap because of your clap pattern, sounds like you missed to add it here
  12. 02:12:131 (3) - add clap ^
  13. 02:18:225 (1,2,3) - I'm sure you can make this pattern nicer :3 - -
  14. 02:24:201 (3) - replace this here 02:24:670 - because of the vocals
  15. 02:45:412 (1) - until 02:57:365 (4) - it would be nice if you added some whistles (soft) because this part is too empty, it hardly has any hitsounds, but soft whistles would fit so nicely!
  16. 03:18:928 (6,7,8) - ctrl+g this pattern, it would fit better to the song if the sliders started on white ticks, and it would play better as well and in that case players would hit the big beats on a slider beginning which is better than hitting beats with a sliderend
  17. 03:21:271 (4) - the sliderend should be replaced with a hit circle to hit the big beat
  18. 03:28:771 (4) - same as above ^
Call me back! :3
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Mystyk wrote:

Hey! I wanted to mod your map so here it is! :3

Not mentioned - applied \w/

  1. I would rather have one more combo color, maybe you can try a silver color? It would look weird in multiplayer (tag4 and stuff) + it may blend with the BG, so I'd rather not. Sorry @.@
  1. 01:08:381 (4,1) - I think that unstacking would fit better because higher spacing would give a bigger emphasis to "woow"let me keep it, the sudden break of the flow here emphasizes "wow" erfectly, i'd say.
  2. 01:58:537 (5,6) - please don't do this, it's misleading maybe you forgot to ctrl+H it? this would be better - oh god, that's the dumbest mistake ever
  3. 03:06:975 (1,2) - try this for better flow - - a slider leading backwards doesn't flow well IMO!
    In general I think that the last kiai is a little bit undermapped, you used a lot of long sliders so it would be nice if you tried to make it more interesting by varying the rhythm, let me give a few examples: noooooo, I did it on purpose. The main ideea was to use as many sliders as possible and make them look nice enough with the flow. During the last kiai players get a little tired, so making it easier is reasonable. Moreover, the kiai-time makes sliders look epic and that is why they're used so intensively here.
[Veus's Insane]
  • Up to Gabe!
Call me back! :3
Thanks a lot for the mod!
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Mystyk wrote:

[Veus's Insane]
  1. 00:43:068 (2,3) - in general I'm not really a fan of such anti-jumps, so I would rather stack them properly or fully unstack them >.< just like you did here 00:45:412 (3,4) - I've improved the appearance of the stack a little, as it's a manual-stack we;ll keep it.
  2. 00:49:631 (3,1) - same as 00:43:068 (2,3) - but it looks bad as well (but that's only my opinion) same as above
  3. 00:57:131 (3,1) - ^ well etc...I'm not gonna mention more since this is really subjective and you know can find the other places as well (if you want to change), I dislike them because they are misleading and they don't look nice >.< well, I'd keep them if you don't mind :c
  4. 01:03:107 - add hit circle to follow the vocals better?
  5. 01:06:857 - same as above ^ that's Gabe's way to stress the downbeats, I think. let's keep it as it is, I've tested it and things worked pretty fine
  6. 01:10:607 - add hit circle to follow the vocals better idk, feels kinda similar with the previous suggestions, so I'd rather keep this space empty
  7. 02:18:225 (1,2,3) - I'm sure you can make this pattern nicer :3 - - I tried to move them around a little, should be better now
Call me back! :3
I've also did some star-rating improvements, and fixed some offest issue.
There was some things I prefer keeping

Here's my diff:

& I didn't do this ;w;
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Will update tomorrow morning

Combo colors are different throughout the diffs, look at what AiBAT said

[BakaCI's Easy]
Use HP 2 and OD 2? 1 is really low X_X
00:44:468 (3) - maybe you could put this down? since it's very close to the right corner and it's kind of disturbing -

01:21:733 (7) - add a whistle to the beginning maybe? it has the same sound as the beginning of this 01:20:093 (4) -

[Veus's Insane]
03:19:155 (7,8) - clap is at the wrong place :P put it to 8's beginnin and remove it from 7's ending
The last kiai should end on 03:35:093 - because the other difficulties' kiai times also end there, so better make it consistent
Ohh and btw why is it veus why not Gabe's insane? just curious how veus is related to Gabe?
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Nope to HP/OD change on Easy since this would kinda kill the balance.

