
Glutamine - glow

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 13 June 2021 at 23:00:05

Artist: Glutamine
Title: glow
Source: keeno
Tags: utaite,cover,miku,vocaloid,gurutamin
BPM: 85
Filesize: 3551kb
Play Time: 01:45
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (1.26 stars, 80 notes)
  2. Hard (2.84 stars, 187 notes)
  3. Hard+ (3.14 stars, 187 notes)
  4. Normal (2.01 stars, 133 notes)
Download: Glutamine - glow
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Forgot about it again lol... Tbh it should be considered done now, but of course any feedback is welcomed, and many thanks to everyone who played this map!!!
Phew, been away for awhile but have always thought about this song and by extension this beatmap I made years ago. Hopefully I can see it through this time and make it into a ranked map!

20190411 - Revamps on all difficulties. New difficulty "Hard+" added!
For some reason there's only ONE version of this wonderful song ranked, let's make it two! ^^
Thanks Charitish for modding ^^
Thanks Vistritium for modding ^^
Thanks Arnold0 for modding ^^
Thanks pimpG for modding ^^
Thanks Pisces for modding ^^
Thanks PortalLife for modding ^^
Thanks N E K O for modding ^^
Thanks mintong89 for modding ^^
Thanks DzH4BftkS for modding ^^
Thanks Alarido for modding ^^
Thanks Philippines for modding ^^
Thanks P A N for modding ^^
Thanks Cobra for modding ^^
Thanks popner for modding ^^
Thanks Raging Bull for modding ^^
Thanks Asphyxia for modding ^^
Thanks BakaHuang for modding ^^
Hello, I have never modded before but I'll try and give some suggestions.

-You might cosider adding easy diff. Your beatmap is rather short (2 min long) and easy diff doesnt take long time to do. But you dont have to, according to ranking criteria your mapset is fine :)
- Notes beat sounds is very quiet. You should increase their volume because player barely hear them.
- 01:33:725 what do you think about toggling kiai here off and on for extra foutain?

Sorry didnt find anything :_: I think diff is fine.

00:10:431(5,6,7,8,9) - I think this moment is very confusing and too hard. I fail like everytime I try it ^^
00:56:225(7) - I would remove this note. This moment is already very hard with many notes in short amount of time and different snapping distance. This note makes its also non regural when it comes to beating making this moment confusing and hard.
01:44:401(7) - ^ its ok if you dont agree, I just feel it's too difficult ^^. If you don't want to change it you can for example start new combo
here 01:44:313(1) and here 01:44:666(1) to notice player.
01:15:901(2,3,4) Like suggestion from up about combo. You can consider making new combo for those 3 beats, because they are harder. 01:16:254(5) here new too.

Sorry but I dont like this diff. Small beats, big jumps and fast sliders. Beats are very unintuitive here. I find it annoying. Ok, this is insane so it can very hard. I think there are people who will like it, but certainly not me.
00:18:901(4) - snapping? Or this is intended?
01:43:254 - oh wow, this is really hard and maybe unintuitive too?

Those all are just suggestions, you can refuse them all and its fine. Take care and good luck :)
Topic Starter

Vistritium wrote:

Hello, I have never modded before but I'll try and give some suggestions.

-You might cosider adding easy diff. Your beatmap is rather short (2 min long) and easy diff doesnt take long time to do. But you dont have to, according to ranking criteria your mapset is fine :) < I will add one if I can work things out :)
- Notes beat sounds is very quiet. You should increase their volume because player barely hear them.<Increased from 80% to 95%(you do meant hitsounds...right?)
- 01:33:725 what do you think about toggling kiai here off and on for extra foutain? <sounds nice ^^ added!

Sorry didnt find anything :_: I think diff is fine. <Ty ^^

00:10:431(5,6,7,8,9) - I think this moment is very confusing and too hard. I fail like everytime I try it ^^ <changed the ultra-short slider,but kept the stream, hope this helps the problem :P
00:56:225(7) - I would remove this note. This moment is already very hard with many notes in short amount of time and different snapping distance. This note makes its also non regural when it comes to beating making this moment confusing and hard.<removed, but I'm concerned about the ignored drum in the music
01:44:401(7) - ^ its ok if you dont agree, I just feel it's too difficult ^^. If you don't want to change it you can for example start new combo
here 01:44:313(1) and here 01:44:666(1) to notice player.<Changed the placements and added the NCs too, looks better now ^^, I think...
01:15:901(2,3,4) Like suggestion from up about combo. You can consider making new combo for those 3 beats, because they are harder. 01:16:254(5) here new too.< sticking to the original on this one, I think the placements are obvious enough, will change though if another modder say something abt this...

Sorry but I dont like this diff. Small beats, big jumps and fast sliders. Beats are very unintuitive here. I find it annoying. Ok, this is insane so it can very hard. I think there are people who will like it, but certainly not me.<Since this is kind of a 'slow' like song, I'm worrying that this difficulty might not be difficult enough so I've been trying to make it harder...Looks like I'm trying a little too hard... heheh... :oops:
00:18:901(4) - snapping? Or this is intended? <yes... an attempt to make it harder :oops:
01:43:254 - oh wow, this is really hard and maybe unintuitive too?<yes indeed, not even once I have successfully hit all of them :cry:

Those all are just suggestions, you can refuse them all and its fine. Take care and good luck :)
Thanks for modding :)
Mod for popner's special rules queue

00:15:725 (1) - Many 1/1 on the map, you can try to make this a 1/2 revrse slider and add a note at actual end like this :

00:18:725 - Add a note it fits and add a 1/2 note, this is less boring than always 1/1
00:35:490 - Add a note here fit vocals
00:41:137 - ^
00:48:196 - ^
00:53:843 - Add note here for sound in the music
00:58:431 (3) - This seams start late, it should start at 00:58:254 - and use same and as now I think

00:37:254 (5,6,7) - I not sure this is rankable, the 7 slider is completely hidden by 5 because they are on the same place
00:43:431 - Add a note, it fits the vocal and having some triplets in hard isn't bad.
00:57:725 (2) - This seams coming late du to vocals, make it start at 00:57:548 - , same end as actual.
00:58:254 - Add note here for fit vocals
00:58:960 - ^
01:10:254 - ^
01:43:607 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I think a spinner fit better than this because long note in vocals.

00:10:431 (3,4,5) - I think the repet slider don't fit nicely and make 4 & 5 hard to hit, so I suggest you to make a long slider from 00:10:431 - to 00:10:960 - and keep the two notes.
00:38:490 - It's a little empty here, add a note ?
01:07:960 (3) - I personnaly don't like this being on 1 end.

Good luck with your map ;)
from popner's special rules queue


bpm is 85 not 170, you need to double slider velocity in all diffs when changing to half bpm
artist: Keeno feat. Glutamine
dont forget to space feat.Glutamine :P

after a quick search, looks like keeno and glutamine are related to vocaloid .. i did not get enough time to get information but if they are vocaloids, you must to move them to tags and use the composer as artist.

title: Glow (Short.ver)
add lead-in at least 1 secound (i sugest 1.5 secounds)

make an easy difficulty.
according to the rules, all maps must to include a difficulty for newbies that is maximum 3 star rating, exept for maps for approval or really old maps that was mapped before the rule was created


your patterns and placement in general are good, the only problem here imo is the stack usage some of them are not recomended for difficulty for new players

nc sugestions
00:03:372 (4) - new combo
00:04:784 (1) - remove new combo
00:07:607 (1) - remove new combo
00:09:019 (3) - new combo
00:14:666 (7) - new combo
00:15:725 (1) - remove new combo
00:17:490 (3) - new combo
00:18:901 (1) - remove new combo
01:01:960 (7) - new combo
01:03:372 (1) - remove new combo
01:05:490 (5) - new combo
01:13:254 (4) - new combo
01:22:431 (2) - new combo because of kiai starting
01:29:490 (7) - new combo or this combo is too long
01:36:548 (1) - remove new combo

