
Yazumi Kana - Deep Forest (Game-size)

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nice map, but i found a bit you maybe want to change:

00:14:654 make a break there?
00:28:798 no new combo i think
01:37:298 no new combo
01:43:912 a slider instead of the circle?

00:38:255 break?
01:46:248 add a beat here?

00:14:122 weird spacing. move it further away

also i did a comboburst for you. hope you like it. the size is a bit weird. but better you adjust that, cause i dunno how you want it. (if you use it ;) )

Heh, foLn, that looks more like a nice render than a combo-burst. Just needs some perfection, yeah?

00:06:09 (1) - Place a whistle here perhaps? This giant big beat can't really go ignored in my eyes.
00:39:87 (1) - 1 up on Grid Level 3 to make even with (9).
00:51:44 (2) - This slider almost looks a little wonky. It's okay...but you know...It may go for better?

01:13:88 (9) - The repeats here feel awkward. Or maybe the lack of repeats?
01:33:02 (1) - Align it to where slider (7) ends?
01:46:72 (5) - This doesn't look even with the spacing of (3) to (4). o.o Maybe my eyes are going wacky, haha.

00:17:90 (2,3) - Move 1 up on Grid Level 3.
00:40:10 (1) - Whee, funny sliders like this are fun~
01:05:61 (3) - Move 1 to the left on Grid Level 3.

00:48:84 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - Mmm...I love me some deathstreams...
01:18:61 (1,2,3,4) - Maybe you'll get better with practice or something, but those hitcircles are hard to read with the Video background.
01:52:39 (1) - Haha...lil' ninja circle here.

No errors, great Shinxyn map, mmhmm...mmhmm..

I didn't comment much on hitsounds, actually. I don't know why. Perhaps I was feeling like that it works well with its own custom hitsounds, something similar to Larto's Stop and Stare map (It's in Pending right now but it's getting Ranked sooner or later).

Sorry for the brusque response or something...I'm getting rushed.

I love it, I wish I played Avalon Code...Get that custom skin in soon. 'Luck to you.

Here is the start of my editing, I will finish the others tomorrow. Probably I will rest on the naziing sorry.

4:67, 10 move up 2 notches on lvl 3 grid + extend this to 5:85
8:45, 6 move up 1 notch on lvl 3 grid
14:59, 2 move up 1 notch on lvl 3 grid to line up with slider
19:57, 5 align with 2,3,4 to form a rectangle
25:93 start the spinner at 25:81
32:07, 6 move 2 notches to the right on lvl 3 grid
39:87,1 start at 40:10 and end at 41:28
50:97, 1 move up 1 notch on lvl 3 grid
51:44. 2 extend to 53:09
1:13:17 move left 1 notch on lvl 3 grid
1:16:48, 2 align this with 1
1:20:26, 4 move up 1 notch on lvl 3 grid
1:34:91, 2 move up 1 notch on lvl 3 grid

15:06 start spinner at 15:30 (ninja spinner on normal now....)
28:76, 1 extend the slider to 29:47 and get rid of 2
37:03, 9 extend this slider to 38:21
40:10, 1 extend this slider to 41:28
41:52, 2 shorten this slider to 41:99
43:41, 5 extend this slider to 43:88
51:44, 2 extend this slider to 52:62
1:16:72, 3 extend this slider to 1:17:31
1:30:18 repeat this slider one more time

28:76, 1,5,7,8,9 make these sliders a quarter beat longer
40:10, 1 make this a half beat longer
43:41, 5 make this a half beat longer
51:44, 2 make this a whole beat longer
59:94, 2 make this a quarter note longer
1:18:13, 6 make this a half beat longer (not exactly sure how long this should be extended)

11:28, 12 hard to read, new combo color?
23:09, 3,4,5,7 have all these sliders repeat one more time
24:51, 6 extend this slider a quarter beat
29:35, 1, 6 extend this slider a quarter beat
29:83 add a note here to get that word
30:65 7-10 have all these sliders repeat one more time
34:91, 5 extend the slider a quarter note
44:12, 5 repeat this slider one more time
59:94, 2 repeat this slider one more time
1:08:45,3,4 extend these sliders one quarter beat
1:11:76, 4 extend this slider a quarter beat
1:16:01, 1, 4 extend these sliders one quarter beat
1:18:49 add a note here to get that word
1:22:15 1,2,3 extend these sliders one quarter beat
1:28:76 4 extend the slider a quarter note

I really could not find many problems with anything beside sliders and note placement, so great job so far. I guess I will give a star.

