
Favourite time of the year ?

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What's your favourite Season ?

Total votes: 40
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My personal favourite is Summer 😎
We only have Rainy and Dry season here soooooo...

Rainy season for sure :)
I'd like to say winter but when it lasts for too long it starts to give me depression. So I'll go for the in-between and opt out for autumn.
Jacques Chirac
Spring and Autumn, Summer is good only for holidays but way too hot, Winter doesn't have holidays and it's way too cold so fuck off
I'm a Spring person.

Why am I a Spring person, some may ask
I've always either been to cold (in the winter) or to hot (in the summer)

Where I'm from, the winter is WAY to cold for me to enjoy it. It just gets into my house when it's 10 degrees C outside with all that snow and it really bothers me. The only special thing that happens is the new year, and Christmas (if you celebrate it) and those really don't feel like something i enjoy as much as i did when i was a kid.

Summer gets hot like it normally does, but like- over 25 degrees C over here. I hate the fact it rarely rains in the summer, which is a problem (obviously) I'm not a huge fan of heat as most people know, but i genuinely enjoy being warm. Summer is a good place for the 4th of July and such, but i don't find it the best.

Spring (and Autumn, somewhat) however, they can be warm and it doesn't really bother me. I'm normally a very cold person and I really like being in the warm, or around anything or anyone warm, because why not. I love the fact that it never snows, but i rains in mid April to May. Spring is a very nice, and chill season that I'd find my very favorite. I always go and play and do stuff outside more than I do in the Summer or the Winter because I:

1. Don't feel like dying from the cold or the heat

2. It's very uncomfortable being a way i don't feel like being (like how cold/warm i am)

3. It's just not as enjoyable to me as it is to others.

I enjoy seeing everyone outside having fun in the spring before the pool opens and such, it's nice to see people just having a good time like me. You rarely have to wear a jacket, and maybe just keep on some long sleeves if you felt like going out, you know?

That was really fun to write. Keep in mind that is just my opinion and you can completely disagree with me.
Joon Yorigami
Summer, because school doesn't exist and it's bright and joyous outside.
summer,i would rather be hot than cold,and spring is short and allergy season which makes people sick which makes me sick
It's either the rainy season or the dry season here, I would rather have the rainy season instead although without the possibility of floods occurring though

Wowcake wrote:

We only have Rainy and Dry season here soooooo...

Rainy season for sure :)
ha yes. there is something about night rains that resonates in my soul. also summer is so hot near the equator here. i hate being sweaty.
Summer for sure! Vacation, nice sunny weather, a break from school, etc!
They all feel the same to me but Spring and Autumn are cool
autmun has the best weather and it gives a weird nostalgic feeling... spurred from the falling leaves of early dawn
I've never been able to tolerate the heat well. Autumn and Winter are most comfortable for me.

Wowcake wrote:

We only have Rainy and Dry season here soooooo...

Rainy season for sure :)
agreed with wowcake!
Winter cause thats my birthday AND everybody loves Christmas

Wowcake wrote:

We only have Rainy and Dry season here soooooo...

Rainy season for sure :)

yeah 100%
Winter 100%
Spring, all the way

Syako wrote:

Spring, all the way
thank u
Winter is so depressing tho 😔 Stress free summer superior
Spring comes first, I love the colors that come out of trees and flowers, as well as the pleasing warmth that emerges after winter.

Autumn is a close second, because of all the red and orange of the decaying leaves, also sunsets during that time of the year seem a lot more suggestive, but maybe it's just my impression.
Rain makes me happee :) so winter all the way
a u t u m n . i s . t h e . b e s t
yes, it's the best time for me and why? it is then beautiful (in my area) and can take a lot of cool photos and generally is noice. ☕🍂

I also like spring because you can also take interesting photos ( •̀ ω •́ )y 🍃☘
Zelzatter Zero
Rain seasons for me.

midnight rains are fucking legend
Summer,winter is depressing and boring I think

Internetm4ster wrote:

Summer,winter is depressing and boring I think
Haha “I think”

Anyways change Summer to Spring and I could relate >~<
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