So I am not sure which to learn first. I want to eventually play HDHR, but I feel like I have to learn how to read HD AR 9 first. To give context, I don't play much HD, and mainly play no mod. I want to play HDHR in the future, just not sure the right step to take now. I can't tell if I am not being able to read HDHR because of the AR 10, or the HD part. I play both separate and can't tell which I should practice. Any advice? Thanks gamers.
Edit: I know I would get told to just not use mods until I am at around 7000 pp, but I also have other goals in mind, rather than just 100% improvement. I want to use them, but on the side, and focus mainly on no mod for improving at the game. Mods are fun lol
Edit: I know I would get told to just not use mods until I am at around 7000 pp, but I also have other goals in mind, rather than just 100% improvement. I want to use them, but on the side, and focus mainly on no mod for improving at the game. Mods are fun lol