
Disable BSS uploads to maps plagiarists and a perma-mark

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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Well, due to several situations that everyone could be affected, osu! needs a system for protect the original beatmaps from being plagiarized.
I think the most fairly thing is "permaban", but due osu! is not only a map submission system, the user can play osu but not upload maps and spamming the pending/wip lists.

And something useful could be a message in the profile like "This user can't upload maps because he has a BSS penalty"

Example: This guy balter 666 copied beatmaps from cool guys like Cristian and Chocopikel. And he seems to keep doing it again and again.

Map plagiarists already have their maps nuked and the threads locked. I'm not sure what the punishment is right now, but disabling map uploads (for an amount of time or forever) sounds fair.
We actually already restrict their map uploading privileges for a set period of time, but we probably didn't restrict them for a long enough time period.

(I'll keep this here for now in case anyone wants to comment.)

I lol'd so hard.

Doesn't Maps have their own ID if you submit them?
Yes they do, also Silence prevents user from uploading beatmaps as well so that's the current measure we can take right now.
Gameboy Advance_old
Does a "nonsense" in the chat for the lulz qualify bad as "plagiarize" a beatmap that someone else spends hours of his life?
I think the permanent disable is OK, and even more fairly, the permanent ban from everything.

Sorry for the bad english, I used Google Translator.

blissfulyoshi wrote:

We actually already restrict their map uploading privileges for a set period of time, but we probably didn't restrict them for a long enough time period.

(I'll keep this here for now in case anyone wants to comment.)
Actually that is not the first steal or even the second; you guys are giving a lot of chances and he know already the consequences, the kid know what rules they are here, and he still do the same stuff, now saying "OH I DIDN'T STEAL THAT IS MINE I MADE IT OH I CAN DO THAT".

Cristian wrote:

Actually that is not the first steal or even the second; you guys are giving a lot of chances and he know already the consequences, the kid know what rules they are here, and he still do the same stuff, now saying "OH I DIDN'T STEAL THAT IS MINE I MADE IT OH I CAN DO THAT".
Sadly, I know this too (I deleted one of the topics where he copied your map)
I admit, we probably haven't been taking an active enough role against these people. I am not sure if anyone wants to do anything retroactively, but next time he does it, we'll be sure to punish him for a lot longer period of time.
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Again, it would be nice and easy for XAT's that at the first notice, give a fair time to clear the map,and then, if the user didn't erased the map prohibit forever access to BSS.
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