
earthmind - ARCADIA (Short Ver.)

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年4月6日 at 19:08:12

Artist: earthmind
Title: ARCADIA (Short Ver.)
Source: Fate/stay night Realta Nua
Tags: Erina TYPE MOON rico saber toosaka rin type-moon pokie eveless tohsaka
BPM: 177
Filesize: 11386kb
Play Time: 01:28
Difficulties Available:
  1. Easy (2.82 stars, 99 notes)
  2. Hard (4.88 stars, 213 notes)
  3. Insane (5 stars, 390 notes)
  4. Normal (4.32 stars, 149 notes)
Download: earthmind - ARCADIA (Short Ver.)
Download: earthmind - ARCADIA (Short Ver.) (no video)
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
Changed a new mp3 at Apr. 6th, Need a reDl if you DLed it before
theme song from Fate/stay night[Realta Nua]
[Normal] by Pokie
[Easy] by Pokie
others by me

disable Letterbox during breaks

00:20:949 (2) - 滑条头clap
00:23:661 (2) - 滑条头尾clap
00:30:610 (1) - 往左一格,贴的太紧了
00:33:322 (1) - finish?
00:39:424 (2) - 加个finish更好?
00:43:831 (3) - remove whistle
01:04:848 (3) - 折返去掉whistle然后尾巴clap

AR OD-1?
00:06:204 (1) - 滑条头finish?
00:08:576 (1) - clap?
00:26:712 - add circle
00:32:136 (4) - remove clap
00:32:814 (6) - 滑条尾remove clap
00:34:848 (4) - remove clap
00:35:526 (6) - 滑条尾remove clap
00:36:712 (2) - 这个clap放到滑条尾吧
00:45:865 (1) - 滑条尾clap
00:51:627 (6) - NC and滑条尾finish
01:15:695 (5) - NC?
01:20:949 (2,3) - 这我不建议做成重叠,从简单难度考虑的话
01:26:204 (1) - 移动到01:26:034 - 应该从这里开始

00:19:763 - 从这里开始到00:30:610 - 这一段某些地方建议重新做下,感觉还是跟vocal好点
00:54:000 (2) - 这个我建议你改成1/2的slider然后00:54:339 - 加circle
00:57:559 - add circle
00:57:729 (1) - 滑条头finish
01:00:441 (1) - ^
01:07:559 (4,5,6) - 这里节奏有点松散为什么不做成00:56:204 (3,4,5) - 这样的
01:00:271 - add circle
01:09:085 (2) - 滑条尾finish
01:20:610 (4) - NC and finish
01:27:051 - add circle

00:07:390 (1) - 滑条头finish
00:08:746 (1) - ^
00:07:729 (2) - 1 grid down
00:10:102 (1) - 滑条头finish
00:23:322 (4) - 往后1/2
00:28:915 (5) - 你这一段打算跟伴奏的话建议这个删了
00:31:797 (6) - finish?
00:33:831 - add circle
00:51:966 (4) - finish?
00:58:237 (3) - 这里要不要用NC提示一下?
01:15:017 (6) - 滑条尾finish

大致上就那么多了,good luck~
Topic Starter

Sagisawa-Yukari wrote:

00:19:763 - 从这里开始到00:30:610 - 这一段某些地方建议重新做下,感觉还是跟vocal好点我觉得没这个必要,这段本来就在强调鼓
00:54:000 (2) - 这个我建议你改成1/2的slider然后00:54:339 - 加circle不知道为什么要改
00:57:559 - add circle^
00:57:729 (1) - 滑条头finish
01:00:441 (1) - ^
01:07:559 (4,5,6) - 这里节奏有点松散为什么不做成00:56:204 (3,4,5) - 这样的本来音乐到这边也要进入连续打锣了……节奏慢下来是为了过度
01:00:271 - add circle^
01:09:085 (2) - 滑条尾finish
01:20:610 (4) - NC and finish
01:27:051 - add circle快结束了没必要下那么密

00:07:390 (1) - 滑条头finish
00:08:746 (1) - ^
00:07:729 (2) - 1 grid down
00:10:102 (1) - 滑条头finish
00:23:322 (4) - 往后1/2
00:28:915 (5) - 你这一段打算跟伴奏的话建议这个删了这边为了切换到下段过渡加note
00:31:797 (6) - finish?
00:33:831 - add circle
00:51:966 (4) - finish?
00:58:237 (3) - 这里要不要用NC提示一下?这是干了什么要NC提示
01:15:017 (6) - 滑条尾finish

大致上就那么多了,good luck~

Easy改動不大, Normal大部份音效的都修了

Big fan of the game...but the song not so much. Haha.

