What Is The Queue For?
The Queue is to help new, unranked and experienced mappers improve their mapping skills and knowledge as well as receieve opinion based feedback. We're all humans, we're not perfect, none of us are the same. Everyone will have a different opinion on various things that others cannot see and expressing that via constructive criticism is the number one way to help improve on something, not only in mapping!
-Tech maps, mainly dubstep and so called 'wub' maps.
-Songs below 120BPM or above 300BPM, anything in between is perfectly fine.
-Maps of the star rating higher than 9, these are usually highly overmapped and it's very discouraging for me.
-Kpop, just.. no.
-Songs of any Metal genre, that is an at least a guaranteed hype from my side as well as priority in the modding queue.
-requesting M4M, NMs are looked at as well don't worry, M4Ms are just looked at first.
-Actually using the form at the bottom of the post, doesn't have to be 100% accurate just a general idea of what my ears have to expect so I can better navigate through my queue.
-Everyone is welcome! You don't need to be scared or anxious about posting in my queue worrying that your map isn't good enough or it's a bad decision, I'm a nice person and I'm here to help you! : )
-Hence I'm from Poland I'm able to mod in both English and Polish so please give a hard say which language you want me to use, saying pl/eng will automatically make me choose the English option.
-I'm pretty active so I'll most likely look into your request within a day or even an hour if I'm not doing anything.
-When modding your map I put in my time and effort into it so please upvote my mods if they're helpful.
-If you request a mod through a direct message please bump the thread after doing so.
-If the queue is closed please do not post anything or bump the thread.
-Please read the last post if it contains anything important.
Type of Mod: NM / M4M / Hype / NM+Hype / M4M+Hype
Language You Want to Be Used: PL/EN
That's About It, Thank You For Checking Out My Queue.
Have A Nice Day!
BPM - Beats Per Minute
Tech maps - Maps that consist of great slider velocity changes, quick sliders, very dense rhythms and patterns
Alt maps - Maps so fast the player is unable to singletap and is forced to use the alternating technique
Overmapping - Opposite of undermapping, overhauling every sound in the song more than it's needed
Bumping the Thread - Posting anything bumps the thread to the top of the modding queues forum
NM - Normal Mod, I review and mod the map that's it
M4M - Mod 4 Mod, I mod your map (first) and once I'm done you mod mine
Hype - The megaphone icon, a pat on the back, a sign of appreciation and a step towards the ranked section!