Hello there! I'll be proposing the removal of the following guidelines for mania:
I feel like this guideline brings more confusion than it actually helps control quality. Honestly, the fact that most (if not all) people don't know what this guideline means should be reason enough for this guideline to be useless. Which is why I think these guidelines should be removed.
As always feel free to give your own insights and opinions!
Slider Velocity gimmicks should be reactable within 1/2 of a beat or more.Insane:
Slider Velocity gimmicks should be reactable within 1/4 of a beat or more when unnormalized and 1/2 of a beat or more when normalized.The main concern with these guidelines is that no one (asked a couple BNs) seems to know what exactly these two mean, making it practically useless as we can't enforce them either. Normalized SVs are nearly always reactable (sightreadable) unless you put a high value at the far end of an SV, and even then it depends on the player's scroll speed about when they can see what comes next.
I feel like this guideline brings more confusion than it actually helps control quality. Honestly, the fact that most (if not all) people don't know what this guideline means should be reason enough for this guideline to be useless. Which is why I think these guidelines should be removed.
As always feel free to give your own insights and opinions!
Summary of what has been discussed below:
General consensus seems to be that the guidelines should be either completely removed or adjusted. (or Hard should be adjusted and Insane guideline removed).
Removing guidelines would make every SV map case by case
Adjusting them would create a baseline, but limit it a bit
Removing guidelines would make every SV map case by case
Adjusting them would create a baseline, but limit it a bit