Poster may or may not state short and consice reason of their rating.
If below poster still haven't watched the anime, he will type "Pass" and mention another anime for the following poster.
Poster A: "X" anime
Poster B: 8/10.The plot was good and character development was great.
"Y" anime
Poster C: I'll rate "Y" anime 6/10. The anime was mediocre for me.
Poster A: "X" anime
Poster B: 8/10.The plot was good and character development was great.
"Y" anime
Poster C: I'll rate "Y" anime 6/10. The anime was mediocre for me.
Remember, no personal attacks or criticism toward above poster.
Note: You can include mangas without anime adaptation.
I'll start off with a mainstream one, One Piece.