
Installing osu! on Linux with low-latency [2024]

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Welcome! o/

❤️ | Thanks to everyone who donated osu! supporter! I love you guys so much <3 | ❤️

Video example:
Houkago Rakuenbu - Houkago Kakumei [Revolution!] played on Zorin OS

Guide is also out on YouTube! Check it out here:

A small introduction:

osu! working fine on Linux has been a thing for many years now, especially thanks to community patches and help, but it's time to make it even easier 8)
To install the game, we'll use my osu-winello script you can find at GitHub, which will handle the install itself.

Well, time to install osu! now!


Just follow the commands and you'll be good e.e



First of all, check if you've already installed your GPU drivers.
You can read how to do that at here.

Then install PipeWire using the following commands (according to your distro):
Installing PipeWire
Nowadays, PipeWire is already shipped by default on most distros.
Check if it's already on your system with:

export LANG=C
pactl info | grep "Server Name"
If this shows: Server Name: PulseAudio (on Pipewire), then you're good to go.

Otherwise, follow the instructions at the link below:

Now install Git, which is needed to download the script.
Installing Git:
Arch Linux (Manjaro, Endeavour OS, etc.):
sudo pacman -Sy --needed --noconfirm git
sudo dnf install -y git

Done with prerequisites, time for the proper installation e.e


Installing osu!:

Installing the game is just as simple as this:

git clone
cd osu-winello
chmod +x
Follow the script's instructions and the installation will work with no problems!
You can launch the game after relaunching your terminal with:

or just using the shortcuts installed by the script e.e

But before playing, you need to adjust your universal offset to around -35ms, so that your osu! will sound just like on Windows.

Warning: -35ms is what I generally recommend, but try to find your sweet spot from -40ms!

And you're done! You can now play osu!

The script is bundled with some great tools too, you can check those with:

osu-wine --help
Check the troubleshooting box if you need any help or just write me on Discord (marshnello)
You can also ask on ThePooN's Discord Server, they can provide you with lots of help!

...and that's it! Enjoy playing osu! on Linux!

You used the old guide before and want the latest updates? See this.

Got any error (Input lag, random crashes etc.) or want some more features?
Check the box below!:


Open me \o/:
The old troubleshooting guide has been replaced with a way more updated
and relatable
one you can find at my GitHub!

Please refer to the link below:


Special thanks to:

  1. KatouMegumi's guide
  1. ThePooN's Discord server
  1. GonX's wine-osu builds
  1. hwsnemo's prepackaged wine-osu and patches
  1. l3lackShark's gosumemory
And to everyone willing to help! :3
- Marco -
Welcome to Linux or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux👍

- Marco - wrote:

Welcome to Linux or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux👍
Welcome to osu! or as I've recently taken to calling it, circle game plus pain👍

MarshNello wrote:

final result:

A little introduction:

osu! working fine on Linux has been a thing for many years now, especially thanks to ThePoon's patches and Franc[e]sco's guide (, which are probably the best methods even now. However, in my case both ended up in a broken installation, so I kept searching for ways to install osu! until I actually managed to run it perfectly thanks to some workarounds. It's a pretty easy guide, written especially for beginners (just like me xd), so if you want to install osu! on your Linux distro, just keep reading e.e

install the following: git, build-essential, dialog, curl.

- sudo apt install git
- sudo apt install build-essential
- sudo apt install dialog
- sudo apt install curl

install wine (the script will do it itself but it's better to have it):

also make sure you installed proprietary drivers for your gpu if you need to
guide for it:


to set up our osu!, we'll use osu-install script from yurisuki (credits to him):

just follow the instructions here and install it:

once you start the script, just follow its instructions.
the script was supposed to do everything automatically, from installing osu! to the patch, but it actually crashes after installing osu! and running it. That's fine, because we'll only use it for the installation indeed.

the steps to make it work are:

- step 1: run it the first time, follow the script's instructions which will install everything but, in the part supposed to run osu!, it shouldn't start (if it starts, skip to step 3); so run the script again.