Anyway, the BG dimensions are weird. "1017x763 " isn't quite right.
Another thing is that none of the difficulties have a preview point set yet.
In tags, it should be "Tohsaka" to my knowledge.
I don't think there are any hyphens in the title "Réalta Nua" as well.

Going over the mapset, I think it's just shy of maybe 4 or 5 more mods (At least, when subject to my standards) of deserving a bubble.
Few pointers here and there from me.

Nothing on Easy & Normal


Plays comfortably. The switching to-and-fro rhythm is easy to see and play along.

- 01:13:661 (1) - Why the new combo ?


Generally fine, but there are a couple of places where I think the mapping can get exaggerated or when there's a rhythm thats better suited for that particular section.
Herein lies most of the things to note during my modding since the map is understandably more complicated and developed.

- 00:49:593 (1,2,3,4,5) - Wow, this threw me off a bit. I suspect people may be thrown off during a first-hand playthrough. Not a very big issue, but the spacing can be tricky. Could suggest that 1 & 2 be at x:8 y:152

- 00:56:203 (6) - Actually, I think this slider ending at 1/8 brings some stoppage to the flow, the vocals doesn't really match up well enough to use this imo. Might want to stop the slider at - 00:56:373 -

- 00:58:237 (3) - Hmm, this distance.

- 00:59:763 (4) - Not really an ideal spot for hitcircle placement. If you have somewhere better to put it, please do. Though I noticed you did place it a few grids above so as not to risk completely obscuring the note.

- 01:03:068 (6) - Better off at - 01:02:983 (6) - imo. Doesn't matter if it's a jump, it facilitates pretty nicely, since it's a powerful chorus.

- 01:01:627 - Add a note ? No reason why you shouldn't.

- 01:21:542 - There's actually drumming here as well. Add a note.

- 01:26:712 (7) - Suggestion to shift it to x:368 y:184

And nothing else.
Ayesha Altugle
Impressive style of mapping!
Topic Starter

Faust wrote:


Big fan of the game...but the song not so much. Haha.I havent a PSV tho, but I hope i can play it. Also I'm not the fan of this song ;w; But I like the movie...

Anyway, the BG dimensions are weird. "1017x763 " isn't quite right.hmm...I think it's still 4:3, but anyway fixed
Another thing is that none of the difficulties have a preview point set yet.oh i forget it.
In tags, it should be "Tohsaka" to my knowledge.I guess both of them are right...anyway, added tohsaka in tags.
I don't think there are any hyphens in the title "Réalta Nua" as well. check this baka Faust. After talk it with Pokie, we decide to remove the "- -" from source since we cant type [] in the source.

Going over the mapset, I think it's just shy of maybe 4 or 5 more mods (At least, when subject to my standards) of deserving a bubble.
Few pointers here and there from me.I wanna get mod!who can mod my map!

Nothing on Easy & Normal


Plays comfortably. The switching to-and-fro rhythm is easy to see and play along.

- 01:13:661 (1) - Why the new combo ?2-2-2 is better imo..anyway removed.


Generally fine, but there are a couple of places where I think the mapping can get exaggerated or when there's a rhythm thats better suited for that particular section.
Herein lies most of the things to note during my modding since the map is understandably more complicated and developed.

- 00:49:593 (1,2,3,4,5) - Wow, this threw me off a bit. I suspect people may be thrown off during a first-hand playthrough. Not a very big issue, but the spacing can be tricky. Could suggest that 1 & 2 be at x:8 y:152

- 00:56:203 (6) - Actually, I think this slider ending at 1/8 brings some stoppage to the flow, the vocals doesn't really match up well enough to use this imo. Might want to stop the slider at - 00:56:373 - I guess you said "1/4" but not "1/8". About this 3/4 stuff i think it's fine, There is no instrument or vocal stop at here, and if you can listen it carefully you can find a breathing sound.

- 00:58:237 (3) - Hmm, this distance.

- 00:59:763 (4) - Not really an ideal spot for hitcircle placement. If you have somewhere better to put it, please do. Though I noticed you did place it a few grids above so as not to risk completely obscuring the note.

- 01:03:068 (6) - Better off at - 01:02:983 (6) - imo. Doesn't matter if it's a jump, it facilitates pretty nicely, since it's a powerful chorus.

- 01:01:627 - Add a note ? No reason why you shouldn't.

- 01:21:542 - There's actually drumming here as well. Add a note.

- 01:26:712 (7) - Suggestion to shift it to x:368 y:184

And nothing else.
other fixed

omgomgomg LOL

From My queue

00:07:390 (1) - ジャンプが大きい?この配置はどうでしょう?
00:38:068 (4,5) - 音取りの提案

00:39:593 (4,5) - ^
00:47:559 (3,4) - ^
00:54:339 (4) - ジャンプとかどうですか?

