
Rank not showing up

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I recently passed Star Wolf (brawl remix), and the C shows up on online ranking, but where you generally see your best rank by the song select (left of the difficulty stars), nothing appears.

I've had this happen to me before, too. I haven't found a fix. Doesn't seem to be related to not having an offline score in the local scoreboard.
Happened to me too...
Well, in a different way: (Yes, in my own beatmap)


(That S was made by Auto)

It doesn't bothers me at all, just wanted to point it out~
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Okay this is really weird

My bro logged in and... well, he left the whole menu with his own scores. When I logged, I saw this (^), But he hasn't achieved any score yet (on this difficulty).
(Proof? Check my avatar on both screenshots. My bro's account is nullset.)

So, I refreshed the menu (F5 <3) And I got the same result as my first screenshot. What the hell >.>
So, now that I remember, maybe it wasn't Auto's S... But there's no possible way I can get a S there, so... >.> (My local scoreboard is full of Cs)

This has happened before... It was on the "Cave Story Escape Route OC Remix" map. Well, it fixed itself after beating the score, so I'm sure it would happen the same way here.

Enough detail? :o
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