00:11:490 (6) - remove finish, change to a solf whistle ?
00:11:843 (1) - add finish at start
00:22:431 (7) - remove clap at the repeat, does not fits imo since the sounds at start are louder than the repeat so removing clap would differ them better.
01:16:784 (2) - add soft sample finish?
01:21:019 (1) - remove clap at slider end, there is no drum there. also i think is better to kee silence until kiai starts, fits the pacing better imo
01:32:490 (2,3) - remove clap from start of (3) and move to (2). are you trying to follow vocal with clap? not a good ideia imo
01:33:725 (1) - add finish at slider start . its the same sound as 01:22:431 - and its a new kiai start

00:11:843 (1,2) - stacking like that could confuse new players making them think the note is earlier in the timeline, i'm not new player but it confuses me sometimes
00:13:254 (4,5) - same as above
00:14:666 (7,8) - same as above
01:06:901 (7,8) - this part is messed a bit because of slider end of 8 stacked with 01:08:137 (9,1) -

its not noticeable in the editor, you can only see it while playing
and actually its ugly. please unstack (7,8)
01:31:960 (1,2,3,4) - too many stacks in a single pattern consider removing some for the sake of new players
01:16:960 - this empty space could be mapped, how about removing 01:16:784 (2) - and making a slider that ends at 01:17:843 instead?
01:19:784 - this empty space calls for a spinner imo... 01:20:666 spinner end here would work


ar 5 is too slow for hard try to increase at least +1
this difficulty is clearly overmapped, overmapping is not recomended since you are new mapper, and specially because this song is calm
in general the dificulty is not balanced, some parts are bit simple others are overmapped, you need to work on your own on how difficult you want this hard to be, but please dont overmap it

nc sugestions
00:03:372 (5) - new combo
00:04:784 (1) - remove new combo
00:07:607 (1) - remove new combo
00:09:019 (3) - new combo
00:13:254 (1) - remove new combo
00:37:254 (5) - new combo
00:38:666 (1) - remove new combo
00:45:019 (1) - remove new combo
00:48:196 (4) - new combo
00:49:960 (1) - remove new combo
00:54:196 (5) - new combo
00:55:254 (1) - remove ne combo
01:03:901 (1) - remove new combo
01:31:607 (1) - remove new combo
01:32:137 (2) - new combo
01:40:784 (1) - remove new combo
01:41:490 (3) - new combo
01:43:254 (1) - remove new combo
01:44:666 (1) - remove new combo

00:11:490 (9) - remove finish
00:11:843 (1) - add finish at start
00:22:607 (2,3,4) - remove claps, they sound terible imo
00:39:901 (5) - add clap?
01:13:960 (1) - sounds really strange having drum sampleset only in this note, better keep it as auto sampleset without hitsound imo
01:16:078 (4) - same as above
01:33:725 (1) - add finish at slider start . its the same sound as 01:22:431 - and its a new kiai start
01:44:666 (1) - remove clap

00:10:431 (5) - make it a simple slider. its not following the vocal correctly with this repeat slider
you can make slider end at 00:10:784 and add a circle to 00:10:960 - or you can just make it a long slider that ends at 00:10:960
00:10:431 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - this is actually really difficult to read, probably because of the low ar
00:37:254 (5,6,7) - its really difficult to see the secound slider because its overlapped by the 1st slider i'm not sure if its unrankeable (probably is, since i dont recognize this sliders in newest maps) but i highly sugest you to change it, you should not map to make things hard to head
00:54:196 (5) - this slider body is a bit offscreen and its unrankeable issue you must to fix it. my monitor is 1920x1080. i'm not sure if it will be offscreen in smaller monitors but it does not matter
00:55:254 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - make some of this circles into sliders
01:19:784 - you could make a spinner here until 01:20:666
01:21:019 (1) - make slider end at 01:21:725, will feel better
01:26:666 (1) - make slider end at 01:27:372, sounds/feels strange skipping this tick since there is drum there, highly sugest you to change it
01:27:725 - if you follow the previous sugestion add a circle here
01:27:901 (2,3,4,5,6) - this placement is very confusing, please remove this stacks
01:32:137 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this pattern is difficult to read because its circle + 2 stacked circles + circle + 3 circles of 1/4 and the ar does not helps


personally i dont think this song needs an insane difficulty this song is so calm and hard was a bit overmapped already
this insane has forced difficulty, sv looks to high for the song, the jumps are too crazy for this imo
the structure is good, i just think its not a good song to make things that challenging, you surelly can map fast songs well

nc sugestions
00:02:313 (1) - remove new combo
00:05:137 (1) - remove new combo
00:07:960 (1) - remove new combo
00:11:313 (1) - remove new combo
00:13:254 (1) - remove new combo
00:14:666 (5) - new combo
00:15:725 (1) - remove new combo
00:48:196 (7) - new combo
00:49:960 (1) - remove new combo
00:50:490 (2) - new combo
00:53:843 (4) - new combo
00:55:254 (1) - remove new combo
00:58:078 (1) - remove new combo
01:06:901 (1) - remove new combo
01:11:137 (1) - remove new combo
01:12:548 (8) - new combo
01:13:607 (11) - new combo
01:13:960 (1) - remove new combo
01:16:431 (8) - new combo
01:16:784 (1) - remove new combo
01:22:431 (3) - new combo because of kiai start
01:44:137 (6) - new combo

00:11:843 (1) - finish
00:16:254 (2) - clap
00:22:607 (2,3) - remove claps
01:21:019 (1) - this drum sampleset whistle sounds bad imo. i think its better as soft and without hitsounds
01:22:431 (3) - finish at slider start
01:33:725 (1) - finish
01:44:490 (9,10) - remove claps

00:10:431 (3,4,5) - this is hard to read, the repeat slider is an unescessary overmap but if you want to keep this pattern try to make the circles closer to the slider
01:09:019 (3,4,5) - i dont like this placement, the pattern does not follows music well too, try this this shape fits better imo

good luck
Topic Starter

Arnold0 wrote:

Mod for popner's special rules queue

00:15:725 (1) - Many 1/1 on the map, you can try to make this a 1/2 revrse slider and add a note at actual end like this :
< changed
00:18:725 - Add a note it fits and add a 1/2 note, this is less boring than always 1/1<I agreed that adding 1/2 note will be less boring so I will add some, but not here sorry :P
00:35:490 - Add a note here fit vocals<added
00:41:137 - ^<^
00:48:196 - ^<^
00:53:843 - Add note here for sound in the music<^
00:58:431 (3) - This seams start late, it should start at 00:58:254 - and use same and as now I think<fixed

00:37:254 (5,6,7) - I not sure this is rankable, the 7 slider is completely hidden by 5 because they are on the same place<fixed
00:43:431 - Add a note, it fits the vocal and having some triplets in hard isn't bad.<added
00:57:725 (2) - This seams coming late du to vocals, make it start at 00:57:548 - , same end as actual.<fixed
00:58:254 - Add note here for fit vocals<added
00:58:960 - ^<^
01:10:254 - ^<^
01:43:607 (3,4,5,6,1,2,3,1,2,3) - I think a spinner fit better than this because long note in vocals.<changed to spinner

00:10:431 (3,4,5) - I think the repet slider don't fit nicely and make 4 & 5 hard to hit, so I suggest you to make a long slider from 00:10:431 - to 00:10:960 - and keep the two notes.<fixed? I changed SV here to make it fit and it makes the map broken somehow T.T
00:38:490 - It's a little empty here, add a note ?<added
01:07:960 (3) - I personnaly don't like this being on 1 end.<changed , now 01:06:901 (1,2,3,4) - makes a complete square :)

Good luck with your map ;)
Thanks for modding :)

pimpG's mod next :D
Topic Starter

pimpG wrote:

from popner's special rules queue


bpm is 85 not 170, you need to double slider velocity in all diffs when changing to half bpm
artist: Keeno feat. Glutamine
dont forget to space feat.Glutamine :P


after a quick search, looks like keeno and glutamine are related to vocaloid .. i did not get enough time to get information but if they are vocaloids, you must to move them to tags and use the composer as artist.