01:27:220 (3) - 音取りの提案

01:10:271 (1,2,3,1) - 提案です 01:11:288 (1) - このnoteをremoveして1メモリずらしました ↓

01:15:695 (1,2,3) - sliderを作ってリバースさせたものを使えば簡単になるかも・・・?
01:20:610 (1,2,3,4) - 音取りの提案

looks fine~

eveless&Pokie fan :3/ good luck~

tick rate 2 fits the song and map a lot better in all difficulties.

00:46:542 (3,1) - space (1) out away from (3) just a bit more so they can still blanket without their borders touching. also, you might want to adjust (1)'s curve so that the blanket looks even better, like this.
00:48:237 (3) - it would be better to make the beginning of this slider in the normal sampleset. the music here is very powerful and the hitsounds should match accordingly.
01:14:000 (1) - a clap at the end of this slider sounds really odd and out of place.. making it just a normal sampleset without any added clap would be better.

+1 AR makes the map's patterns a lot less cluttered; please use it
00:16:373 (1) - you could add a NC here because this combo is a bit longer than the previous ones.
00:43:153 (6) - why are default claps being used on this slider? lol
00:45:865 (1) - why is this a one note combo? it seems weird to have one here.

00:56:204 (3) - this should have a finish at the beginning of it.

00:08:746 (1,2) - the spacing between these notes have nearly the same spacing as the next pattern of circles, so it looks like these are 1/2 apart when they're actually only 1/2 apart. i would space these closer together to avoid readability problems.
00:50:102 (3) - why is this circle spaced differently? it looks weird..

really fun to play. call me back when you get some more mods. :)
Topic Starter

Jacob wrote:

tick rate 2 fits the song and map a lot better in all difficulties.okay:3

00:56:204 (3) - this should have a finish at the beginning of it.oh added.

00:08:746 (1,2) - the spacing between these notes have nearly the same spacing as the next pattern of circles, so it looks like these are 1/2 apart when they're actually only 1/2 apart. i would space these closer together to avoid readability problems.fixed
00:50:102 (3) - why is this circle spaced differently? it looks weird..Faust told me to do it! not my wrong!

really fun to play. call me back when you get some more mods. :)
Thanks :3333333
Files are sent to goodbye, all fixed without the tick rate stuff on Easy..personally I don't really like how it presents with a low silder speed :P

goodbye wrote:

Faust told me to do it! not my wrong!
(o゚ω゚o) ?
for m4m.


  1. 00:21:204 (6,1) - 这里加个note怎么样 感觉节奏有点不好抓
  2. 00:29:763 (3) - 不好 建议
  3. 00:32:644 (3) - 跑出格子了 不过应该问题不大
  4. 00:50:441 (5) - 放(3)下面o.o 叠起打着略2
  5. 01:09:254 (4) - 去掉比较好 不太容易读图 或者放到01:09:339
  6. 01:16:373 (1) - add whistle 而且消了kiai..
  7. 01:16:712 - 然后可以的话加个喷泉

  1. 00:09:593 (3) - 不对称么
  2. 00:39:593 (2) - 居然不是ds
  3. 01:12:136 (3) - 往右摆
  4. 那段单点233

  1. 这间距不如直接改成cs3
  2. 00:45:865 (5) - o.o
  3. 最后三个放滑条比较合适

  1. 00:14:678 (3) - 左下一点
  2. easy3星 略高..
hard那段单点感觉有点2, insane还好
Hi. M4M from pokie's lazy queue

00:09:085 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - distance from 2 to 3 got bigger than it was so far, which gives the players the sense of freedom, but it immediately decreases on 3 and after. This feels unnatural and closed in imo. Larger distance would be nice.
00:11:966 (3,4,5,6) - I think these don't fit to music. This ↙ could play better and intuitive.

00:13:322 (3,4,5,6) - ^ same
00:48:576 (2) - This hampered the flow when I played. In that section, I wanted to move forward but that note held my ankle. I recommend moving to slider 3's head (x:472 y:168)
00:57:729 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I suggest switching and moving the notes around a bit like these ↓

(flows well, looks good, more fun imo. and solves that anti-jump from 6 to 1 in original position if it wasn't intended)
01:05:865 (1,2) - (nazi) Are these not perfectly parallel on purpose?

00:56:204 (3,4) - This ↓ fits better to the music imo (to the vocal)

01:00:271 - add a note?
01:19:085 (5,1) - (nazi) perfect blanket?

00:10:102 (1,2) - (nazi) perfect parallel?
00:12:305 (2,3) - (nazi) better blanket?
00:06:204 (1,2) // 00:08:746 (2) // 00:10:102 (1) - Sliders shaped like these don't fit in to the atmosphere of the music. Also, you didn't use sliders that shaped like that in the rest of the map, and I'd say it's good to be consistent with the rest -- smooth sliders.
00:15:526 (3) - (nazi) This ↓ looks smoother and sexier imo.

