Well, due to several situations that everyone could be affected, osu! needs a system for protect the original beatmaps from being plagiarized.
I think the most fairly thing is "permaban", but due osu! is not only a map submission system, the user can play osu but not upload maps and spamming the pending/wip lists.
And something useful could be a message in the profile like "This user can't upload maps because he has a BSS penalty"
Example: This guy balter 666 copied beatmaps from cool guys like Cristian and Chocopikel. And he seems to keep doing it again and again.
I think the most fairly thing is "permaban", but due osu! is not only a map submission system, the user can play osu but not upload maps and spamming the pending/wip lists.
And something useful could be a message in the profile like "This user can't upload maps because he has a BSS penalty"
Example: This guy balter 666 copied beatmaps from cool guys like Cristian and Chocopikel. And he seems to keep doing it again and again.