
Digital artists needed

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Interested in making use of your artistic capabilities? Me and a group of others (half of which are from this community) are working on a little project, and we need innovative people with artistic capabilities to help us out. I won't be going into detail on what the project is about, but it will require you to be able to fulfill the following requirements;

  • > Own or have constant access to a graphics tablet. Great things can be achieved with a mouse, but I'm pretty sure that there is very few experienced enough users who are up to par. Care to prove me wrong? Go right ahead.
    It doesn't really matter what tools you use, as long as the outcome is of quality.
    Why add "having a tablet" to the requirements then?
    Using a mouse rather than a tablet both has an insanely high skillcap and is pretty inconvenient in comparison.

    > Be willing to spend a little bit of your time a day to work on the project.
    This may be a community project where you do as much as you can and want, but there is no reason for you to stay if you don't really do anything.
    The last project got shut down because of this very problem, and it's just no fun and has very little point to it if I'm to work on it alone.
    When the goal is to both improve and complete the project you should at least try and do your best.

    > Knowing this community, most of you illustrate manga/anime stuff. Your experience with such subjects will be irrelevant. If that's all you do then don't even bother, this is not a project for you. There is no set requirement for experience, but we don't need people who haven't ever touched a pen before or doodle animu characters in MS Paint.

    Being able to adapt, learn and practice is mandatory. Opinions are welcome, but not all things are for you to decide.

    Do you like weird and creepy? If you do, then that's good, if you don't then stop reading.


    If you know C# too then that's great and you are free to contribute further.

    If you're exceptionally good at writing then that's great too.
As we do not plan on profiting from this project, neither will you.
This is not a job and should not be viewed as one. Look for that elsewhere.

No, I won't be going into detail on what the project is until after you've applied and gotten accepted.

If you're interested you can contact me at , through the osu!client or through the site.

Best regards, boat.
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