Remember to bump once posted
Click here to post your map
I'll consider more stuff going for ranked, but if you need help anyways it might be accepted too
Stuff I like:
- High SR (>5*)
- Wide spreads
- Long maps (>3 min)
- Fast songs (>200 bpm)
- Rice
- Simple patterns (JS/HS/Chordjacks)
- LN, Tech and Hybrid maps
- Mixed spreads (4K with something else, 7K as first priority)
- TV Size
- Low SR overall
- Conceptual maps
- Tiebreaker style maps
- BN-like checks: If someone, for some reason, needs some bn-like check, add it into the comment in the mod request, might not accept a lot, but who knows
goofy ahh old text
Quarantine is boring so let's m o d
DISCLAIMER: I'm getting into this recently so don't expect 24 karat modding :^)
DISCLAIMER: I'm getting into this recently so don't expect 24 karat modding :^)
- Artist - Title:
- Link:
- Diff to mod:
- Short description (be polite or meme):
Closedn't - Open't