my fingers are precious, I love my fingers, My fingers are great.
I'm pretty skilled at osu!mania... I have one problem though... and that's stamina...
My stamina is beyond trash, cannot do vibro at all, cannot do jack maps for a prolonged time, speed maps... I'm pretty good at, but again... I can't do them for a long time, and when it comes to stamina maps I just give up.
I noticed all of this after playing dump jack maps (or whatever they're called) and especially after trying the dan's out, I should be dan 10 at the moment but I'm stuck at dan 6. I have a 99-100% on all the maps... but not on the stamina map.
It goes like this, 5 seconds in, I have a 100% accuracy and my fingers don't feel weird at all, 10 seconds in, my hands feels normal and a bit light, then 15 seconds in, just in a switch, my hands become extremely heavy and I literally cant press notes.
I've done anything I possibly could think of, watching osu! stamina videos since there are none about osu!mania, I learned this:
* preserve stamina by having light taps.
* correct hand posture.
* knowing your switch.
* Build stamina by getting used to higher BPM's.
* Reserve stamina by not putting too much effort in easy parts.
All of these tips I used on osu!mania, and to some extent, yeah they do help a bit but my problem still exists, after 15 seconds in I can't play anymore.
so my question is, what can I do to correct this and get rid of my stamina problem?
SIDENOTE: this problem is mainly with dan stamina maps, jack maps are easy for me. (and the rest)
also sorry for the bad English... I'm dutch haha...