^Don't worry, Keeno is a producer who used vocaloids, and Glutamine is an utaite who covered various vocaloid songs ;)

title: Glow (Short.ver)
add lead-in at least 1 secound (i sugest 1.5 secounds)


make an easy difficulty.
according to the rules, all maps must to include a difficulty for newbies that is maximum 3 star rating, exept for maps for approval or really old maps that was mapped before the rule was created

^will make one soon since demanded by yet another modder


your patterns and placement in general are good, the only problem here imo is the stack usage some of them are not recomended for difficulty for new players

nc sugestions
00:03:372 (4) - new combo<fixed
00:04:784 (1) - remove new combo
00:07:607 (1) - remove new combo
00:09:019 (3) - new combo
00:14:666 (7) - new combo
00:15:725 (1) - remove new combo
00:17:490 (3) - new combo
00:18:901 (1) - remove new combo
01:01:960 (7) - new combo
01:03:372 (1) - remove new combo
01:05:490 (5) - new combo
01:13:254 (4) - new combo
01:22:431 (2) - new combo because of kiai starting
01:29:490 (7) - new combo or this combo is too long
01:36:548 (1) - remove new combo
^agreed and fixed all
00:11:490 (6) - remove finish, change to a solf whistle ?
00:11:843 (1) - add finish at start
00:22:431 (7) - remove clap at the repeat, does not fits imo since the sounds at start are louder than the repeat so removing clap would differ them better.
01:16:784 (2) - add soft sample finish?
01:21:019 (1) - remove clap at slider end, there is no drum there. also i think is better to kee silence until kiai starts, fits the pacing better imo
01:32:490 (2,3) - remove clap from start of (3) and move to (2). are you trying to follow vocal with clap? not a good ideia imo<I actually tried to follow the drums, but ,meh, watever :P
01:33:725 (1) - add finish at slider start . its the same sound as 01:22:431 - and its a new kiai start
^agreed and fixed all

00:11:843 (1,2) - stacking like that could confuse new players making them think the note is earlier in the timeline, i'm not new player but it confuses me sometimes
00:13:254 (4,5) - same as above
00:14:666 (7,8) - same as above
01:06:901 (7,8) - this part is messed a bit because of slider end of 8 stacked with 01:08:137 (9,1) -

its not noticeable in the editor, you can only see it while playing
and actually its ugly. please unstack (7,8)
01:31:960 (1,2,3,4) - too many stacks in a single pattern consider removing some for the sake of new players
01:16:960 - this empty space could be mapped, how about removing 01:16:784 (2) - and making a slider that ends at 01:17:843 instead?
01:19:784 - this empty space calls for a spinner imo... 01:20:666 spinner end here would work<Not added.For some reason it din't work, the next beat appeared before the spinner ended, and it's too short anyway Imo
^agreed and fixed most. Not all stacks are removed, but many are. :D


ar 5 is too slow for hard try to increase at least +1<AR raised to 7
this difficulty is clearly overmapped, overmapping is not recomended since you are new mapper, and specially because this song is calm
in general the dificulty is not balanced, some parts are bit simple others are overmapped, you need to work on your own on how difficult you want this hard to be, but please dont overmap it
<Would the overmapped parts be those 1/8 stacks? But I really wanted to keep those because it matches the drums in the music :cry:

nc sugestions
00:03:372 (5) - new combo
00:04:784 (1) - remove new combo
00:07:607 (1) - remove new combo
00:09:019 (3) - new combo
00:13:254 (1) - remove new combo
00:37:254 (5) - new combo
00:38:666 (1) - remove new combo
00:45:019 (1) - remove new combo
00:48:196 (4) - new combo
00:49:960 (1) - remove new combo
00:54:196 (5) - new combo
00:55:254 (1) - remove ne combo
01:03:901 (1) - remove new combo
01:31:607 (1) - remove new combo
01:32:137 (2) - new combo
01:40:784 (1) - remove new combo
01:41:490 (3) - new combo
01:43:254 (1) - remove new combo
01:44:666 (1) - remove new combo
^agreed and fixed all(Except the last part, which is replaced by a spinner)

00:11:490 (9) - remove finish
00:11:843 (1) - add finish at start
00:22:607 (2,3,4) - remove claps, they sound terible imo
00:39:901 (5) - add clap?<Not added to follow music
01:13:960 (1) - sounds really strange having drum sampleset only in this note, better keep it as auto sampleset without hitsound imo
01:16:078 (4) - same as above
01:33:725 (1) - add finish at slider start . its the same sound as 01:22:431 - and its a new kiai start
01:44:666 (1) - remove clap
^agreed and fixed most

00:10:431 (5) - make it a simple slider. its not following the vocal correctly with this repeat slider
you can make slider end at 00:10:784 and add a circle to 00:10:960 - or you can just make it a long slider that ends at 00:10:960
00:10:431 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - this is actually really difficult to read, probably because of the low ar
00:37:254 (5,6,7) - its really difficult to see the secound slider because its overlapped by the 1st slider i'm not sure if its unrankeable (probably is, since i dont recognize this sliders in newest maps) but i highly sugest you to change it, you should not map to make things hard to head
00:54:196 (5) - this slider body is a bit offscreen and its unrankeable issue you must to fix it. my monitor is 1920x1080. i'm not sure if it will be offscreen in smaller monitors but it does not matter
00:55:254 (1,2,3,4,5,6,1,2,3,4) - make some of this circles into sliders
01:19:784 - you could make a spinner here until 01:20:666<Not added. While I can still get a 300 in this spinner, it's still too short Imo :P
01:21:019 (1) - make slider end at 01:21:725, will feel better
01:26:666 (1) - make slider end at 01:27:372, sounds/feels strange skipping this tick since there is drum there, highly sugest you to change it
01:27:725 - if you follow the previous sugestion add a circle here
01:27:901 (2,3,4,5,6) - this placement is very confusing, please remove this stacks
01:32:137 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8) - this pattern is difficult to read because its circle + 2 stacked circles + circle + 3 circles of 1/4 and the ar does not helps
^agreed and fixed most. AR problems should be fine now.Patterns are improved(I hope :? )


personally i dont think this song needs an insane difficulty this song is so calm and hard was a bit overmapped already
this insane has forced difficulty, sv looks to high for the song, the jumps are too crazy for this imo
the structure is good, i just think its not a good song to make things that challenging, you surelly can map fast songs well

^Lol, quite a few modders complaint about this difficulty already, maybe I'll remove it if it still can't be fixed after another mod or two. Afterall, I am adding another difficulty :D

nc sugestions
00:02:313 (1) - remove new combo
00:05:137 (1) - remove new combo
00:07:960 (1) - remove new combo
00:11:313 (1) - remove new combo
00:13:254 (1) - remove new combo
00:14:666 (5) - new combo
00:15:725 (1) - remove new combo
00:48:196 (7) - new combo
00:49:960 (1) - remove new combo
00:50:490 (2) - new combo
00:53:843 (4) - new combo
00:55:254 (1) - remove new combo
00:58:078 (1) - remove new combo
01:06:901 (1) - remove new combo
01:11:137 (1) - remove new combo
01:12:548 (8) - new combo
01:13:607 (11) - new combo
01:13:960 (1) - remove new combo
01:16:431 (8) - new combo
01:16:784 (1) - remove new combo
01:22:431 (3) - new combo because of kiai start
01:44:137 (6) - new combo
^agreed and fixed all

00:11:843 (1) - finish
00:16:254 (2) - clap
00:22:607 (2,3) - remove claps
01:21:019 (1) - this drum sampleset whistle sounds bad imo. i think its better as soft and without hitsounds
01:22:431 (3) - finish at slider start
01:33:725 (1) - finish
01:44:490 (9,10) - remove claps
^agreed and fixed all

