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thanks for your mods!
Cerulean Veyron
Hi ~ From my queue

Well... there's nothing i can mod here since this map is REALLY perfect for newbies. but i hope the Collab diff is passable o_o

Anyways, have a "Good Luck" star ~ :D
Topic Starter

GrayKaiser82 wrote:

Hi ~ From my queue

Well... there's nothing i can mod here since this map is REALLY perfect for newbies. but i hope the Collab diff is passable o_o

Anyways, have a "Good Luck" star ~ :D
thanks~ :)
Random Mod
The Aspect ratio of your BG atm is 16:10 which is unrankable. It'd be great if you could change it to one that is either 16:9 or 4:3.

- I think this needs an easier diff -- If you want to keep the current one as the easiest, then it needs some changes. Let me know what you decide on.

[Rare's Hard]
- Very good difficulty, nice flow, very natural. Just a few minor things I'd like to clean up:
01:56:346 (5) - Maybe stack that on the previous sliderend? Looks cleaner imo
02:12:444 (6) - ^
02:24:334 (1,2,3) - This felt a bit awkward when playing, but looking back at it it makes sense, timing wise. Don't quite know what to change about this to make it feel right.
03:47:200 (4) - Maybe stack that on the previous sliderend? Looks cleaner imo

Very fun to play, not too many issues:
00:05:127 (3) - Either make this a New Combo or move the rest of the combo a bit further away, that anti-jump is a bit confusing without a New Combo.
03:47:200 (1,2,3,4) - I'm just pointing this out because I thought it was a really good idea^^ Like this a lot.

That's pretty much all. Call me back when you decided on your Normal.

Rukario wrote:

[Rare's Hard]
- Very good difficulty, nice flow, very natural. Just a few minor things I'd like to clean up:
01:56:346 (5) - Maybe stack that on the previous sliderend? Looks cleaner imo it's intensional
02:12:444 (6) - ^ ^
02:24:334 (1,2,3) - This felt a bit awkward when playing, but looking back at it it makes sense, timing wise. Don't quite know what to change about this to make it feel right. i got it
03:47:200 (4) - Maybe stack that on the previous sliderend? Looks cleaner imo it's intensional
changed by myself
00:32:566 (2,4) - exchanged placement
02:26:712 (9,10,11) - changed placement

thanks for modding!!
Oh this song~ thanks to osu.

Giving a star for now, maybe will provide mod abit later~
Topic Starter
wow thanks for the stars CDFA + Sonnyc :D
Here goes the real mod.


00:15:554 (1) - Consider deleting this to start with the lyric.
00:20:859 (1) - The lyric being ignored by the slider reverse didn't seemed well. Try this rhythm :
00:47:383 (2) - Add Whistle?
01:43:359 (1) - Similar delete suggestion.
01:53:419 (3) - 1 Grid up
02:45:371 - Consider adding a spinner around here. All diff has, except this.

Rare's Hard:

00:08:968 (9) - I think whistle would rather suit at the head, than the end.
01:08:237 (1) - I think the jump is too far. Consider putting the head of the slider at (336,344).
02:02:017 (4) - ctrl+G will be better in spacing.
02:28:724 (1,2) - I can't understand this jump, it fits nowhere D: PLEASE make a change for this. I don't think you should keep this.
03:13:267 - Adding a note will be better, but no need to.
03:59:182 (4) - Same as <Collab>.

-- Either there was some jumps, most felt quite nice and not too tough. Nice job.


00:05:127 (3) - Since this is an anti jump, an NC won't hurt.
00:57:261 (6,7) - Increase 1/4 plz, looks odd in the map.
01:47:200 (5) - Decrease 1/4. Ignoring a Clap really feels strange.
02:08:602 (1) - Why is this NC?
03:13:267 - I think here needs a note, according to the song.
03:13:907 (7,8) - Rather making this a 1/4 slider jump, placing the jump in 03:13:724 (5,7) feels better.
03:55:066 (1,1) - Make spacing like 03:49:212 (1,1)?
03:59:182 (4) - NC. This is in the blue line, and is confusing to hit since the rhythm wasn't as expected.

-- Nice diff which was fun to play, but I didn't enjoyed the 1/4 slider jumps(since I'm not so pro to manage that pattern :<).
Card Captor Madoka doesn't exist. This is the third opening of "Cardcaptor Sakura", please fix the source. (I saw the ranked version, it's also wrong)
Other then that, I don't have any qualms with this map.

Feel free to call me back!
5 mods for bubble :3 huehue
Mythol so pro~
* before it got ranked~
Aoi Yuuki so moe~
Topic Starter

Rukario wrote:

Random Mod
The Aspect ratio of your BG atm is 16:10 which is unrankable. It'd be great if you could change it to one that is either 16:9 or 4:3.
actually it's rankable :P

- I think this needs an easier diff -- If you want to keep the current one as the easiest, then it needs some changes. Let me know what you decide on.
I think it's fine like this..