Storyboarding Ideas:
Make the colors correspond with the 4 spirits.
Make the scores appear on bronze, silver, and gold medals.
Make code blocks appear as you complete the spinner.

Crazy ideas (not all are possible, just trying to get the idea out there):
put a leaf overlay over the drain bar so you can use the leaves as the drain gauge
change the circle that tells when the song is going to end into a fraction out of 2000
hmmm, youre right Starrodkirby86.^^
oh, np @shinxyn. i just made it in hurry. of course a great map without it too ;DD

  1. 01:34:90 (2) - 1 level 3 grid down, then 1 level 3 grid right
  1. Fine.
  1. 01:28:29 (3) - 1 level 3 grid down
  1. 01:05:61 (4) - Repeat is hidden.
  2. 01:07:03 (9) - ^
You have a pretty solid map here. ^ __ ^

Download: Daiichi Uchuu Sokudo - Superorbital (AcceleratorRUS) [Lu-katsu's Taiko].osu
00:50:97 (1,2) - Pretty big jump for Easy
00:53:80 (3) - New combo
00:55:22 (7) - Align with 6?

00:20:26 (7) - No big deal, just looks a little ugly going over the previous notes
00:37:03 (9) - Erg, this ends early but it looks so nice :P Maybe add a beat a white tick after? Possibly a lone new combo in the middle of the circle?
00:58:29 (6,7) - Ahh, this is misleading :P Move 7 to the left of 6?

01:46:72 (4,5,6) - This tripped me up since it was so visually similar to (1,2,3), I was expecting the same thing here (it wasn't). Might be just me, but maybe consider changing this? Completely up to you.

00:21:20 (2) and 00:21:91 (2) - Can you make it so these line up with eachother?
01:30:18 (1,1) - From what I've read on the forum, there are many players who think very poorly of spinner stuff like this.. personally I don't really care, but for people who really care if they get 100's.. you may have some angry people rating your map ;)

Guess I'll have a go at this

00:40:107 Too close, should be 1 grid down.
01:35:382, 01:38:217, 01:43:886 These notes are just asking to have finish sounds added for them :)

00:05:618 Too close, move 1 grid left
01:33:020 onwards- Once again, some of these notes should have finish sounds. Add them as you see fit.

01:04:201 to 01:32:547 /me nitpicks- You used soft samples for Easy and Normal on this part, you should add it for Hard too. Unless you have a reason for it.

Hmm....this seems all fine to me.

Pretty good map, few mistakes. Starred
00:11:76 (3) - add a finish?
01:42:46 (1,1) - No need for these to be new combos.

00:12:46 (4) - move this down to the right a little to make a little bit of room.
00:14:35 (2,3) - Move these slightly apart for some room.
00:18:37 (3) - A little to the bottom left fore room.

00:26:87 (2) - this should be overlapped more by the 1 slider.
00:29:71 (2,3,4) - Move these individually apart for some room.
00:33:96 (1,2,3) - Same as above^. Due to spacing this should be overlapping at all.
00:41:52 (2) - Down a little for some room.
00:46:95 (4) - down to the left a little for some room.
00:59:47 (1,2,3) - They shouldn't be overlapping each other at all.
01:11:28 (3) - Move this slightly downward.

01:16:72 (3) - This isn't equally spaced between the 1 and 3, I suggest you fix this.
01:18:13 (6) - Same as above^.
01:33:72 (3) - Move this upward to the right for some room for the 1 hitcircle.
01:36:32 (8) - Move this downward to the right for some space.
01:39:39 (3) - Move this to the left for some space.
01:45:54 (2,3) - Move each apart a little for room.
01:48:61 (3) - Move this upward to the right a little for some room.