- step 2: follow the script's instructions again until it starts osu! (if you get "osu! crashed", just click on restart osu! and it should be working now.)

- step 3: the game is now working fine: close it, press whatever key you want on the terminal and the script should crash. that's fine, move on to step 4.

- step 4: run the script again for the last time and follow whatever it says, until it runs osu! again. When it starts, close the game and close the terminal by pressing any key.

our osu! is now completely set up and working fine, but we gotta apply thepoon's patch for latency and create a script to launch (or eventually, kill) the game.


let's begin with the patch:

- open the terminal as root using sudo su
sudo su

- type:
mkdir -p /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/

echo "high-priority = yes
nice-level = -15

realtime-scheduling = yes
realtime-priority = 50

resample-method = speex-float-0

default-fragments = 2 # Minimum is 2
default-fragment-size-msec = 2 # You can set this to 1, but that will break OBS audio capture." | sudo tee -a /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/10-better-latency.conf

(WARNING: if after applying this the system's audio is garbage, increase default-fragment-size-msec by 2, save and reboot)

- then type:
nano /etc/security/limits.conf

- scroll to the bottom of the file and add:
echo "USERNAME - nice -20

USERNAME - rtprio 99" >> /etc/security/limits.conf

- replace USERNAME with your username, save the file with ctrl+o and exit with ctrl+x.

- now open /etc/pulse/ with
nano -c /etc/pulse/

- here somewhere near lines 40/50 you should find this line:
load-module module-udev-detect

- once you find it, add tsched=0 to the end of it, so like this:
load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0

save the file again with ctrl+o and exit with ctrl+x.

the patch is now applied. reboot your pc to apply the changes and go on with the guide e.e


we're almost done! the last thing to do is create a script to start the game.
to do that:

- open the terminal and cd to your osu! folder (replace username with yours):
cd /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/
(if z: isn't your drive here, just search for the right one)

- type this to create the osu script:
cat > osu << "EOF"

- now paste in the terminal the following (always replacing username with yours):


export vblank_mode=0
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine_osu
wine /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/osu\!.exe "$@"

- in the end launch these two commands.
sudo mv osu /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/osu

you can now launch your osu! by typing "osu" in the terminal!
to create a script to kill osu!, just in case it won't launch for any reason, let's do this:

- open the terminal and cd to your osu! folder (replace username with yours):
cd /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/

- type this to create the osukill script:
cat > osukill << "EOF"

- now paste in the terminal the following:


export vblank_mode=0
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine_osu
wineserver -k

- in the end launch again these two commands.
sudo mv osukill /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/osukill

you can now kill osu by typing osukill in the terminal when you need to :D

And that's it! Your osu! should now work perfectly fine!
Last but not least: you can also create a desktop shortcut for it, by left clicking on your desktop and selecting "create a launcher". It should look like this:

Well, that's the end of the guide! Thanks for reading, and have fun playing osu! on your linux <33


This guide is helpful it's just I'm having trouble with the "LATENCY PATCH" section of the guide. I use first time Linux Manjaro XFCE as my distro and I'm just wondering if I'm using the correct commands.

I know after typeing "sudo su" it opens your terminal as root. But I'm confused on how the terminal should look after you type in "mkdir -p /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/" in the terminal. For me it looks like this:

[username@username-pc ~]$ sudo su
[sudo] password for USER:
[username-pc username]#
[username-pc username]# mkdir -p /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/
[username-pc username]# echo "high-priority = yes
> nice-level = -15
> realtime-scheduling = yes
> realtime-priority = 50
> default-fragments = 2
> default-fragment-size-msec = 2
> sudo tee -a /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/10-better-latency.conf

Is this correct?
Also I'm having trouble with the rest as well. <sorry for being a Linux noob!
Topic Starter

_Buddy wrote:

MarshNello wrote:

final result:

A little introduction:

osu! working fine on Linux has been a thing for many years now, especially thanks to ThePoon's patches and Franc[e]sco's guide (, which are probably the best methods even now. However, in my case both ended up in a broken installation, so I kept searching for ways to install osu! until I actually managed to run it perfectly thanks to some workarounds. It's a pretty easy guide, written especially for beginners (just like me xd), so if you want to install osu! on your Linux distro, just keep reading e.e

install the following: git, build-essential, dialog, curl.