Very fun to play, not too many issues:
00:05:127 (3) - Either make this a New Combo or move the rest of the combo a bit further away, that anti-jump is a bit confusing without a New Combo. Fixed
03:47:200 (1,2,3,4) - I'm just pointing this out because I thought it was a really good idea^^ Like this a lot.

That's pretty much all. Call me back when you decided on your Normal.
ty for your mod~ :)

Sonnyc wrote:

Here goes the real mod.

01:53:419 (3) - 1 Grid up ok


00:05:127 (3) - Since this is an anti jump, an NC won't hurt. ok
02:08:602 (1) - Why is this NC? removed
03:13:267 - I think here needs a note, according to the song. yup
03:13:907 (7,8) - Rather making this a 1/4 slider jump, placing the jump in 03:13:724 (5,7) feels better. ok
03:55:066 (1,1) - Make spacing like 03:49:212 (1,1)? ok
03:59:182 (4) - NC. This is in the blue line, and is confusing to hit since the rhythm wasn't as expected. nah it's fine

-- Nice diff which was fun to play, but I didn't enjoyed the 1/4 slider jumps(since I'm not so pro to manage that pattern :<).
thanks a lot :D

dkun wrote:

Card Captor Madoka doesn't exist. This is the third opening of "Cardcaptor Sakura", please fix the source. (I saw the ranked version, it's also wrong)
Other then that, I don't have any qualms with this map.

Feel free to call me back!
lol you're right, fixed~

Zero__wind wrote:

5 mods for bubble :3 huehue
Mythol so pro~
* before it got ranked~
Aoi Yuuki so moe~
thx! ^^

Sonnyc wrote:

Rare's Hard:

00:08:968 (9) - I think whistle would rather suit at the head, than the end. i'm following the hi-hat of drum.
01:08:237 (1) - I think the jump is too far. Consider putting the head of the slider at (336,344). i don't think so
02:02:017 (4) - ctrl+G will be better in spacing. changed placement by myself
02:28:724 (1,2) - I can't understand this jump, it fits nowhere D: PLEASE make a change for this. I don't think you should keep this. i want keep my current pattern
03:13:267 - Adding a note will be better, but no need to. no changed
03:59:182 (4) - Same as <Collab>. mythol didn't fix it, i don't fix it too.

-- Either there was some jumps, most felt quite nice and not too tough. Nice job.
thanks for modding!!
A small recheck -- no kds please (got one a few posts up :p)

[Rare's Hard]
00:31:655 (6,1,2,3,1,2,3,4) - This is a bit un-intuitive to read. Out of the four test players I've asked in different skill levels, no one got this on first try. I suggest to either follow a star completely, or remake these two combos.
02:30:741 (3) - This is touching the HP bar. Could you lower it by a grid or two?
all fixed
thanks for modding!
Topic Starter
thank you dkun!! :D

alacat wrote:

ehh nothing

HP4 with AR4 and also for the easiest diff is kind of unforgiving drain. Try using HP3 instead.

Rare's Hard
There are some missing claps that I don't know they are intentional or not.
01:18:850 (4) -
01:19:582 (1) -
01:20:314 (6) -
Because 01:21:045 (9) - and 01:21:777 (2) - suddenly appears that makes me feel it's inconsistent.
02:37:875 (6) -
03:00:558 (7) -
03:02:753 (2) - 's tail
03:03:484 (4) - 's head
03:21:411 (1) - 's last point
03:51:777 (6) -

all fixed
thanks for modding~
Gratz baka! =w=
gratz :3
Isn't the source "Card Captor Madoka" ?
wow that was fast
Topic Starter

Darksonic wrote:

Isn't the source "Card Captor Madoka" ?
no, ranked ver. is wrong

Darksonic wrote:

Isn't the source "Card Captor Madoka" ?

Gratz mythol >3< This song is very nice !!
gratz :)
Congratz~~!! :)
Gratz~ :D
Congratz! Mythol. Really Nice map! :D
Personally, I think this needs some clarification in case there are some wondering the relation between 3 different shows.

kaminomi wikia source

Your tags are pretty off, by the way. "puella magi magica" for instance.

It's properly "Puella Magi Madoka Magica", if you wanted to affiliate the show since the singer of this track is the voice actress of the titular character, namely Madoka.
And you probably would've wanted to include "The World God Only Knows", "Mio Aoyama" & "Character cover" (Or just cover) as well.

I've made the corrections and adjustments to the tags, regardless.
Enjoy your rank, by the way.
The song Platinum is an OP from the anime Cardcaptor Sakura, and this song is a cover of that OP, so I'm hesitant as to whether the source is really Cardcaptor Sakura. It's also the only anime I've watched.
It's still "Cardcaptor Sakura", as the album itself has credentials to the show.