00:10:431 (3,4,5) - this is hard to read, the repeat slider is an unescessary overmap but if you want to keep this pattern try to make the circles closer to the slider<changed to a simple slider in the previous mod, not sure if this fixed the problem
01:09:019 (3,4,5) - i dont like this placement, the pattern does not follows music well too, try this this shape fits better imo<Changed!

good luck
Thanks for modding!!
Good Mod btw :D

Hitsound volume is so loud. :?
Volume down to 45%


  1. 00:09:019 (3) - no repeat
  2. 00:10:607 (1) - start on 00:10:607 (1), end time is same
  3. 00:17:490 (1) - finish on start of slider
  4. 00:45:372 (1) - remove NC
  5. 00:45:725 (1) - finish on start of slider
  6. 00:57:372 (1) - stacking on 00:56:313 (3) is hard for Newbie Player
  7. 01:01:254 (2,3,4,5) - hard for Newbie player
  8. 01:02:666 (1) - finish
  9. 01:06:901 (1) - remove NC
  10. 01:12:196 (3,4,5,6,7) - hard for Newbie Player
  11. 01:32:313 (1) - remove NC but if it's intentional, not need to change


  1. 00:16:254 (3,4) - perfectly overlap (3)(x=271 y=192),(4)(x=272,192) :!: (4) change to (271,192)
  2. 00:17:490 (1) - Finish on Start of Slider
  3. 00:34:431 (1) - Finish
  4. 00:37:078 (1) - perfectly overlap (268,92) :arrow: (267,92) and Remove NC
  5. 00:37:254 (2) - NC
  6. 00:39:725 (9) - How about moving to (248,147)?
  7. 00:45:725 (1) - Finish on Start of Slider
  8. 00:51:372 (1) - Finish
  9. 00:51:372 (1) - ^
  10. 01:00:548 (5,7,1) - Perfectly overlap
  11. 01:02:666 (1) - Finish
  12. 01:08:313 (1) - ^
  13. 01:22:078 (2) - Perfectly overlap on (355,148)
  14. 01:24:548 (5,8) - Perfectly overlap
  15. 01:27:548 (4,5,1) - i feel strange rhythem... :?
Topic Starter

[Pisces] wrote:


Hitsound volume is so loud. :?
Volume down to 45% < :lol: It was actually higher than 45% and someone still say it's too soft :o Will go for 55% :D


  1. 00:09:019 (3) - no repeat<fixed
  2. 00:10:607 (1) - start on 00:10:607 (1), end time is same<^
  3. 00:17:490 (1) - finish on start of slider<fixed
  4. 00:45:372 (1) - remove NC<fixed
  5. 00:45:725 (1) - finish on start of slider<fixed
  6. 00:57:372 (1) - stacking on 00:56:313 (3) is hard for Newbie Player<changed
  7. 01:01:254 (2,3,4,5) - hard for Newbie player<changed
  8. 01:02:666 (1) - finish<fixed
  9. 01:06:901 (1) - remove NC<fixed
  10. 01:12:196 (3,4,5,6,7) - hard for Newbie Player<changed
  11. 01:32:313 (1) - remove NC but if it's intentional, not need to change<yup it's intentional :)


  1. 00:16:254 (3,4) - perfectly overlap (3)(x=271 y=192),(4)(x=272,192) :!: (4) change to (271,192)<fixed
  2. 00:17:490 (1) - Finish on Start of Slider<fixed
  3. 00:34:431 (1) - Finish<fixed
  4. 00:37:078 (1) - perfectly overlap (268,92) :arrow: (267,92) and Remove NC<fixed
  5. 00:37:254 (2) - NC<fixed
  6. 00:39:725 (9) - How about moving to (248,147)?<keeping original position, liked it better
  7. 00:45:725 (1) - Finish on Start of Slider<fixed
  8. 00:51:372 (1) - Finish<fixed
  9. 00:51:372 (1) - ^<fixed
  10. 01:00:548 (5,7,1) - Perfectly overlap<fixed
  11. 01:02:666 (1) - Finish<fixed
  12. 01:08:313 (1) - ^<fixed
  13. 01:22:078 (2) - Perfectly overlap on (355,148)<fixed
  14. 01:24:548 (5,8) - Perfectly overlap<fixed
  15. 01:27:548 (4,5,1) - i feel strange rhythem... :? < removed 01:27:548 (4) -
Thanks for modding :)
Mod queue request

No suggestions, solid map


00:22:254 (6,7) I don't like how these are stacked, Try spacing it normally like this:
01:25:960 (5) I don't like how this is stacked under the slider. I'm not a big fan of notes under sliders in general, I suggest you put this circle at the end. There was another instance of this at:
00:45:548 (2) This 1/4 beat doesn't match anything in the song as its set to silence near enough, I suggest deleting it.


00:08:666 (6) Note under slider. Try putting it at the end.
00:14:666 (1) This slider touches the edge of the screen. Its really close to going off, and that's unrankable. I strongly suggest you bring this up to avoid trouble with MAT/BAT's.
00:22:431 (1,2,3,4,5) I really don't like this given its a 1/4 stream and its in this pattern. A straight line stream will be easier to follow. If you do a straight line, put the (5) at the side of the 4.
00:50:843 (2) This 1/4 doesn't match anything in the song. I suggest deleting it.
01:11:666 (2,3,4) This 1/4 stack doesn't seem to match anything. I can see what youre doing with the vocals, but it doesn't sound right to me. I suggest deleting it.


Circle Size 4 please.
OD 6-8 please. Thats way low for insane!

00:13:607 (6) Get this thing away from the HP bar or its un rankable or very close to being it D:
00:48:196 (1) Circle under slider, please put this at the end.
00:50:843 (1,2,3,4,5) I really don't like this pattern. Its.. really confusing. I don't know what you would want to do with it, but I suggest you change it as those back and forths seem really confusing.
00:56:666 (5) That jump is urgh. Please stack it on the slider and it makes sense.
01:18:990 (2) The 1/8 note makes no sense here. Strongly suggest you delete this.
01:19:343 (5) ^
01:22:078 (2) Note under silder D:

This map needs some work. You should rethink the insane especially I feel.. the patterns and jumps are just overkill for such a low BPM song.

Topic Starter

PortalLife wrote:

Mod queue request

No suggestions, solid map


00:22:254 (6,7) I don't like how these are stacked, Try spacing it normally like this:
01:25:960 (5) I don't like how this is stacked under the slider. I'm not a big fan of notes under sliders in general, I suggest you put this circle at the end. There was another instance of this at:
00:45:548 (2) This 1/4 beat doesn't match anything in the song as its set to silence near enough, I suggest deleting it.
^As it does not really cause a big problem, it is ignored for now :P


00:08:666 (6) Note under slider. Try putting it at the end.<Changed to 'Slider under Note' instead
00:14:666 (1) This slider touches the edge of the screen. Its really close to going off, and that's unrankable. I strongly suggest you bring this up to avoid trouble with MAT/BAT's.<fixed
00:22:431 (1,2,3,4,5) I really don't like this given its a 1/4 stream and its in this pattern. A straight line stream will be easier to follow. If you do a straight line, put the (5) at the side of the 4.<changed to sliders
00:50:843 (2) This 1/4 doesn't match anything in the song. I suggest deleting it.<fixed
01:11:666 (2,3,4) This 1/4 stack doesn't seem to match anything. I can see what youre doing with the vocals, but it doesn't sound right to me. I suggest deleting it.<fixed


Circle Size 4 please.
OD 6-8 please. Thats way low for insane!
00:13:607 (6) Get this thing away from the HP bar or its un rankable or very close to being it D:<fixed
00:48:196 (1) Circle under slider, please put this at the end.<changed
00:50:843 (1,2,3,4,5) I really don't like this pattern. Its.. really confusing. I don't know what you would want to do with it, but I suggest you change it as those back and forths seem really confusing.
00:56:666 (5) That jump is urgh. Please stack it on the slider and it makes sense.
01:18:990 (2) The 1/8 note makes no sense here. Strongly suggest you delete this.
01:19:343 (5) ^
01:22:078 (2) Note under silder D:
^*Sigh* Since it's really not working out, I'll either remap it or remove it :|

This map needs some work. You should rethink the insane especially I feel.. the patterns and jumps are just overkill for such a low BPM song.
Thanks for modding :)
From popner's special rules queue.