Applied stuff for Gabe since this were minor changes
Hard and Insane still have different combo colors T_T
Alright just one-two things before bubble xD

01:23:843 (1) - add whistle to sliderbeginning to make hitsounds consistent + it fits to the sound anyway

Veus' Insane:
00:27:593 (1,1,2,3) - you could use soft hitsounds here so that the beginning will feel stronger when the strong beat comes

oh btw just for the other BATs the combo colours have been fixed
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Lally wrote:

Ohhhhhhh :D

Anyways, I've fixed the whistle-thingy on Normal but I did not apply the change on Gabe's Insane. It'll require soe weird hitsounding stuff since a green line would have to be placed before the offset.

Hope this is the last time :D

Mystyk wrote:

[Veus's Insane]
Ohh and btw why is it veus why not Gabe's insane? just curious how veus is related to Gabe?

Veus was basically the name I wanted to change to, which is somewhat impossible due to my rank and then, it meant something important to me.

But what ever, I think it would be better to change it back to Gabe's Insane, if you don't mind, Bakari
~BakaCI's Easy~
  1. 00:38:843 (1) ~ 00:52:436 (4) - This is the only part where the spacing is 1.0x while on the rest of the difficulty you've used 1.1x, you should fix this.
  2. 01:45:874 (1,1) - Please don't add such jumps on Easy difficulty.
  1. 03:34:155 (1,2,3,4,5) - Too many circles in a row might be too tiring in a Normal for players, add some sliders if possible.
  1. This difficulty is using the same settings of Insane, I'd suggest to lower HP, AR and OD by 1 tick at least.
  1. 01:48:686 (2) - I don't know if this might be a problem but slider repeat might be hidden by previous slider hitburst.
  2. 03:00:405 (3,4,1) - Sorry for being so nazi, but the spacing here is slightly wrong and could be fixed.
  3. 03:34:155 (1,2,3) - Same goes here, make the spacing consistent for this jump.
~Veus' Insane~
  1. Rename it to "Gabe's Insane".
Pretty nice map, call me back!
Topic Starter

Andrea wrote:

~BakaCI's Easy~
  1. 00:38:843 (1) ~ 00:52:436 (4) - This is the only part where the spacing is 1.0x while on the rest of the difficulty you've used 1.1x, you should fix this.
  2. 01:45:874 (1,1) - Please don't add such jumps on Easy difficulty obviously, Appluied both of these suggestions.
  1. 03:34:155 (1,2,3,4,5) - Too many circles in a row might be too tiring in a Normal for players, add some sliders if possible. well, I am aware of this thing, but I did it on purpose as to push the Star Rating a little higher and balance the set a little better.
  1. This difficulty is using the same settings of Insane, I'd suggest to lower HP, AR and OD by 1 tick at least. let's go with AR 7,5 as not to make it too slow. everything else was reduced by 1
  1. 01:48:686 (2) - I don't know if this might be a problem but slider repeat might be hidden by previous slider hitburst.
  2. 03:00:405 (3,4,1) - Sorry for being so nazi, but the spacing here is slightly wrong and could be fixed.
  3. 03:34:155 (1,2,3) - Same goes here, make the spacing consistent for this jump.

    Everything else was applied :)
~Veus' Insane~
  1. Rename it to "Gabe's Insane". Sure!
Pretty nice map, call me back!

As for the metadata, the official site refers to iTunes, so I believe it's correct. link
Metadata has been confirmed in this thread as well.
Last recheck before qualifying this.

~BakaCI's Easy~
  1. 01:45:874 (1,1) - Now this is too close instead, don't forget it should be 1.1x and not 1.05x, sorry for being so picky.
  1. 03:34:155 (1,2,3,4,5) - Even though you said you wanted to make the difficulty a bit harder, I still feel this is out of place compared to the rest of the difficulty.
Let me know!
Topic Starter
Well, I guess you're right Applied them both :)
Everything is perfect to me now, enjoy this.

Topic Starter
Senpai has approved my map <3
Congratz <3
Cerulean Veyron
Marina & the diamonds!! :) gz~
Marina is such a great singer, can't wait for the new album to release :3
yay congrats! :3

Gabe wrote:

I'll be done for Monday.

I must be ):
and dw, about 54 mondays is the new monday.
Congratz Bakari ! ♥

Irreversible wrote:

Gabe wrote:

I'll be done for Monday.

I must be ):
and dw, about 54 mondays is the new monday.
no, the next monday!
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