
Here I go!

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Hello people!
I'm Chiara [kya-rah], I'm almost 16 and I'm form Italy, nice to meet you (?)!
I came here after a friend's suggestion, she said in here there were a lot of anime songs... but truth is, even if I'm a bit of an otaku, I really prefer to listen to rock and punk music, and so it is when it comes to osu's maps, haha!
Mh, well, I hope to feel good in there and with the game and all (I've already played the whole afternoon, my head hurts now, but I don't seem to improve much!! T^T)
Ah, here I go again with all the blabbering stuff, now I shut up, promise!
Bye bye people (is really anyone going to read this?)!
Welcome to the forum/game there, Punky. Enjoy your time here~
Welcome :)
Welcome :)
Yes, we really do read introductions! (at least some of us do...)

Welcome to osu!. I sincerely hope you enjoy your stay with us. Feel free to shoot me a PM if you have any questions/issues!
Welcome~ :3
Welcome to the community!
Greetings fellow newcomer! And unlike the forums for most games people here are awesome :) dont be afraid to reach out!
Hahah, welcome~ Have fun.
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Oh, thak so much to all of you who answered! I honestly didn't expect this, almost anyone read introductions in the others forums I visited, lol...
Thanks, I hope I'll have a good stay as well :)
Welcome~ enjoy ! ^w^

am I late ? uguuu ;w;
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