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stop offtopic here and rank my map :<
Ranked ~

555555555 *pats pats*
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oooooooh youuuuu \D:/ i nuke you nao!!1!!!1111!!

ò_ò new page kjfskjfgskhggrgrgrgrg

Lally wrote:

oooooooh youuuuu \D:/ i nuke you nao!!1!!!1111!!

ò_ò new page kjfskjfgskhggrgrgrgrg
go ahead lol
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i have the power now \D:/ wohoho
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\o3o/ wiiih <3 oh wait fuh
Brava <3
gratz Lally :3
Gratz :3
waaa~ congratz on the rank kawaii <3
very nice maps lally and ztrot

you kept the background I put together <3

Gabe wrote:

Congratz :)
congratz lally /o/
This map is amazing *_*! Congratz lally - Sama!
H-How can you map a Renard song without any 1/4 notes and with this low as fuckish SV? T-That's not how you do it, Lally. >w<
Congratz, Nyally :3
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BrokenArrow wrote:

H-How can you map a Renard song without any 1/4 notes and with this low as fuckish SV? T-That's not how you do it, Lally. >w<

; 3 ; grgrgrg , it was not an insane rhythm and i have a another style of mapping as the other people who mapped Renard >.>

ty all btw :3
I kinda can't believe this got ranked, it makes me sad tbh.

There are so many parts which have a lot of improvement, and many weird placings and it lacks of hitsounds, which I think just happened because you 1) didn't get enough mods 2) you were just like 'oh yes i'm doing something let's get it ranked (of course, you made it with love, blabla..)

that's just not the way how to do it in my opinion, what is very disappointing.

and btw, it's okay that you can't map insane (did you ever try?), but it's a bit sad that you mostly only rank maps without any special hard diff..

Oh, and I did never say your map is bad, it has some good parts, but for me personally it's just not good enough for ranked yet. :(

Irreversible wrote:

1) didn't get enough mods
This is by far no reason to call something as not ready.

Irreversible wrote:

2) you were just like 'oh yes i'm doing something let's get it ranked (of course, you made it with love, blabla..)
Hum.. how do you want to personalize that? Or how do you mean that? Just because she takes every Map project she starts more spontaneous as other people?

Irreversible wrote:

and btw, it's okay that you can't map insane (did you ever try?),

Irreversible wrote:

but it's a bit sad that you mostly only rank maps without any special hard diff..
It's sad that people find that sad or bad.

I am not sure how often it got said but again: If a BAT (actually two BATs now) decide that a Map is ready and fine for the Rank it should be respected and been accepted.

Stefan wrote:

Irreversible wrote:

1) didn't get enough mods
This is by far no reason to call something as not ready.

I am 100% sure that this map would have became much greater if it got more mods, but sorry 14 SP, this is a very bad joke in this case.

Irreversible wrote:

2) you were just like 'oh yes i'm doing something let's get it ranked (of course, you made it with love, blabla..)
Hum.. how do you want to personalize that? Or how do you mean that? Just because she takes every Map project she starts more spontaneous as other people?

They should spend much time with a map, to get a really good one, but yeah, I don't know if this happend here - it just doesn't seem like that.. And it's also disappointing that you can see mapsets with fairly easy maps, and if the map gives a good rhythm, why don't make an insane then?

Irreversible wrote:

and btw, it's okay that you can't map insane (did you ever try?),

See? Why does she say 'I can't map insane' it's a pretty good insane as well.

Irreversible wrote:

but it's a bit sad that you mostly only rank maps without any special hard diff..
It's sad that people find that sad or bad.

I am not sure how often it got said but again: If a BAT (actually two BATs now) decide that a Map is ready and fine for the Rank it should be respected and been accepted.
I respect it, i'm just telling my opinion ^^; I just think the mapping standard suddenly decreased again, it was really high before. This couldn't have get a rank before, I suppose.
And again: this is only my opinion, there is no need to argue with me about that.
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Ty for your opinion Stefan :3

Irreversible wrote:

I kinda can't believe this got ranked, it makes me sad tbh.