(same goes with slider 1)

00:13:322 (2,3) - (nazi) better blanket? good blankets look nice especially in easier diffs
00:23:153 (1,2) - ^
00:25:865 (1,2) - ^
00:27:220 (3,1) - ^ turn off grid snap for this
00:29:932 (3,1) - ^and this
00:49:593 (1,2,3,4) - move to the center?
00:58:407 (2,3) - ^blanket
01:09:763 (3,4) - These could look better with blankets
01:22:814 (2,1) - ^
01:27:559 (1,2,3) - you could make an equilateral triangle in the center.. if you want.

Alright. That's about it.. Sorry for bunch of nazi mods.
Hope this helps~! :)
P o M u T a
hi! from your queue

  1. Source correct : Fate/stay night [Realta Nua]
  1. Easy diff rhythm very harder ._. confuse bigginer player. because many use 1/2 sound. bit easily better.
  2. 00:21:797 (3) - End point y:237 please. because start point y:237, little slip ._. should fix, so beautiful.
  3. 00:39:932 (3) - clap or finish remove slider head please. because big sound and not fit.
  4. 01:26:881 (3) - Add whistle.
  1. AR+1. seems better. Normal diff AR5.
  2. OD+1. if you dislike OD4, no change ok. but, i like OD4~.
  3. 00:12:814 (3) - distance far... Normal diff is all near distance is good. so confuse.
  4. 00:32:475 (5,6) - add whistle? (6) is slider head. i think vocla fit.
  5. 00:35:187 (5,6) - ^
  6. 00:35:526 (6) - distance far.
  7. 00:45:865 (5) - ^
  8. 00:48:576 (6) - ^
  9. 01:07:729 (6) - Use this sound? because, vocal fit and natural sound good.
  10. 01:28:746 (6) - Remove clap please. clap and finish use... so big volume. and same easy diff. easy diff is finish only this place.
  1. 00:43:831 (7) - slider end point (x:46 y:115)?
  2. 00:48:068 (3,4) - add whistle? so, vocal fit.
  3. 01:28:746 (3) - Remove clap slider end, and add finish slider end.
    oh,this diff very nice. i like it.
  1. OD+1? because Hard diff OD6. so 8 is balance good.
  2. 01:28:746 (6) - remove Clap.
    enjoy map.
good luck!
Hey! M4M from the lazy queue~

Mostly suggestions


00:10:102 (1) - to x251 y185 for a blanket
00:14:678 (3) - to x324 y83, again for a blanket
00:31:797 (2) - perhaps reduce the curve on this slider and move it to the left? seems a bit sharp compared to what comes after
00:40:780 (4) - to x374 y149 to line up with 1 and 2
00:42:814 (2) - endpoint to x361 y72 to line up with upcoming notes
00:44:170 (1) - to the right just a touch ^ x303 y292
00:58:915 (3) - x369 y277 for a blanket
01:03:153 (1) - why don't you try and get this to end the same place as 1?
01:13:322 (4) - x149 y304 for a neater shape
01:23:831 (1) - x380 y224 for a blanket


00:17:051 (3) - I would just remove this note entirely
00:33:322 (1) - endpoint on x468 y64 to line up with 4 and flow into 2 better
00:43:153 (6) - endpoint on x452 y284, similar reasoning
01:01:119 (3) - reduce curve on this slider some?
01:22:814 (2) - ^
01:26:881 (2) - stack on 4
01:28:068 (3,4) - avoid an overlap here? little messy. Could probably go to the right more since 1 is pretty much faded by now


00:19:085 (9) - endpoint on x384 y288, makes a nice shape with 3,4 and 7,8
00:24:000 (5,6) - I think this should be a 1/2 slider instead, with all of the single notes it's nice to have something to anchor on to
00:38:576 (7,1) - make these the same slider just flipped
00:54:509 (3,4) - I don't know why but I just didn't like this, it seemed like 4 would come sooner than it did. just an observation, maybe I'm just bad


Replay if you want it
00:34:509 (1) and 01:23:322 (1) are where I really tripped up, probably just due to me being bad but perhaps something could be done

00:10:441 (2) - This is a bit odd in that it's 1/4 after the slider ends but is spaced differently than the two notes similar to this. Maybe a bit less? looks too similar to the 1/2 spacing right before it
00:14:509 (2) - Could be similar issue but the spacing before it is much larger so it's easier to tell this one is shorter
00:18:068 (3) - to x240 y20 for a neater triangle
00:30:102 (4) - curve slightly leading into stream?
00:31:288 (3) - x360 y60 for neater pattern

Good luck!