- sudo apt install git
- sudo apt install build-essential
- sudo apt install dialog
- sudo apt install curl

install wine (the script will do it itself but it's better to have it):

also make sure you installed proprietary drivers for your gpu if you need to
guide for it:


to set up our osu!, we'll use osu-install script from yurisuki (credits to him):

just follow the instructions here and install it:

once you start the script, just follow its instructions.
the script was supposed to do everything automatically, from installing osu! to the patch, but it actually crashes after installing osu! and running it. That's fine, because we'll only use it for the installation indeed.

the steps to make it work are:

- step 1: run it the first time, follow the script's instructions which will install everything but, in the part supposed to run osu!, it shouldn't start (if it starts, skip to step 3); so run the script again.

- step 2: follow the script's instructions again until it starts osu! (if you get "osu! crashed", just click on restart osu! and it should be working now.)

- step 3: the game is now working fine: close it, press whatever key you want on the terminal and the script should crash. that's fine, move on to step 4.

- step 4: run the script again for the last time and follow whatever it says, until it runs osu! again. When it starts, close the game and close the terminal by pressing any key.

our osu! is now completely set up and working fine, but we gotta apply thepoon's patch for latency and create a script to launch (or eventually, kill) the game.


let's begin with the patch:

- open the terminal as root using sudo su
sudo su

- type:
mkdir -p /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/

echo "high-priority = yes
nice-level = -15

realtime-scheduling = yes
realtime-priority = 50

resample-method = speex-float-0

default-fragments = 2 # Minimum is 2
default-fragment-size-msec = 2 # You can set this to 1, but that will break OBS audio capture." | sudo tee -a /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/10-better-latency.conf

(WARNING: if after applying this the system's audio is garbage, increase default-fragment-size-msec by 2, save and reboot)

- then type:
nano /etc/security/limits.conf

- scroll to the bottom of the file and add:
echo "USERNAME - nice -20

USERNAME - rtprio 99" >> /etc/security/limits.conf

- replace USERNAME with your username, save the file with ctrl+o and exit with ctrl+x.

- now open /etc/pulse/ with
nano -c /etc/pulse/

- here somewhere near lines 40/50 you should find this line:
load-module module-udev-detect

- once you find it, add tsched=0 to the end of it, so like this:
load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0

save the file again with ctrl+o and exit with ctrl+x.

the patch is now applied. reboot your pc to apply the changes and go on with the guide e.e


we're almost done! the last thing to do is create a script to start the game.
to do that:

- open the terminal and cd to your osu! folder (replace username with yours):
cd /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/
(if z: isn't your drive here, just search for the right one)

- type this to create the osu script:
cat > osu << "EOF"

- now paste in the terminal the following (always replacing username with yours):


export vblank_mode=0
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine_osu
wine /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/osu\!.exe "$@"

- in the end launch these two commands.
sudo mv osu /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/osu

you can now launch your osu! by typing "osu" in the terminal!
to create a script to kill osu!, just in case it won't launch for any reason, let's do this:

- open the terminal and cd to your osu! folder (replace username with yours):
cd /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/

- type this to create the osukill script:
cat > osukill << "EOF"

- now paste in the terminal the following:


export vblank_mode=0
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine_osu
wineserver -k

- in the end launch again these two commands.
sudo mv osukill /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/osukill

you can now kill osu by typing osukill in the terminal when you need to :D

And that's it! Your osu! should now work perfectly fine!
Last but not least: you can also create a desktop shortcut for it, by left clicking on your desktop and selecting "create a launcher". It should look like this:

Well, that's the end of the guide! Thanks for reading, and have fun playing osu! on your linux <33


This guide is helpful it's just I'm having trouble with the "LATENCY PATCH" section of the guide. I use first time Linux Manjaro XFCE as my distro and I'm just wondering if I'm using the correct commands.

