
Learning HDHR or HR easier?

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So I am not sure which to learn first. I want to eventually play HDHR, but I feel like I have to learn how to read HD AR 9 first. To give context, I don't play much HD, and mainly play no mod. I want to play HDHR in the future, just not sure the right step to take now. I can't tell if I am not being able to read HDHR because of the AR 10, or the HD part. I play both separate and can't tell which I should practice. Any advice? Thanks gamers.

Edit: I know I would get told to just not use mods until I am at around 7000 pp, but I also have other goals in mind, rather than just 100% improvement. I want to use them, but on the side, and focus mainly on no mod for improving at the game. Mods are fun lol
Molly Sandera
Different people find different mod(s) easier initially. It all can be trained, though. I often don't use combined mods because i often need to use them separately, and that i feel I'm not proficient enough in seperate mods
If you’re learning HDHR, it’s more helpful to learn HR first and then HDHR rather than HD first. Learning the higher OD and the aim is more important, and once you are more comfortable with a lot of patterns with HR, then you use HDHR to practice more of the reading. IMO you don’t really need to learn HD first before HDHR, as the high approach rate makes a pretty big difference.

opakq wrote:

If you’re learning HDHR, it’s more helpful to learn HR first and then HDHR rather than HD first. Learning the higher OD and the aim is more important, and once you are more comfortable with a lot of patterns with HR, then you use HDHR to practice more of the reading. IMO you don’t really need to learn HD first before HDHR, as the high approach rate makes a pretty big difference.
This, you can go with HDHR immediately, but it will probably hurt your accuracy since you're likely not used to HD with High AR and OD, so yeah, play with HR first, practice it on a map that you're really familiar to/your favourite beatmaps
From what I've seen it's harder to pick up HD than HR the more you've played nomod, of course I might be biased because I started playing HD mod at around 3-4 stars. However, if this is the case, (it was for me) then learning to fully read HD first would be more efficient as when you reach that higher level you can just slap on HR with no issue, and vice versa if you learned HR first you have to start from scratch with reading HD. This is just from my experience though, so if someone's a 3 digit expert circle clicker and disagree they're probably right.
Pikku Masa
AR9 and AR10 HD are two completely different beasts, AR9 being a lot harder. The higher the AR the lower the HD's difficulty increase.
I feel like you should straight start learning HD, HR and HDHR. I'd still say to focus the most on HR though since it's the mod that actually changes things within the game. Only reason to add HD w/out HR to your play is to remove the shock you might have when starting HDHR from HR only
I turned into a HD main when I had around 1350 PP. HD isn't that hard after you get used to it but HR...
Oh boy, that shit is hard af (at least for me). You can start playing HD and then slowly turn on HR and go from there.
I'm a 6 digit so I'm not sure if my opinion is welcome here lol.

Anyways, GL on your learning and happy clicking.
Depends on what type of person you are and how good.

I would find you to learn HR first, get some good scores, Then learn HD. Again, get some good scores and then once you feel comfortable, put them together. This may take a bit though >~<
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