00:06:204 (1,2) - 没stack好.
00:08:068 (3,4,5,1) - 这里如果是这样的感觉会比较好看些
00:13:661 (6,7,8) - 做个三角形?
00:16:373 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 和 00:14:509 (2) - 叠在一起? 2的突然变影子了.
00:30:610 (1) - 形状有点奇怪, 你用 00:30:949 (2) - 的slider会比较好. 用这个再Ctrl+> 就好了.
00:31:288 (3,4,5) - 做个三角形吧, 如果你是做三角形的话没对称好.
00:32:644 (3) - 跑出范围了.
00:34:509 (1) - 弯的slider会比较好.
00:39:593 (4) - down 1 grid, 和 00:39:424 (3) - 没对称好.
00:41:458 (1) - 和刚刚的情况一样, 这slider有点奇怪. use 00:41:797 (2) - instead.

AR+1 please, 有点慢.

00:11:797 (1) - 虽然我不懂但这个是不是忘了加clap?
00:13:322 (5) - ^
00:14:678 (2) - ^
00:16:034 (2) - ^
00:43:661 (6,7) - 把它对称好吧.


01:25:865 (4,2) - stack?

Easy挺好的, 没啥好挑.
Fushimi Rio
00:10:102 (1,2) - 新手可能会一路找不到节奏 把②改成两个圈或者缩短到00:11:288?
00:14:678 (3) - nc加在这里对读图似乎有点帮助
00:20:949 (2,3) - 同前面那个 slider尾加个normal试试?
00:21:797 (3) - 加个不follow的note看看
00:52:305 (1) - 00:54:509 - 到这里结尾
00:58:407 (2) - 放在00:58:237比较好
01:09:254 (2) - ^
01:16:712 (1) - ……可以也用slider+note啊
01:25:526 (2) - ^
01:21:458 (2) - 试试缩短到01:21:797然后在01:22:136加个note

00:08:237 (4,1) - 合并成一个slider
00:32:814 (6) - 毕竟是四个音……00:32:814 (6)换成两个圈吧
00:35:526 (6) - ^
00:52:475 (1) - 同easy
01:04:339 (4) - 这里我觉得可以缩短slider把结尾换成个圈
01:10:271 (5) - 换红线起
01:26:204 (1) - 感觉红线起然后加一个reverse 但打着又不舒服……

00:20:610 (3) - 打了多次还是被坑 怀疑我太弱
00:23:322 (3) - ^ 不过前面打过了这里不会被坑了 这种节奏前面是slider的话可能舒服一些
00:21:797 (7) - 感觉不好 去掉reverse红线起或者和后面一样改成3个note
00:40:780 (5) - reverse到白线就够了吧……
00:40:780 (5) - 加个note
01:11:288 (1) - stack前面的圈 这种人声和长白线不一样……

Insane (第一发
00:16:373 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ……没看出连打和⑤stack的用意是什么
00:33:831 - 加个note 和前面节奏一致也没啥吧
00:48:068 (1,2,3,4) - ④还是stack在slider尾
00:52:136 - 加个note吧 顺便④挪到slider左侧
00:54:848 - 感觉应该有个什么东西
01:05:187 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ④挪开⑤删掉
01:07:390 (2,3) - 换成slider感觉好些
01:09:254 (4) - 被坑 刚好vedio这里也是蓝的看不清……

stress m4m都这么快 就当新人练习mod好了
E和N的testplay是第一发的 insane我觉得应该两个都有……
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

for m4m.


  1. 00:21:204 (6,1) - 这里加个note怎么样 感觉节奏有点不好抓这样才不好抓吧0 0
  2. 00:29:763 (3) - 不好 建议唔我觉得没什么不好的
  3. 00:32:644 (3) - 跑出格子了 不过应该问题不大这个倒是不要紧
  4. 00:50:441 (5) - 放(3)下面o.o 叠起打着略2我换了好几个位置觉得还是叠着好
  5. 01:09:254 (4) - 去掉比较好 不太容易读图 或者放到01:09:339……我怎么觉得放到那边反而不好读
  6. 01:16:373 (1) - add whistle 而且消了kiai..加whistle有点傻逼
  7. 01:16:712 - 然后可以的话加个喷泉不喜欢喷泉

  1. 00:09:593 (3) - 不对称么好吧,其实我不太喜欢这种对称不过还是
  2. 00:39:593 (2) - 居然不是ds咦没注意
  3. 01:12:136 (3) - 往右摆我比较想要这种整体右微微左的感觉
  4. 那段单点233
hard那段单点感觉有点2, insane还好

Broccoly wrote:

Hi. M4M from pokie's lazy queue

00:09:085 (2,3,4,5,6,7) - distance from 2 to 3 got bigger than it was so far, which gives the players the sense of freedom, but it immediately decreases on 3 and after. This feels unnatural and closed in imo. Larger distance would be nice.
00:11:966 (3,4,5,6) - I think these don't fit to music. This ↙ could play better and intuitive.