  • Nice song. Gurutamin > <

    I focused much on the pattern and flows ,not NCs and hitsounds,cuz i'm not good at hitsound actually.
    (Also more attention on insane and hard.Cuz it's really a standard normal and easy without big problems.)


  • I found that you used many same shapes, i'm going to change some of them to

    make it a enjoyable one to play.

    00:01:960 (3,4) - I'd like to change this part like this,cuz it makes a "↗"flow and i think it's better.
    00:03:372 (1,2,3,4) - wow then this part .I prefer to do it because it's of

    much fun than the previous one,just go around and around.
    00:09:019 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest to change the shape of the slider.

    00:10:254 (2) - maybe delete this to fit the spinner better.

    00:14:666 (1) - Same reason as i said at the beginning of insane
    00:44:666 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - I strongly suggest to make a pattern here such as

    "W"or"M" or sth like that.(also,it's ok now,this just my opinion.)

    00:46:784 (3) - add a note here ,maybe this position
    00:55:254 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - nice heart > < but maybe too much notes here

    01:22:784 (1,2,3,4) - I think this pattern doesn't fit the feeling of the song,cuz here comes the high tension of the song. (one of my suggestions is
    to make some 1/2 sliders around the screen ,i mean some slider jumps.)

  • umm..i just felt that the sliders are too long...if you like anyway.

    00:06:195 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - to improve the player experience
    00:13:254 (3) - ctrl+g in my opinion.

    00:15:725 (2) - umm, a short-straight slider doesn't feel right,i'd prefer this.
    00:48:548 (2) - maybe change it to a leftward slider to make a flow.

    01:32:843 (5,6,7) - a little hard? maybe try this.

  • Good map
    00:45:019 (6,7,1) - this kind of hide may be too hard for newbies.

  • Good one.
Good luck :)
Topic Starter

N E K O wrote:

From popner's special rules queue.


  • Nice song. Gurutamin > < <Ikr xD

    I focused much on the pattern and flows ,not NCs and hitsounds,cuz i'm not good at hitsound actually.
    (Also more attention on insane and hard.Cuz it's really a standard normal and easy without big problems.)


  • I found that you used many same shapes, i'm going to change some of them to

    make it a enjoyable one to play.

    00:01:960 (3,4) - I'd like to change this part like this,cuz it makes a "↗"flow and i think it's better.^accepted
    00:03:372 (1,2,3,4) - wow then this part .I prefer to do it because it's of

    much fun than the previous one,just go around and around. ^ changed to another pattern(but still goes round and round :P)

    00:09:019 (1,2,3,4) - I suggest to change the shape of the slider.

    00:10:254 (2) - maybe delete this to fit the spinner better.<fixed

    00:14:666 (1) - Same reason as i said at the beginning of insane ^changed patterns

    00:44:666 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - I strongly suggest to make a pattern here such as

    "W"or"M" or sth like that.(also,it's ok now,this just my opinion.)
    ^changed to a "W" shape

    00:46:784 (3) - add a note here ,maybe this position ^Ignored, kinda want to follow the vocals here

    00:55:254 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - nice heart > < but maybe too much notes here
    ^ xD, well, I'm just following the drums anyway :P

    01:22:784 (1,2,3,4) - I think this pattern doesn't fit the feeling of the song,cuz here comes the high tension of the song. (one of my suggestions is
    to make some 1/2 sliders around the screen ,i mean some slider jumps.)
    ^Not sure what you mean here? ignored for now

  • umm..i just felt that the sliders are too long...if you like anyway.
    ^looks fine to me, but you might be right though...
    00:06:195 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - to improve the player experience ^ignored, don't want to put such jumps in hard

    00:13:254 (3) - ctrl+g in my opinion.
    ^ignored, I like the current flow better

    00:15:725 (2) - umm, a short-straight slider doesn't feel right,i'd prefer this. ^changed to stack instead, I want to follow the drums so I din't use the longer slider :P

    00:48:548 (2) - maybe change it to a leftward slider to make a flow.

    01:32:843 (5,6,7) - a little hard? maybe try this. ^accepted

  • Good map
    00:45:019 (6,7,1) - this kind of hide may be too hard for newbies.

  • Good one.
Good luck :)
Thank you for modding ^^


Your Metadata is wrong, it should be like this:
Artist: ぐるたみん
Romanised Artist: Glutamine
Title: glow
Source: keeno
Tags: utaite cover miku vocaloid gurutamin
1. Artist should not written as feat because it's cover not original version.
2. title should not write short ver because this is own cut not original cut.
3. tags can't be write glutamine because it already at artist.


00:57:725 (4) - NC? because it's already new lyric part.
01:18:196 (2) - NC because slider speed change.

Topic Starter

mintong89 wrote:


Your Metadata is wrong, it should be like this:
Artist: ぐるたみん
Romanised Artist: Glutamine
Title: glow
Source: keeno
Tags: utaite cover miku vocaloid gurutamin
1. Artist should not written as feat because it's cover not original version.
2. title should not write short ver because this is own cut not original cut.
3. tags can't be write glutamine because it already at artist.


00:57:725 (4) - NC? because it's already new lyric part.
01:18:196 (2) - NC because slider speed change.


^Fixed all, Thanks ^^
00:02:313 (4) - 请把这个slider倒过来,变成从左到右的slider.
00:17:490 (1,3,4,6) - 中间增加一个note
把00:38:666 (6) - 这里变成→
00:44:313 (1,2,3) - 中间放三连
00:47:137 (3) - 前面放2个note 像这样
00:55:431 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 中间鼓声有连打的.请跟着鼓声来
01:06:548 (10,1) - 中间放一个note
01:27:019 (6,1) - 这里跟着伴奏的鼓点更好
其实 我只有做insane比较准确 我看了下hard的大概,感觉还是不错的。
Hope this rank>.<! I love Glutamine's songs :DDD
Topic Starter

DzH4BftkS wrote:

00:02:313 (4) - 请把这个slider倒过来,变成从左到右的slider.<改了
00:17:490 (1,3,4,6) - 中间增加一个note <跳过了,加了好像有点多余…
把00:38:666 (6) - 这里变成→ 〈^
00:44:313 (1,2,3) - 中间放三连 <^
00:47:137 (3) - 前面放2个note 像这样<跳过了,这里想要跟vocal…
00:55:431 (2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - 中间鼓声有连打的.请跟着鼓声来<在00:56:048 - 加了个note
01:06:548 (10,1) - 中间放一个note<加了
01:27:019 (6,1) - 这里跟着伴奏的鼓点更好<把1号slider换去三个note了
其实 我只有做insane比较准确 我看了下hard的大概,感觉还是不错的。
Hope this rank>.<! I love Glutamine's songs :DDD
Thanks for modding :D, and me too is hoping this map will be ranked :lol:
From my Queue!

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts, things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
Let's go!

:!: There is a pure white combo color -- it can hurt players eyes on Kiai Time. Try any grey color not too flashy (something like {200,200,200} is good )

* Nice diff (:

:?: Could be nicer if SV was 1.70 (: If you change this, remember readjusting note spacings and slider lengths.

* Nice diff too (:

* Nice diff (:

That's it ^^

Nice song and nice map (: Good luck and Get Ranked soon ! (:

Topic Starter

Alarido wrote:

From my Queue!

Legenda wrote:

:!: → Unrankable things, must fix
:?: → My human doubts, things to consider
:idea: → Tips & Tricks to make your map better
* → Just comments, not mods
Naked Lines → Mods
Let's go!