01:28:29 (3) - Move this to the right a little for some space

00:13:65 (1) - No need for a new combo.
01:06:32 (4,5,6,7) - That pattern is hidden and I don't think this is allowed...
01:15:54 (1) - No nee for a new combo.
01:41:52 (1,2) - Make these two perfect flips of each other on the X axis.

01:02:07 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19) - the spacing isn't correct throughout this MEGA stream.
01:04:67 (1,1) - No need for these to be new combos.
01:31:36 (1) - AUTO barely got 2000 bonus, be careful.

Here's a star for your efforts.

Red means super nazi suggestion
Blue is any suggestion that's purely to make the whatever pattern look nice.
[Easy] - Perfect! (just a few hitsound things)
00:07:50 (4) - whistle
00:30:65 (3) - remove whistle
00:31:60 (5) - whistle
01:41:05 (3) - whistle

00:13:17 (7,8,9) - make sure these have the same distance between them. As it is right now, the 9 is closer to the 7 making it look like (to the player) that 9 comes before 8. Make them the same distance apart!

wow. You really brought it in this difficulty. Spacing is way awesome. Which makes me think, go check all your spacing on Normal. Specifically, tidy up the distance between notes (distance snap isn't perfect)

01:41:87 (4,5) - cool idea, but flip these two with each other (I mean switch lol)
really good insane btw

kudosu star, and starred

EDIT: Please change the thread name to Yazumi Kana - Deep Forest (Game-size). Put Avalon Code opening song in your description
Just SUGGESTIONS for Easy~
  1. 00:04:67 (10) - Move 2 ticks down.
  2. 01:07:03 (7) - Move this a tick to the right OR move 01:06:56 (5) - a tick to the left.
Just SUGGESTIONS for Normal~
  1. 00:12:46 (4,5) - Move these 2 ticks to the right.
  2. 00:13:41 (8,9) - Move right by 1 tick.
  3. 01:28:29 (3) - Move right a tick.
  4. 01:29:24 (5,6) - Both a tick to the right.


  1. 00:13:17 (7) - Move a tick down.
  1. 01:36:09 (8,9) - Move both a tick to the right, so the other side will be symmetrical.
*Note on Insane: On your deathstreams, some beats are slightly farther and/or closer from the rest of the stream.
For example:
  1. 00:08:21 (6) - It could be moved up by 1 tick.
  2. 00:33:13 (2) - Move a tick to the left.
  3. 00:52:39 (3) - Could be moved a tick up, then 5 could be moved a tick to the right.
  4. 00:55:22 (5,6,7) - This spacing is different from 2,3,4. But I'm seeing 00:57:82 (6,7,8) as kind of spaced that way as well, so feel free not to move these triple beats more a tad closer together.
  5. 01:19:55 (3) - You could move this a tick to the right.
  6. 01:24:51 (3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - Example of *Note on Insane above.
  7. 01:29:83 (9) - Move a tick away from 8.
  8. 01:39:63 (6) - Move right a tick.
  9. 01:41:64 (2,3,4,5) - Move down a tick.
Everything checks out. Bubbled.
I can't confidently check timing on my laptop so I'm going to assume it's right.

I'm not seeing any combo-burst images, so I hope that's intentional.

This feels like an ill-named difficulty to me - it's not what I'd call "Easy". But it's a nice map otherwise.

01:03:25 (1) - you can extend this spinner a bit (at least half a beat) by starting it earlier, to make it easier to clear. Just a suggestion.

The slider ticks sound out of place to me. You might be better off pulling them out entirely (slider tick rate of 0, you'd have to do that through the .osu file) or increase the frequency so it sounds more even. I think it's better at 0, though.
01:02:07 (1,1) - You don't really need two spinners here. I'd just go with the one; that beat in the middle sounds a tad outta place to me.
01:06:32 (4,5,6,7) - The overlap is a tad sloppy; I'd move these four notes below the other three.

This is over-mapped to a moderate degree and 6 million is an unreasonable score for a map that's less than 2 minutes long imo. But you have 3 reasonable difficulties and this map is genuinely difficult to keep up with at times, but you should avoid doing stacks like this: 00:48:84 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11) - oh hey here's 10 free points to your combo. It just inflates score/combo.

But it's worthy of a star, I think. I won't pop the bubble either since there's nothing fundamentally problematic with it either.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
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