
osu! Multiplayer Betting Tournament

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osu! Multiplayer 1v1 Betting Tournament.

osu! multiplayer 1v1 betting tournament is a tournament where 2 players will play a one vs. one match in multiplayer while the remaining 6 people will wager as to who will become the winner. If you are correct, you will gain points. If you are wrong, you'll lose the points you wagered. After all these 1vs1 matches all eight players will join the multiplayer room for one final battle. The points you've earned through betting can then be used to 'buy' the other people mods to give them a disadvantage. The mods which can be bought are: Hidden, Hard Rock, Easy, Sudden Death and Flash Light. The more points you have; the more mods you can buy to disadvantage the others.

» Round 1.

The first few matches will be the rounds where you can bet on. It will consist of two people playing a one versus one match in multiplayer. The remainder 6 people will then send in their 'bets' through private message to me. Everybody starts with 60 points. When the bets have been noted down by me, the game will be played. At the end of that match, I'll say who earned/lost points and how many they earned or lost. (Since I can't really send my own bet through PM to myself, I'll say my bet publicly in chat.) The two people in the multiplayer match will play a total of two maps. You are allowed to bet as to who will win on both maps.

Here's an example of how it will be played:

Player 1 vs. Player 2.
Player 3 (one of the people who can bet) bets 20 points on Player 1 to win.

Possible outcomes:
> Player 1 wins: Player 3 gains 20 points.
> Player 1 loses: Player 3 loses 20 points.

The people playing the match can also earn points. If you win a match, you'll gain 5 points. (Losing a match does not result in losing any points.)

» Round 2.

After all the players have played their respective multiplayer match, we'll then all join in for one final battle. Everybody will then be able to use their points they have earned through out this tournament to give other players a disadvantage. All players will again be allowed to pick a map from the map list. Winning a map during this round will result in earning 10 points which can be used to buy more mods for other players.

To determine who wins this tournament, I'll use a rating system based off Mario Kart with 'rating points'.
  1. 1st: 10 rp. (Also wins 10 regular points which can be used to purchase more mods.)
  2. 2nd: 8 rp.
  3. 3rd: 6 rp.
  4. 4th: 4 rp.
  5. 5th: 3 rp.
  6. 6th: 2 rp.
  7. 7th: 1 rp.
  8. 8th: 0 rp.
The person with the most rating points at the end will win this tournament.

Here's the price list for all the mods.
  1. 45 points - Flashlight
  2. 30 points - Sudden Death (can't be used in combination with other mods.)
  3. 25 points - Easy (the score modifier will be nullified, so it will become 1.00x)
  4. 15 points - Hard Rock
  5. 10 points - Hidden

  • [list:b5b46][list:b5b46][list:b5b46]First edition will be on the 20th of April, 19:30 CET (GMT+2)

» Players List:

  1. GladiOol
  2. jesus1412
  3. MillhioreF
  4. Doomsday
  5. laport
  6. Kanye West
  7. Gatyaa420
  8. PortalLife
Me join and look good 8-)
Flashlight, ewwwww :((
no ctb so i no join
I join huehue?
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Gatyaa420 wrote:

I join huehue?
added /o/
I'm in.
I want to join :)
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stabias1003 wrote:

I want to join :)
It's full at the moment, but I'll let you know when somebody drops out.
best tourney ever
I kinda wanna join in when there's room~
If someone drops I will join.
vouching for JAKACHAN to join when someone drops out
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I'll be live streaming the event as well tomorrow. Because why not.
I am the best better.
And the worst player.
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I guess I won by one point.

Not organising this again though, seeing how 2 left mid-game, 2 didn't show up and 2 canceled few min. before start. too much trouble
3rd place \o/
put me in, just for the fl+hd ownage
This tournament thing runs way too late for me :P My betting skills are clearly non-existant at night :D
Next time we should do this in the morning so kriers can actually exist properly!
can i lpay too pls
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