I know after typeing "sudo su" it opens your terminal as root. But I'm confused on how the terminal should look after you type in "mkdir -p /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/" in the terminal. For me it looks like this:

[username@username-pc ~]$ sudo su
[sudo] password for USER:
[username-pc username]#
[username-pc username]# mkdir -p /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/
[username-pc username]# echo "high-priority = yes
> nice-level = -15
> realtime-scheduling = yes
> realtime-priority = 50
> default-fragments = 2
> default-fragment-size-msec = 2
> sudo tee -a /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/10-better-latency.conf

Is this correct?
Also I'm having trouble with the rest as well. <sorry for being a Linux noob!
It should be fine once it gets you out of the > things; then you can enter all the other commands
If it doesn't, just paste it like this, also with the comment

echo "high-priority = yes
nice-level = -15

realtime-scheduling = yes
realtime-priority = 50

resample-method = speex-float-0

default-fragments = 2 # Minimum is 2
default-fragment-size-msec = 2 # You can set this to 1, but that will break OBS audio capture." | sudo tee -a /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/10-better-latency.conf

It should do everything by itself e.e
Also sorry for the late reply!
Very nice, thanks.
warms my heart to see more threads like this.
Liang J
is there a way to move my songs from windows to Linux?, i tried to move it directly but the game dosent recognize it
Topic Starter

Liang J wrote:

is there a way to move my songs from windows to Linux?, i tried to move it directly but the game dosent recognize it
you just need to paste your Windows' "Songs" folder to your Linux's osu! directory (which should be around here /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/)

after that just refresh your maps in osu! pressing F5 and you're good

update: this reply is outdated.
Your osu!'s location is: ~/.local/share/osu-wine/OSU, so if you need to copy your songs from Windows, just paste them in the Songs folder in ~/.local/share/osu-wine/OSU/Songs
help, when i execute the script the install window starts oppening and closing in an infinite bucle, i'm trying to install it in manjaro

console error :

MarshNello wrote:

final result:

A little introduction:

osu! working fine on Linux has been a thing for many years now, especially thanks to ThePoon's patches and Franc[e]sco's guide (, which are probably the best methods even now. However, in my case both ended up in a broken installation, so I kept searching for ways to install osu! until I actually managed to run it perfectly thanks to some workarounds. It's a pretty easy guide, written especially for beginners (just like me xd), so if you want to install osu! on your Linux distro, just keep reading e.e

install the following: git, build-essential, dialog, curl.

- sudo apt install git
- sudo apt install build-essential
- sudo apt install dialog
- sudo apt install curl

install wine (the script will do it itself but it's better to have it):

also make sure you installed proprietary drivers for your gpu if you need to
guide for it:


to set up our osu!, we'll use osu-install script from yurisuki (credits to him):

just follow the instructions here and install it:

once you start the script, just follow its instructions.
the script was supposed to do everything automatically, from installing osu! to the patch, but it actually crashes after installing osu! and running it. That's fine, because we'll only use it for the installation indeed.

the steps to make it work are:

- step 1: run it the first time, follow the script's instructions which will install everything but, in the part supposed to run osu!, it shouldn't start (if it starts, skip to step 3); so run the script again.

- step 2: follow the script's instructions again until it starts osu! (if you get "osu! crashed", just click on restart osu! and it should be working now.)

- step 3: the game is now working fine: close it, press whatever key you want on the terminal and the script should crash. that's fine, move on to step 4.