:!: There is a pure white combo color -- it can hurt players eyes on Kiai Time. Try any grey color not too flashy (something like {200,200,200} is good )
* Nice diff (: <ty ^^

:?: Could be nicer if SV was 1.70 (: If you change this, remember readjusting note spacings and slider lengths. <Not sure abt this, will put up 2 versions and ask for testplays

* Nice diff too (: <ty ^^

* Nice diff (: <ty ^^

That's it ^^

Nice song and nice map (: Good luck and Get Ranked soon ! (:

Thanks for modding :)
Here's the M4M I promised a few weeks ago. Sorry for the very long delay ;_;

  1. Why would you name a diff with it's SV? ^^ Just name the easier one to [Norma]l and the the other one [Normal+] and everything's gonna be fine (: lol

  2. You didn't use more than 20% of the song (15% unused, 5% break). If you don't have plans mapping the last part, I would suggest you try to cut the last part instead.
  1. 00:12:548 (1) - Since this comes a bit early right after the spinner, I would suggest you move this circle near the center so players can easily hit it right after they finished spinning. Since spinning could be hard for some beginners, I would really suggest you follow this one.

  2. 01:13:960 (3) - You didn't use Distance Snapping here, please fix the spacing issue. Make sure all the spacing is consistent because they're not good for Easy difficulties.
[Normal 1.7SV]
  1. 01:18:196 (1,2,3) - What happened to your spacing here? Make sure the spacing is consistent so the players won't be confused.

  2. 01:37:607 (1,2,3) - The beat blanket in this part is broken because of the stacking of 2 and 3. What I can suggest here is you change the Stack Leniency to 3 so the stacking will not occur in this part.
  1. Wait, what? Both normal diff in this mapset are just the same?! This is not allowed in here, sir. Please delete one of them if you want this thing to be ranked. I would suggest you delete Normal 1.7SV though if I we're you. Since I think the spread will be a lot better with this diff. Well, since both Normal diffs are just the same, I'll state the same problems as well ^^

  2. 01:18:196 (1,2,3) - What happened to your spacing here? Make sure the spacing is consistent so the players won't be confused.

  3. 01:37:607 (1,2,3) - The beat blanket in this part is broken because of the stacking of 2 and 3. What I can suggest here is you change the Stack Leniency to 3 so the stacking will not occur in this part.
  1. 00:23:137 (5) - Change Grid Snap to 4 and move this circle 1 grid up. In this way, this circle will be exactly in the center of the previous sliders.

  2. 01:13:960 (1,2,3,4,5) - Are you making a Star Pattern here? Because you're not doing them right. D: Or if you want the image I provided below, try copying the code inside the spoiler.
    Instructions below this image.


    If you don't know how to deal with codes, here's a tutorial:
    • 1. Open the map's folder.
      2. Find Glutamine - glow (Aunxfb) [Hard].osu file.
      3. Open it using Notepad.
      4. Look for this near the bottom part:

      5. Replace the code I gave to that code I highlighted above.
      6. Click File>Save.
  1. 00:21:372 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - You do realize that these circles are not symmetrical because they're not placed in the center? (: lol, please move them for better symmetry. Also, you might want to stack 00:23:137 (10) properly with (6).

  2. 00:46:784 - I would highly suggest you add a circle here since seeing this empty feels boring to play in my opinion.
Topic Starter

Philippines wrote:

Here's the M4M I promised a few weeks ago. Sorry for the very long delay ;_;<No prob :)

  1. Why would you name a diff with it's SV? ^^ Just name the easier one to [Norma]l and the the other one [Normal+] and everything's gonna be fine (: lol
    ^This is temporary, I'm trying to find out if it's better to use 1.7SV or 2.0SV

  2. You didn't use more than 20% of the song (15% unused, 5% break). If you don't have plans mapping the last part, I would suggest you try to cut the last part instead.
    ^It's already a cut version :P

  1. 00:12:548 (1) - Since this comes a bit early right after the spinner, I would suggest you move this circle near the center so players can easily hit it right after they finished spinning. Since spinning could be hard for some beginners, I would really suggest you follow this one.
    ^It's one beat apart, so I think it's fine, and I liked the current pattern. Will consider if another modder suggest this.

  2. 01:13:960 (3) - You didn't use Distance Snapping here, please fix the spacing issue. Make sure all the spacing is consistent because they're not good for Easy difficulties.
[Normal 1.7SV]
  1. 01:18:196 (1,2,3) - What happened to your spacing here? Make sure the spacing is consistent so the players won't be confused.
    ^The spacing is following the change in slider velocity.

  2. 01:37:607 (1,2,3) - The beat blanket in this part is broken because of the stacking of 2 and 3. What I can suggest here is you change the Stack Leniency to 3 so the stacking will not occur in this part.
    ^looks fine to me? And I can't see how the stack ruined it?

  1. Wait, what? Both normal diff in this mapset are just the same?! This is not allowed in here, sir. Please delete one of them if you want this thing to be ranked. I would suggest you delete Normal 1.7SV though if I we're you. Since I think the spread will be a lot better with this diff. Well, since both Normal diffs are just the same, I'll state the same problems as well ^^
    ^Refer to [General]

  2. 01:18:196 (1,2,3) - What happened to your spacing here? Make sure the spacing is consistent so the players won't be confused.
    ^The spacing is following the change in slider velocity.

  3. 01:37:607 (1,2,3) - The beat blanket in this part is broken because of the stacking of 2 and 3. What I can suggest here is you change the Stack Leniency to 3 so the stacking will not occur in this part.
    ^looks fine to me? And I can't see how the stack ruined it?

  1. 00:23:137 (5) - Change Grid Snap to 4 and move this circle 1 grid up. In this way, this circle will be exactly in the center of the previous sliders.
  2. 01:13:960 (1,2,3,4,5) - Are you making a Star Pattern here? Because you're not doing them right. D: Or if you want the image I provided below, try copying the code inside the spoiler.
    ^Fixed, Thanks for the pattern :)
    Instructions below this image.


    If you don't know how to deal with codes, here's a tutorial:
    • 1. Open the map's folder.
      2. Find Glutamine - glow (Aunxfb) [Hard].osu file.
      3. Open it using Notepad.
      4. Look for this near the bottom part:

      5. Replace the code I gave to that code I highlighted above.
      6. Click File>Save.
  1. 00:21:372 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10) - You do realize that these circles are not symmetrical because they're not placed in the center? (: lol, please move them for better symmetry. Also, you might want to stack 00:23:137 (10) properly with (6).
  2. 00:46:784 - I would highly suggest you add a circle here since seeing this empty feels boring to play in my opinion.
    ^Ignored, want to follow vocal here.
Thanks for modding ^^
Topic Starter
EDIT: Followed The Last Advice, just noticed I'm not exactly following the vocal :oops:[/b]
Topic Starter
For some reason I can't edit any post for now :rage: :x
2ND EDIT: I decided not to follow that advice afterall :P
  1. Wait, what? Both normal diff in this mapset are just the same?! This is not allowed in here, sir. Please delete one of them if you want this thing to be ranked. I would suggest you delete Normal 1.7SV though if I we're you. Since I think the spread will be a lot better with this diff. Well, since both Normal diffs are just the same, I'll state the same problems as well ^^
    ^Refer to [General]

  2. 01:18:196 (1,2,3) - What happened to your spacing here? Make sure the spacing is consistent so the players won't be confused.
    ^The spacing is following the change in slider velocity.
    • Following or not, it's not really making any sense during the gameplay. The music itself is not asking for a slow down so I don't see the point why you are doing this. The slowing of the slider is fine but I -really- think you should use x1.0 here.
  1. 00:46:784 - I would highly suggest you add a circle here since seeing this empty feels boring to play in my opinion.
    ^Ignored, want to follow vocal here.
    • Having such a pause in a part that really needs mapping is senseless. Whether you are following the vocal or not, a circle needs to be here to maintain the 'entertainment' that is going on in this map, otherwise, it's gonna be a little bit boring.
Topic Starter
xD Din't really expect such a quick reply, but I appreciate this :)