00:13:322 (3,4,5,6) - ^ same
00:48:576 (2) - This hampered the flow when I played. In that section, I wanted to move forward but that note held my ankle. I recommend moving to slider 3's head (x:472 y:168)
00:57:729 (1,2,3,4,5,6) - I suggest switching and moving the notes around a bit like these ↓

(flows well, looks good, more fun imo. and solves that anti-jump from 6 to 1 in original position if it wasn't intended)
01:05:865 (1,2) - (nazi) Are these not perfectly parallel on purpose?

00:56:204 (3,4) - This ↓ fits better to the music imo (to the vocal)I think this is not so good ;w;

01:00:271 - add a note?maybe no.
01:19:085 (5,1) - (nazi) perfect blanket?

Other fixed! thanks for good modding~
Topic Starter

P o M u T a wrote:

hi! from your queue

  1. Source correct : Fate/stay night [Realta Nua]
I know this is correct, but we cant use [] at the source so i remove them :3

  1. 00:43:831 (7) - slider end point (x:46 y:115)?I cant understand this...the slider's begin position is 46 115 tho.
  2. 00:48:068 (3,4) - add whistle? so, vocal fit.
  3. 01:28:746 (3) - Remove clap slider end, and add finish slider end.
    oh,this diff very nice. i like it.
  1. OD+1? because Hard diff OD6. so 8 is balance good.maybe not, OD8 is too high imo.
  2. 01:28:746 (6) - remove Clap.ok
    enjoy map.
good luck!

captin1 wrote:

Hey! M4M from the lazy queue~

Mostly suggestions


00:19:085 (9) - endpoint on x384 y288, makes a nice shape with 3,4 and 7,8
00:24:000 (5,6) - I think this should be a 1/2 slider instead, with all of the single notes it's nice to have something to anchor on to
00:38:576 (7,1) - make these the same slider just flippedSorry but i will keep mine, it looks really bad if i did it.
00:54:509 (3,4) - I don't know why but I just didn't like this, it seemed like 4 would come sooner than it did. just an observation, maybe I'm just badI dont find anyproblem about it so no change :3


Replay if you want it
00:34:509 (1) and 01:23:322 (1) are where I really tripped up, probably just due to me being bad but perhaps something could be donechanged the positons

00:10:441 (2) - This is a bit odd in that it's 1/4 after the slider ends but is spaced differently than the two notes similar to this. Maybe a bit less? looks too similar to the 1/2 spacing right before itspacing between sliders different from notes is allowed imo.
00:14:509 (2) - Could be similar issue but the spacing before it is much larger so it's easier to tell this one is shorterI dont think 1.97 and 1.92 is so different...
00:18:068 (3) - to x240 y20 for a neater triangleok
00:30:102 (4) - curve slightly leading into stream?
00:31:288 (3) - x360 y60 for neater patternok

Good luck!

mintong89 wrote:



00:06:204 (1,2) - 没stack好.
00:08:068 (3,4,5,1) - 这里如果是这样的感觉会比较好看些
00:13:661 (6,7,8) - 做个三角形?
00:16:373 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 和 00:14:509 (2) - 叠在一起? 2的突然变影子了.
00:30:610 (1) - 形状有点奇怪, 你用 00:30:949 (2) - 的slider会比较好. 用这个再Ctrl+> 就好了.
00:31:288 (3,4,5) - 做个三角形吧, 如果你是做三角形的话没对称好.再见我是12的结尾和3构成三角形,4在三角形中心,456构成直线
00:32:644 (3) - 跑出范围了.
00:34:509 (1) - 弯的slider会比较好.
00:39:593 (4) - down 1 grid, 和 00:39:424 (3) - 没对称好.
00:41:458 (1) - 和刚刚的情况一样, 这slider有点奇怪. use 00:41:797 (2) - instead.这个世界不是只有对称的……

AR+1 please, 有点慢.毕竟不是那么多note我觉得7就足够了

00:11:797 (1) - 虽然我不懂但这个是不是忘了加clap?
00:13:322 (5) - ^
00:14:678 (2) - ^
00:16:034 (2) - ^
00:43:661 (6,7) - 把它对称好吧.对啥称??