There are so many parts which have a lot of improvement, and many weird placings and it lacks of hitsounds, which I think just happened because you 1) didn't get enough mods

i did get enought in my opinion,if you will a map with 30 mods wich are 1 grind left 1 grind right new combo here and there,this is not modding . a map that follows all the rule need so much modding as far a BAT says that is ready,this map was not speed ranked or things like this, e get all the time to get test plays opinions and mods.

2) you were just like 'oh yes i'm doing something let's get it ranked (of course, you made it with love, blabla..)

I'm not mapping for ranking,first thing, but only because i love it, and if a map is good why don't bring it into ranking if it's good? i don't see a reson of not doing it.

that's just not the way how to do it in my opinion, what is very disappointing.

what is the way then? i wanna hear your opinion

and btw, it's okay that you can't map insane (did you ever try?), but it's a bit sad that you mostly only rank maps without any special hard diff..

i can map insane : i just don't see for some of mymap a insane diff is it wrong?
I'm a simpler mapper i love easy and normal and hard that can be played by all players,since i map for playing my maps too,i'm not the person whomake a super mega insane, is my style,i don't love so much Insane diff why should it be such a big problem?

Oh, and I did never say your map is bad, it has some good parts, but for me personally it's just not good enough for ranked yet. :(

you didn't mention any problems that can make unrank the map,the map is ranked for one reason,it is good,you have your personal opinion,but i really don't understand why Always people have to coplain of a map when it is ranked,

i gave my opinion to this,let's keep the conversation if it is neded without starting a flame ty
do you want to make a drama or unrank this map? I don't get why do you post such things.
The map isn't that bad for being ranked, after all your thoughts (my 2 cents)
i never said i wanna see this map unranked, as i said above, i respect it, stop inventing some things, i never flamed about this map, i just told my opinion,

and really, where is the drama? lol.
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BCI wrote:

do you want to make a drama or unrank this map? I don't get why do you post such things.
this,really =w=

edit: btw,you opinion saids: map is bad do something for it, BUT IT IS RANKED

Lally wrote:

Didn't agree just for one thing here. Feedback is always nice even negative even after rank, you always can project this on your future maps. And try to make your map enjoyable for larger audience. :oops:

Lally wrote:

BCI wrote:

do you want to make a drama or unrank this map? I don't get why do you post such things.
this,really =w=

edit: btw,you opinion saids: map is bad do something for it, BUT IT IS RANKED

oh, I think you can improve, that's what i wanted to say, but as I can see you just don't get it, nevermind then

edit: i'm really asking why you feel that offended, i mean nobody is forced to write gz or anything, you can also write some other kind of feedback or opinion, even if it was a really bad one, but that's how i currently feel about.
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Sieg: ikr but i see always people doing like this and it get annoying in away, i can unerstand if it was my first ranked map,but this is not :V and btw i'm already doing it

Irreversible: tell me how can i improve if this map is ranked , really i don't get that

Lally wrote:

Sieg: ikr but i see always people doing like this and it get annoying in away, i can unerstand if it was my first ranked map,but this is not :V

Irreversible: tell me how can i improve if this map is ranked , really i don't get that

It could have been much better, with more mods, more improvement and everything. just because of the reason that it's ranked it means its perfect? definetly no lally, just no ..
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then mod it,wanna see really whatis so bad, and search a bat before since it was alreay modded by 2 of those, i never said that mymaps are perfect but imo the follow all the rules and they are enjoyable from many people, you're not one of those,ok i have many people who don't like my maps,is not a problem for me,since when you map with heart all in your eyes is perfect,so if you wanna just say here: ''this map is bad can be improved''<- search a bat and go for unrank,is not a problem for me i'm Always ready for anything,if so this can be improved, because fornow you din't say WHAT is so bad in my map, how can i understand what can be improved?
Actually, negative feedback is just fine.

What I think is you don't really need to post negative posts publicly. If you want to say it's bad and want Lally to improve, I suggest you talk with her personally.
I repeat again that it's fine but If I were you Irreverisble, I would rather throw positive feedback than negative one.
This is going nowhere, guys.

You should discuss this kind of stuff privately, like Frost said.

That said, nothing else needs to be added.
I´m now going to write in german because otherwise I can´t get the meaning behind this rightly presented

Ich verstehe nicht wieso Maps mit 10-15 SP direkt von mehreren BATs gemoddet werden oder posts geschrieben werden und ich die leute in meinen thread peitschen muss...

