You can DM me if you want to request Hitsounding or a Mod. If I agreed to Hitsound something for you please remind me, I sometimes forget about them. In general, if you ever have any questions about mapping ask me.
Hello everyone,It's just to inform you that I'm mapping the ending of "A couple of cuckoos" / "kakkou no iinazuke" and that I would like to have some feedback on my map so that it progresses to the rank and if you could HELP me since it's my first Beatmap asking me so much work and I wish to improve myself For the moment there is only one difficulty which is not even finished but I like this ending so much that I have the motivation to do all the difficulties. Best wishes to you, Linkff (the guy who made the map)
beatmapsets/1835741#osu/3768877 it only have 1 dif but i am new maper so i want to get some feedback if posible you can tell what you think if you have a time?
Currently mapped one difficulty, I will add a higher difficulty and 3 lower difficulties but I stopped here because I felt something was wrong but couldn't tell. May I have some advice on hitsound choice, beat placements, and rhythmic problems? Thank you so much for helping!
Link: beatmapsets/1736183/ Artist: DJ Sharpnel Song Title: Loveryteks Genre: J-Core Length & Drain: 5:11 Diffs: 1 Expert (A Wedding) BPM: 188.49 Difficulty Settings: CS 4.3, HP 6, OD 8, AR 9.3 Star Rating: 6.29* NM, Thank You