
Who is Dr. P? And why does writing a title fixes his mistake?

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Calm Mango
Hey!!! I am new and a total noob. Been playing for 6h and can not even touch 3 stars. How long does it take to become like those pros who I watched on youtube?... People find my username weird and not cool(I use it like everywhere). But if anyone among you guys think its cool plz tell me. Also winter is cool and all but it has a downside of not being a season where you can get any good mangoes, do you agree?

Edit: Also do you believe in materialism or dualism? Like do you think that everything that exists is just matter and even consciousness and mental states arise due to material interactions OR do you think there is something which transcends matter which is responsible for consciousness?

(Ans atleast 2 out of 5 questions)
Hello and Welcome! :)
You dont need to think about how long it takes to get like these pros on youtube.^^
I am playing since 1 month and I can pass 4-5 stars maps.
The more you play the better you will get.
And I am pretty sure at some point you will have to play much more to see your progress so don't panic if you don't see any progress at some point^^

But for your question, I think it takes at least 6 months of playing to beat like 7-8 stars map or even more I don't know.^^

I don't see why your username should be weird. I think it's cool and "calm" (im proud of that joke ;) ).

Mangoes are cool but I eat them rarely "often". But I can't say that it's destroying the winter or some kind of that stuff^^.

I don't believe in god or that everything like the spirit and a second life. I think that everything is just how it is, because it is how it is (hope it doesn't sound weird when i say it like that :o). We can discuss over that topic, if you want ^^. I got many thoughts about it and it would take veeeeery long to write them down here soooo... I don't know.
Write me and we can discuss I quess.

Hope this all wasn't too long and I hope you gonna stay long in the Osu! community :p
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