Eggache0 wrote:

00:20:610 (3) - 打了多次还是被坑 怀疑我太弱同感
00:23:322 (3) - ^ 不过前面打过了这里不会被坑了 这种节奏前面是slider的话可能舒服一些
00:21:797 (7) - 感觉不好 去掉reverse红线起或者和后面一样改成3个note
00:40:780 (5) - reverse到白线就够了吧……建议你删了slider再听
00:40:780 (5) - 加个note
01:11:288 (1) - stack前面的圈 这种人声和长白线不一样……我不是跟人声啊亲o.o

00:16:373 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - ……没看出连打和⑤stack的用意是什么你猜~
00:33:831 - 加个note 和前面节奏一致也没啥吧你看看我有什么特别一致的节奏吗~
00:48:068 (1,2,3,4) - ④还是stack在slider尾
00:52:136 - 加个note吧 顺便④挪到slider左侧
00:54:848 - 感觉应该有个什么东西
01:05:187 (4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - ④挪开⑤删掉
01:07:390 (2,3) - 换成slider感觉好些
01:09:254 (4) - 被坑 刚好vedio这里也是蓝的看不清……好吧我帮你换成红的怎么样
thanks for mod
Almost all fixed, without eggache0's modding...

@Eggache0: 我否決的比較多所以寫一下理由好了 :?


Eggache0 wrote:

00:10:102 (1,2) - 新手可能会一路找不到节奏 把②改成两个圈或者缩短到00:11:288? 前面已經有兩個combo的節奏做引導, 盡管這邊確實換了一下排列方式, 但不至於會誤導
00:14:678 (3) - nc加在这里对读图似乎有点帮助 在低難度裡, 非spacing變更的單note nc有點蠢…
00:20:949 (2,3) - 同前面那个 slider尾加个normal试试? 試了下還是soft比較適合一些
00:21:797 (3) - 加个不follow的note看看 ?
00:52:305 (1) - 00:54:509 - 到这里结尾 不太適合, 以兩個同樣強的音來說, 略掉後一個總比前一個好的
00:58:407 (2) - 放在00:58:237比较好 這張圖有差不多一半都是用著這節奏, 第一條都會說找不到節奏了…為何這邊會提出更改呢
01:09:254 (2) - ^
01:16:712 (1) - ……可以也用slider+note啊 快看看這裡是什麼! 00:06:204 (1) -
01:25:526 (2) - ^ 這個slider你可以仔細聽一下, 最後白線有很明顯的鼓點, 不像前面的slider都是紅線cymbal結束的
01:21:458 (2) - 试试缩短到01:21:797然后在01:22:136加个note 柑橘莫名, 01:22:136 - 沒鼓點…怎麼說都是01:21:966 - 的cymbal要明顯

00:08:237 (4,1) - 合并成一个slider 這裡排列有點難動, 得怪我懶(
00:32:814 (6) - 毕竟是四个音……00:32:814 (6)换成两个圈吧 敢問...slider換成兩個圈, 節奏上有什麼差別麼 orz
00:35:526 (6) - ^
00:52:475 (1) - 同easy
01:04:339 (4) - 这里我觉得可以缩短slider把结尾换成个圈 這邊經其他modding修改過了, 所以略過
01:10:271 (5) - 换红线起 算是我自己的問題, 這邊從01:09:763 (4) - 開始跟的是鼓而不是vocal, 所以移到紅線開始會十分違和...
01:26:204 (1) - 感觉红线起然后加一个reverse 但打着又不舒服…… 做的時候也有考慮到, 不過還是現在的方式比較直白一些

對低難度提建議的時候, 也得考慮到本身難度與節奏之間的契合度, 繼續努力吧!
M4M from your queue~ :D


Nothing here~

My Mod

Unecessary timing point:
00:19:424 -

01:25:526 (2) - Something is really weird with this slider when you use whistle at the end.
How about following your trace and use finish hitsound with a little boost up volume at the end ?

Unecessary timing point:
00:19:424 -

00:25:017 (1) - Normal sample? (Actually, i'm not sure about this)
00:26:712 (4) - Normal sample.
00:26:712 (4) - ^
00:29:424 (3) - ^
00:32:475 (5,6) - Somehow, i feel it so empty at start of slider since you didn't use hitsound here. :o
00:50:271 (4,5,1) - Just a trick to boost up some drum in BG music: you can use Drum additional with finish at start of slider. You can ignore this if you don't want. It's just a trick :p
01:17:390 (2) - Change drum to whistle or no hitsound at start of slider.
01:18:746 (5) - ^
01:22:814 (2) - ^
01:24:170 (4) - ^

00:50:949 (1,2) - Same trick with diff normal
00:57:729 (1) - Remove normal sample.
01:21:458 (3) - Sample normal at repeat of slider.

00:48:576 (2,3) - (nazi) Stack perfectly :p
01:27:729 (2,3) - The distane between these note is different from 01:28:237 (4,5) - . Since you use 1.9 distance snap, why don't you follow the trace?
Also, i think you should raise 01:27:559 (1) - up a bit to make it has same angle with 01:28:576 (5,6) - . It can be better

Well, mapset is really good. And song is nice. :3
Good luck~ <3
Topic Starter

Yuki-kun wrote:

M4M from your queue~ :D


Nothing here~

My Mod

00:50:949 (1,2) - Same trick with diff normal
00:57:729 (1) - Remove normal sample.
01:21:458 (3) - Sample normal at repeat of slider.

