
Pat Benatar - We Belong

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Also BATs:

DON'T RANK THIS YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you!

[Luanny] wrote:

Also BATs:

DON'T RANK THIS YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you!

RANK IT FOR APRIL 7TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If it doesnt get ranked on 7 april then.....

SkyDevil wrote:

If it doesnt get ranked on 7 april then.....
then I'll release a whole bagful of splorg and let it become a waterfall
and there will be more harlem shaking drummers

and maybe Lu will add the PV to this beatmap
Topic Starter
oh you
but seriously, would be perfect to get this ranked on the right day
I just need a BAT ;_;


[Luanny] wrote:

oh you
but seriously, would be perfect to get this ranked on the right day
I just need a BAT ;_;

It's 2 days left and you haven't got bubble popped, which means that you're really need a BAT


inverness splorg ♥
Topic Starter
I got a BAT already
He said everything is ok and will do the official check on the right day, since the mod will be pretty simple

[Luanny] wrote:

I got a BAT already
He said everything is ok and will do the official check on the right day, since the mod will be pretty simple
meh.. I wanted to check this out :(

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

meh.. I wanted to check this out :(
Then do it.
Topic Starter
but but
only april 7th then D:

those wrote:

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

meh.. I wanted to check this out :(
Then do it.
Only if he ranks on April 7th. Seriously, it's a very special date for us and we wouldn't like it to be ranked before it..
Topic Starter
check it now and give us the heart two days later then huehuehue
btw ninjad

Blue Dragon wrote:

those wrote:

Then do it.
Only if he ranks on April 7th. Seriously, it's a very special date for us and we wouldn't like it to be ranked before it..
or after
It can be ranked now since the server time is already on April 7th.
Topic Starter
is it? 0.0
btw how to find server time?
mancuso is going to check this today anyways :D

[Luanny] wrote:

is it? 0.0
btw how to find server time?
mancuso is going to check this today anyways :D
I find it with my Last Active, LOLOL.


Gabe wrote:

[Luanny] wrote:

is it? 0.0
btw how to find server time?
mancuso is going to check this today anyways :D
I find it with my Last Active, LOLOL.

..... smart.
Let's start with this right now (2nd BAT mod) :P


• I don't know if 1 pixel makes a big difference, but your BG should be 1366x768, would be better if you could resize this little thing :P.
• Would be better if you can reduce the volume in the sections where you 45% in Volume, actually they sound pretty high, I almost can't listen the vocals especially, so would be better if you use 35% instead.
Tags: Add Luanny PhNyx (or at least PhNyx if you want), because it is your previous name and when you ranked your first map, you still had this name.


--> I'd increase the Overall difficulty and the HP Drain Rate by 1 tick, they look kinda low at the moment (OD, HD +1)

• 00:35:809 - Sincerely, I think a Soft finish works better here, emphasize better the guitar
• 00:46:463 (1) - It provides a better flow if you do flip Vertically (Ctrl+J) in this Slider, I felt it better at the time to play the map. Give it a try pls.
• 00:58:449 (2,3) - Stacked patterns are not a good option in Easy difficulties, because cause confusing in New players, if you add the overlap pattern too this is pretty hard to read in this difficulty. So, I highly suggest to unstack these Objects
• 01:00:668 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Kinda lot of 1/1 notes (with this 135 BPM) for this difficulty, I remembered when I started to play this game, this were a big problem to me. Try to do a mix between notes and Sliders here, at least replace the two last notes that I mentioned (3,4) in a Slider instead.
• 01:32:631 (1) - Add a Soft finish at the Slider start to emphasize the Guitar
• 01:36:626 (4) - *Yeah, I'm nazi* - Would be good if you place this Note in x:352 y:32, at the same position as previous (2)
• 01:46:836 (1) - The Overlap with the life-bar is kinda bad. Can you move this Slider some grids down, to fix that?.. In addition, the pattern will looks much better to me.
• 01:55:714 (1,2,3,4) - The stack of (1) in the middle of (4) can be better I think, try moving (3) to x:44 y:352 and (4) some grids to the right so you can make something like this:
• 02:36:555 (1) - Add a Soft finish at the slider start, as I said in the previous kiai sections


