
osu!mania 4k Chinese National Cup 2021 (Player Regs Closed) (English Post)

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osu!mania 4k Chinese National Cup 2021

osu!mania 4k 中国国家杯 2021

Discord||Register||Main Sheet||Rules

This tournament is hosted by Team Crz!


This is a osu!mania head-to-head individual tournament for Chinese players hosted by clan Crz.

This tourney will be using 4-key score v2, and will have three stages: a qualifiers stage, a double elimination group stage followed by a double elimination bracket stage.

There is no limit on the number of the players that will enter. Any and all whom we deem as a "cheater" or "suspicious", screened by both the tourney and the official osu! staff, will not be allowed entry into the tournament. Note that failure to read the entire forum post during sign-up may cause the player to not be eligible until the issue is resolved, so please read the entire post first!

This tournament is for Chinese players only, including players from Mainland Chinese territories, Taiwan territories, Hong Kong territories, Macau territories. Please note that this tournament has nothing to do with politics and views about the territories of China. Only players with the flags of the territories listed above is eligible for playing.

The discord server will be the source of pretty much all the information for this tournament, so if you're joining, either as player, staff, or even as a spectator, you'll want to join for all of the latest updates. Players are required to join the official discord to be eligible of playing in the tournament. For those who cannot access discord, we have a QQ server. QQ server number: 597317576

For all of the details of the rules of the tourney, refer to the Information document here or in the discord channel. The discord channel and that document will have all the information you need, and the discord channel will be where future announcements will be made! So make sure you join the channel if you are participating.


1. This tournament is a 1v1 4k osu!mania tournament.

2. There is no rank range for this tournament, players from all skill levels are free to participate.

3. To be eligible for playing, one must:
(1)Have not been banned/majorly restricted in the past year.
(2)Pass a background check by osu!staff and the tournament staff.
(3)Include the answer "金发美少女" in the question "Do you have anything else to say?"

4. Groups will be BO9, Round of 16 (RO16) and quarterfinals will be BO11, Semifinals, finals and Grand Finals will be BO13.

5. Loser's Matches will use the following pools for the following rounds:
  1. Loser's Round 1: Quarterfinals
  2. Loser's Round 2 & 3: Semifinals
  3. Loser's Round 4, 5 & Finals: Finals
6. Mappools will have the general structure of 11FM+1TB for groups, 13FM+1TB for RO16 and Quarterfinals, 15FM+1TB for Semifinals, Finals and Grand Finals.

7. If you want to recommend the map you like for the map pool, please click the link followed: Link Here
Only ONE map is recommended per player

8. We reserve the right to deny any and all suspicious accounts/players from participating in the tournament.

9. Players must abide to the osu! terms of service.


  1. Player Sign ups open | 1 March 2021
  2. Player Sign ups close | 31 March 2021
  3. Qualifier Stages | 3 April 2021 - 10 April 2021
  4. Live Drawings | 11 April 2021
  5. Group Stages | 2 Weeks
  6. RO16 | Brackets Week 1
  7. QuarterFinals + Loser's Round 1 | Brackets Week 2
  8. Semifinals + Loser's Round 2 & 3 | Brackets Week 3
  9. Finals + Loser's Round 4 & 5 | Brackets Week 4
  10. Loser's Finals + Grand Finals | Brackets Week 5


1. There will be no warmups during the qualifier round should it occur.
2. Warmups during the Group Stages may not have a length higher than 5 minutes. Bracket Stages may be no longer than 6 minutes. Warmups are optional when allowed.
3. Players are allowed to ban 1 map each for each match alternating between the players with no restrictions except that each player must ban from mappool. Before matches will start, the captain of each player will roll and the one with the highest roll will pick maps from the mappool first and ban one map from the mappool second. Picks will alternate as well.
4. Players will be given at most 2 minutes for picking/banning each map. Players taking to long to make a ban/pick will result in losing their ban/pick. Continued stalling will result in the other player's banning/picking instead.
5. Players will be given at most 3 minutes for fielding the desired roster for the map. The map will start 3 minutes after the map has been chosen, with no exceptions barring technical issues.
6. For free mod picks, mod is optional for either of the player, with selectable mods being MR, HD, FI, and FL.
7. Should both players be at match point, or in other words should both players be one point away from winning, the tiebreaker is played as the last map instead. The tiebreaker map shares the same rule as the free mod maps.
8. There are no restrictions on what a player can or cannot pick, with the exception that the map being picked must be from the mappool for that match, has not been picked during the match, and cannot have been banned prior to the pick phase.
9. In the event of a tie during a map, the map is to be replayed. Should the map need to be replayed more than twice, then the player who selected that map may select another map with the replayed map being banned for the rest of the match. Should the pool run out of eligible maps this way, any nonbanned map may be picked again, overruling the previous rule of "maps picked cannot have been picked during the match yet".
10. Both players are allowed to restart a map at most once due to disconnects and other technical issues if the map has not proceeded for 30 seconds or longer. Same mods and roster must be used should a restart commence. Please try to fix any and all issues as much as possible prior to the match.
11. The referees may nullify rules at their discretion if necessary, and have the final word in what occurs during the match.


[Crz]xz1z1z (Host)

Ayase Eli


Commentators & Streamers

Grphics Design


Champion: Profile badge + Cash prize (CNY 2,500) + 4 months of osu! supporter

2nd place: Cash prize (CNY 1,500) + 2 month of osu! supporter

3rd place: Cash prize (CNY 800) + 1 month of osu! supporter

All players in the bracket stages get 1 month of osu!supporter
Crz forever ! Good luck to all players in this competition ! ♥
the fact that this is his 69th post is n i c e
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