Placing objects on the screen is a very basic rule of thumb. Very basic. It's also a very difficult rule to break, because objects placed outside the playfield get zoinked back to the 512x512 grid anyways. I want to break it. I've discovered some cool, funky methods that allow you to create objects which are completely offscreen. unfortunately, they have significant drawbacks to the point where they all kinda suck to work with. Here they are now.
i guess i never specifically mentioned this, when i say i wish to place objects entirely offscreen, i want to place them entirely off screen. the approach circle and hit circle included. the reason why i can not replicate this is because, unlike sliderbodies, hitcircles are, with very few, very useless exceptions, locked to a 512 x 512 grid.
Do any premium magicians know any better methods? I need some forbidden knowledge if i'm to puzzle this one out. It's unlikely that there is a convenient method, but I would kill for something that makes approach circles invisible or allows sliderbodies drawn past -100000000x/y to appear, even if it takes an absurd amount of effort to replicate.
i guess i never specifically mentioned this, when i say i wish to place objects entirely offscreen, i want to place them entirely off screen. the approach circle and hit circle included. the reason why i can not replicate this is because, unlike sliderbodies, hitcircles are, with very few, very useless exceptions, locked to a 512 x 512 grid.
You can stack a whole bunch of objects at (0,0). Stacks are not limited to the playfield, so they can stretch offscreen. This one has the problem of an immense amount of setup that drastically affects the quality of a map. You can mitigate this slightly by setting the stack leniency to NaN with notepad so you do not have to place twentyish objects in quick succession, but this has its own issues. This is the least useful method
This is easily the most fun one. You can set the x and / or y coordinate of an object to NaN, and it places it offscreen. Very offscreen. 2147483647 pixels offscreen. This has alot of issues.
- If you save any changes with the ingame editor, it will replace the NaN value with an actual integer, which promptly gets snapped back to the 512^x grid.
- If the object is not the only object in a combo, it will generate so many followpoints that it crashes the game immediately
- Sliderbodies drawn with a coordinate of NaN become completely invisible. This is actually really, really cool, since the only other way to make sliderbodies invisible causes autofail, but it is incredibly annoying in the context which i wish to place objects offscreen. (edit: it doesn't make the sliderbodies invisible, it just pushes them incredibly far off screen. Might be able to find a workaround. (edit 6: we've reached inception. turns out the thing making the sliderboides invisible at high values of -x and -y is some strange rectangular border that prevents parts of the slider. i don't know how to manipulate this, nor do i even know if it can be manipulated. shame))
While the bottom of the players screen is roughly y=400, the playfield extends to y=512. Placing objects at y=512 makes them completely impossible to interact with at any circle size, however, the approach circle is still very visible. This really isn't too bad, but I would like the approach circle to go away as well, and the only way to do that with this method is to set the circle size to 7. Again, this really isn't too bad, but nobody likes cs7. Nobody. This is the method I will use if I do not find a better one.
Do any premium magicians know any better methods? I need some forbidden knowledge if i'm to puzzle this one out. It's unlikely that there is a convenient method, but I would kill for something that makes approach circles invisible or allows sliderbodies drawn past -100000000x/y to appear, even if it takes an absurd amount of effort to replicate.
i sound insane otherwise, so here is why i want to know.
i want to create slider animations (xnor tetrahedron or transform butterfly) which the player intuitively misses, hence why i would like to have sliderbodies appear on screen. i have found methods to waive the penalties of missing almost entirely, even if they are a bit silly, but i'm stumped as to how to make hitcircles that do not draw attention at all (this is why i do not want the player to see the approach circle at all)