--> Hmm.. Increase the overall difficulty in one tick (OD+1)

• 00:12:725 (3) - Sounds good if you add a Whistle at the Whistle start.
• 00:13:613 (4) - And in this Slider remove the Whistle from the end, it sounds preety unnecessary.
• 00:19:606 (4,5) - Don't stack Notes under Sliders, especially if the distance in the timeline is 1/2 between the objects. Try unstacking these, or using a manual stack so an average player can read that better
• 00:49:127 (4,5,1) - (^)
• 00:55:341 (3,4) - (^), and so on. Try to check them by yourself and fixing them in your own please.
• 00:59:559 (x) - I'd add a Note here, it is a Normal diff. so you can risk a bit more the Rhythm

*Btw, You can also add the Soft finishes that I mentioned in BD¡s diff.*

- Some patterns can be clean up a bit more because they look a bit mesy, but anyways this diff. flows fine to me. I think that you can learn more in your next maps in how to make a neater standard diff. :P


• 00:09:618 (1) - Can you explain me the usage of this 1/4? I listened tones of time this part, in 25% playback and I couldn't listen anything over the red tick. Use a simple 1/2 here, please.
• 00:23:823 (1) - (^). You are representing bad the 1/4 usage, if you want to use 1/4 patterns, you have to add a Note in 00:24:378
• 01:09:991 (1) - (^)
• 02:13:915 (2) - (^)
• 02:35:445 (3) - That was kinda hard to read the first time that I played the map, I didn't hope a 1/6 pattern. I think that if you add a New Combo here you can make this pattern more enjoyable

*Remember the soft finishes mentioned in Easy*

Nice diff. I enjoyed it, especially the kiai sections :)

That's all for now.
Call me back then, after to fix my mod ;)

mancusojuanmattos wrote:


--> I'd increase the Overall difficulty and the HP Drain Rate by 1 tick, they look kinda low at the moment (OD, HD +1) seems fine for me as it is, it's an easy diff I guess

• 00:35:809 - Sincerely, I think a Soft finish works better here, emphasize better the guitar hmmm... nah. sounds pretty bad to me
• 00:46:463 (1) - It provides a better flow if you do flip Vertically (Ctrl+J) in this Slider, I felt it better at the time to play the map. Give it a try pls. I like this suggestion but I prefer to stay it as it is :P
• 00:58:449 (2,3) - Stacked patterns are not a good option in Easy difficulties, because cause confusing in New players, if you add the overlap pattern too this is pretty hard to read in this difficulty. So, I highly suggest to unstack these Objects Stacked patterns aren't hard anymore because of the new hitbursts. Newbie players can read easily this
• 01:00:668 (1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4) - Kinda lot of 1/1 notes (with this 135 BPM) for this difficulty, I remembered when I started to play this game, this were a big problem to me. Try to do a mix between notes and Sliders here, at least replace the two last notes that I mentioned (3,4) in a Slider instead. fixed
• 01:32:631 (1) - Add a Soft finish at the Slider start to emphasize the Guitar same as before
• 01:36:626 (4) - *Yeah, I'm nazi* - Would be good if you place this Note in x:352 y:32, at the same position as previous (2) fixed
• 01:46:836 (1) - The Overlap with the life-bar is kinda bad. Can you move this Slider some grids down, to fix that?.. In addition, the pattern will looks much better to me. I don't change HP bar issues. They don't even matter on gameplay and mostly always break spacing/flow.
• 01:55:714 (1,2,3,4) - The stack of (1) in the middle of (4) can be better I think, try moving (3) to x:44 y:352 and (4) some grids to the right so you can make something like this fixed
• 02:36:555 (1) - Add a Soft finish at the slider start, as I said in the previous kiai sections nah


