
Realtime PP Displayer - Remaining seconds displayer (by formatter)

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I prepared a "format" shows how many seconds left for Beatmap to finish.

It looks like:

I use this on OSU marathon maps to see how many minutes are left during break times.
I thought other osu players might want to use it too and i decided to share.

Tasks: ${set(top_minute, floor(duration / 1000 / 60))}${set(top_second, (duration / 1000) - (top_minute * 60))}${if(top_second - floor(top_second) == 0, set(top_second, floor(top_second)), set(top_second, floor(top_second) + 1))}${set(played_minute, floor(playtime / 1000 / 60))}${set(played_second, (playtime / 1000) - (played_minute * 60))}${if(played_second - floor(top_second) == 0, set(played_second, floor(played_second)), set(played_second, floor(played_second) + 1))}${set(remaining, duration - playtime)}${set(remaining_minute, floor(remaining / 1000 / 60))}${set(remaining_second, (remaining / 1000) - (remaining_minute * 60))}${set(remaining_second, floor(remaining_second))}
How long: ${if(top_minute < 10, 0, (top_minute - ( mod(top_minute, 10) ) ) / 10 )}${mod(top_minute, 10)}:${if(top_second < 10, 0, (top_second - ( mod(top_second, 10) ) ) / 10 )}${mod(top_second, 10)}
How much played: ${if(played_minute < 10, 0, (played_minute - ( mod(played_minute, 10) ) ) / 10 )}${mod(played_minute, 10)}:${if(played_second < 10, 0, (played_second - ( mod(played_second, 10) ) ) / 10 )}${mod(played_second, 10)}
How much remaining: ${if(remaining_minute < 10, 0, (remaining_minute - ( mod(remaining_minute, 10) ) ) / 10 )}${mod(remaining_minute, 10)}:${if(remaining_second < 10, 0, (remaining_second - ( mod(remaining_second, 10) ) ) / 10 )}${mod(remaining_second, 10)}

How to use?
  1. First you need "osu sync". You can click me for for read "sync" installation.
  2. And you should download "RealtimePPDisplayer" plugin. If you already have that plugin you can skip this step.
  3. After you install plugin write "config" to console.
  4. Expand "RealtimePPDisplayer" option in list and click SettingIni.
  5. Scroll down and click "Open Editor" button next to the "Hit count format:" text.
  6. Copy code and paste to textbox under "Format:" text.
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