Philippines wrote:

  1. Wait, what? Both normal diff in this mapset are just the same?! This is not allowed in here, sir. Please delete one of them if you want this thing to be ranked. I would suggest you delete Normal 1.7SV though if I we're you. Since I think the spread will be a lot better with this diff. Well, since both Normal diffs are just the same, I'll state the same problems as well ^^
    ^Refer to [General]

  2. 01:18:196 (1,2,3) - What happened to your spacing here? Make sure the spacing is consistent so the players won't be confused.
    ^The spacing is following the change in slider velocity.
    • Following or not, it's not really making any sense during the gameplay. The music itself is not asking for a slow down so I don't see the point why you are doing this. The slowing of the slider is fine but I -really- think you should use x1.0 here.
      ^xD, what I meant was, the distance spacing actually changes according to the timing section(This IS x1.0, I did not decrease it). Well,since you insist, I'll adjust the Distance Spacing so it matches the previous x1.0(used 1.2) for now

  1. 00:46:784 - I would highly suggest you add a circle here since seeing this empty feels boring to play in my opinion.
    ^Ignored, want to follow vocal here.
    • Having such a pause in a part that really needs mapping is senseless. Whether you are following the vocal or not, a circle needs to be here to maintain the 'entertainment' that is going on in this map, otherwise, it's gonna be a little bit boring.
      ^Alright, I see your point here :oops:
thanks ^^

what about remove that 2 book mark


01:33:725 (1,2,3,4,5) - I did like this and MAT said it's like repeat so.. maybe change it?
01:39:725 (2,3,1,2,1,2) - ^


well.. I choose this (not normal 1.7sv)
I think circle size +1 is better. for normal and this kind of distance
00:52:784 (2) - move to 368|336 is better :3


00:44:313 (6) - NC
00:47:137 (3) - move to 400|256


00:21:725 (6) - NC
01:04:078 (5) - NC?
look fine...

Topic Starter

P A N wrote:


what about remove that 2 book mark
^done :)


01:33:725 (1,2,3,4,5) - I did like this and MAT said it's like repeat so.. maybe change it? <changed
01:39:725 (2,3,1,2,1,2) - ^ <^


well.. I choose this (not normal 1.7sv) <Ok.
I think circle size +1 is better. for normal and this kind of distance <I think you meant -1? +1 makes it smaller than hard :P (used CS=3)
00:52:784 (2) - move to 368|336 is better :3<moved


00:44:313 (6) - NC <fixed
00:47:137 (3) - move to 400|256 <moved


00:21:725 (6) - NC <fixed
01:04:078 (5) - NC? <fixed
look fine...

Thanks for modding ^^
I mean make it bigger 1 size ';..;'
Topic Starter

P A N wrote:

I mean make it bigger 1 size ';..;'
Lol, it's alright, I made it bigger anyway :D
Hi, M4M

00:17:490 (1) - try a soft finish instead.
Nice diff.

00:04:078 (2) - move so it isnt touching (1)
00:08:313 (6) - move so it isnt touching (5)
00:17:490 (1) - finish?
00:45:019 (6) - try a slight arc, like this
00:51:019 (7) - whistle seems random ._.
01:13:254 (4) - remove nc
01:14:313 (1) - nc

00:17:490 (1) - finish?
00:43:254 (2,3,4) - uh, make these all the same distance apart
Did you use Ctrl+Shift+D for your star patterns? can't tell, but you should

I can't really mod insane, but nice diff.

Awesome short map. I recommend turning down the volume though, or maybe finding a custom clap hitsound. It doesn't sound good in my opinion.
That's all, good luck!
Topic Starter

Cobra wrote:

Hi, M4M

00:17:490 (1) - try a soft finish instead. <Good Idea
Nice diff.

00:04:078 (2) - move so it isnt touching (1) <Moved
00:08:313 (6) - move so it isnt touching (5) <Moved
00:17:490 (1) - finish? <Added
00:45:019 (6) - try a slight arc, like this <Changed
00:51:019 (7) - whistle seems random ._. <was trying to match the music, but I agree, it does seem abit out of place
01:13:254 (4) - remove nc <Fixed
01:14:313 (1) - nc <Fixed

00:17:490 (1) - finish? <Added
00:43:254 (2,3,4) - uh, make these all the same distance apart <Fixed
Did you use Ctrl+Shift+D for your star patterns? can't tell, but you should <LoL, Should have done that, thanks for the tip :D

I can't really mod insane, but nice diff.

Awesome short map. I recommend turning down the volume though, or maybe finding a custom clap hitsound. It doesn't sound good in my opinion.
^Kind of agree with you on this one, will try to find a suitable hitsound :)

That's all, good luck!
Thanks for modding ^^
I'm here to give some suggestions.

The placement is a little monotones - sliders in same shape in everywhere. Generally it is fine, if they build up good flow and neat structure, but I would like to see(also the player) some creative patterns.

In the part before Kiai, the patterns are relatively neat. But in Kiai the whole structure seems broken. I think it is caused by the increasing of SV. With CS4 and 3.0x1.20=3.6SV, the slider shape and arrangement will be extremely hard to control. They looks like some randomly put objectives.
00:37:960 (4) - something like this will be delicious, while avoiding the overlap:
00:37:078 (1) - the flow will be much better if you put this note to right side of 00:36:901 (6) and 00:37:254 (2). Simply make a triangle like this will be fine:
ok, wrong puush

Same issue as Insane, about the SV in Kiai. Like 01:37:254 (8,1) - they just looks like at random position.

00:09:019 (1,2,3) - they are too much curved with CS3: slider boarder from one side is nearly completely hidden, so they failed in helping to create slider shape.

The Kiai part of H and I needs some work, even a slightly remap. I paste this from my user page:

I think you can learn something with my example. When you think your map have a really big improvement, don't hesitate to call me back.
Topic Starter

popner wrote:

I'm here to give some suggestions.

The placement is a little monotones - sliders in same shape in everywhere. Generally it is fine, if they build up good flow and neat structure, but I would like to see(also the player) some creative patterns.

In the part before Kiai, the patterns are relatively neat. But in Kiai the whole structure seems broken. I think it is caused by the increasing of SV. With CS4 and 3.0x1.20=3.6SV, the slider shape and arrangement will be extremely hard to control. They looks like some randomly put objectives.
00:37:960 (4) - something like this will be delicious, while avoiding the overlap:
00:37:078 (1) - the flow will be much better if you put this note to right side of 00:36:901 (6) and 00:37:254 (2). Simply make a triangle like this will be fine:

Same issue as Insane, about the SV in Kiai. Like 01:37:254 (8,1) - they just looks like at random position.

00:09:019 (1,2,3) - they are too much curved with CS3: slider boarder from one side is nearly completely hidden, so they failed in helping to create slider shape.

The Kiai part of H and I needs some work, even a slightly remap. I paste this from my user page:

I think you can learn something with my example. When you think your map have a really big improvement, don't hesitate to call me back.
Thanks for the advice! I'll be sure to let you know when it's the time :)
Raging Bull
Hi. Mods are suggestions only. If you disagree, please explain why instead of just no.

Your NC really bothered me since they were not consistent at all. Maybe add NC every 2 downbeat? (big white tick) I think it's good distance and note density for NCs.
Also you had sliders end on big white tick. I'm not a fan of that (maybe others are! Just my opinion). Since downbeat is a strong beat and you made slider end there which doesn't make it feel as strong as possible. Just something for you to consider if you wanna change some notes/sliders.