- step 4: run the script again for the last time and follow whatever it says, until it runs osu! again. When it starts, close the game and close the terminal by pressing any key.

our osu! is now completely set up and working fine, but we gotta apply thepoon's patch for latency and create a script to launch (or eventually, kill) the game.


let's begin with the patch:

- open the terminal as root using sudo su
sudo su

- type:
mkdir -p /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/

echo "high-priority = yes
nice-level = -15

realtime-scheduling = yes
realtime-priority = 50

resample-method = speex-float-0

default-fragments = 2 # Minimum is 2
default-fragment-size-msec = 2 # You can set this to 1, but that will break OBS audio capture." | sudo tee -a /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/10-better-latency.conf

(WARNING: if after applying this the system's audio is garbage, increase default-fragment-size-msec by 2, save and reboot)

- then type:
nano /etc/security/limits.conf

- scroll to the bottom of the file and add:
echo "USERNAME - nice -20

USERNAME - rtprio 99" >> /etc/security/limits.conf

- replace USERNAME with your username, save the file with ctrl+o and exit with ctrl+x.

- now open /etc/pulse/ with
nano -c /etc/pulse/

- here somewhere near lines 40/50 you should find this line:
load-module module-udev-detect

- once you find it, add tsched=0 to the end of it, so like this:
load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0

save the file again with ctrl+o and exit with ctrl+x.

the patch is now applied. reboot your pc to apply the changes and go on with the guide e.e


we're almost done! the last thing to do is create a script to start the game.
to do that:

- open the terminal and cd to your osu! folder (replace username with yours):
cd /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/
(if z: isn't your drive here, just search for the right one)

- type this to create the osu script:
cat > osu << "EOF"

- now paste in the terminal the following (always replacing username with yours):


export vblank_mode=0
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine_osu
wine /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/osu\!.exe "$@"

- in the end launch these two commands.
sudo mv osu /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/osu

you can now launch your osu! by typing "osu" in the terminal!
to create a script to kill osu!, just in case it won't launch for any reason, let's do this:

- open the terminal and cd to your osu! folder (replace username with yours):
cd /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/

- type this to create the osukill script:
cat > osukill << "EOF"

- now paste in the terminal the following:


export vblank_mode=0
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine_osu
wineserver -k

- in the end launch again these two commands.
sudo mv osukill /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/osukill

you can now kill osu by typing osukill in the terminal when you need to :D

And that's it! Your osu! should now work perfectly fine!
Last but not least: you can also create a desktop shortcut for it, by left clicking on your desktop and selecting "create a launcher". It should look like this:

Well, that's the end of the guide! Thanks for reading, and have fun playing osu! on your linux <33

As much as I love Linux, woah, the amount of work put to run this simple fun game makes me want to keep Windows installed :>

MarshNello wrote:

final result:

A little introduction:

osu! working fine on Linux has been a thing for many years now, especially thanks to ThePoon's patches and Franc[e]sco's guide (, which are probably the best methods even now. However, in my case both ended up in a broken installation, so I kept searching for ways to install osu! until I actually managed to run it perfectly thanks to some workarounds. It's a pretty easy guide, written especially for beginners (just like me xd), so if you want to install osu! on your Linux distro, just keep reading e.e

install the following: git, build-essential, dialog, curl.

- sudo apt install git
- sudo apt install build-essential
- sudo apt install dialog
- sudo apt install curl

install wine (the script will do it itself but it's better to have it):

also make sure you installed proprietary drivers for your gpu if you need to
guide for it:


to set up our osu!, we'll use osu-install script from yurisuki (credits to him):

just follow the instructions here and install it:

once you start the script, just follow its instructions.
the script was supposed to do everything automatically, from installing osu! to the patch, but it actually crashes after installing osu! and running it. That's fine, because we'll only use it for the installation indeed.

the steps to make it work are:

- step 1: run it the first time, follow the script's instructions which will install everything but, in the part supposed to run osu!, it shouldn't start (if it starts, skip to step 3); so run the script again.

