
looking for a rainbow cursor trail skin!

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so i am currenly wanting a skin but i cannot find it, but there is a video of the skin i want
please tell me if you get anything similar, or the same skin. thanks!
Hi oofboy1234oof!

Have you read Matthew5pla77yer's pinned comment from the youtube link you just send? Basically, it is impossible to have a rainbow cursor trail set in osu!bancho.

Here's what he said about it so that it will be faster.

Matthew5pla77yer wrote:

Ok so people are asking for a link. YOU CAN’T DO THIS WITH REGULAR OSU! For the last time. You need osu!fx, a client which doesn’t work with bancho, so most people can’t even use it as a daily driver. You need to download the preinstalled latest version and grayscale skin (again, the skin won’t give you the cursor by itself!!!!). Open osu!fx and import the grayscale skin, then in settings set the cursor trail to Rainbow. That’s it
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welp for some reason i cannot see the bottom where he types the things, but when i press "SHOW MORE" i don't really see anything, but thanks for telling me!
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