00:37:254 (1) - Remove NC for consistency with 00:43:607 (3) - ?
00:48:548 (1) - Remove Nc for consistency? Probably won't mention anymore NC since people don't like NC mods orz.
00:54:196 (1) - The long slider here seems very awkward. To me I think the slider is too long and doesn't feel like a good spot for a long slider. Perhaps try this combo instead?
01:08:313 (1,2,3,4,5) - Perhaps redesign combo? Because it's very similar to 00:59:843 (1,2,3,4,1). Maybe you could move 01:06:901 (4,5,6) - like this?
01:18:196 (1) - I suggest spacing this a little farther. The distance here got changed because you used slow down. I suggest putting like DS 1.2x to move it a little farther so beginners dont click early.

The gap from normal to hard seems really big. Perhaps +2 AR and +1 OD? Ar increased cause of slider velocity.
00:12:548 (2,3) - I personally like it more if maybe pattern was like this? It sounds much better and starting slider on red tick is usually weird.
00:16:784 (3) - Maybe make this 3 notes instead? The slider end irritates me since it's a strong beat (downbeat) but slider end usually doesn't emphasize it because you don't click it.
00:58:078 (2,3) - Simplify rhythm? Just like at 01:09:372 (2,3) ?
01:01:960 (1) - I really suggest either 1 1/2 slider and then note or 3 notes. I think this downbeat really deserves a note and not slider end. And you can also get rid of ugly NC here. You NC'd the slider but really he sings on same line. When downbeat happens, he sings a different line.
01:22:431 (1) - Forgot finish?
01:33:725 (1,2) - Make 1 a 1/2 slider with repeat instead and 2 a note. Again slider on red tick here but I think having 1 as slider instead feels much better.

00:59:490 (1,2,3) - I would say space farther since you made 00:55:254 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - a jump pattern. Both look same distance apart but timeline is different. I think making 00:59:490 (1,2,3) a jump would keep the flow.
01:11:137 (1,6) - I don't really like this too much. 1,2 are jump 5,6 is correct spacing, but both look similar. Perhaps just make 1,2 same distance?
01:22:431 (2) - NC? You kinda did it for all diffs.

01:21:019 (1) - I really liked it if you didn't have spinner here. It seems really nice to just map to it instead imo. I'm not really a fan of spinner end and kiai since you usually have to wait 1/2 or so before you start actually playing during kiai which kinda ruins the start of "epic" in your map. Remove spinner and map here?
01:33:725 (7) - Add finish
Topic Starter

Raging Bull wrote:

Hi. Mods are suggestions only. If you disagree, please explain why instead of just no.

Your NC really bothered me since they were not consistent at all. Maybe add NC every 2 downbeat? (big white tick) I think it's good distance and note density for NCs.
Also you had sliders end on big white tick. I'm not a fan of that (maybe others are! Just my opinion). Since downbeat is a strong beat and you made slider end there which doesn't make it feel as strong as possible. Just something for you to consider if you wanna change some notes/sliders.

00:37:254 (1) - Remove NC for consistency with 00:43:607 (3) - ?
00:48:548 (1) - Remove Nc for consistency? Probably won't mention anymore NC since people don't like NC mods orz.
00:54:196 (1) - The long slider here seems very awkward. To me I think the slider is too long and doesn't feel like a good spot for a long slider. Perhaps try this combo instead?
01:08:313 (1,2,3,4,5) - Perhaps redesign combo? Because it's very similar to 00:59:843 (1,2,3,4,1). Maybe you could move 01:06:901 (4,5,6) - like this?
01:18:196 (1) - I suggest spacing this a little farther. The distance here got changed because you used slow down. I suggest putting like DS 1.2x to move it a little farther so beginners dont click early.

The gap from normal to hard seems really big. Perhaps +2 AR and +1 OD? Ar increased cause of slider velocity.
00:12:548 (2,3) - I personally like it more if maybe pattern was like this? It sounds much better and starting slider on red tick is usually weird.
00:16:784 (3) - Maybe make this 3 notes instead? The slider end irritates me since it's a strong beat (downbeat) but slider end usually doesn't emphasize it because you don't click it.
00:58:078 (2,3) - Simplify rhythm? Just like at 01:09:372 (2,3) ?
01:01:960 (1) - I really suggest either 1 1/2 slider and then note or 3 notes. I think this downbeat really deserves a note and not slider end. And you can also get rid of ugly NC here. You NC'd the slider but really he sings on same line. When downbeat happens, he sings a different line.
01:22:431 (1) - Forgot finish?
01:33:725 (1,2) - Make 1 a 1/2 slider with repeat instead and 2 a note. Again slider on red tick here but I think having 1 as slider instead feels much better.

00:59:490 (1,2,3) - I would say space farther since you made 00:55:254 (2,3,4,5,1,2,3,4) - a jump pattern. Both look same distance apart but timeline is different. I think making 00:59:490 (1,2,3) a jump would keep the flow.
01:11:137 (1,6) - I don't really like this too much. 1,2 are jump 5,6 is correct spacing, but both look similar. Perhaps just make 1,2 same distance?
01:22:431 (2) - NC? You kinda did it for all diffs.

01:21:019 (1) - I really liked it if you didn't have spinner here. It seems really nice to just map to it instead imo. I'm not really a fan of spinner end and kiai since you usually have to wait 1/2 or so before you start actually playing during kiai which kinda ruins the start of "epic" in your map. Remove spinner and map here?
01:33:725 (7) - Add finish
Agreed to most if not all. Thks for modding ^^
I like your beatmap :) ぐるたみん!
Topic Starter

haruhi0924 wrote:

I like your beatmap :) ぐるたみん!
Thanks!! :) I'll be sure to work on it so it will get ranked soon! :D
I love the song,ty very much!
and the map is Great!
Topic Starter

ZZloveCCforever wrote:

I love the song,ty very much!
and the map is Great!
Thanks!! I'm still working on the [Insane] difficulty, hopefully I can get things done and move it to Pending again soon. :)

EDIT: I removed [Insane] Instead :P
This looks like ready for rank, just some few suggestions here! No need for kudo

Easy: -1 HP

Hard: 00:11:048 (1) - Maybe NC here?
01:11:137 (1) - Maybe NC here?
01:16:784 (9) - NC since velo change?

GL <3
Topic Starter

Asphyxia wrote:

This looks like ready for rank, just some few suggestions here! No need for kudo

Easy: -1 HP <okay

Hard: 00:11:048 (1) - Maybe NC here?<X
01:11:137 (1) - Maybe NC here?<X
01:16:784 (9) - NC since velo change? < fixed

^Sorry, Din't follow the 2 NCs there to keep the NC pattern suggested by Raging Bull (although I din follow it everywhere in my map :P)
GL <3
Thanks for modding!! :)

dont add (short.ver) in title?

and you can add soft-sliderslide.wav


01:39:019(1)- this slider is out of the game


00:10:431(7)-add NC here?
00:11:843(1)-change the head of this slider to the other side
00:37:254(5)-add NC
00:42:901(6)-add NC
00:44:313(1)-remove NC
00:48:548(5)-add NC
01:32:137(1)-remove the note
01:42:196(6)-this slider is out of the game

the rhythm has a little bit dull but it's fine
maybe you need more practise on mapping

good luck
Topic Starter

BakaHuang wrote:


dont add (short.ver) in title? <It's not there for awhile now....

and you can add soft-sliderslide.wav <maybe I should, but I dunno how :oops:


01:39:019(1)- this slider is out of the game <It's out of the mapping field, but it looks fine in test mode, so I guess it's alright?


00:10:431(7)-add NC here? <denied, wanted to follow original NC pattern here
00:11:843(1)-change the head of this slider to the other side < denied, I'd rather not make a longer jump here
00:37:254(5)-add NC<denied, wanted to follow original NC pattern here
00:42:901(6)-add NC <^
00:44:313(1)-remove NC<^
00:48:548(5)-add NC<^
01:32:137(1)-remove the note<denied, I can hear a note note in the music, although vague
01:42:196(6)-this slider is out of the game<It's out of the mapping field, but it looks fine in test mode, so I guess it's alright?

the rhythm has a little bit dull but it's fine
maybe you need more practise on mapping
^I agree with this fully,I'll try to improve

good luck
Thks for modding :D
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