
[STD] ICCT3: Irish Circle Clicking Tournament 3 - Irish Farmer's Market Edition | 3v3 | Regs Open

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Welcome to the third iteration of the Irish Circle Clicking Tournament,

ICCT3: Irish Farmer's Market Edition

Player Registrations | Discord | Twitch | VODs | Spreadsheet | Chanllonge


The Irish Circle Clicking Tournament or ICCT, is a tournament series that is focused on different and interesting gimmicks each iteration, in comparison to the Irish Community Cup which focuses on traditional 1v1 or 2v2 style tournaments. For the third iteration of ICCT, we've decided to go for a similar style tournament as the o!MS line of tournaments, otherwise known as the osu!Mercenary Shop tournaments hosted by Big Brayn.

This style of tournament introduces the element of an auction to the tournament, where captains assigned by tournament staff will be able to purchase players for their team, which will then participate in the tournament. This system will be further elaborated on and explained in the next few sections.

General Info

  1. Irish Only Tournament, Irish Flag REQUIRED to enter the Tournament
  2. Tournament is Open Rank
  3. Signups are SOLO, players register on their OWN
  4. The Tournament will be under a 3v3 Format
  5. Joining the Tournament Discord is MANDATORY to join the Tournament
  6. The scoring system for the Tournament will be Score V2
  7. The Tournament will be Single Elimination, as it will be a Two Day Tournament (Later further explained)
  8. Finalised team seeding will be based on the mean BWS Ranking of all 3 Players in a team
    BWS Ranking Formula: rank^(0.9937^(badges^2))
  9. No Member of Staff may participate in the Tournament unless they are a Commentator, Streamer or Graphic Designer

Auctioning System

Due to the nature of this Tournament, there is a unique system in place. This system is the Farmer's Market Auctioning System.

How does this system work?
Once signups end, as well as all players are screened, 8 captains are selected by Tournament Staff which will participate in the Farmer's Market Auction. The criteria for the selection process of the captains includes:
  1. Overall Tournament Experience
  2. Past ICC and ICCT Result History
  3. Overall skill of the Player
Out of these 3 criteria, the one most taken into account is Overall Tournament Experience.
After the 8 captains are selected, a budget of 5000$OIC is assigned, where $OIC is osu!Irish Coin. This currency will be used to buy Players in the remaining Player Pool, to assemble their Team which will partake in the Tournament.
After having bought 2 Players (as this is a 3v3 Tournament), the Farmer's Market Auction ends and the Tournament moves to its final stage.

What are the auction's rules?
There are a number of important rules that dictate how the Farmer's Market Auction is ran. Here are the following rules:
  1. The Auction will be live-streamed on the Tournament Twitch Channel
  2. Each Player Listing will be available for 30 Seconds
  3. Minimum bid for a Player is 50$OIC
  4. Minimum bid increase for a Player is 50$OIC
  5. Maximum bid for a Player is 4250$OIC
  6. If 2 Captains bid the maximum amount on a Player, the FIRST bid will go through
  7. Captains can buy no more than 2 Players (However the capacity will INCREASE to 4 if there are 32+ Signups and 5 if there are 40+ Signups)
  8. The auction has a Single Rotation
  9. Player Listing order is Randomised

Match Info and Rules

Match Info
  1. The Tournament will consist of 4 Rounds:
    Round of 8: Best of 7/First to 4 | Semi-Finals: Best of 9/First to 5 | Grand-Finals/Loser Grand-Finals: Best of 13/First to 7
  2. Each Round will have its own mappool:
    Round of 8: 3NM | 1HD | 1HR | 2DT | 1FM | 1TB - Average Star Rating ~5.0 | Highest Star Rating ~5.5
    Semi-Finals: 4NM | 2HD | 2HR | 3DT | 2FM | 1TB - Average Star Rating ~5.5 | Highest Star Rating ~6.0
    Grand-Finals/Loser Grand-Finals: 6NM | 3HD | 3HR | 4DT | 3FM | 1TB - Average Star Rating ~6.0 | Highest Star Rating ~6.5
  3. Mappools for every Round will be released a Week Before the Start after the Farmer's Market Auction
  4. Matches will take place over One Weekend, where Round of 8/Semi-Finals will take place on Saturday and Grand-Finals/Loser Grand-Finals will take place on the Sunday
Match Rules
  1. Captains will receive an Invite for their Match 5 Minutes before the Match Starts
  2. Captains are RESPONSIBLE for Inviting their Teams's Players to the match
  3. Once both Captains are in the lobby, they will roll for Ban/Pick Order
  4. Roll Winner gets to choose between First Ban/First Pick or Second Ban/Second Pick
  5. Roll Winner gets to pick their Warmup
  6. Each team gets a Single Warmup that is Below or Equal to 3 Minutes in Length
  7. Teams have 2 Minutes to Pick/Ban Maps
  8. A Modpool Clause exists preventing Teams from Picking/Banning the same Modpool
  9. If a Team Fails to Attend their Match after 15 Minutes from the Match's Scheduled Times, the opposing Team Wins by Default
  10. Failed Scores Count
  11. If a Player on a Team disconnects the Map will be replayed if the Disconnection Happens in the first 30 secs of the Map, or else the Opposing will gain the Point
Rescheduling Rules
  1. A Team may reschedule their Match 4 Hours before the initial allocated Time of their Match
  2. Visual Proof will be needed to Confirm the Reschedule


March 7th - April 4th

Farmer's Market Auction | Mappool Reveal

April 10th - April 11th

Round of 8 | Semi-Finals

April 17th

Grand Finals | Loser Grand Finals

April 18th

1st Place

Badge (Pending) + 35€ per Player

2nd Place

10€ per player

3rd Place

1€ per player

If you want to contribute to the Prize-Pool, Join the Discord and DM me nickk#8656

Host: souljaboitellem

Admin: souljaboitellem, Civil oath

Pooler: souljaboitellem, chiv, Belfast-chan, HENKSELI

Playtester: Kerantina, MakiDonalds, Belfast-chan, Chalwa

Graphic Designer: souljaboitellem

Technical: KaiWhen

Referee: souljaboitellem, Civil oath, Taevas,Freneko, MicSup08, Chalwa, - Elias -

Commentators: souljaboitellem, Xempus, Ophiz

Streamers: souljaboitellem, - Elias -,


If you want to contribute to the Tournament and help Staff, Join the Discord and DM me nickk#8656
Civil oath
Topic Starter

Civil oath wrote:

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Update 30/03/2020
- Max Bid increased from 3500$OIC to 4250$OIC
[Shioy] our boi
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