- step 2: follow the script's instructions again until it starts osu! (if you get "osu! crashed", just click on restart osu! and it should be working now.)

- step 3: the game is now working fine: close it, press whatever key you want on the terminal and the script should crash. that's fine, move on to step 4.

- step 4: run the script again for the last time and follow whatever it says, until it runs osu! again. When it starts, close the game and close the terminal by pressing any key.

our osu! is now completely set up and working fine, but we gotta apply thepoon's patch for latency and create a script to launch (or eventually, kill) the game.


let's begin with the patch:

- open the terminal as root using sudo su
sudo su

- type:
mkdir -p /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/

echo "high-priority = yes
nice-level = -15

realtime-scheduling = yes
realtime-priority = 50

resample-method = speex-float-0

default-fragments = 2 # Minimum is 2
default-fragment-size-msec = 2 # You can set this to 1, but that will break OBS audio capture." | sudo tee -a /etc/pulse/daemon.conf.d/10-better-latency.conf

(WARNING: if after applying this the system's audio is garbage, increase default-fragment-size-msec by 2, save and reboot)

- then type:
nano /etc/security/limits.conf

- scroll to the bottom of the file and add:
echo "USERNAME - nice -20

USERNAME - rtprio 99" >> /etc/security/limits.conf

- replace USERNAME with your username, save the file with ctrl+o and exit with ctrl+x.

- now open /etc/pulse/ with
nano -c /etc/pulse/

- here somewhere near lines 40/50 you should find this line:
load-module module-udev-detect

- once you find it, add tsched=0 to the end of it, so like this:
load-module module-udev-detect tsched=0

save the file again with ctrl+o and exit with ctrl+x.

the patch is now applied. reboot your pc to apply the changes and go on with the guide e.e


we're almost done! the last thing to do is create a script to start the game.
to do that:

- open the terminal and cd to your osu! folder (replace username with yours):
cd /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/
(if z: isn't your drive here, just search for the right one)

- type this to create the osu script:
cat > osu << "EOF"

- now paste in the terminal the following (always replacing username with yours):


export vblank_mode=0
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine_osu
wine /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/osu\!.exe "$@"

- in the end launch these two commands.
sudo mv osu /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/osu

you can now launch your osu! by typing "osu" in the terminal!
to create a script to kill osu!, just in case it won't launch for any reason, let's do this:

- open the terminal and cd to your osu! folder (replace username with yours):
cd /home/username/.wine_osu/dosdevices/z:/home/username/Downloads/

- type this to create the osukill script:
cat > osukill << "EOF"

- now paste in the terminal the following:


export vblank_mode=0
export WINEARCH=win32
export WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.wine_osu
wineserver -k

- in the end launch again these two commands.
sudo mv osukill /usr/bin/
sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/osukill

you can now kill osu by typing osukill in the terminal when you need to :D

And that's it! Your osu! should now work perfectly fine!
Last but not least: you can also create a desktop shortcut for it, by left clicking on your desktop and selecting "create a launcher". It should look like this:

Well, that's the end of the guide! Thanks for reading, and have fun playing osu! on your linux <33

This is the maximum performance I got even using that configuration, Spec (2gb ram, 1.35ghz cpu, no graphic card)(Lubuntu 20.04 lts)
Worked really well. Surprisingly the script didn't crash at all after installing liquorix and all dependencies before running it so I didn't even need to do some of the steps.
I have followed the steps and in the end wine gives an error and does not execute it...
I'm with Manjaro.
Topic Starter

Destac wrote:

I have followed the steps and in the end wine gives an error and does not execute it...
I'm with Manjaro.
Yeah I noticed it doesn't work on Arch-based distros (idk why tho)
Still I found this guide which is actually much simpler and reliable, give it a look

You could try this extremely experimental guide I am writing right now. (provided you're on Arch-based)!_on_Arch_Linux
Thanks :)
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