Liegt es daran, dass alle die Musik nicht mögen?
Liegt es daran, dass die, wo direkt von BATs gepostet wird, schon X-Maps ranked haben und 1000+ posts haben?
Liegt es daran, dass die BATs, wenn sie sagen sie modden random, mit random meinem "1: Ja 2: Nein 3: Ja 4: Nein 5: Ja 6: Nein usw."

Ich weis es nicht... Bitte um Aufklärung
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negative feedback are fine but when they are good argoumented, not just saying is bad,i wanna know what it is,because may i can learn something new.

und btw SP ist nicht so wichtig ich kann 19832638 stars um meine map geben es wird nichts losen wenn die map schlescht is
Yeah, I'm sorry for posting it in public, in future i'll do things like this in private.
Alright, everyone chill out.

Irreversible brings some good points to the table. You should definitely consider them. Constructive criticism is the best kind of feedback you can get.
He also brings them in quite a blunt manner. Please be careful with the words you use, Irreversible. If you're not sure, ask a native speaker before posting.
You guys are talking past each other when looking towards the same goal: Making a better map.

Once again, keep a friendly attitude, guys.

Irreversible wrote:

Yeah, I'm sorry for posting it in public, in future i'll do things like this in private.
private - mhm

nuff said
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=w=) meh
Translation from Itachi_Uchiha's Post:
I don't understand why Maps with 10 - 15 SP get instantly modded from several BATs, while I have to search my ass off (bluntly said) to get them to my Thread/Map.

Is it because they don't like the music?
Is it because those mappers have already X-Maps ranked and more than 1000 posts?
Is it because the BATs don't actually mod random, but have a pattern like "1:Yes; 2:No; 3:Yes; 4:No; 5:Yes; 6:No etc.

I don't really know... Please tell me.

Anyways, I don't really agree Irreversible here. Of course there could be more improvements, but you could go to any map here and say those words (also having a low SP means nothing.) Wether the player like the map or not, is totally subjective and should be considered no matter what or how someone maps. Some may say that a jump doesn't quite fit there and others may say that it's a perfect jump (bad example but nvm).
One last thing: An insane diff would've really been cool here. If you can't map Insane diffs, why not just ask one of your friends (or strangers if you want) to do a Guest Diff? This way the Beatmap gets a large audience, like Sieg already said.
Question: how did star priority related with map quality? i still cant get it.

Itachi_Uchiha wrote:

I´m now going to write in german because otherwise I can´t get the meaning behind this rightly presented

Ich verstehe nicht wieso Maps mit 10-15 SP direkt von mehreren BATs gemoddet werden oder posts geschrieben werden und ich die leute in meinen thread peitschen muss...

Liegt es daran, dass alle die Musik nicht mögen?
Liegt es daran, dass die, wo direkt von BATs gepostet wird, schon X-Maps ranked haben und 1000+ posts haben?
Liegt es daran, dass die BATs, wenn sie sagen sie modden random, mit random meinem "1: Ja 2: Nein 3: Ja 4: Nein 5: Ja 6: Nein usw."

Ich weis es nicht... Bitte um Aufklärung
Kennst du das wort ''connection'' es passiert meisten dadurch ;) also liegt (in den Fall hier) nicht an SP oder was auch immer
naja wollte nur das mal gesagt haben und bin auch wieder weg hier. lol

und zu Lally wenn du nicht so ein flame haben willst dann suche das nächste mal mehr mods oder was auch immer und warte etwas bis du nach bubble fragst. Dann können sie nicht mehr sagen wie ''die hat zu wenig mod und schon ist es ranked' oder blabla was auch immer
wollte es mal gesagt haben weil naja wie ich sehen kann flamen sie meist in deinen Map Thread rum
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, wether they act on it or not is up to them. Learn to take critisism or ignore it, drama like this is unessecary. Now stop this silly argument. If you have more issues talk to the mapper directly, instead of making these bandwagon post.
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if someone have to say something just pm me in game or forum i'm alway free to answer to question or to discuss something
can you make me bleed? ;) :)
can you colour me red?
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