Also this song doesn't appear in the Kaminomi show. (Not that I know of, anyway)
you are diamond , not platinum

jsut a joke

finally, this map got ranked..
So fast as I thought !
fortunately I've stared before xD
gratz guys
Topic Starter
thanks for tags Faust~
and everyone else :D
oh~! congrats!! :D!
Nice song, Congratulations!
good map ~!
Thank you Mythol, cRyo and xasdfasf for this sweet collab ^^
Really fun to play!

I personally hope this isn't your last collab.

Ultimate wrote:

:( bmbm7m7m

late congrats
This is shit. Why would you remap a map which already has two perfectly playable versions with something like this? What ever happened to good mapping :(, Two of these difficulties aren't even yours. Did you check the quality? Did you realise how bad they were to play?

peppy wrote:

This is shit. Why would you remap a map which already has two perfectly playable versions with something like this? What ever happened to good mapping :(,
2013: no one cares about following the song, making a "fun jumpy map" is what players want

What happened to good mapping indeed
Card N'FoRcE

Blue Dragon wrote:

peppy wrote:

What ever happened to good mapping :(,
What happened to good mapping indeed

Not even joking.
Shohei Ohtani

peppy wrote:

This is shit. Why would you remap a map which already has two perfectly playable versions with something like this? What ever happened to good mapping :(, Two of these difficulties aren't even yours. Did you check the quality? Did you realise how bad they were to play?

Blue Dragon wrote:

2013: no one cares about following the song, making a "fun jumpy map" is what players want
totally agree with bd

peppy wrote:

This is shit. Why would you remap a map which already has two perfectly playable versions with something like this? What ever happened to good mapping :(, Two of these difficulties aren't even yours. Did you check the quality? Did you realise how bad they were to play?

welcome to 2013 mapping

peppy wrote:

This is shit. Why would you remap a map which already has two perfectly playable versions with something like this? What ever happened to good mapping :(, Two of these difficulties aren't even yours. Did you check the quality? Did you realise how bad they were to play?

peppy wrote:

This is shit. Why would you remap a map which already has two perfectly playable versions with something like this? What ever happened to good mapping :(, Two of these difficulties aren't even yours. Did you check the quality? Did you realise how bad they were to play?
no one cares
Raging Bull
few years too late to complain peppy.

peppy wrote:

This is shit. Why would you remap a map which already has two perfectly playable versions with something like this? What ever happened to good mapping :(, Two of these difficulties aren't even yours. Did you check the quality? Did you realise how bad they were to play?
It's always been like this. You let it become like this.

quality thread
>peppy complaining;

take a Snickers please.
Shohei Ohtani

peppy wrote:

This is shit. Why would you remap a map which already has two perfectly playable versions with something like this? What ever happened to good mapping :(, Two of these difficulties aren't even yours. Did you check the quality? Did you realise how bad they were to play?
That's why i have consistant spacing and don't overmap everything like everyone else does, nowadays. ._.
Did someone actually check the map?
It's not THAT bad o_o I've seen worse
Most of the people here talking about 2013 mapping didn't even check the map probably. I'm very serious when it comes to quality maps and this wasn't bad at all. BD was speaking in a general statement. If you actually check the map there's no overmapping(BounceBabe), and barely any jumps. Unless you consider a jump slight spacing increase for influence. Don't judge maps based on what others above you say, and if you can't play the map, don't even try to talk about overmapping or this and that seeing as you don't know how it flows, or plays.

osu! is not a visualizer
It's game, you have to play it.

This map isn't the best grand slam, but it's not bad, nor does it resemble any over/shitmapping. If you have an opinion, say it, it's fine but you must have a reasonable opinion based on actual facts and testing before you should be able to say or come to a conclusion.
Some of you only agree because of someone else saying something, but if they hadn't said it, you probably would have enjoyed the map.

Remember: This isn't my favorite map, nor a map I'm fangirling over. I only played it once, but based on the conversation in #modhelp the other day, I can safely assume that most of you barely take time to check, play, or think.
And just before you start replying or getting an image in your head of me, I don't think this map is the greatest ever umg, but it's quite nice and flows well, there's plenty of other maps to say: "LEL 2013 mappu" to.

ALSO: Before this gets too out of hand, please state the difficulty you're talking about. You never know, peppy could be talking about Rare's diff or the Normal and you could be talking about the collab.

Topic Starter
shit map nuke pls

peppy wrote:

Why would you remap a map which already has two perfectly playable versions with something like this?
Just saying, this is the first full version of this song ranked, the other two ones are short version.
Shohei Ohtani
3 year reminder that back then this map was considered overmapped.

Look how far we've come

i want to go back

Blue Dragon wrote:

peppy wrote:

This is shit. Why would you remap a map which already has two perfectly playable versions with something like this? What ever happened to good mapping :(,
2013: no one cares about following the song, making a "fun jumpy map" is what players want

What happened to good mapping indeed
damn how things change
LOL peppy great opinion keep it up, proud of ya
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