• 00:09:618 (1) - Can you explain me the usage of this 1/4? I listened tones of time this part, in 25% playback and I couldn't listen anything over the red tick. Use a simple 1/2 here, please. There is the background instrument playing..? o.o dunno how you can't hear it, I can hear it clearly. Tried removing the note?[/b]
• 00:23:823 (1) - (^). You are representing bad the 1/4 usage, if you want to use 1/4 patterns, you have to add a Note in 00:24:378
• 01:09:991 (1) - (^) ^ Easy diff
Topic Starter
I'm gonna reply only the denied stuff unless I have something to say

mancusojuanmattos wrote:

Let's start with this right now (2nd BAT mod) :P


• I don't know if 1 pixel makes a big difference, but your BG should be 1366x768, would be better if you could resize this little thing :P. dafuq i changed the bg but it is not submitting :l I will try to submit AGAIN
• Would be better if you can reduce the volume in the sections where you 45% in Volume, actually they sound pretty high, I almost can't listen the vocals especially, so would be better if you use 35% instead. bd agreed with me that it shounds better the way it is now



• 00:49:127 (4,5,1) - (^) since they are two stacked notes I think it is not that hard to read anyways plus I don't have much to do here
• 00:55:341 (3,4) - (^), and so on. Try to check them by yourself and fixing them in your own please. I will keep the two notes stacks and manually stack/change the one note stacks
• 00:59:559 (x) - I'd add a Note here, it is a Normal diff. so you can risk a bit more the Rhythm imo it is fine now

*Btw, You can also add the Soft finishes that I mentioned in BD¡s diff.* Nah I prefer Normal

- Some patterns can be clean up a bit more because they look a bit mesy, but anyways this diff. flows fine to me. I think that you can learn more in your next maps in how to make a neater standard diff. :P


• 02:13:915 (2) - (^) There IS 1/4

*Remember the soft finishes mentioned in Easy* nah again

Nice diff. I enjoyed it, especially the kiai sections :)

That's all for now.
Call me back then, after to fix my mod ;)
Talked with Luanny via PM about the volume that I suggest her in General (denied the 1st time). I explain her better why I want to reduce the volume and she accepted now.
Everything checks out now!!
Enjoy my 1st Rank
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Your first rank and my first standard ranked set :3 Thank you very much Gabe and mancuso
btw BD I love you~
mass splorgs everywhere beware

congrats first standard mapset rank lrn2mapbettern00b
my turn now
*cries waterfall*
grats on ranked TTwTT
Kanye West
gz lu huehuehuehue
;__; Congratz Luanny & BD !
*finally unsilenced*

Congratulations, my love. :3 I think, after all, we deserved it.

First off, I can't tell you how much this song takes me back to my childhood listening to this a million times. Every trip I used to take, my family and I used to have this song playing all the time.

2nd: The beatmaps are amazingly fun, (For all difficulties) every little part in this feels like I'm playing something new and unique and I love how you guys used the drum hitsound so perfectly in this.

3rd: What an amazing storyboard, simple, but it really shows how relaxed but epic this song can be. Great job inverness!

Finally: I'd just like to say the reason behind making this map is really nice. Both BD and Luanny, you guys did an amazing job working together. Congrats on the 1st standard mapset Luanny :)
P o M u T a
Congratz :D :D
grats saturationsaturationsaturation
gratz!!! :D
Maybe a little bit late but, Congratz Luanny and BD :)


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Loli Cjj wrote:



What xD

Congratulations, btw.
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very nice! congrats! and this song is...very...relaxing? LOL
i heard this on radio 2day
I seriously cannot think of a reason to vote this map anything below 7.
Some people just have no reason at all, I guess lol
Hope the rating gets better anyway.
Rating doesn't really matter :P
Topic Starter

Blue Dragon wrote:

I seriously cannot think of a reason to vote this map anything below 7.
Some people just have no reason at all, I guess lol
Hope the rating gets better anyway.
it won't.

Blue Dragon wrote:

I seriously cannot think of a reason to vote this map anything below 7.
Some people just have no reason at all, I guess lol
Hope the rating gets better anyway.
Assholes downvote it because it's an English song.
You guys should really stop to care about ratings, they're not so important actually.
They're not important because we know the map sucks♥

im' sad. lu, y u do dis
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