Disclaimer: The information below will only apply to my NM Modding Queue. For those interested in getting only a Metadata check, I'm willing to do so without any restrictions if you submit your map in https://forms.gle/iJBz9SbM74Moysn76. But please, only submit it if you do not wish for a full Mod or if your submission to get a full Mod gets rejected. Thanks!
I believe that first impressions are important, so I'll begin introducing what should be expected to get out of my mods to be able to give you an idea if this the kind of Queue that you, as a mapper, would be willing to join!
First things first, I want to clarify that I've only just recently starting putting my modding skills into practice. Whilst I've been being guided by other modders (Muito obrigado Komirin) and BNs alike (Shoutouts to Davvy, Steven, and Guden), I've only just recently started reviewing and modding maps myself. Despite having been reading, gaining experience thanks to other people, and even gathering my own fair share of experience as a osu!mania player and VSRGs alike for around two years, I still lack foundations in terms of practical modding.
Because of this, I've started accepting requests in order to strive for improvement. This means that my reviews will be as extensive and in depth as they can possibly be. My current goal is to gain as much experience as possible, hence a very important subjective criteria that I'll be looking for and take into account when selecting new maps will be based of "How much can I learn from X Beatmap?".
For those unaware of how intensive my mods tend to be, the best examples I can offer are my contributions to Shakushain, and lastly Next to You.
- Extensive Metadata + Source research: If it's on the Internet, nothing can stop me from eventually finding even the most obscure of sources! For those searching only for a Metadata check, please submit your requests in https://forms.gle/iJBz9SbM74Moysn76.
- Thorough reviews: No stone that I might find should be left unturned. As such, I'll go into as much detail as I can, both when explaining changes needed to be made and while reviewing the map itself!
- Conceptuality and Musical Expressivity: A map needs to be made out of concepts in order to show its uniqueness. My way of bringing these motifs alive will heavily rely on the different ways we can translate sounds into notes in the most seamless way possible.
- No map will be left unresolved. Once I commit into a project, I won't give up till all points brought up end up resolved.
Rules && Guidelines:
With these brief disclaimers out of the way, I'll begin laying out both rules && guidelines for those who have been convinced with the aforementioned introduction!
Rules: I'll have to set some ground rules in order to focus on those maps that would make the most out of my reviews. These are not flexible. However they're not hard to achieve at all, as I want this Queue to be as open as it can possibly be!
Guidelines: Guidelines on the other hand are more subjective. Both of my personal preferences and recommendations will be in here. Those maps that meet the most guidelines will have more chances of being accepted. This doesn't necessarily mean that if X map has met more guidelines than Y, I'll choose X over Y.
- All maps requested MUST strive to be ranked.
- Every pattern has a meaning to it. Everything layered on it should have an explanation. While I can help improving concepts, it is the job of a mapper to pre-establish said concepts beforehand.
- In the case that hitsounds are present in the map and want to be checked, it is prefered (not a must) to have them isolated on a separate difficulty for them to be checked easier.
- In the case the mod request is a Beatmapset, all the mappers involved must be willing to let the whole set be reviewed if the host submitted their maps. Please, ask for their consent beforehand!
- I'll only take those projects which are 100% Completed. I want to invest myself as intensively as I can into my modding projects.
- Generic maps are a nono. They tend to be very homogenous and relatively easy to mod. As such, I want to ask for more innovative and creative patterning solutions as a challenge!
- To ensure everyone has a fair chance at getting their maps assessed, only one submission per Round will be allowed. Those who get "Rejected" on my Trello will be able to submit another request next time my Queue reopens. However, those whose maps have already been checked cannot submit another request until the Queue reopens for a second time since their maps got "Accepted".
It should be self explanatory, but for simplicity sake; submissions that meet green guidelines will have more chances of being accepted, whilst red guidelines reduce said chances.
+ Full difficulty spreads.
+ Musical fidelity
+ Music I might take a like in (YouTube Playlist, to have a small reference)
+ Rice maps (Will lay the best suggestions)
+ Hybrid/Slider maps (I will gain the most experience out of these)
- TV Sizes/Short maps.
- Spreads only made out of difficulties below Hard/Insane
- Maps without clear ideas/foundations
+ Full difficulty spreads.
+ Musical fidelity
+ Music I might take a like in (YouTube Playlist, to have a small reference)
+ Rice maps (Will lay the best suggestions)
+ Hybrid/Slider maps (I will gain the most experience out of these)
- TV Sizes/Short maps.
- Spreads only made out of difficulties below Hard/Insane
- Maps without clear ideas/foundations
I'm an organization freak. I'd prefer things to be all nice, tidy and organized! As such, I'll introduce a format below that will help us both the modder and the mapper to streamline the process. The request should be forwarded in a reply to this post.
Artist:To ease up this process, I'll put this exact same format in the spoiler below so it's as easy as copying and pasting it while making your submission:
Song Title:
Difficulties + Mod Focus: Add the name of the difficulties to check and what do you want the mod to focus in.
Description: In here you can explain EVERYTHING about your map, either why did you choose the song, what concepts have you tried focusing in, what inspired you to make such layering choices,... You do not have to be brief. In fact, I encourage you to be as descriptive as possible, no word limit!
Beatmap Link:
Metadata Proof: In case that the mapper provided Metadata/Tags, sources must be added here for further review. No need to add this if there's none to begin with.
[b]Artist:[/b] [b]Song Title:[/b] [b]Difficulties + Mod Focus:[/b] [b]Description:[/b] [b]Beatmap Link:[/b] [b]Metadata Proof:[/b]
Highly optional addon
Every Round, up to two accepted will have a chance to be selected for a Priority Queue! It really doesn't take much: Those maps who get selected and attach their shittiest best shitposts below will have a chance at being modded first as long as their memes are genuinely interesting. Not stealing anyone's idea here...
If it helps, I've already submitted mine at the very start of the post. Maybe breaking the ice encourages more people to take the extra mile!
If it helps, I've already submitted mine at the very start of the post. Maybe breaking the ice encourages more people to take the extra mile!
Request Status && Process:
To wrap this up, I'll quickly explain how I will organize myself so everyone knows the status of their submissions. First and foremost, after submitting your map below, in a span of 24 Hours AT MOST, I'll move your request to my Trello. In there, I will organize all submissions and update my progress on "Accepted" maps in "Work in Progress".
Every map will have a reason (or reasons) to be accepted or rejected. Please, if anyone wants to engage in a discussion or know why their maps were not accepted (or why they were accepted and they didn't expect it), please contact me through Discord:
I am literally active every day, so any inquiry won't take much to be checked.
For those who have willingly gone through this all, thank you, even if I couldn't convince you. My main goal is to end up helping as many people as much as I can. So if anyone thinks I'm not qualified enough to check their maps yet, my goal will try to be to reach to that point. Slowly but surely.