
Taiko-drum-inner/outer alignment issue

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Hi, I was wondering if I could get some help on something. I am currently making a skin and I am working on the drum input part of the taiko section of the skin. All was going well until I made the actual highlights for the drum (taiko-drum-inner.png and taiko-drum-outer.png).

No matter what I do, I can't make my inners join in the middle (there is always a fairly large gap) nor be high enough for it to hit the actual drum. The outers are similar, while only being on the sides (not circles, just vertical lines on the two sides). I almost got one of them aligned, but it doesn't want to work for both of them. I believe I would be able to edit the actual drum's location once everything got aligned correctly.

Every element is the correct size on-screen with respect to the drum, they are just out of place. They sometimes move ontop of each other (the blue overlapping the red iirc). Any help is appreciated.
Any screens/files that we can see/test are appreciated. :3
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I'm finding it really hard to screenshot them being used because they only appear for such a short time. I guess I could puush a zip file with them in it though.

Here is the three files that make up what I'm having trouble with.

Edit: Tried another draft of everything, and most of it works out IF the blue notes connect in the middle, like they do in the template skin. Must be something when resizing it with the lack of space in the middle of the blue ones.
Hmmm... give me a while to try few things.

One thing I'm sure... both inner and outer drums are restricted by their height position so you will need to make bar-left smaller and move it to the bottom a little.
Easiest way would be to use an existent skin as a grid and adjusting the bar after the the K and D, rather than vice versa.

Assuming this is what you can't get right? (sloppy example, but you get my point)

All I did was move the D a few pixels to the right and align the bar after it.

If you don't want to spend time making a grid, then imagine one. D should be aligned with the right wall, and K with the left.
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Boat, that is what I was trying to get with that one. I managed to get a working layout that looks a bit nicer for the skin's theme. It required me to expand the blue, but I like the result. Here is a photoshop screenshot:

I still like the support and information I got, which is relevant to the topic. I'll call this solved (if we had a solved feature and if this was a tech support site I would use it).

For anyone who searches and finds this later, I found it a lot easier to modify the Drum image instead of working with the strange align on the actual highlights. Once you get the pieces aligned to each other using Boat's tips, move around the drum until you get it perfect.
Yeah. This is easier to do. But if you are still interested in previous one I managed to align it correctly (and now I know how they are positioned and mirrored).

The inner drum without any transparency have kind of huge gap between them, after adding free space and moving picture to the right they are starting to overlapping. With drum-outer is a little easier to do but need more distance between them.

Here : (just edit taiko-bar-left :3)
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