00:48:576 (2,3) - (nazi) Stack perfectly :p
01:27:729 (2,3) - The distane between these note is different from 01:28:237 (4,5) - . Since you use 1.9 distance snap, why don't you follow the trace?
Also, i think you should raise 01:27:559 (1) - up a bit to make it has same angle with 01:28:576 (5,6) - . It can be better

Well, mapset is really good. And song is nice. :3
Good luck~ <3
all fixed thanks
Fixed some on Yuki-kun's modding, but meh...those Normal sample sets didn't fit for Normal D:

Anyway, thanks for modding.

Pokie wrote:

Fixed some on Yuki-kun's modding, but meh...those Normal sample sets didn't fit for Normal D:

Anyway, thanks for modding.
Yeah i know, that's why i'm not sure, since in some part, it's fit imo but another are not xD
1-to-1 recheck through in-game chat.


18:30 goodbye: Reupload now, Can you check the timing first(After talked about Pro po, she said if you think no problem then no need to send pm to Charles)
18:36 Faust: hm, try 5825 offset
18:37 goodbye: lol still +8?
18:37 Faust: haha
18:44 goodbye: okay all changed :3
18:47 Faust: k rechecking
18:47 goodbye: ok :3
18:51 Faust: not gonna find a MAT first ?
18:52 goodbye: ...Dont mention it, I refused Jacob, then you become BAT in the afternoon
18:53 Faust: loooooool
18:53 goodbye: I told Jacob that because you're first then blablabla
18:53 Faust: HAHAH
18:53 Faust: Alright then :3
18:55 goodbye: :3
18:59 Faust: hmm
19:00 Faust: seems the video offset for Insane is different ?
19:00 goodbye: what the...Insane is correct imo, wait me!
19:01 Faust: Insane is 2479ms later
19:01 Faust: lol
19:02 goodbye: I check all diffs in EDIT before then both of them are 2479ms...OSU deceived me!
19:02 Faust: hehe
19:04 Faust: yup
19:04 Faust: just fix Insane
19:04 goodbye: but
19:05 goodbye: Insane is right imo
19:05 Faust: huh really
19:05 Faust: ah, then fix the rest. lol
19:05 Faust: I never noticed
19:06 goodbye: I hate 11.1%!
19:06 Faust: even if it's 2.7ms earlier it kinda suits
19:06 goodbye: I check the video after mp3 changed lol
19:06 Faust: if it takes too long you should restart osu!
19:06 goodbye: I agree!
19:07 Faust: u using windows 7 ?
19:10 goodbye: okay now :3
19:16 Faust: 00:19:045 - on Normal, I think this is an unused green line ?
19:16 Faust: unless you accidentally deleted the note
19:17 goodbye: okay fixed :3
19:19 Faust: 00:46:841 - on Hard. Unsnapped green line.
19:20 goodbye: lol anyothers?
19:21 Faust: Unsnapped kiai inherited point on Hard
19:21 Faust: 00:54:638
19:21 Faust: wow
19:21 Faust: 1 ms
19:21 Faust: you pro
19:21 Faust: :D
19:22 goodbye: oops
19:22 goodbye: forget to resnap section in this diff
19:22 Faust: baka goodbye
19:23 goodbye: ;_;
19:23 Faust: (`・ω・´)
19:31 Faust: 01:15:994 - these two on Hard are apparently unsnapped by 1ms to..
19:31 Faust: lmao
19:32 goodbye: lol
19:32 Faust: pretty sure all the kiai time should end on 01:16:333
19:33 Faust: Hard + Insane stop at 334
19:33 goodbye: it seems resnap section doesnt work..
19:33 Faust: get rid of the section then
19:33 Faust: then re-do it
19:33 Faust: hoping that helps
19:35 goodbye: I guess okay now ;_;
19:35 Faust: yup
19:35 Faust: alright then.

Topic Starter

yea :)
Topic Starter
ah, congrats! :D
Congrats \o.o/
Congrats :3
Topic Starter
Thanks Jacob Andrea and Melt :3/
gratz! \:D/
grats o/
Nice job~ <3
Congrat~ :3
grats :3

Andrea wrote:

Congrats \o.o/
Topic Starter
Thank you all :3
S o r d a
cool song<3 omedetou eve~
還打算看。。昨天mod了easy = = 不管了 gratz
Topic Starter

kanpakyin wrote:

還打算看。。昨天mod了easy = = 不管了 gratz

and arigatou sorda san!
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