
osb.js - create storyboards... with javascript!

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Started out as a friday-night proof of concept, ended up as a sexy little tool that actually works.

Presenting: osb.js

What is it?

osb.js is the successor of my previously failed oosbl (p/792028), which was just flat out bad. The idea was to script a osu storyboard without fiddling around with the osb DSL.
But why creating another DSL for it? Why not using something that already exists and is simple as well?

osb.js is, as the name already says, a JavaScript wrapper of the osu storyboard language. It aims to make story boarding a bit more simple and comfortable, even for beginner.
Having that in mind, compiling the script should be easy as well. Just like saving a osb document.

var pulse = new Effect();
.setSize(0, 0.2)
.resize(1000, 1)

var stone = new Sprite("stone.jpg", 0, Origin.CENTRELEFT, Layer.BACKGROUND);
.resize(1000, 0.2)
.moveTo(1000, 200, 200)
.moveTo(1000, 320, 240)
.applyEffect(pulse, 10)
.resize(0, 0.2)
.moveTo(1000, 250, 250)
.moveTo(1000, 320, 240)
.resize(200, 1)
.resize(200, 0.2)
.moveTo(1000, 100, 120)
will result in:


osb.js is a chronological tool, objects have their own flow. You set the start time and the tool will care about the rest. Animation durations are relative only.

Sounds good. How do I use it?

Right now, osb.js is available as a extension for adobes editor brackets (
Brackets, because it already knows javascript and writing plugins is pretty easy.

Using brackets and the osb.js extension will allow compiling the moment you press save

Set up brackets with osb.js
1. Download brackets at and install it

2. Download the osb.js extension:

3. Open up brackets and click on help -> show extensions folder

4. Extract the osb.js zip archive and move the folder containing the main.js to your extensions / user directory. If it does not exist, create it.

5. Reload brackets by pressing F5. If everything went correctly, you should see a "Osb.js" menu entry

6. You are now ready to hack osb.js with brackets

Using osb.js with brackets
Using osb.js with brackets is fairly simple.

1. Create a new file and name it "mystoryboard.osb.js". (The ending 'osb.js' is important!)

2. Click Osb.js -> Set output file and navigate to your .osb file inside your map folder.

3. Write some osb code and see brackets directly writing your osb file.

4. Test it. Copy
var test = new Sprite("test.png");
in your editor and hit save. Open up your osb file. If everything got set up the correct way, you should see

var meh = new Sprite(image, milliseconds = 0, origin = Origin.CENTRE, layer = Layer.BACKGROUND, x = 320, y = 240);

These methods won't write your osb file

.setTime = function(ms) // Overwrites the ms time
.applyEffect = function (effect, loopAmount) // Applies effect object at current time
.sleep = function (duration) // Simply does nothing for duration
.setPosition = function (x, y) // Overwrites x / y
.setSize = function (size) // Overwrites size
.setTransparency = function (transparency) // Overwrites the transparency
.setColor = function (r, g, b) // Overwrites color
.setRotation = function (rotation) // Overwrites rotation

These have impact on the osb file

.fadeIn = function (duration, easing) // Fades object in
.fadeOut = function (duration, easing) // Fades object out
.fade = function (duration, transparency, easing) // Fades object to transparency
.moveTo = function (duration, x, y, easing) // Moves object to x y
.resize = function (duration, newsize, easing) // Resizes object
.rotate = function (duration, rotation, easing) // Rotates object
.color = function (duration, r, g, b, easing) // Changes objects color
.parameter = function (duration, string, easing) // Applies osu parameter command

.startLoop = function (loopcount) // Activate loop mode
.endLoop = function () // End loop mode
.startBatch = function () // Activate batch mode
.endBatch = function() // Ends batch mode

var meh = new Effect();
Effects work the same way sprites does. Just don't have access to .startLoop, .endLoop and .applyEffect

  1. Incredible easy to use
  2. Use variables, loops and functions. It's still javascript!
  3. Re-use code
  4. It makes you fly! (that's a lie)
  1. In a very early state
  2. Requires a external editor
  3. Bugs? Possible. You tell me.
Can I use it already? - Yes you can!

Code available here -
Please tell me what you think.
Why am I so stupid for SB.. ;.;
Oh this sounds really interesting, and it's really self-explanatory! Simpler than the old SB coding language :D

You did a great job!
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video added

Stefan wrote:

Why am I so stupid for SB.. ;.;
You're not alone, trying to learn SB for me is like trying to learn rocket science.

Nice program, seems simple enough.
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Stefan wrote:

Why am I so stupid for SB.. ;.;
give it a shot. I tried to make osb.js easy to understand for beginners. Maybe you feel a little more comfortable with the syntax.
.moveTo(100, <end_x>,<end_y>)
might be a bit easier to understand than

I'd really love to get some feedback on this.
Looking at the syntax, the commands look a lot more intuitive. I'm not sure how it'd work in practice, but if I can be bothered to try it out, then I'll give more opinions then. It certainly looks a lot more tidy.
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