
Hello guys and gals, me Mutahar here...

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Woey fanboy
...and in this video I will be talking about <insert topic of complaint>...

Woops, didn't mean to namedrop there or anything. This is the first time that I have ever posted something on a forum site, so bare the dry humour - if you can call it that - if any of you people get to know me well. :)

My username is paraparapara21, but you guys can me by my alias 'parac0sm' or my real name Irul. I have been playing osu for around 2 days now and have had some of the most fun playing a rhythm game since being introduced to mobile titles like Cytus and Dynamix. Having the agency to play along my favourite musical pieces of all time while also challenging myself in achieving the best scores in said songs is a dream that I never thought of, but always wanted. (Undertale boss themes? Yes sir!)

As a person, I am quite timid in general and rarely converse with members in a online forum or social platform unless I'm hanging out with friends or people I know. My love of this game however, along with my good impression of this community, has led me to this post and I hope that stays this way.

Gameplay wise, I have only delved into maps 3* or lower and have had tons of fun both vibing to the songs in a rhythmic manner - as you should do in a rhythm game lol - as well as improving my playset to ready myself for more challenging endeavours (pp spamming on jump maps here i come, no cap). And yes - I an aware of the beginner traps that come with this game, don't worry. Throughout my 2 days as an alternate tapping player, I would say I am okay at bursting and basic streaming, but struggle slightly with general accuracy and fast jumps. I have also found a quirk in my playstyle in that I like to hear the keyboard tapping when I play, so I take off my right headphone and have found 'improvement' per se.

Just some final pointers and inquries:
  1. My favourite colour is aqua and I found the perfect skin for myself. Here is the link:
  2. My key binding for clicking are: [commma, fullstop]
  3. Haven't yet to try out multi! but if anyone could reccommend me some things to consider as a beginner, that would be greatly appreciated!
Unless it breaches some guideline in these forum, I will be attent to edit this post.

Thank you for reading through this introduction of mine, and have a wonderful day. Mutahar Parac0sm, signing out!
Hoshimegu Mio
Hello! Make sure you try out all the gamemodes! Have a nice stay in the forums!
Hello there! I hope your having fun!

I highly recommend doing multiplayer, its fun, exposes you to new maps, and hopefully you can make a friend or two out of it. Since you play 3 star maps and lower, try checking out lobbies that specifically target the star ratings that you are comfortable in so you can have fun.

If you like a structured approach, you can try the beatmaps in these two posts in order (skip to second one if the first one feels too easy)
Otherwise just play what you want!

For other things, just make sure your in a comfortable position when you play so you don't strain anything. If you want to play with keyboard as a clicker rather than the mouse, you can disable mouse buttons in settings. Many people also like to turn on raw input as well (besides if you have a wacom tablet).

Sorry if this was too long and annoying to read and enjoy your stay!
Topic Starter
Woey fanboy

YyottaCat wrote:

Hello! Make sure you try out all the gamemodes! Have a nice stay in the forums!
I certainly will YyottaCat :) I've only touched on taiko as of right now and enjoyed it.
Leigh Leigh
A SomeOrdinaryGamers fan I see?
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